Scale Up Solids Handling

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Reprinted with permission from CEP (Chemical Engineering Progress), April 2008.

Cover Story
Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).

Successfully Scale Up
Solids Handling
A sound theoretical model of the process to
be scaled is the best approach;
John W. Carson
Thomas G. Troxel if one is not available, bench-scale testing,
K. Eric Bengtson physical scale modeling or full-scale modeling
Jenike & Johanson, Inc.
is required. Here are guidelines
as to which method is appropriate
for various solids-handling operations.

ost industrial plants handle powders or other bulk 24 to 60 months to reach complete steady-state operation at
solids (e.g., coal, plastic pellets, sand, alumina), the original design rates (1).
whether as incoming raw materials, intermediates At the root of such start-up and operating problems are
within the process, or finished products. Scale-up of new the lack of fundamental knowledge of bulk solids process-
solids handling processes can be very troublesome, particu- ing technology and the difficulty in extrapolating results
larly if they involve equipment or process steps that differ from one facility to another when the designs are not iden-
significantly from those of any existing facility. For tical. If scale-up is not handled correctly, commercial oper-
example, perhaps the solids themselves are different ation suffers in terms of the time and expense it takes to
because they come from new sources (a typical situation correct problems, the time needed to get a new product to
when the plant receives material from a mining operation), market, customer complaints, and perhaps derating of the
or the particle size distribution is to be changed. Maybe equipment or process.
process conditions (such as operating Whether the new equipment or
temperature, the amount of time the bulk 8
processes being designed involve gases,
solids will be stored without movement, Solid liquids or bulk solids, the best approach
throughput rate, type and flowrate of to scale-up is to use a sound theory that
Average Plant Start-Up Time, mo

process gas, batch vs. continuous operat- has been (or can be) developed to accu-
ing mode, etc.) will be different. 6 rately model the process and equipment
A study of more than 500 recently Processed, independent of scale. Key variables can
completed projects found a clear rela- Homogenous be readily identified, bench-scale tests
tionship between increased particle-pro- Feedstock can be run, and the results used as input
cessing difficulty and the time required data for the mathematical model.
for the plant to start up (Figure 1) (1). Liquid Lacking a sound theory, the next-best
or Gas
Furthermore, plant operability (defined Process approach is to test small physical models
as percent of design after start-up) 2 and scale up the results using well-under-
decreased as the number of process steps stood and proven scale-up rules. If neither
increased, most dramatically for solids- a sound theory nor proven scale-up rules
processing plants using bulk solid feed. 0 are available, the only safe approach is to
For example, a highly innovative solids- model some or all of the system’s critical
 Figure 1. Particle processing, and its
processing facility with many new complexity, affect the time needed for
elements at or close to full-scale.
process elements commonly requires plant start-up. Source: (1). The key is determining which processes

CEP April 2008 33

Cover Story

Use a theory or a mathematical model

Axis of
Symmetry One area of bulk solids handling for which there is a
sound theoretical basis involves the flow of bulk solids
through a converging hopper (2–4). During gravity dis-
Ψ σr charge from converging hoppers, both stress and velocity
τrθ σθ fields develop in a radial manner, emanating from the apex
σθ of the hopper. This is perhaps more obvious for velocity
τrθ fields than for stress fields, since if mass flow (i.e., a condi-
σr tion in which all the material is in motion whenever any is
withdrawn) develops, particle movement will vary from
being vertical at the axis of symmetry to being parallel to
θ the hopper walls in the region just inside the walls. For
r stress fields, Jenike postulated the following based on an
analogy from soil mechanics (5):

