Topic 5

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V: One day we face with the question "Who I want to be?".

New professions are

constantly appearing. The person is responsible for their choice. Profession is a very
important part of a person's life, and the more successfully you make a choice, the
more you will achieve in a professional way, the more you will feel successful and
K: Another important facet of choosing a profession: to like it. After all, the work you
do with pleasure, you always do easily, without feeling tired, and do not notice the
time spent on it. Of course, it would be better to find "your" profession in life, the one
that is close to your heart and do not suffer all your life. But often we do not choose
what we want.
V: Young people are often influenced by their peers while choosing their future
career or fulfilling their parents’ desires. Sometimes we as students tend to make
decisions based on what our parents have foreseen for us. So then at the end of the
day, career is not in the path that we had wished for.
K: A very common but the most prevalent issue amongst the young ones nowadays
are that they are always confused.There are many other reasons why it becomes
difficult for students to choose and they are lack of self knowledge, lack of maturity
and growth intellectually . but what should young people rely on when choosing a
career to make the right choice?
V: It might sound like a cliché; however, passion plays an important role to being
happy in your career.When being passionate about what you do, your chances of
making a good living are much higher. Why? Because you will be able to learn things
much faster, therefore climbing the corporate ladder faster.
K: While passion is one of the most important factors when choosing a career, skills
come second, as skills can be taught.Someone, who is passionate about something but
doesn’t have the skills, can become so much better than someone who does have the
skills, however, lacks passion. V: It is also necessary to pay attention to the relevance
and popularity of the profession today and in the coming years.
K: You should make a choice on your own, do not follow relatives` and friends`
dreams , and do not enter the university "for the company." Сhoosing our career
begins with choosing a university and specialization. ? What were the most important
factors in your choice of university?
V: Firstly, I paid attention to things that were interesting to me throughout my life.
Researched which universities have such a specialty. An important aspect for me was
the guarantee of quality education and practical addition, I wanted to choose
a university in Kiev because this city is full of opportunities
K: in any case, it is never too late for self-improvement, learning and achieving goals.
you just always need to know what you want.

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