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Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you participated in and supply the
following information:

A. Type of Religious activity

o Sunday Mass
B. Date and Time
o February 27, 2022 at 4:00 pm
C. Means Of Participation
o Virtual
D. Where or which platform
o Saint Louis University Facebook Live stream (St. Aloysius Gonzaga Parish)

2. REFLECTION QUESTION: Reflect on your experience of the religious activity you

participated in. Draw or paste from internet a shape that best shows this experience. Attach
the image and provide a brief worded-reflection.

Watching today’s mass made me realize how fortunate I am to have five functional senses. I am
lucky enough to see how beautiful the world is. I am blessed enough to have ears that can hear
the sound of the wind, the voices of my loved ones, and the words of God through Fr.
Maniwang. However, as I realized those things, it also came into my mind that sometimes I get
to use those senses in the wrong way. I sometimes judge people with my eyes and mouth. I get to
say things without thinking first. I only see the bad things in people without actually realizing
that I have shortcomings, too. This is why when I heard Fr. Maniwang’s sermon last Sunday,
wherein he said in his homily that sometimes we are eager to find perfection that we end up
finding nothing, a realization hit me that no one is really perfect. I am not perfect, so who am I to
judge people with their decisions? I am not perfect, so I do not always know everything. I am not
perfect, and I do not have the right to judge something based on what I see because sometimes
what we see is just the surface, and there is a lot more to see when we actually make an effort to
understand someone. With this, I can say that the shape that best describes my experience this
Sunday is a circle. As we all know, the shape of a coin is a circle. And we all have that notion
that there are always two sides to a coin. I have realized that we should not recklessly judge
someone without knowing both sides. I have learned this week that we can only say that our
judgments are objective and our criticisms are constructive if only if we have considered both
sides. Thus, a coin with a shape of a circle is the best shape that describes my week.

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