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Trabajo Final del Curso


TEMA: Catching a Hummingbird


Demostrar la competencia comunicativa mediante una exposición.

Identificar y explicar en un video a una especie en peligro de extinción

en el Perú. (animal)

Trabajo Final del Curso


Teniendo en cuenta el video de National Geographic de la Unidad 11,

ubicado en el E-book, los alumnos trabajaran en grupos (máximo 3) para
planificar un video similar acerca de un animal en peligro de extinción del

Ideas Activities
Meet with the group to start developing the We meet through teams to coordinate what

work we are going to do

Search YouTube for English projects

to guide us
Watch videos of other projects to guide you

Enter Google and search for information

Look for information about the animal that
about the pink dolphin
we are going to describe

Download FilmoraL to make the video in a

Download the program to make the video
professional way

Search for images of the theme Download images to make our video more

concrete and better understood

Presentarán la exposición utilizando recursos tecnológicos con un video
de 8 a 10 minutos de explicación.
Trabajo Final del Curso
1. Simple Present tense
- The pink dolphin is the most popular of the five river-dwelling dolphin species

due to its unusual color, as well as being the largest species.

2. Past simple
- They inhabit the main tributaries of the Amazon, Orinoco and Madeira rivers.

The pink dolphin of the Amazon can be found in almost all the main rivers,

canals and rapid waterfalls, its threats are water pollution, fishing with dynamite

and dams that prevent its development.

3. Times expressions
- Due to threats such as river pollution, the pink dolphin is in danger of

extinction. Fishermen hunt dolphins and use their meat as bait to catch catfish

and accidentally catch them in their gillnets.

4. Comparatives
- There are few pink dolphins left in the world, and the trend is worrying. In the

Mamirauá reserve, Brazil, the population studied has been reduced by half in

the last seven years.

At this rate, 95% of the Amazon pink dolphin population will collapse and the

species will be gone in less than 50 years.

5. Prepositions of Place

The cause for which the pink dolphin is disappearing is due to excessive fishing

by man, which kills the dolphins to use it as bait or so that it does not scare the


Consideraciones a Evaluar

1.- Avance de entrega en la semana 7, el proyecto debe

contar con las siguientes características:
a.- Planificación y organización del proyecto. (tareas por cada
participante) b.- Identificar las actividades a colocar en el video
(mínimo 5)
c.- Seleccionar las fotografías (mínimo 5) a presentar.
d.- Crear un texto borrador con las ideas de acuerdo al tema.

2.- Entrega Final semana 15, el proyecto debe contar con las
siguientes características
a.- Presentación y exposición del video con una duración mínima
de 8 a 10 minutos.
b.- Participación de todos los
integrantes. c.- Cargar el video
en la fecha indicada.

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