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How far did de-Stalinisation represent a genuine break from the past?
(p96-97 Revision Book, p21-24 and p45 textbook and further research!)
It did (historians and evidence) It did not (historians and evidence)

IMMEDIATELY post-S’s death  reorganization Dismissed rebellious politicians AT WILL

of political structure + disposal of S sympathisers  Zhukov: passing military reforms w/o K’s approval
 Presidium:  10 members only  Sent Kaganovich to manage cement factory
 1956: 1/3 Central Comm members = new  Sent Malenkov to hydroelectric plant in Kazakh
o 1/2 secs replaced regionally + locally  Assassinated Beria for being complicit in Stalinist

Move to COLLECTIVE LEADERSHIP One-leader state still intact

 Power in hands of a GROUP; X individual  LIKE A2!!!
 Malenkov: favoured consumerism +  Liberalised  but ultimately still X far from
westernization  CONFLICTS W K authoritarian
 MVD = party control; X individual
Denounced S: speech at 20th party congress ‘The Anti-Party Group
Cult of the Individual and its Consequences’  Opposed K  tried to abolish his role
(SECRET SPEECH!!) o Molotov + Kaganovich + Malenkov
 S X accepted by L as genuine leader o K: only CC can do that  removed them
 1941: USSR X prepared for war from Presidium
 Committed unforgivable crimes vs ppl
 Misdemeanors vs ‘outsiders’  eg. Speech caused outcry from senior party members 
Assassination of Hungarian revolutionary members still w S?
leader Bela Kun
 away from extreme repression Order maintained through MVD:
 Release political prisoners from labour camps - Used physical force when necessary  tanks sent
o Syzsitertasin to Hungary in 1956 to suppress Nagy regime
 LESS censorship  publication of works that
criticized S: Pasternak, Ehrenburg etc
o 1950s: 65,000 books/year
 X2 VS Lenin
o 1959: 135,000 libraries
 8000mill books
 X10 VS N2
o Newspapers: 60mill readership

 Erosion of cult of personality:

o Pictures + statues of S removed from
public places;
o Stalingrad  Volgograd
o 22nd party congress: S’s body removed
from Lenin mausoleum
 Resisted using violence to deal w unrest;
MVD mostly peaceful

To what extent were the economic and social reforms made by Khrushchev a failure?
Failed  Succeeded 

Agricultural reforms Agricultural reforms – structural

- Offered peasants little incentives  X fully - Merged smaller collective farms  increased
effective management of admin production through state farms
- Ministry of Agriculture  advisory role; X involved
in planning & implementing
- Abolished MTS  peasants more freedom?

- Raise in price of food (due to wanting to Agricultural – incentivizing production

incentivize peasants) made urban ppl   Raised prices for state procurements
 Reduced amount of state procurements
- 1962 – 1963:  HARVESTS bc weather  Reduced tax
o Riots in countryside + towns  Provision of electricity to rural areas 
o Budyenni Locomotive in
Novocherkassk  KGB killed 23 ppl
Virgin Land Campaign – its failure  downfall? Virgin Land Campaign  increase cultivated land
 FLAWED – ‘virgin’ land was often not very  TO INCREASE CONSUMER GOODS! – cereal
fertile  +70mill acres of land  wheat production in 10+
 Lacked appropriate methods: years
o Land overused; X attention to crop  Urban ppl: food requirements FINALLY met
o X prevent soil erosion  regions near
central Asia = wind storms
o Rushed – X properly implement bc
 Long term: productivity + production 
o 1963: grain production 140  107mill
 Bc drought (lacked finesse?)
Social reform – education Social reform – education
 Still restrictive  rewrote history books to  Secondary schools  back to vocational model
reflect de-Stalinisation (PROPO!!!!)  Created specialist academies; correspondence
Social reform – urban
 7-hour working day (AS OPPOSED TO S: 8 hours)
 Some improvement in overcrowding; housing
program x2 (eased shortage) & X communal living
(p98 Revision Book, plus textbook and further research!)
How effectively did Khrushchev deal with the challenges posed by the Cold War?
(p100 Revision Book, plus textbook and further research!)
- Inspirational and innovative (trying to promote peace coexistence) OR erratic and impulsive (not
consistent enough)
- Conclusion:
Effective (historians and evidence) Ineffective (historians and evidence)

Secret Speech – stated there was only two ways Risky policy  led to higher tensions
to manage foreign policy with the west:  Berlin Wall = oppressive measure; worsened
 Peaceful co-existence relations w West
 Most destructive war in history  ‘Iron Curtain’
 Seen as an attempt to to create a more
peaceful and secure war

Supported signing of the Austrian State Treaty Criticized for being too ‘peaceful’
(May 1955)  Peaceful coexistence = stray from hardline comm
 Signified that Russia was willing to co-  U-turn from ideal of spreading internationally
operate with the west over dealing with  Chinese comm esp critical (Mao = ‘too soft!)  led
Austria’s claims for independence to withdrawal of military support when Chinese
needed it (worsened relations?)
Policy of ‘Peaceful co-existence’ led to 1956 Hungarian crisis = disastrous
nationalities demanding more freedom  Put back de-stalin bc of cruel squashing
 Hungary 1956 – tanks sent in to crush the  Comm parties in West lost influence and members
uprising  Weakened overall Soviet influence; in both Eastern
 Budapest uprising ruthlessly suppressed = EU and West
gained Khrushchev support  ‘Poor advertisement’ of communism

1961 Khrushchev proposed to the American gov Failure to effectively deal with Cuban Missile Crisis
that the west should come out of Berlin  Took Kennedy to brink of war; seen as provoker
 Promoted by the increasing number of and almost started nuclear war
E.Germans trying to flee to Western sector  BUT ALSO: seen as weak by Russians bc he backed
 Kennedy refused = Khrushchev supported down and agreed to withdraw missiles;  main
the construction of the Berlin Wall reason for his fall?
 Bold move to prevent further  Criticized from both sides
embarrassment to communist leaders in

Cuban Missile Crisis

 K forced Kennedy to compromise rather
testing Khrushchev and sending forces into
Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro
 ‘Hotline’ telephone link developed between
Moscow and Washington – allowed for
quicker, more direct way of resolving
disputes to avoid another incident like the
Cuban Missile Crisis
= strengthened co-existence policy.

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