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ACCIDENT PEVENTION Santiago Ramos Azamar

The main functions are: Protect the integrity and health of all its workers. Study the
risks that the company may have and how they can affect its employees. Establish the
necessary security measures to reduce or eliminate possible risks.
It is the set of activities, or measures adopted or planned in all phases of the
organization's activity in order to avoid or reduce the risks derived from work.
Risk prevention is the set of measures designed to reduce the possibility that a worker
suffers harm in the performance of his work. Depending on the activity, a worker
would be at risk of suffering cuts, burns, poisoning, blows, or even slow-onset

Prevention measures for accidents at work

Use machinery, equipment and manual, electric, pneumatic or portable tools, with
safety devices installed. Correctly place the materials or products that are processed
in the workplace.
La capacitación es una de las bases para prevenir accidentes y enfermedades,
brinda a los colaboradores los pasos a seguir para garantizar su seguridad y la de
los demás; contribuyendo a mantener actualizados los protocolos de mitigación de
riesgos, al garantizar la menor cantidad de accidentes posibles.

Las señales de seguridad sirven para informar o advertir de la

existencia de un riesgo o peligro, de la conducta a seguir para
evitarlo, de la localización de salidas y elementos de protección
o para indicar la obligación de seguir una determinada
conducta, etc, (RD 485/1997, art.
Ergonomics is the study of the ways in which people can be helped to work more
efficiently and without injury in their environment. In a work area, ergonomics help to
adapt the work to the worker.
Los equipos de protección individual (EPI) son elementos, llevados o sujetados por la
persona, que tienen la función de protegerla contra riesgos específicos del trabajo.
Cascos, tapones para los oídos, gafas o pantallas faciales, mascarillas respiratorias,
cremas barrera, guantes o ropa de protección, calzado de seguridad o equipos
anticaídas, son equipos de protección individual (RD 773/1997, art. 2.1).
Preventing accidents at work is important for companies, beyond compliance with a
standard, it helps to improve working conditions, reduce accidents and promote the
health of workers.

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