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Predictive Analytics in Healthcare

An Engineering Project in Community Service

Phase – II Report

Submitted by


In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Vit Bhopal University

Madhya Pradesh
April, 2022
Bonafide Certificate

Certified that this project report titled “PREDICTIVE ANALYTICS IN

HEALTHCARE ” is the Bonafide work of “NAMAN AGARWAL (Register No:
DIDWANIA(19BCE10237), DEVANSH RANA (19BAI10052)” who carried out
the project work under my supervision

This project report (Phase II) is submitted for the Project Viva-Voce examination
held on 22th April 2022.

Dr Venkat Prasad Padhy


The presentation is superbly concise, clear, and logically organized.

Comments & Signature (Reviewer 1)
Sl. No. Topic Page No.

1. Introduction 4

1.1 Motivation 4

1.2 Objective 5

2. Existing Work 6

3. Topic of the Work 8

3.1 System Design/ Architecture 8

3.2 Working Principle 9

3.3 Results and Discussion 11

4. Individual Contribution 19

5. Conclusion 22

6. References 22
1. Introduction

In today’s world health and well-being is a major concern for all. Millions of people living in this
world deal with some kind of heart disease. They experience difficulties in breathing due to this
disease which often turns fatal. Moreover, people nowadays mostly sit and work on their computers
every day and not exercising which in turn making the person obese and prone to many heart
problems. Not just the common people but the patients with existing heart problems are increasing
and all of them need constant monitoring. It is not possible for a doctor or nurse to always monitor
their patients so a there is need for computer to start tracking and predicting through AI basic heart
problems. The device which we have made will warn people before hand if their heart rates have
increased significantly without them doing any heavy activities. By knowing this information prior,
they can go the hospital and get necessary medication before things get serious.

1.1 Motivation

Have we ever considered how much stress we are giving on our heart without even knowing? But
even by knowing this have we ever taken any action to prevent us from serious ailments? Our main
aim of this project is to warn people beforehand about the condition about their heart incase their

BPM rises without a warning. This is will also help the patient know if they are suffering from any
heart conditions due to the irregular BPMs. The necessary information from the object detector can
be used for avoiding fatal scenarios and can be used to prevent before it gets serious to the point
where not even a medical treatment can save the person. This will even help the hospitals to know
well about what is happening with the patient as they will have the data to understand and act
accordingly to aid the person.
Using the technology, sensors and materials to create a working model to help the people know the
condition of their heart so that they could perform any necessary medication if needed.
1.2 Objective

Health is always the number one priority to everyone in the world. Without proper health one
cannot perform their day-to-day activities with ease. The objective of this project is to develop a
working model using sensors and AI technology to predict the diseases which the person has by
monitoring their heart rate. Hardware technology that could be designed for the at time use
without requiring apps to activate. Developing such wristband for the people who are prone to
heart diseases will help them by alerting if their hear rate is increasing or there is any
abnormality in the heart beat.
2. Existing Works/ Literature review

2.1 Tools and Techniques

Many tools and techniques are used to support the predictive analytics in the analysis of
healthcare data such and logistic and linear regression to train our AI model. Correlational
Matrix and Data Visualization is also used to ML. In order to predict the level of gravity and
risk of certain disease in patients some algorithms are used such as Logistic Regression, Genetic
and decision tree algorithms based on medical data such as the patients’ symptoms and
laboratory measures. Moreover, to predict the early stages of certain diseases in patients some
algorithms are used such as decision tree and logistic regressions are used. For the frontend part
of our website where we post all the reports, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and JavaScript is used.
For the backend part where we store all the data of our website and data collected from it, we
used Django, PHP and SQL Database. As for the IoT part we used AD8232 Heart Beat Node
which will help us to record the pulse and through these pulses we are able to predict the disease.

