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Unit04: Science or Fiction?

Sequence: Discovering Language

Lesson : Expressing Wishes
Activity01-Consider the situations .Then, re-write the sentences using the respective construction
to express regret.
the sentences
1-You don’t have a Netflix subscription and you regret it. (-wish-s past /-if only-simple past)
Yo say : a.i wish I had a Netflix subscription.
b-If only i had a Netflix subscription!
2-You didn’t see Star Wars movie and you regret it .(Wish+past perfect/ if only + past perfect)
You say; a- I wish I had seen Star Wars movie
b- If only I had seen Star Wars!
3 -You friends is always sending scary pictures and you want him to stop doing that in the future. (-
wish+would / if only +would
You say: a- I wish you would stop sending scary pictures.
b- .If only you would stop sending scary pictures!
Activity2: A-Consider the new sentences you wrote and say which sentence:
a- Expresses a present wish :sentence (1)
b- Expresses a past wish :sentence (2).
c- Expresses a future wish : sentence (3)
B- Which sentences express stronger wishes ?
The sentences with/ containing “if only “
Reminder : A-To express wishes (regret), we use:
1-Wish + simple past .....................................present wishes
2- wish+past simple ......................................past wishes
3- wish+ would ..............................................future wishes
4 – If only ......................................................for more emphasis
B- When the wish sentence is positive the meaning is negative and vice versa
Write it up :
Activity1:Read the following poetic devices .Then, match each one with its definition
Assonance  Over-exaggeration to create emphasis or humor
Consonance Repitition of vowel sounds
Simile : Comparison without ‘like or as
Rhyme Words having the same sound usually in mid or initial position
Metaphor Comparison using the words ‘’like and as “
Hyperbole Repitition of consonant word in adjacent or closely related word
1-Clap your hands and stamp your feet to feel the beat
2-My language class is lovely but not daily
3-Mohamed is like a king
4-English is a joy. …dear like a toy
5-Come ‘n pick your seat. …focus ‘n enjoy the treat!
4-Nadia is a snake
5-if you score well in the exam,I’ll give you a mountain of money
Activity2: Consider the definition of the Lament below .Then, write a short poem about things you
regret or lost (Past wish)
Lament : A poem expressing grief and regret bout dead people or lost things
Note : 1-You can use the suggested one on the book ( page 148) as a model
2- you can choose one of the rhyming patterns (or a free one)

The poem :
Unit04: Science or Fiction?
Sequence: Discovering Language
Lesson : Expressing Wishes
Activity01-Consider the situations. hen, re-write the sentences using the respective construction :
the sentences :
1-You don’t have a Netflix subscription and you regret it. (-wish-s past /-if only-simple past)
Yo say : a............................................................................................................................................
2-You didn’t see Star Wars movie and you regret it .(Wish+past perfect/ if only + past perfect)
You say; a-.......................................................................................................................................
3 You friends is always sending you scary pictures and you want him to stop doing that
(- wish+would / if only +would )
You say: a-..................................................................................................................................
b- ..................................................................................................................................
Activity2: A-Consider the new sentences you wrote and say which sentence:
a- Expresses a pesent wish :........................................................................................................
b- Expresses a past wish :...........................................................................................................
c- Expresses a future wish :....................................................................................................
B- Which sentences express stronger wishes ?
Reminder : To express wishes (regret), we use:
1-Wish + simple past .....................................
2- wish+past simple ......................................
3- wish+ would ..............................................
4 – If only ......................................................
Write it up
Activity 1: A-Read the types of figurative language figures .Then, match each one with its
Assonance  Over-exaggeration to create emphasis or humor
Consonance Repitition of vowel sounds
Simile : Comparison without ‘like or as
Rhyme Words having the same sound usually in mid or initial position
Metaphor Comaparison using the words ‘’like and as “
Hyperbole Repitition of consonant word in adjacent or closely related word
3-................................................................................. 4...............................................................
5-............................................................................... 6............................................................
Activity2 : Consider the definition of the Lament below .Then, write a short poem about things
you regret or lost
Lament : poem expressing grief and regret about lost people or things
Note : You can use the suggested one on the book ( page 148) as a model

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