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Programme:- BBA

Semester:- 2
Roll Number:- 2114501175
Course Name and Code :- Business Communication
University Mail ID:-
Set 1

Q. 1 Discuss the importance of effective business communication at workplace. What is the role
of the formal and informal channels of communication in building up a good communication
Answer →Communication skills in business are very important than the technical skills. Effective
business communication at workplace lead to good business environment. Effective business
communication at workplace is important because of the following reasons:
1. Greater awareness of organization goals and teamwork:- When there is an effective
communication between the superiors, subordinates and co-workers in a business, it
clarifies the Organizational goals. And also when there is an effective communication
people in the organization come together and work as a team.
2. It leads to better employer-employee relation:- Effective communication at workplace
encourage employees to give their opinions, thoughts, ideas in business which lead to good
relation between employer and employee.
3. It resolves problems:- Many times there is misunderstanding among the people in
organization which lead to clashes. So, at that time too effective communication is
important to resolve those problems.
4. It improves productivity:- Being able to communicate tactfully and effectively at work can
help increase overall productivity.
5. Stronger link between managers and the external environment:- Apart from the effective
communication within the organization, it is also important to have a good communication
with external audiences such as customers, bankers, government, media, etc. So the
manager should be able to understand the requirements of customers and other external
audiences and to maintain a good communication between them.
So those are the importance of effective business communication at workplace.
Communication network refers to how communication flows within the organization. There
are two important channels of communication, viz. Formal Communication and Informal
Communication. This communication channels are very important for maintaining an effective
communication network within the organization.
Formal Communication channel refers to a channel which transmits information such as the
goals, policies and procedures of an organization through a proper chain of hierarchial position,
which means information flows from managers to its subordinates. This channel is used in
almost every organization. In the formal communication channel the chief executive reports to
the marketing manager, Finance manager or HR manager, they then reports to the supervisors
and those supervisors then reports to the employees. In some situations, this chain
communicate in reverse order that means the employees reports to the supervisor, he than
reports to the respective manager and then they report to the Chief executive. There are three
types of formal communication channels, viz. Upward Channel of communication, downward
channel of communication and horizontal channel of communication.
In Upward Channel of communication the information flows from subordinates to superiors.
The reasons for upward communication are –
➢ for discussing the work related problems
➢ giving suggestions for improvement, etc.
In downward channel of communication, the information flows from superiors to
subordinates. The reasons for downward communication are –
➢ for giving job instructions
➢ explaining company rules and policies
➢ giving feedback, etc.
In Horizontal channel of communication, the information flows between co-workers in the
same department, or in different departments. It is also called as ‘Lateral Communication’.
The reasons for horizontal communication are –
➢ for coordination of tasks
➢ sharing of information, etc.
Informal communication channel refers to a channel in which information does not flows in a
particular direction. This channel is also called as ‘Grapevine’. In informal channel of
communication the information not passes through mail or letters, it passes outside the work
environment where co-workers or employees meet socially. This channel of communication is
mostly based on friendships where the subordinates casually talks about their career, personal
life, etc. This channel of communication creates false rumours but sometimes it is also useful
in many ways.
The advantages of the Informal communication channels are as follows –
➢ Information spreads rapidly so the management can use it to quickly communicate the
information informally.
➢ It is inexpensive.
➢ It gives the subordinates a channel to express their opinions and thoughts without any
So both Formal and Informal channel of communication can build a good communication
network within an organization.
Q. 2 Premature evaluations and hurried conclusions distort listening. Discuss in detail and write
the solution for the same.
Answer→ To correctly interpret an oral message, listen patiently until the speaker finishes his or
her argument. The listener can distort the intended meaning by prejudging the speaker's intentions,
inferring the final meaning of the message, or giving the message a different twist. Half listening
can create misunderstandings between the speaker and listener. Half listening is like “racing the
engine with the gears in neutral, you use gasoline but you get nowhere”. Premature evaluation and
hurried conclusions are very dangerous and can distort listening. When a person talks with you,
first let them complete, listen everything what the person is talking about carefully, then analyze
those things in your mind and take your time and then answer it. Don’t give any answer in hurry,
it can create problems. Also there are some other barriers to listening viz. Physiological barriers,
Physical barriers, Attitudinal barriers, Wrong assumptions, Cultural barriers, Gender barriers,
Lack of training, bad listening habits. And Premature evaluation and hurried conclusions are also
the barrier for listening.
