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Unit3: Back to nature Sequence3: Reading and writing

SWBAT: the causes and the effects of global warming and suggest possible solutions
Morphology: Forming adjectives using suffixes: al, ic, ical
Express opinion (agreeing and disagreeing, arguing for and against) *

Read and check

Global warming is the rise of average global temperature on the surface of the earth. It has been
recognized as a severe threat to the environment since the 1950s. For much of Earth’s history, greenhouse
gases were not a problem. This situation changed as people came to depend on fossil fuels (oil, gas, and
coal). People burn fossil fuels to power factories, run cars, produce electricity, and heat houses. As fossil
fuels burn, they release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Also, people have cut down many forests. The
use of fertilizers and pesticides by farmers.
scientists think the temperature rises lead to numerous changes. Many glaciers are already melting and
shrinking throughout the world. If the temperature increases they will continue to melt. As the glaciers melt,
the ocean levels will rise. This could cause flooding in cities located near the coast. Animals will migrate to
cooler spots as their old habitats get too warm. This could upset the food chain and put some species in
danger of extinction. Global warming is causing natural disasters, which can be seen all around us such as
hurricanes as well as more droughts and flooding in different areas of the world.
Global warming is a worldwide concern. Governments are trying to find ways to limit the amount of
greenhouse gases put into the air. Individual people can help by driving less. They also can save energy by
turning off unneeded lights and other electrical devices. Recycling as much rubbish as possible. If things are
recycled, factories don’t have to make as many new things . Planting trees will not only help the air but
wildlife too.

Adapted from

Read the text again and answer these questions.

A- What is global warming?

B- What are the causes of global warming?
C- How does global warming affect the earth?

D- How can we stop global warming?

Task2: Add the suffixes(al-ic—ical)

Nouns Adjectives
Tropic Topical
Chemistry Chemical
Acid Economic
Economy Energetic
Electricity Biological
Energy Acidic
Biology Ecological
Experiment Experimental
Ecology Electric
Environment Environmental
Commerce Commercial
Toxin Toxic

Task3: Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions from the table below

Asking one's opinion Expressing opinion Agreeing Disagreeing

?.………What do you think about ..…………I think that I agree I disagree with you
?.………………Do you think that .…………It seems that …………………with I do not agree with you
What is your viewpoint I feel I share your
?..……about .…………………that .………point

?Allice:…………………………………………..the movie Peter

.Peter:………………………….it is boring
?Allice: …………………………………………I loved it what do you think it is boring
.Peter: It is too predictable. Good boys fight with bad boys, bad boy wins the battle
?Allice: …………………………………………the movie's music
.Peter: …………………… amazing
.Allice: Yes, ……………………………………..I liked it

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