σ = ρb gc r s (θ) (1)
Φ′ ψ = ψ (θ) (2)

where, as illustrated in Figure 2, σ = mean normal stress

(kPa); ρb = bulk density (kg/m3), gc = acceleration due to
gravity (9.81 m/s2), r = radial distance from hopper apex
(m), s = stress function dependent on angle θ (measured
from vertical) of a ray emanating from the apex (dimension-
x less), and ψ = angle between direction of major principal
stress, σ1, and coordinate ray (deg.).
 Figure 2. Nomenclature for Jenike’s radial stress field theory (2–4). As shown in Figure 3, split-model tests (discussed later)
showing displacement fields in mass-flow hoppers confirm
the assumption of a radial velocity field. Pressure measure-
ments at the hopper wall confirm the development of a
radial stress field.
This theory led to the development of design procedures
for achieving mass flow while avoiding problems of rat-
holing and cohesive arch formation. Thousands of bins and
silos have been designed and built using this theory as the
design basis, and almost without exception they have
worked as designed. Successful applications involve con-
tainers varying in size from small press feed hoppers and
portable bins all the way up to multi-thousand-ton-capacity
silos (Figure 4).
Since this theory is well-developed and proven, there is
 Figure 3. A split model of a converging hopper (left) shows no need for scale model tests before designing most full-
the displacement field in the mass flow model. The predicted
displacement field (right) based on the assumption of a radial scale equipment, such as bins and silos. Key variables can
velocity field is in close agreement. be identified, so when there is a change in any of them (e.g.,
temperature or moisture content of bulk solid), bench-scale
and equipment have a sound theory of operation or sound tests are run and these results used to obtain data for design-
scale-up rules so that scale-up can be done effectively and ing full-scale equipment.
correctly. This article discusses the types of systems that can Another area of bulk solids handling for which a
and cannot be scaled up using the various techniques, and proven model has been developed involves fluid flow
provides some scaling rules. The focus is on storage and pro- through a packed bed of bulk solids. The rate at which
cessing vessels and does not include other types of bulk interstitial gas (fluid) migrates through a granular material
solids handling systems, such as conveyors. under the influence of a pressure gradient depends on per-

34 April 2008 CEP

meability, and this may K = K0(ρb/ ρb0)a (4)
be expressed for laminar
flow conditions using where K0, ρb0 and a are
Darcy’s Law as: empirically determined
u = –K(dp/dx)/ρbgc (3) Combining radial stress
and velocity field assump-
where u = superficial gas tions with Darcy’s law, it is
velocity through the solids possible to design full-scale
bed (m/s); K = permeabil- bulk solids processing ves-
ity factor (m/s); and dp/dx sels into which gas is intro-
= gas pressure gradient duced. Examples include
across the bed (kN/m3). gravity-driven dryers, purge
More-detailed forms of columns (Figure 6), and  Figure 6. The design of a purge
column is based on radial stress
this relationship have moving bed reactors.
and velocity field theory combined
been developed, including Discrete element mod- with Darcy’s Law.
the well-known equations eling (DEM) is a third area
of Ergun (6) and Leva (7). that shows promise for the future. Since bulk solids consist
These newer forms are of particles, modeling particle interactions with DEM has the
difficult to use directly, in potential to accurately predict full-scale behavior. The major
part because one must limitation with this approach is currently computational,
choose an appropriate par- since it is not possible to model the interaction of billions of
ticle diameter. Since prac- irregularly shaped particles contained in a full-scale vessel.
tically no bulk solids in
industrial use consist sole- Conduct bench-scale tests
ly of uniformly sized to obtain input for the theories
spherical particles, a bet- In order to design bins, silos, hoppers and other types of
ter approach for laminar storage and processing vessels for bulk solids, several key
flow conditions is to use parameters are required, including:
 Figure 4. Radial velocity and Darcy’s law (Eq. 3) with • cohesive strength, internal friction and wall friction.
stress field theory is the basis an empirically determined These parameters are measured using a small (typically
for the design of small portable permeability factor (K). 20-L) representative sample of the bulk solid. The major
containers (top) as well as large This factor (Figure 5) can variables include moisture/volatiles content, time of
storage silos (bottom). usually be expressed as: storage at rest, temperature, consolidating pressure, and
particle size and shape. The most common devices
used for these measurements are the Jenike Shear Tester
(3, 8), shown in Figure 7, and the Schulze Ring Shear
Permeability, K, m/s


Note: log-log plot

20 30
Bulk Density, ρb, kg/m3

 Figure 7. The Jenike Shear Tester (3, 8) is used to measure

 Figure 5. Bulk solids permeability is a function of bulk density. shear properties of a bulk solid.