2.2 Predictive analytics use to assist in health care improvement

The predictive analytics have been widely used by researcher to solve the readmission problems.
Thus, to enhance the quality of care provided to patients with less cost there have been a strategy
to emerge the hospitals readmissions as a quality indicator to prevent it. The predictive models
have been developed to predict the risk of readmission by utilizing the mentioned datasets. The
algorithms used in the prediction are multiple classification algorithms especially logistic
regression and the random forest algorithm due to its ability to perform with all the types of
predictor variables and the analytical platform used. Moreover, the predictive analytics have
been used in health care to be able to prevent high risk from many chronic diseases which will
help in saving patient lives and providing better quality of care.
2.3 Existing work and their limitations

A lot of smartphones manufacturers have made their own versions of this device in form of a
wrist band or by embedding it in the smartphone itself. The main problem of these devices is
lack of effective data. The used data by them is not clean, precise or correctly formatted. Often
times they will fail to alert you about whether you are good or not.
These devices also cost a lot of money and generally oriented for business purpose instead of
helping people.
3 Topic of Work

3.1 System Design Architecture

Fig 1 Heart Disease Probability Analysis Flow

3.2 Working Principle

The project involved analysis of the heart disease patient dataset with proper data processing. Then,
different models were trained and predictions are made with different algorithms KNN, Decision
Tree, Random Forest, SVM, Logistic Regression etc. This is the Jupyter notebook code and dataset
We’ve used for my Kaggle kernel 'Binary Classification with Sklearn and Keras’.
A variety of Machine Learning algorithms, implemented in Python, to predict the presence of heart
disease in a patient. This is a classification problem, with input features as a variety of parameters,
and the target variable as a binary variable, predicting whether heart disease is present or not.
Machine Learning algorithms used:
1. Logistic Regression (Scikit-learn)
2. Naive Bayes (Scikit-learn)
3. Support Vector Machine (Linear) (Scikit-learn)
4. K-Nearest Neighbors (Scikit-learn)
5. Decision Tree (Scikit-learn)
6. Random Forest (Scikit-learn)
7. XGBoost (Scikit-learn)
Artificial Neural Network with 1 Hidden layer (Keras)

Firstly, we trained our model with the preexisting data found on the internet to check its functioning.
We were able to achieve accurate information from this session and the results were good. After that
we had that device installed on ourselves and it was able to tell accurately our current heart beat rate.
We used the following models to train the data
1. age
2. sex
3. chest pain type (4 values)
4. resting blood pressure
5. serum cholesterol in mg/dl
6. fasting blood sugar > 120 mg/dl
7. resting electrocardiographic results (values 0,1,2)
8. maximum heart rate achieved
9. exercise induced angina
10. oldpeak = ST depression induced by exercise relative to rest
11. the slope of the peak exercise ST segment
12. number of major vessels (0-3) colored by flourosopythal: 3 = normal; 6 = fixed defect; 7 =
reversable defect
The prediction as it names implied is one of the data mining techniques that discovers relationship
between independent variables and relationship between dependent and independent variables.
For instance, prediction analysis technique can be used in blood donors to predict the behavior for
the future if we consider donor is an independent variable, blood could be a dependent variable.
Then based on the historical data, we can draw a fitted regression curve that is used for donor’s
behavior prediction.
Regression technique can be adapted for predication.

Disease Prediction: - Patient will specify the symptoms caused due to his illness. The system will
ask certain symptoms regarding his illness and then predict the disease based on the symptoms
specified by patient.

Result: - The result will include user’s BMI, disease, what you should do, exercise and a diet chart,
blogroll. All the tuples have different diseases and related to that we have different sets of exercises
and diet chart.

Fig 2 Data Sets used

3.3. Results and Discussion

Fig 3 The website

Model's accuracy is 79.6 +- 1.4%. The following are the results of analysis done on the available
heart disease dataset. Each graph shows the result based on different attributes. Green box
indicates No Disease. Red box indicates Disease.

Fig 4 Age group Fig 5 Exercise Induced Angina

Fig 6 Chest Pain Fig 7 ST Depression Induced by Exercise

Fig 8 Peak Exercise ST Segment Fig 9 Fasting Blood Sugar

Fig 10 Gender Fig 11 Rest ECG

Fig 12 Resting Blood Pressure Fig 13 Serum Cholesterol
Fig 14 Heart Disease Predictor
Circuit Diagrams
1. Circuit for pulse heart rate

Fig 15 Heart Beat circuit

2 Circuit for Directly reading the Pulse

Fig 16 Direct reading of Heart beat circuit

3 Implementation Circuit

Fig 17 Implementation Circuit

4 Real Life Circuit

Fig 18 Real Life Circuit

4. Individual Contributions of the members
1) Puneet Goyal (19BEC10007)

I am Puneet Goyal from Electronics and Communication Engineering and I am working

on Implementation and Simulation of ECG monitoring System using AD8232 Heart beat
Sensor and Node MCU Board and I am using Proteus 8 Professional Software for
simulation. In Proteus software, we are using Heart Beat Sensor, Pot-HG (1Kohm
Resistance), and Oscilloscope.
Heart beat sensor have 3 pins’,
1.output pin.
2.Ground pin.
3.Vcc pin.
->Ground pin connected to ground
->Vcc pin connected to Battery.
->Output pin connected to Oscilloscope.
And we will get output

