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○ Reflection on Learning Reflection on Transferable Skill
L2 Date: 3/ 17/ 2023
Content Teacher: Vicky Graton
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Reflection on Learning Reflection on Transferable Skill
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Unit Name: Refugee and Symbolism XX Clear and Effective Communication
XX Self-Direction
○ Informed and Innovative Problem Solving
Learning Target(s): I can critically read a novel ○ Responsible and Informed Citizenship
and identify how the author uses symbols and
make a real life connection. Transferable Skill Performance indicator(s): j
I can compose a multi-paragraph essay that
clearly conveys my analysis and connects it to a
personal experience.noo

Evidence of Understanding
(Replace items below with working links to your evidence. *Remember to update the share settings to Everyone with the Link)

Links to Evidence: The Bag Essay Essay Rubric for Self-Assessment

What does this show about your understanding of the learning target(s)?
Complete all of the following:

*In this unit, I learned that symbolism is

*We talked about other ways the author used symbols

*I was able to make/write/do

*When I look at my essay I can see that I learned

*In the future, I will now be ready for/be able to

*What are your next steps to becoming more proficient?

*In order for me to be better at _____________ I need to

*One thing that I found really difficult was

*Something that I did to stay organized was

*Something that I found helpful during this process was

What understandings from this unit/task will you be able to use elsewhere? (In school or outside of school?)

One skill that I learned was

Complete one of the following:

I will be able to use this skill(critical reading or analytical writing) in __________when we

This skill will help me ________________ when I ___________________.

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