CEP April 2008 35

Cover Story

Tester (9), shown in Perform physical scale modeling

Figure 8. Typical Scale models can sometimes be used when the complex-
results are presented ities of a solids handling system cannot be accurately mod-
in Figures 9 and 10. eled solely by theory combined with bench scale tests. The
• compressibility. validity of the scale-up, however, in many cases depends on
The bulk density is utilizing underlying theory of solids flow.
a function of the Scale modeling is useful for vessels into which gas is
applied consolidation introduced and/or that contain inserts. Of particular interest
stress. A test to mea- are the effects of an insert or introduced gas on the solids
sure this parameter velocity pattern, and whether any regions with no flow or
can be found in Ref. rapid velocity changes are present. Such regions must gen-
10. Figure 11 is the erally be avoided if the equipment is to perform optimally.
test apparatus, and While theory can provide some useful insight into these
Figure 12 shows typi- effects, details are best obtained using scale models.
 Figure 8. Another instrument for cal test results. Care must be taken in constructing scale models so that
measuring a bulk solid’s shear
properties is the Schulze Ring Shear • permeability. The proper conclusions can be drawn from observations of the
Tester (9). ability of air (or other solids flow pattern. Building a vessel of transparent material
gas) to flow through a so one can observe particle movement at the walls provides
packed bed of solids varies strongly with the bulk density of only very limited information as to flow behavior within the
the material (Eq. 4). A permeability tester, such as the one in vessel. Furthermore, the observations may not be scaleable,
Figure 13, measures this parameter. since wall friction between the particles and the transparent
• abrasive wear. An abrasive wear tester (Figure 14) (11) wall material is unlikely to be the same as between the parti-
measures the absolute wear rate as a function of applied pres- cles and the actual material of vessel construction (e.g., steel,
sure. It uses a sample of the bulk solid and a coupon of the aluminum, concrete, plastic liner).
wall material upon which the bulk solid will be sliding. This Observing the solids flow pattern within a vessel must be
test is limited to wear due to sliding abrasion, not impact. done carefully if the results are to be meaningful. Splitting a
Combining these data with radial stress and velocity field vessel along its vertical centerline and replacing one half with
assumptions, one can accurately estimate the wear life of bins a transparent wall provides a means of observing the internal
and other similar storage and process equipment (12). flow pattern; however, this flow pattern will be strongly

70 60
and Phi (Φ), deg.

Shear Stress, τ, kPa

Delta (δ)

50 Delta (δ) 40
Phi (Φ)
Storage Time at Rest
0.0 200 400 600 800 1,000 0.0 h, 72°F 24.0 h, 72°F
Consolidating Pressure, σ1, kPa 0
0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Flow Functions Normal Stress, σ, kPa
Strength, f, kPa

Wall Friction Angle,

24.0 h, 72°F
Storage Time at Rest
Φ′, deg.

Flow 0.0 h, 72°F 24.0 h, 72°F

200 0.0 h, 72°F 20

0 0
0.0 200 400 600 800 1,000 0 40 80 120 160 200 240
Consolidating Pressure, σ1, kPa Normal Stress, σ, kPa

 Figure 9. Shear tests determine internal friction (top) and flow  Figure 10. Wall friction tests are used to calculate mass flow
function (cohesive strength) hopper angles.

