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Position paper assignment: From among the management process functions POSDCORB, is the most

important without which the process will effectively impaired? Justify your answer

Submitted by: Lauzon, Mc Daniel P.

Year & section: BSPS 1A

Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm

Submitted to: Prof. Andres Francisco A. Enage

The seven functions of a management are important for management to be effective. Currently, our
government needs this because people do not yet fully understand what the development that the
citizens are seeking. There are many things that need to be fixed, pay attention or solutions. If we are
based on the reality of the state of our society and the various problems that our government is facing
because even their managers there are also bad activities, some of the managers have personal
interests and ambitions. In my opinion, this is a problem of our government or Philippine systems of
management for a long time. These problems are simply passed over time. Do you think it should
continue to the next generations or those of us who are experiencing it should we take a step to solve

POSDCORB is the skills that must exist in the management that exists in our country. Planning,
Organization, Staffing, Directing, Coordination, Reporting and Budgeting (POSDCORB), that helps a
management to be productive and accomplish their goals properly. The aforementioned Functions
based on my point of view all start at the beginning because without them there won't be a proper flow
or process. Planning is what I see as important so that they can see the advantages and disadvantages of
their goal, it serves as a blueprint for their management that requires critical thinking and deep
consideration of all aspects that may possible factors to achieve their goals. It is said that at the
beginning or in the planning, they know what the possibility of the situation in the future of what they
want to carry out is close to the reality in society because those who have power or position, if they plan
in order, it will result positively in our society, The citizens will benefit and raise the level of branches
that can develop the country. Planning is most important in a management system. It also gathers their
limitations, resources and abilities to meet needs.

Planning is the most basic of all management functions. The use of use of a rational design or pattern for
all organizational undertakings is planning. Planning is the step by step format to provide or to associate
the other functions of a management. I believe that through effective planning, an organization can
implement and achieve its goal of bringing the need for the development of our society.

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