Now there are many ways to overcome those barriers of listening through conscious efforts,
training and practice. Some of the solutions for that are as follows:
1) Create a conducive environment:- For proper listening it is necessary to have a
conducive environment where there is no high level of activity, background noise,
shutting of mobile phones and telephones.
2) Select face to face channels:- Listening is less accurate in the absence of face to face
channel. There is a different impact of face to face conversation rather than mobile or
telephone communication. Listening is more clear and concise in face to face channel.
So select face to face channels for it.
3) Be open-minded and avoid distractions:- It is necessary that you have a right mindset
while listening. There should be proper concentration and no distraction while
listening. It is important to listen actively.
4) Use non verbal cues to indicate active listening:- It is important to communicate with
the speaker while he/she is speaking. It can also be done without verbal communication.
For ex- maintaining an eye contact with the speaker, nodding the head, etc.
5) Use verbal communication to indicate active listening:- Not only non verbal
communication but it is important to use verbal communication with the speaker. For
ex- seek clarifications, give feedbacks and suggestions, paraphrase what the speaker
said in your own words, etc.
6) Listen before responding:- While any communication, first let the speaker completes
what he want to say and then you start to respond it. Don’t interrupt the speaker and
listen wisely what he is saying.
7) Use the speaker-listener gap constructively:- The listener have the ability to absorb
information faster than the speaker’s rate of speech. So there is spare time available to
listener which can wander the mind of listener which can create a physiological barrier.
The way to overcome this barrier is try to use this spare time to note down what the
speaker has said, review what has been said till now and think what the speaker may
say next.
8) Do not be judgemental:- Judgemental listening can destroy empathy. You can listen
non judgementally by the following measures –
• Identify common interests
• Avoid minimizing the problem
• Avoid leading questions
So the above are the solutions for premature evaluations and hurried conclusions which distorts
Q. 3 How does general writing differ from business writing, in terms of language, style and tone?
Answer→ Business writing differs from general writing in many ways. Business writing is more
formal rather than the general writing. In business writing, you generally not use contractions, or
slang, although depending on the field. Also there are very few jargons are used. Further, in
business writing you are almost always trying to either impart or solicit specific information.
General writing is totally different than this business writing, there are many jargons are used and
it is not impart or solicit on specific information.
The difference between business writing and general writing, in terms of language, style and tone
is as follows:
Sr. Business writing General Writing
1. Business writing is usually focusses on General writing focusses on general
factual and straight forward content. subjects of writing.
2. The aim of business writing is to impart The aim of general writing is only
information, instructions and explanations. amusement.
3. The business writing is mostly based on General writing is mostly based on
“objective tone”. “Subjective Tone” or “Personal Style”.
4. The business writing follows a standard On the other hand, the general writing
“Structured Format” for writing. follows an “Artistic Unstructured Format”.
5. It is usually based on the formal way of It can may be based on formal or informal
writing. way of writing.
6. The voice which is generally used in The voice which is generally used in
Business writing is “third person”. General writing is “first person”.
7. In business writing, the specialized In general writing, the evocative
vocabulary is required. vocabulary is required.
8. Business writings has its specific set of General writings has not any specific set of
audience or readers, which is mostly audience or readers. Anyone can read those
business persons, managers, etc. writings.
9. Business writing is mainly archival. General writing is non-archival.
10 This writing is accurate and more precise This writing is decorative and bombastic in
in manner. manner.
11. Business writings is related to any specific On the other side, General writings is
area or domain. related to any life in general.
12. It focusses on more technical words It focusses on more common words
specific to the area. suitable to the general topic.
13. For example writing any type of business For example writing any prose or story
letters or emails are the type of business which will be published in a local
writings. magazine comes under general writing.