36 April 2008 CEP

influenced by the pres- hopper walls is strongly
ence of the vertical, sta- affected by wall friction
tionary wall — the angle, this variation must
flow pattern will not be be taken into account if
the same as within a the scale model is to
full three-dimensional accurately represent full-
vessel without a verti- scale conditions.
cal wall. Similarly, Sometimes this requires
observing flow between the use of different wall
two parallel walls is not materials in the model
a proper simulation of than at full scale.
the stress and velocity One material property
fields that develop in, that cannot be scaled is
for example, an axi- the minimum outlet size
symmetric vessel such required to prevent arch-
as a cylinder or conical ing. This value, which is
 Figure 11. A compressibility tester
measures bulk density as a function of hopper. calculated from bench-
consolidating pressure (10). A better approach scale tests, is fixed for a
is to use split three- given bulk solid with a
dimensional models (13). The model is built in two halves particular particle size
that are bolted together before material is added for the test distribution, moisture
run. After the appropriate amount of material has been dis- content, temperature, time
charged, the model is plugged at its top and bottom sur- of storage at rest, etc.
faces, then rotated such that its axis of symmetry is horizon- Deaeration of fine
tal. Next, the top half is removed, and the material that powders, as well as the
remains carefully scraped off to reveal the displacement effects of body forces  Figure 13. Permeability,
profile along the centerline. Figure 3 shows an example of due to gas pressure measured by this instrument,
refers to the ability of a gas to flow
the results of such a test. gradients or applied through a packed bed of solids.
An important consideration when designing scale models vibration, are sometimes
is the variation of certain material properties with consolida- more pronounced in small vessels than in larger ones
tion pressure, in particular internal friction, wall friction and because the material’s bulk density is lower. As long as the
bulk density (14). For many bulk-solid/wall-material combi- effects of body forces are properly taken into account,
nations, the wall friction angle increases as the pressure of scale-up can proceed with confidence.
the solids against the wall decreases. Since flow along Scale-up of some types of blenders is also possible. If
the blending mechanism involves in-bin, gravity flow, the
scaling rules are the same as for any other bin configura-
30 tion (15). If the blender operates by tumbling, it is essen-
tial that geometric, dynamic and kinematic similarity be
maintained (16). Geometric similarity requires a constant
Bulk Density, ρb, kg/m3

ratio of linear dimensions between the test unit and full

scale. This includes not only the relative dimensions of
the container and axis of rotation, but also such factors
as the percentage of the container that is full and the
sequence of individual ingredient addition into the con-
tainer. Dynamic similarity requires constant dynamic
Note: log-log plot
forces (expressed as the Froude number) at corresponding
10 points of both units.
40 100 1,000 The means of obtaining kinematic similarity is less cer-
Consolidating Pressure, σ1, kPa tain. Some authors (17) state that a constant ratio of veloci-
ties at corresponding points is required. Empirical data are
 Figure 12. A solid’s bulk density varies with applied pressure. available for scaling rotating-drum, twin-shell (V-type), and

CEP April 2008 37

Cover Story

tive. The bottom line is that the only sure

way of knowing whether or not a change will
be effective in a large vessel is to implement
the change and observe the result.
• feed rate uniformity. While there is a
Mass Flow Hopper Force on coupon good basis for estimating critical discharge
and revolution count
rates from an orifice, the uniformity by
which material will flow — particularly over
Wall coupon
in wear head Slip short time intervals — can only really be
understood in a full-scale model.
• segregation problems. There are many
Reducer mechanisms of segregation (21), and bench-
scale tests can be used to investigate some of
them (22, 23). However, for many segrega-
Motor tion problems, the only way to assess the full
Feed screw forces magnitude of the problem, as well as the
bulk material Horizontal load applied
against wear coupon by pneumatic cylinder
effectiveness of modifications, is to run a
Clearance gap
full-scale test.
discharges material,
allowing continuous
• anisotropic materials. Such materials
fresh material
against wear coupon
(which exhibit different properties along dif-
ferent axes) are difficult to test in most shear
testers, particularly if the anisotrophy is due
to particle shape effects. Sometimes scale-
model tests provide insight into this behavior,
 Figure 14. An abrasive wear tester is used to estimate the life of hopper liners (11, 12). but often full-scale tests are required.

