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The condition for maximum using first root and Eq. (2) is
To determine the wavelength of He - Ne laser using single slit. b sin  = 1.43 first maxima
Introduction to the experiment and similarly the conditions for second maxima, third maxima and
fourth maxima are
If a plane wave incident on a long narrow slit of width b (see Fig.1), according to geometrical optics
one expects the region AB of the screen SS' to be illuminated and the remaining portion (known as
geometrical shadow) to be absolutely dark. However, if the observations are made carefully then one
finds the light intensity in the region AB is not uniform and there is also light of some intensity inside
the geometrical shadow. Further, if the width of the slit is made smaller, larger amount of light
b sin  =
b sin  =
b sin  =
second maxima
third maxima
fourth maxima
energy reach the geometrical shadow. This spreading-out of a wave when it passes through a narrow
opening is usually referred to as diffraction and the intensity distribution on the screen is
known as
the diffraction pattern.
For nth maxima, sin = yn


(y 2 + L2 )1 / 2

Fig.1 Regions AS and BS’ are the geometrical shadow. The light is diffracted into
shadow if wavelength of light is comparable with width of slit b.
Diffraction is of two types:
i) Fresnel Diffraction ii) Fraunhofer Diffraction.
In the Fresnel class of diffraction the source of light and the screen are, in general, at a finite distance
from the diffracting aperture. In the Fraunhofer class of diffraction, the source and the screen are
infinite distances from the aperture.
Fraunhofer Diffraction at a Single Slit
A slit is a rectangular aperture whose length is large compared to its breadth. Let a parallel beam of
monochromatic light of wavelength  be incident normally upon a narrow slit of width ‘b’.
diffraction pattern obtained on the screen placed at a large distance from the slit, consists of a central
bright band, having alternate dark and weak bright bands of decreasing intensity on either side of
bright band.
The condition for minima (I=0) is given by
where θn is diffraction angle for the nth maxima, L is the distance of screen from the single slit and y n
is the distance of nth maxima from the central maxima. By measuring yn of the first three or four
corresponding sin θncan be determined. From various values of sin θnand using the conditions for the
first four maxima as given above, λ, the wavelength of the He – Ne laser can be determined.
Self-Study Material
1. Experiments with light by Ajoy Ghatak
2. Practical Physics by P R Sasi Kumar (PHI, Learning pvt ltd)
4. A. Ghatak, Optics (Tata McGraw-Hill Publ., 2015)
5. Physics Laboratory Manual Part-1 by S. Vashisth and P. Purohit (ABC Press)
6. Virtual Lab

84 85 Engineering Physics Workbook Engineering Physics Workbook

 = m m = 1,2,3 ... (1)

Note: m=0 corresponds to θ=0 (central maxima). From Eq.(3) and Eq.(2) we get the condition
b sin( ) = m m = 1,2,3 ... (2)
The conditions for maxima are roots of the following transcendental equation

86 87 Engineering Physics Workbook Engineering Physics Workbook

Suggested Preparatory Question Bank

1. What do you mean by diffraction of light?
2. How is diffraction explained on the basis of Huyghens principle?
3. What is the condition for the first minim;um on either side of the central maximum?
4. Can you determine the value of λ using this relation also? If yes, compare it with that
determined using the diffraction maxima.
5. What will be the effect of increasing slit width on the position of the diffraction pattern
6. What will be the effect of decreasing the wavelength of the laser light on the position of
diffraction pattern maxima?
7. What is the condition for obtaining Fraunhofer diffraction? If this condition is not met then
what is the diffraction called?
8. In what proportion does the intensity of various maxima fall w.r.t. that of the central
9. How does laser light help in carrying out this experiment?
10. If white light is used in doing this experiment what will be the effect on the diffraction pattern.

Lab Report
(To be completed by next lab turn)

Apparatus Required
1Q. What is full form of the LASER?
• Light Amplification of Spontaneous Emission by Radiation
2Q. What is Interference?
• It is the interaction between two or more waves of the same or
close frequencies emitted by the Coherent sources.
Interference is the phenomenon based on the principle of superposition. Where
intensity distribute of two or more than two waves in a defined manner. For the
interference the two sources should emit waves in phase and light of same
3Q. What is diffraction grating?
• A rectangular type plate of glass on which ruled very close and
parallel lines. When monochromatic light falls on it light get
diffracted which provides a definite pattern of light.
In this experiment grating is a glass plate ruled with very fine, close and parallel
lines. Each line is said to be slit. The number of lines may vary in one inch
dimension of the grating. For an example 300 LPI (line per inches), 15000LPI, etc.

4Q. Step to calculate the percentage error:

1. Determine the difference between the observed value and the
standard value
2. divided by the standard value
3. now multiply by the 100 to change in percentage
4. use label of % in result.
• Correct
• Wrong
5. What is grating Element?
• The distance between two consecutive slits
6. What is the condition for constructive interference?
• Grating should have at least two slits
In order to obtain constructive interference the two rays should arrive at a point
in same phase. Also the path difference should be integral multiple of the

7. What are the Laser light characteristics ?

• Highly directional, low angle divergence,
monochromatic,coherent, highly intense,
LASER characteristics are those which remain same for different lasers, whether
that is Ruby Laser, Semiconductor laser or He-Ne Laser, etc. In all cases emitted
light radiation will be highly direction. That you call uni directional, highly
collimated beam, monochromatic, etc as mention in option one.

