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Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you participated in and supply the
following information:

A. Type of Religious activity

o Sunday Mass
B. Date and Time
o February 20, 2022 at 4:00 pm
C. Means Of Participation
o Virtual
D. Where or which platform
o Saint Louis University Facebook Live stream (St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish)

When I attended the mass last Sunday, I realized something about the relationship between
forgiving and freedom. While it is true that forgiving someone is not easy because they have
inflicted pain on us and disturbed our peace, it is also true that forgiving is the best favor you
can do for yourself. You forgive not for them but because you want to free yourself from
hatred. You forgive because you do not want any major roadblock to your success. You
forgive because you deserve the peace of mind. So really, forgiving is the best gift you can
give to yourself. However, I know that those things are sometimes not good enough for us to
forgive someone, especially when they really did something wrong that changed our life. But,
after I heard the homily of Fr. Maniwang yesterday about being a true Christian, it motivated
me to try harder and be more understanding. Fr. Maniwang mentioned that to be a true
Christian means loving and forgiving someone despite the things they have done to you. A
disciple of Christ has a heart that forgives and loves. Thus, even if it is hard and almost
impossible to forgive those who have sinned me, I will try my very best to understand and
forgive them. After all, I am also a sinner who received love and forgiveness from the Lord,
Jesus Christ.

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