double-cone mixers. An alternative means of achieving Putting the principles into practice
kinematic similarity is to maintain a constant number of Blending plastic pellets. A new plant was being designed
revolutions of the blender; this has been found to be appro- to produce a wide range of acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
priate for tumble blenders, mostly for materials with low (ABS) pellets compounded to customer specifications.
cohesive strength (18). Production runs would be relatively short and formula
changes frequent. Based on experience at smaller plants,
When full-scale tests are required engineers selected a V-type rotating blender. Batch ingredi-
For some applications, neither a well-developed theory ents would be fed into a weigh hopper and discharged into
nor scaling rules have been developed that would allow con- the blender. The blended batch would then be discharged
fident design at full scale. Examples of such situations into a surge bin feeding the extruder. While this process
include: had worked successfully at other compounding plants, this
• transmission of vibrations. The ability of an external facility would blend ingredients with a wider size range.
or internal vibrator to activate material within a storage The most extreme case involved blending two materials that
vessel is not well-understood. As a result, sizing and place- consisted of cylindrical pellets with a nominal size of about
ment of vibrators is done essentially by trial-and-error, and 3 mm and nearly spherical particles (beads) with a size
if possible, is based to some extent on past experience of range from about 1 mm down to 150 µm.
what works and what does not. Engineers evaluated V-type rotating blenders by analyz-
Sometimes vessels vibrate on their own due to move- ing samples from a scale-model blender (18). They found
ment of the material within. The resulting vibrations can that significant segregation could occur, and maintaining a
either be high-frequency, low-amplitude (a humming blend in the discharged material would be difficult. In a typ-
sound), or low-frequency, high-amplitude (known as “silo ical blending test (Figure15), only about 9% of the batch
quaking”). Vibrations can occur by various mechanisms fell within the acceptable range of 15% ±2% beads blended
(19, 20). Scale models may be effective in identifying with pellets. Numerous modifications were made to the
changes that will affect the severity of the vibrations, or model blender to try to improve discharge uniformity, with
may give a false impression of changes that will be effec- only moderate success.

38 April 2008 CEP

The cause of the problem was a combination of inade- that could result in high levels of volatiles. The require-
quate blending and segregation that occurred during dis- ments of low volatiles, no cross-contamination and deacti-
charge. When the blended material flowed out of the V- vated catalyst residues are important for high-quality poly-
blender, it flowed in a funnel flow pattern, with a fast-mov- mer products.
ing central flow channel and no flow along the blender Over the last 20 years, many poorly designed purge
walls. The resulting shear and central depression allowed columns have been retrofitted to provide mass flow and uni-
sifting segregation and rearrangement of the smaller parti- form purge gas introduction, and many new plants around the
cles in the blend, resulting in non-uniform discharge. world use this technology. Scale-up uses proven theoretical
Using a closed insert in the scale-model V-blender sig- models, along with bench-scale test data, to predict solids
nificantly improved the blending, but still only about 72% stresses as well as gas and solids velocities.
of the batch was within the desired blend specification. Air-assisted discharger. Reliable, controlled discharge of
An alternative geometry consisting of a conical blend fine powders from large bins and silos is critical in many
vessel with an insert was designed based on the flow prop- industrial plants, but funnel flow designs often result in
erties of the materials. The vessel geometry was selected to ratholing and flooding (uncontrolled flow) problems.
ensure uniform mass flow during discharge to minimize Sometimes the powder has to be equally split to several feed
segregation. Tests of this configuration in a scale model points downstream, and this can prove to be problematic.
showed much better performance than in the V-type blender One approach to correct or avoid such problems is to use
of similar scale, with more than 90% of the discharge being a mass flow bin with a screw or belt feeder to control dis-
within the acceptable range (Figure 15). charge. While such systems often work well, sometimes
Three full-scale, 6,000-lb conical blenders (Figure 16) unreasonably large feeders are required to achieve the desired
were designed and built. Before they were shipped to the discharge rate. Gravimetric metering of powders with such an
plant, blend tests were run on one of the blenders. Results approach is also problematic, particularly if the time interval
were consistent with those from the scale model, providing over which the feed must remain constant is very short (e.g.,
proof that the scale-up had been done properly. a few seconds). Splitting the discharge stream can also pres-
Although theoretical models do not exist for this type of ent challenges with a standard mass flow approach.
application, the scaling parameters are understood, enabling An alternative approach is to partially fluidize the mate-
a successful scale-up. rial in the vessel via an air-assisted discharger. Small
Purge column. Purge columns are used in chemical plants
producing polypropylene and polyethylene to reduce resid-
ual volatiles, deactivate trace catalyst residues using a small
quantity of steam or inert gas, and provide surge capacity
between the reaction and pelletization sections of the plant.
Mass flow is an important design parameter for the
purge column because product transitions are done as
needed, not necessarily on a fixed schedule. Operating in
mass flow minimizes the amount of cross-contamination
between product grades and short-circuiting of product