8Q. How to find the grating element of a given diffraction grating having
1500 Lines Per Inch (LPI)?
• This is aim of the experiment
• by using the formula n lembda= d sin theta
• In one inch available lines are 15000 it means number of slits
available. So one slit i.e. grating element will be=1 inch/15000
• This is standard value which we can determine by the formula
For a given diffraction grating, first you see what text is mentioned on that. This
text tells about the number of slits in this glass plate. For an example in this case
15000 lines per inch given. So from the result we will get standard value of
grating element that is single slit width d. Use it for percentage error.

1 inch= 2.54 cm


15000 lines=2.54 cm

so this is the standard result for grating element.

By this way you can determine the grating element for a given grating of like 300
LPI, or 500 LPI.

9Q. What is population Inversion?

• Large number of atoms in ground state as compared to the excited
• Large number of atoms in the higher energy state as compared to
the lower energy state
• When metastable state have large enough time to hold the atoms
the ground state populated more by atoms, this is called
population inversion
• In Ruby Laser we observe the population inversion, where meta
stable state get more populated as compared to the excited state
For the LASER action population inversion is must. In an atom, the electrons
absorbs the energy and goes in higher states and after spending the life time
come back in its original state. This is transition of the electron from one state to
the other. Because this reason electronic configuration changes of the atoms.
The change in electronic configuration is termed as excited state of the atom
correspond to the absorbed energy.

The distribution of the atoms in any state can be defined by the Maxwell-
Boltzmann’s distribution law.

Like this one can say that N1 are the number of atoms are correspond to the
E1 state. N0 are the total number of atoms.
When atoms stay for longer duration in higher energy state, the amount of
atoms in ground state decreases, known as population inversion. This result is
opposite to the general case for atoms, where more number of atoms in ground
state and few atoms in the excited state.

10Q. Does diffracted Waves can interfere?

• Yes
11Q. What is the standard value of Red Color wavelength in He-Ne gas
• 6328 x10^{-10} meter
12Q. What is spontaneous and stimulated emission process?
• In spontaneous emission, atom remain in excited state for the
definite time period and after that jumps in lower energy state
without any induction
• Spontaneous emission process is that process in which atom jumps
from one state to the other along with emission and absorption of
the light
• During the period of atomic excitation (in higher energy state of
atom) one spontaneously emitted photon or incident photon
interact electromagnetically with it (induce excite atom). As a
result a photon emits with same nature as of the incident one.
This is stimulated emission.
• When atom is in excited state an incident photon interact with it
and as a result it get induce. This induced atom emits two photon
of same frequency.
In LASER there are two process one is of absorption and the other of emission.
Further emission of photon may be either through spontaneously or by stimulated
process. For the LASER light stimulate emission is required. In stimulated emission
one photon emit from the excited atom and second photon is just the incident one.
13. Why do you use n lembda= d sin theta formula? What is the origin to
derive this formula for this experiment?
• Constructive interference condition
This equation is condition for constructive interference i.e. maxima.

n is the order of maxima, n=1 first order; n=2 second order, etc.

λ is the wavelength of laser light

d is spacing between slit

is the angle for 1st, 2nd or 3rd order,etc patterns. Which you determine by the
R.H.S. is the path difference between two waves which interfere at the screen
which is D distance away from the grating.

L.H.S. is the condition for maxima i.e. constructive interference.

Q.What is diffraction?

A.The process by which a beam of light or other system of waves is spread out as a
result of passing through a narrow aperture or across an edge, typically
accompanied by interference between the wave forms produced.

Q.What is diffraction grating?

A.It is an optically flat glass plate on which large number of equidistant parallel
lines are ruled by a fine diamond pen.

Q.What is grating element?

A.It is the distance between the centers of any two successive ruled lines or
transparent stripes.

Q.What is the difference between prism and grating spectrum?

A.In grating spectrum violet color is least deviated and red color is most deviated
but in prism the reverse is true.

Q.When will the even order spectra disappear?

A.They will disappear if the size of opaque lines and transparent stripes is made

Q.Why does red color deviate the most in case of grating?

A.This is so because in case of grating sin θ=n λ/(e+d) i.e angle of diffraction is
proportional to the wavelength and the wavelength of red is maximum.

Q.What gives a more intense spectrum – prism or grating?

A. A prism gives more intense spectrum because in prism entire light is

concentrated into one spectrum while in the case of grating light is distributed in
the grating spectra of different orders.

Q.Why is light incident on the side of grating which has no rulings?

A.To avoid refraction of diffracted light.

Q.Define dispersion of light.

A.The process of splitting of white light into it’s constituent colors is called
dispersion of light.

Q.Describe essential parts of spectrometer.

A. Collimator , prism table,telescope.

Q.Why do we need two vernier scales?

A.To remove the error in reading due to not coinciding the axis of prism table and

Q.Name two types of spectra.

A. Emission spectra,Absorption spectra

Diffraction Grating

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