So the above are some of the main differences between the business writings and general writings
in terms of language, style and tone.

Q. 4 Illustrate the five steps of SQ3R techniques of reading.

Answer→ The SQ3R technique of reading was developed by Robinson in his book “Effective
Study” (1970). SQ3R refers to the initial letters of the five steps which are Survey, Question, Read,
Recall and Review.
Let us understand the five steps of SQ3R in details :
1) Survey:- The first and foremost step of SQ3R technique of reading is “Survey”. It is
beneficial for reading comprehension as it prepares the brain’s processing system for
what is coming. If your brain already knows that what is coming, it can store the
information even more properly. To survey any material, you should start by glancing
over all the headings and sub headings. Also you should give attention to some
important concepts like tables, figures, charts or diagrams. This will help to create a
mental outline of all the available information. Then, after glancing over all the
materials, you should do skimming from the first sentence of each paragraph. After that
read the introductory paragraphs and summary paragraphs before reading the
questions. By following all those steps of surveying properly, we can assure that our
brain knows what type of information to expect from the material, where the
information is located and which part of the information should be focused more. Now
let’s move to the second step.
2) Question:- The next step in the SQ3R technique is “Question”. After surveying the
information, some questions will surely raise in the mind related to the information.
Also after reading the individual chapters, some questions will appear in your mind
which are also called as self generated questions. This should be done so that you have
a definite purpose for the reading stage and you will come to know about which type
of information you are going to pay the most attention.
3) Reading:- The third step in the SQ3R technique is “Reading”. It is one of the most
important step in this whole method. After all the preparations done in the last two
steps, in this step you start to read the text and try to answer the questions given by the
author and the self generated questions which are created in the second step. As a
reader, you should choose the information very carefully which needs to answer all the
questions and this process requires strong concentration. The SQ3R technique forces
the reader to read actively rather than passively and while it’s more engaging, it’s also
considerably more demanding.
4) Recall:- After Survey, Question and Reading, the next step in the SQ3R technique is
“Recall”. This step requires a lot of time because it involves putting all the information
you have processed into your own words. Recall process should be done properly
because when you read the information again, it increases your background knowledge.
So recalling helps in connecting both the previous and the future learning of the subject.
5) Review:- The fifth and the final step of this SQ3R technique is “Review”. This involves
checking all the same headings which you identified in step one, reviewing the
questions asked in the second step and checking that the reading and recall process is
done properly. This helps to lock in all the information that have processed until this
point. By conducting the review process, you will interfere with the forgetting
mecahanism and this wil help in getting the best possible retention.
So those are the steps of SQ3R techniques of reading, which should be known to everyone.
Q. 5 Explain the principles of writing a business letter. Write a note on types of business letters.
Answer→ Writing an effective business letter is an important skill no matter what type of job you
hold. Business letters are mainly used to communicate with the external stakeholders such as
government, consumer, bankers, etc.
The principles of writing a business letter are as follows:
1) Consideration and Courtesy:- The main thing of any business letter is that it should be
polite at any cases. The words such as “please, thank you and sorry” should be used for a
polite communication. Even if it’s not the company’s fault, the company should still give
a reply in a positive and polite manner rather than being rude. Consideration means you
should consider the reader’s interest, while taking any decision. It’s similar like
advertisements, which talks about the benefits of the product to the customer.
2) Directness and conciseness:- A business letter should be more concise and direct. It should
be on point and avoid all the unnecessary topics. Business letters should give more
information in few words.
3) Clarity and Precision:- The business letters should be clear and precise. The words used in
the business letter should be clear and avoid uses of jargons, slang words and technical
4) Appearance:- Apart from the content of the letter, the appearance of letter should also be
availing to the reader like its format, layout, fonts, etc. Paper quality should be good and
proper margin should be left at each side.
Business letters are of three types, which should be use according to the situations. The types
of business letters are as follows:
1) Routine Letters:- Routine business letters refers to letters which have a particular
routine. They have mainly day-to-day operations. The most common types of routine
letters are as follows-
• Routine requests and replies-: Routine requests and replies means when a
customer asks about company’s product or catalogue, then it is a routine request
and when the company replies to it then it’s a routine reply.
