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G.R. No.

88189 July 9, 1996

PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee,

TIBURCIO ABALOS, accused-appellant.


T. Abalos clubbed with a piece of wood in the back of the right side of the skull of Pfc. Lambine causing
his death after. T. Abalos had a heated argument with his father P/maj. C. Abalos when a woman
shouted and asking for help during the argument and that is the time the victim (Pfc. Lambine) came in
to the situation. T. Abalos went to the Ford Fiera and that is where the 2x3 inches 3 feet long wood
came from. P/maj C. Abalos leveled his carbine into Labine. T. Abalos swiftly swung the piece of the
wood striking the back-right side of the skull of Pfc. Lambine causing a severe skull fracture sustaining
the blow and collapsed unconsciously and later expired from the blow. The trial court found the accused
guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the complex crime


Whether or not the trial court erred in finding the appellant guilty beyond reasonable doubt of the
complex crime of direct assault with murder


No. The case has an aggravating circumstance which are nighttime, and he hit the victim with no
defense. It has an insufficient treacherous intent.

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