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Hygiene is the way you take care of
your health, this practice includes
complying with certain habits in
personal and family life, at work,
school and in the community.

Security against accidental risks (safety) or
operational security arises as a need to prevent
deaths and accidental injuries caused by
activities of a technical, labor or natural
origin that, in general, can be avoided with
good procedures (prevention).

An Accident is an unexpected event that could
not be foreseen and that, in general, causes
damage, injury or negative consequences:
breakage of objects such as glass, pipes, parts
of a car or physical damage such as burns,
sprains, etc.

Risk is exposure to a situation where there is a
possibility of being harmed or in danger. It is
the vulnerability or threat that an event
occurs and its effects are negative and that
someone or something may be affected by it.

A threat is a natural or human-caused
phenomenon or process that can endanger a
group of people, their belongings and their
environment, when they are not careful. There
are different types of threats.

Damage is the effect of damaging. The term comes from the
Latin damnum and is linked to the verb that refers to
causing harm, harm, annoyance or pain. For example: "Your
words have hurt me", "The bullet caused irreparable damage
to the nerves of the left leg", "The material damage was
immense after the fire, but there were no fatalities or
injuries to be regretted", "The car sustained extensive
damage from the accident."

An accident is defined as, in other words, an
unplanned and unwanted event that causes
damage, injury or other negative impact on an
object or subject. To take this definition, it
must be understood that damages are divided into
accidental and intentional.

Ergonomics (or study of human factors) is the
scientific discipline that deals with the
interactions between human beings and other
elements of a system, as well as the profession
that applies theory, principles, data, and methods
to design in order to optimize performance. well-
being of the human being and the global result

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