• Routine claim and adjustment letters-: A routine claim letters means when a
customer buys a product and have a complain with it then he writes the routine
claim letter. Mostly replacement or repair related issues are there. And when
the company replies to those letters then they are called as adjustment letters.
• Goodwill letters-: This letters are not related to the company or business but
still sent to build goodwill in their minds. For ex- appreciating them,
congragulating them, etc.
• Other routine letters-: This letters are mainly those which are related to external
audiences such as suppliers. For example- asking the supplier for quotation of
particular products. After he gives the quotation if the company accepts it then
the letter of order should also be written which includes the order of particular
2) Bad news letters:- This letters contains the bad news. This letters sent to customer when
their claims can’t be adjust. Job rejection letter is also a type of bad news letter. While
conveying bad news too the letter should be written in a positive manner.
3) Persuasive letters:- Persuasive letters means sales letter which sent to customers. This
is a type of advertisement letter and it uses the format of “AIDA” (Attention, Interest,
Desire and Action). First of all the company acquires the attention of customer, then it
creates interests in their mind about the product, then inducing the desire by convincing
that their product is better than others and atlast motivating them to buy the product.
So those all are the types of business letters.
Q. 6 Highlight the specific objectives of corporate advertising. Explain the different types of
Answers→ A form of institutional advertising focusing not on particular product or product range
but on the organization itself is called Corporate advertising.
Some specific objectives of corporate advertising are as follows:
1. To create positive attitude towards the organization:- In some cases, the consumers have a
negative perception towards the company. They think that the company is not a corporate
citizen. For ex- consumers thinks that the company is responsible for forest cutting,
pollution, etc. So in this situation, corporate advertising helps to create a positive attitude.
2. To project the personality, culture and values of an organization:- Many industrial groups
of India are using this corporate advertising to communicate about their personality, culture
and values. For ex- Tata Group, Reliance Group, Adani Group, etc.
3. To safeguard corporate reputation:- This corporate advertising should be done when
company is in crisis. For ex- when maggi was banned in India because of high levels of
lead and MSG. It made a comeback by corporate advertising that it is safe.
4. To project the organization as socially responsible:- This means advertising for a social
cause. The main objective of this is to communicate the company’s CSR. For ex- Adidas
has launched a “save the ocean” programme, in which they remove the waste and plastic
from the ocean.
5. To make an organization better understood:- Sometimes organizations use this form of
corporate advertising to show their presence to its audience, its customers. For ex- The
Hindustan unilever group advertises its various sectors such as soaps, shampoos,
detergents, food and beverages, toothpastes, etc.
The types of corporate advertising are as follows:
1) Corporate Identity advertising:- Advertising of a company through its name, logo, slogan,
etc., not of its brand is called as Corporate Identity advertising. For ex- US Polo, Puma,
2) Institutional advertising:- Advertising aims to improve reputation, create a positive image,
or encourage support of an organization is called as Institutional advertising.
3) Public Relations (PR) advertising:- This advertising aims to change the negative attitudes
of the public towards the company and its products. For ex – maggii was banned in india
for excessive chemical usage.
4) Issue or ‘advocacy’ advertising:- This advertising shows company’s viewpoint on
controversial issues such as plastic ban, pollution, etc. For ex- Adidas is now running
campaign of removing plastic from the oceans and making it clean.
5) Public Service advertising:- It means advertising to promote social awareness among
public such as COVID-19, no smoking, drink and drive, etc.
6) Corporate umbrella advertising:- This advertising aims to promote a new or weak product
with other established products of the company. For ex- Hindustan Unilever, ITC, etc.
7) Corporate Sponsorship:- This advertising is one of the most effective type of advertising
in which the brands sponsor an event, sports, etc. and they displays their logo or name on
the jersey, or in the event. For ex- ‘Star’ sponsored Indian team, TATA sponsored the
Indian Premiere League, etc.

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