Analyzing Fat From Nutrition Labels PDF

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Analyzing Fat from Nutrition Labels

Directions: Find Nutrition labels for 3 food items: Your favorite snack, a packaged healthy snack, and
a fast food item. Enter the fat and calorie information from the label on the charts below.

Food #1: Your Favorite Snack/Food

Name of Food: Calories Per serving Fat Grams per Serving Saturated Fat Grams

Nutrition Label Link

Picture Trans Fat Grams Calories From Fat % of Calories from Fat

List of ingredients that are fats: Type of Fat

(Saturated / Unsaturated / Trans Fat)

● ●

Food #2: A Packaged Healthy Snack

Name of Food: Calories Per serving Fat Grams per Serving Saturated Fat Grams

Nutrition Label Link

Picture Trans Fat Grams Calories From Fat % of Calories from Fat

List of ingredients that are fats: Type of Fat

(Saturated / Unsaturated / Trans Fat)

● ●

Food #3: A Fast Food Item

Name of Food: Calories Per serving Fat Grams per Serving Saturated Fat Grams

Nutrition Label Link

Picture Trans Fat Grams Calories From Fat % of Calories from Fat

List of ingredients that are fats: Type of Fat

(Saturated / Unsaturated / Trans Fat)

● ●

● Total Calories from Fat

o There are 9 calories in each gram of Fat. Therefore to calculate Fat Calories:
Fat (g) x 9 = Total # of Fat Calories
o For instance, if the product has 10g of fat, 10g x 9 = 90 Calories from Fat

● Percentage of Calories from Fat

o Divide the number of Fat calories by the number of total calories.
o If the product has 900 calories and 90 calories from fat,: 90 ÷ 900 = .10.
Multiply the decimal by 100 to find the percentage; .10 x 100 = 10%

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