Beads in Total Sample, %

25 V-Blender

20 Target Range
10 Conical Blender
with Insert
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Material Discharged, lb

 Figure 15. A conical mass-flow blending vessel with an insert  Figure 16. A conical mass-flow blend vessel with an insert is
provides a more uniform product than a V-blender. successfully scaled up to a 6,000-lb blender.

CEP April 2008 39

Cover Story

Literature Cited amounts of air are injected into the material via a porous
membrane. The air fluidizes a small boundary layer of
1. Merrow, E., “Problems and Progress in Particle Processing,”
Chemical Innovation, 30 (1), pp. 35–41 (Jan. 2000).
material, thus reducing the boundary friction and enabling
2. Jenike, A. W., “Gravity Flow of Bulk Solids,” Bulletin No. the material to be discharged at higher rates than would
108, Univ. of Utah Engineering Experiment Station, Salt be possible without air injection. The discharger is com-
Lake City, UT (Oct. 1961).
3. Jenike, A. W., “Storage and Flow of Solids,” Bulletin No. prised of several different gas plenums, each designed to
123, Univ. of Utah Engineering Experiment Station, Salt allow, nominally, different amounts of gas to be injected
Lake City, UT (Nov. 1964). into the material. Control of the air-assisted discharger
4. Johanson, J. R., “Stress and Velocity Fields in the Gravity
Flow of Bulk Solids,” J. Appl. Mech. Series E, 31, pp. is critical from the standpoint of obtaining mass flow in
499–506 (1964). the silo above.
5. Sokolovski, V. V., “Statics of Soil Media,” Butterworths
Scientific Publications, London (1960).
Bench-scale fluidization tests are carried out to deter-
6. Ergun, S., “Fluid Flow through Packed Columns,” Chem. mine fluidization characteristics of the powder. Scale-model
Eng. Progress, 48 (2), pp. 89–94 (Feb. 1952). air-assisted discharger tests are also run. If both sets of tests
7. Leva, M., “Fluidization,” McGraw-Hill New York, NY (1959).
8. ASTM International, “Standard Test Method for Shear show that the powder is a good candidate for this type of
Testing of Bulk Solids Using The Jenike Shear Cell,” ASTM feed system, scale-up can proceed.
D6182-06, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA (2006). This is an example of scale-up using a combination of
9. ASTM International, “Standard Shear Testing Method for
Bulk Solids Using Schulze Ring Shear Tester,” ASTM theoretical models with inputs from bench-scale tests, in
D6773-02, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA (2002). conjunction with proper scaling approaches. CEP
10. ASTM International, “Standard Test Method for Measuring
Bulk Density Values of Powders and Other Bulk Solids,”
ASTM D6683-01, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA (2001).
11. Johanson, J. R., and T. A. Royal, “Abrasive Wear Tester,” JOHN W. CARSON, PhD, is president of Jenike & Johanson, Inc. (400 Business
U.S. Patent No. 4,446,717 (May 8, 1984). Park Dr., Tyngsboro, MA 01879; Phone: (978) 649-3300; E-mail:
12. Johanson, J. R., and T. A. Royal, “Measuring and Use of, an engineering consulting firm specializing in the
Wear Properties for Predicting Life of Bulk Materials Handling storage, flow and processing of powder and bulk solids. He is the author of
Equipment,” Bulk Solids Handling, 2, pp. 517–523 (1982). more than 100 articles on various topics dealing with solids flow, including
13. Johanson, J. R., “The Use of Flow-Corrective Inserts in bin and feeder design, flow of fine powders, design of purge vessels, and
Bins,” J. Eng. Industry, Series B, 88, pp. 224–230 (1966). structural failures of silos, and he lectures extensively on such topics. He
14. Carson, J. W., “Addressing Critical Solids Handling Aspects received a BS in mechanical engineering from Northeastern Univ. in Boston