2) Naman Agarwal (19BCE10395)

I worked upon the Heart Disease Risk calculator percentage part and backend of the
project. Me and my group member did this all. We used UCI dataset and inserted it depict
various graphs, some mathematical calculations, coding and all. I have made around 8
parameters through which we can make our predictor. These are --

1)Chest Pain Type

2)Peak Exercise ST Segment
3)Thallium Test
4)Number of Major Vessels Colored by Fluoroscopy
5)Thallium Stress Test Maximum Heart Rate
6)Resting Blood Pressure
7)Resting ECG
Then after, we'll enter the appropriate values of symptoms the individual can face. Then
we can get the chances of you contracting heart disease based on those loaded/inserted
At the end, we fixed this our calculator chart on the front-end website and integrated the
back-end files and coding stuff as well with the front-end website.

3) Yash Gupta (19BME10026)

I handled the mechanical part of the project. Like how will the device be connected to the
user’s body.
Also, Other than that complied data of other team members who did their part and made
presentations of the same for all three reviews
I also studied medical devices standards of ISO and FDA.
I also proposed mechanical Ideas related to healthcare analytics and medical device’s
design to my team members like: -
1. Optimum location on the user’s body for the device as per the objective of our project
2. Optimum size and weight of the device so that it is easy to wear and carry for the user.
3. Studying existing products available in the market and how to make our product better
while being pocket friendly.
4. Design Optimization: - Minimizing the number of electronic parts and while making
the device work to its entire potential for mass production.
5. Safety: - how to reduce any electrical/medical hazards that can occur while the device
is in use

4) Vaghasia Aum (19BCE10437)

I have implemented the front end it consists of three sections. The feature sections underline
the features of our applications along with the parameters used. The analysis section has the
risk calculator embedded which predicts heart disease risk. Finally, there is a contact form
page implemented via which user can put forward their queries. Also, there is subscription
form where user can enter their mail id and get updates and few lines of java script.
5) Yash Saxena (19BCE10115)
I have added the styling part in all the three sections of the web page with the help of
bootstrap and CSS3. Along with the three sections of the web page. I had done styling of the
footer tag where the user has to input his email. Most of the styling part like adding
background to the webpage was done by me.

6) Devansh Rana (19BAI10052)

I am working on the Machine learning Implementation of the model, so that the machine
could return the possibilities of having a heart disease.
I had implemented the manipulation of data using pandas, Visualization of the data using
sklearn and matplotlib libraries of python.
The model compares all the attributes of the dataset and compare them and try to find out the
correlation between them using correlation matrix. and train itself using logistic regression
algorithm that i had implemented and also the learn regression algorithm.
training of the model is done with the help of dataset collected form Kaggle. the model
compares the attributes and try to find the patterns which leads to a certain kind of heart
disease possibility. and after that it returns the value and result to the user.
Implementation of the code is done on google collab and Jupyter notebook.

7) Jatin Didwania (19BCE10237)

I worked upon the Heart Disease Risk calculator percentage part and backend of the project.
Me and my group member did this all. We used UCI dataset and inserted it depict various
graphs, some mathematical calculations, coding and all. At the end, we fixed this our
calculator chart on the front-end website and integrated the back-end files and coding stuff as
well with the front-end website.

8) Bommakanty Satya Sai Anirudh (19BCE10045)

I did all the technical part which includes making ppts, reports, talking with the respected
faculties and arranging the meetings accordingly. Helped my teammates with the overall
writing format and helped them to find the relevant links for our project.
5. Conclusion
With this we can conclude that we were able to successfully describe and show our project and this
project will help a lot of people. Many breakthroughs were faced by us in bringing out the best of
results and outputs. We successfully developed the model and required circuitry but with the passage
of time we could do more development as with increase in the requirement and development of the
technology. As new technology arrives, we will further enhance our project with those technology.


 UCI Dataset link :


Our plagiarism report link is -

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