BI Sem VI 3

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1] Select odd one out from the following Iconic model

a.Analogical model

b. Stochastic model

c.Symbolic model.

Ans: Stochastic Model

2] Select odd one out from the following Stochastic model

a.Symbolic model

b. Deterministic model

c. Static model

Ans: Symbolic model

3] Bayesian classifiers is

a. class of learning algorithms that tries to find an optimum classification of a set of

examples using probabilistic theory.

b.Any mechanism employed by a learning system to constrain the search space of a


c. An approach to the design of learning algorithms that is inspired by the fact that when
people encounter new situations, they often explain them by reference to familiar
experiences, adapting the explanations to fit the new situation.

d. None of these

Answer: Any mechanism employed by a learning system to constrain the search space of
a hypothesis
4] Classification is

a. A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of predefined classes

b. A measure of the accuracy, of the classification of a concept that is given by a certain

c.There are no predefined class label

d. None of these

Answer: A subdivision of a set of examples into a number of classNone of these

5]Binary attribute are

a.This takes only two values. In general, these values will be 0 and 1.

b.The natural environment of a certain species

c.Systems that can be used without knowledge of internal operations

d.None of these

Answer: This takes only two values. In general, these values will be 0 and 1.

6] Cluster is

a.Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects

b.Operations on a database to transform or simplify data in order to prepare it for a

machine-learning algorithm

c.Symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information can potentially be


d.None of these

Answer: Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other objects

7]Which of the following is required by K-means clustering?

a.defined distance metric

b.number of clusters

c.initial guess as to cluster centroids

d.all of the mentioned

Answer: initial guess as to cluster centroids

7]K-means is not deterministic and it also consists of number of iterations.



Answer: True

8] Explanation: K-means clustering produces the final estimate of cluster centroids.

a.The problem of finding hidden structure in unlabeled data is called

b.Supervised learning

c.Unsupervised learning

d.Reinforcement learning

Answer: Unsupervised learning

9]The problem of finding hidden structure in labeled data is called

a.Supervised learning

b.Unsupervised learning

c.Reinforcement learning

d.None of these

Answer: Supervised learning

10]Which of the following is not involved in data mining?

a.Knowledge extraction

b.Data archaeology

c.Data exploration
d.Data transformation

Answer: Data transformation.

11] You are given data about seismic activity in Japan, and you want to predict a magnitude of
the next earthquake, this is in an example of

a.Supervised learning

b.Unsupervised learning


d.Dimensionality reduction

Answer: Supervised learning

12]Unsupervised machine learning finds all kind of unknown patterns in data.



Answer: True.

13]Which of the following techniques would perform better for reducing dimensions of a data

a.Removing columns which have too many missing values

b.Removing columns which have high variance in data

c.Removing columns with dissimilar data trends

d.None of these

Answer: Removing columns which have too many missing values

14]Explanation: If a columns have too many missing values, (say 99%) then we can remove such
columns.Dimensionality reduction algorithms are one of the possible ways to reduce the
computation time required to build a model.a.


Answer: True

15]Explanation: Reducing the dimension of data will take less time to train a model.a.knowledge
workers, including managers, executives, and analysts.



c.Both of the above

d.None of the above

Answer: OLAP

15]Decision trees can be used for performing clustering.



Answer: True

16]Chameleon is:

a.Density based clustering algorithm.

b.Partitioning based algorithm

c.Model based algorithm

d.Hierarchical clustering algorithm.

Answer: Hierarchical clustering algorithm.

17]Which statement is true about the k-means algorithm?

a.The output attribute must be categorical

b.All attributes values must be categorical.

c.All attributes must be numeric.

d.Attribute values may be either categorical or numeric.

Answer: All attributes must be numeric.

18]This data transformation technique works well when minimum and maximum values for a
real-valued attribute are known.

a.z-score normalisation

b.min-max normalisation

c.logarithmic normalisation

d.decimal scaling

Answer: min-max normalisation

19]Which one of the following is not a major strength of the neural network approach?

a.Neural network learning algorithms are guaranteed to converge to an optimal solution

b.Neural networks work well with datasets containing noisy data.

c.Neural networks can be used for both supervised learning and unsupervised clustering

d.Neural networks can be used for applications that require a time element to be included
in the data

Answer: Neural network learning algorithms are guaranteed to converge to an optimal


20]Arbitrary shaped clusters can be found by using

a.Density methods

b.Partitional methods

c.Hierarchical methods


Answer: Density methods

21]Clustering is ___________ and is example of ____________learning

a.Predictive and supervised

b.Predictive and unsupervised

c.Descriptive and supervised

d.Descriptive and unsupervised

Answer: Descriptive and unsupervised

22]Simple regression assumes a __________ relationship between the input attribute and output





Answer: Linear

23]Hierarchical agglomerative clustering is typically visualized as?


b.Binary trees

c.Block diagram


Answer: Dendrogram

24]Classification rules are extracted from _____________

a.Decision tree

b.Root node



Answer : decision tree

24]Which is not part of the categories of clustering methods?

a.Hierarchical methods

b.Density based methods

c.Partitioning methods

dRule-based methods

Answer: Rule-based methods


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