CHO Digestion

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An assignment on carbohydrate digestion mechanism in poultry

Carbohydrate digestion is an essential process that occurs in poultry to convert complex carbohydrates
into simple sugars that can be absorbed and utilized by the body. The digestive system of poultry
consists of various organs that play an important role in carbohydrate digestion. Here is an overview of
the carbohydrate digestion mechanism in poultry:

Mouth: The process of carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth, where the poultry uses its beak and
tongue to peck and tear the food. The saliva secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth contains an
enzyme called amylase, which breaks down complex carbohydrates into smaller sugars.

Crop: After the food is swallowed, it enters the crop, which is an expanded part of the esophagus. The
crop acts as a storage compartment where the food is temporarily held before being passed on to the
next stage of digestion.

Proventriculus: The food then passes through the proventriculus, which is the glandular stomach of
poultry. The proventriculus secretes hydrochloric acid and enzymes such as pepsin, which help break
down proteins.

Gizzard: The food then enters the gizzard, which is a muscular organ that grinds and crushes the food
using small stones and grit that the poultry has swallowed. The grinding action of the gizzard helps break
down the food into smaller particles, which makes it easier for further digestion.

Small intestine: The food then enters the small intestine, where most of the carbohydrate digestion
occurs. The pancreas secretes enzymes such as amylase, which helps break down complex
carbohydrates into simple sugars such as glucose. The small intestine also absorbs the simple sugars and
other nutrients from the food into the bloodstream.

Large intestine: The remaining undigested carbohydrates and fibers pass through the small intestine and
enter the large intestine, where they are fermented by the gut bacteria. The fermentation process
produces short-chain fatty acids, which can be absorbed by the body and used for energy.

In conclusion, the process of carbohydrate digestion in poultry is a complex mechanism that involves
several organs and enzymes. Proper carbohydrate digestion is essential for the growth and development
of poultry, and any disruption in this process can lead to digestive disorders and malnutrition.

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