at the Pilot Scale,” presented at the AIChE Spring Meeting, and a PhD in mechanical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of
New Orleans, LA (Mar. 1988). Technology. Carson is a member of AIChE and founding member of AIChE’s
15. Carson, J. W., and T. A. Royal, “In-Bin Blending Improves Powder Technology Forum, and he belongs to ASME, ASCE, and ASTM
Process Control,” Powder Handling & Processing, 4 (3), pp. International, where he is chair of committee D18.24, “Characterization and
301–307 (Sept. 1992). Handling of Powders and Bulk Solids.” He recently received the U.K.
16. Carson, J. W., et al., “Tumble Blending with Mass Flow Institution of Mechanical Engineers’ Solids Handling Award, and is a
Containers Improves Productivity and Quality,” Powder permanently invited guest to the European Federation of Chemical
Handling & Processing, 6 (4), pp. 413–416 (Oct/Dec 1994). Engineering’s Working Party Mechanics of Particulate Solids, one of few
17. Wang, R. H. and L. T. Fan, “Methods for Scaling up non-Europeans to be so honored.
Tumble Mixers,” “Solids Handling,” published by Chem. THOMAS G. TROXEL is vice president of Jenike & Johanson, Inc. (3485
Eng., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, pp. 245–251 (1981). Empresa Dr., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401; Phone: (805) 541-0901; E-mail:
18. Troxel, T. G., “Modeling and Scale-Up of Tumble Blenders, where he has been intimately involved in many
for Highly Segregating Materials,” presented at the 5th World aspects of the firm’s consulting and research activities on a wide range of
Congress on Particle Technology, Orlando, FL (Apr. 2006). projects, including flow properties testing, modeling, blending, pneumatic
19. Purutyan, H., et al., “Identifying and Controlling Silo conveying and fluidization. He has been a major force behind the firm’s
Vibration Mechanisms: Part I,” Powder and Bulk expansion of services in the areas of mechanical design engineering and
Engineering, 8 (11), pp. 58–65 (Nov. 1994). supply of custom-built equipment, such as mass-flow screw feeders,
20. Purutyan, H., et al., “Identifying and Controlling Silo portable anti-segregation bins for pharmaceuticals, tumble blenders and
Vibration Mechanisms: Part II,” Powder and Bulk storage bins for a wide variety of applications. Troxel has published
Engineering, 8 (12), pp. 19–28 (Dec. 1994).
numerous articles and papers in the field of bulk solids handling, and
21. Carson, J. W., et al., “Understanding and Eliminating
lectures frequently on the subject. He is a graduate of California
Particle Segregation Problems,” Bulk Solids Handling, 6, pp.
Polytechnic State Univ. (Cal Poly) in San Luis Obispo, CA, with a BS in
139–144 (Feb. 1986).
engineering science.
22. ASTM International, “Standard Practice for Measuring
K. ERIC BENGTSON is a senior project engineer and laboratory manager at
Sifting Segregation Tendencies of Bulk Solids,” ASTM
D6940-04, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA (2004). Jenike & Johanson. Inc. (3485 Empresa Dr., San Luis Obispo, CA 93401;
23. ASTM International, “Standard Practice for Measuring Phone: (805) 541-0901; E-mail:, where he has
Fluidization Segregation Tendencies of Powders,” ASTM been involved in a wide range of consulting and research projects, such as
D6941-05, ASTM, West Conshohocken, PA (2005). flow properties testing, physical scale modeling, feeder design, gas-
assisted discharge, blending, pneumatic conveying and fluidization. He has
published several technical papers in the field of bulk solids handling, and
has been awarded two U.S. patents in this field. He holds a BS in
Acknowledgment mechanical engineering from California Polytechnic State Univ. (Cal Poly) in
This article is based on a presentation given at the AIChE Annual Meeting, Salt San Luis Obispo.
Lake City, November 2007.

40 April 2008 CEP

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