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Should Caste Be Included in N o t that there are no contradictions

among them. W h i l e they wholeheartedly

the Census? oppose any reservation or concession in

jobs and admissions to schools and colleges
on the basis of caste, at least a section
Ambrose Pinto among them is not averse to certain
privileges and benefits conferred on the
In a caste society recognition of caste alone can transform caste and poor on the basis of poverty. Of course
leading to the emergence of a casteless society. Denial of caste can they do not then highlight the argument
only further brutalise our caste-ridden society and enhance the of mediocrity vs meritocracy since such
influence of the already privileged. Caste should be an essential reservations are likely to benefit at least
a major section among them.
element of the forthcoming census.
Exclusion of caste is an elite argument.
Those w e l l o f f do not desire to share
IS casteism the bane of Indian society? to a grinding halt. The consequence w i l l privileges with the ill-off. The present
The general impression is that there is too be demoralisation and discontent among status quo should be continued according
much of casteism in India. Whether it is rank and file employees and the caste to them without any change in the social
a question of politics, education, urban or system w i l l be revitalised. The nation w i l l stratification. It is not at all intriguing that
rural development allocation of resources be divided into two - forwards and back- at least a major section in the anti-caste
for various sectors, caste comes to play wards. New vistas forinternecine conflict group are w i l l i n g to share their privileges
a major role. That is why several social and fissiparous forces w i l l open up w i t h the less-off on the economic basis.
scientists and politicians have suggested making backwardness a vested interest. The state normally favours those castes
that the only way of getting rid of caste Legally, they argue the equal protection and classes who manage the affairs of the
in Indian society is by rejecting caste clause prohibits the state from discrimi- state. At present since the dominant groups
outright. Many others hold that instead of nating unreasonably in providing prefer- are in possession of the state, w i t h the
making caste the criterion, we should adapt ences and facilities for any section of its economic criterion, they are sure to further
the class or economic factor. Therefore people. They quote the Mysore government the cause of their o w n communities. Those
caste should not be included in the census orders passed on July 26,1963 identifying who have power normally favour their
o f 2001 A D . backward classes without reference to caste o w n kith and kin.
In fact the Constitution speaks of in Balajis's case which barred caste as a Those who favour the inclusion of caste
backward classes and not backward test altogether. The order had observed have their o w n reasons and arguments.
castes. The word caste is not used in the that any person whose parents' income India is a country of inequalities. Caste
Constitution as indicative of any section from all sources does not exceed Rs 1,200 is the basis on which our whole society
of people or community except in relation and whose father or guardian is engaged is founded. At one end of the spectrum
to 'scheduled castes'.. This is defined in as an (a) actual cultivator, or (b) artisan, we have the outcastes named as SCs and
A r t i c l e 366(24). The w o r d 'caste' in or (c) petty businessman, or (d) in inferior STs and at the other end we have the upper
Articles 15 (2), 16 (2) and 29 (2) does not service, o r ( e ) in any occupation i n v o l v - crust consisting of the priest, the landlord
include scheduled caste, It refers to a i n g manual labour shall be treated as and the merchant castes. In between there
caste w i t h i n the ordinary meaning of belonging to the backward classes under are hundreds of other social groups
caste according to constitutional experts. A r t i c l e 15(4), L o w economic c o n d i t i o n arranged hierarchically by the caste social
It has been further debated that the very and l o w occupation were the conditions order. Several among these groups are
fact that the framers of the Constitution adopted to identify backward classes. condemned to backwardness, social,
in their wisdom thought of using a wider Therefore those who oppose inclusion economic and educational because of the
expression Classes' in Articles 15(4), of caste argue that the economic criterion humble occupation the caste system has
340(1) and 16(4) indicates that they did is sufficient and caste need not be ascribed to them. T h e i r poverty and
not have the intention of equating classes included in the forthcoming census. The backwardness is the consequence of caste,
with the castes. example of Mandal agitation is provided a historical injustice done to them through
Academicians, politicians and bureau- as a further argument. The violent agitation an exploitative caste system. They are
crats who are opposing the inclusion of when the government decided to imple- now claiming their legitimate place in
caste in the enumeration of 2001 hold ment the report vitiated the entire social state and society, not as charity, favours
that the inclusion of caste w o u l d per- atmosphere and destroyed communal or concessions but as parity, right and
petuate the evils of caste system in our harmony causing loss to lives and property. justice.
caste-ridden society and accentuate caste What is important at this point of our H o w do they respond to the 'merit'
consciousness. The secular polity would national history is therefore, to unite argument of the anti-casteists? In their
be highly communalised. The very purpose society and p o l i t y rather than d i v i d e . To understanding merit is the surplus product
o f enumeration on caste basis w i l l defeat a fragmented society d i v i d e d by caste, of the labour of the m i l l i o n s of the
the purpose of building a welfare and the only way of uniting them is to reject unmerited. It is the accumulated surplus
secular state. If the purpose is to find out the age o l d caste basis of society. It is of the t o i l of generations of the unmerited
caste for the purpose of jobs as recom- not true that this group is totally against who contributed to the creation of the
mended by Mandal Commission, the end special concessions and benefits to the intellectual class. The toil of millions of
result w i l l be sub-standard people getting marginalised groups. H o w e v e r , they people who were for centuries considered
into government jobs. The reins of power argue, such preferences and privileges as impure, untouchable and backward and
w i l l pass from meritocracy to mediocrity should be conferred on the basis of kept out from all knowledge because of
and efficiency of administration w i l l come poverty and not caste. their origin have largely contributed to the

2058 Economic and Political Weekly August 1, 1998

intellectual wealth of the few. It is worth they do become equal. Equality of results it was possible for several state govern-
quoting one of the judges in the Vasant require unequal treatment for the initially ments and central governments to initiate
Kumari case: "What is the merit? There disadvantaged. programmes for the development of
is no merit in a system w h i c h brings What about efficiency then? The argu- deprived sections.
about such consequences. Is not a c h i l d ment is that those appointed to the non- In fact the courts have always held that
of the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes reserved posts. because of their merit- per- multiple lists are absolutely necessary as
or other backward classes w h o has been form better than those who have been per the provisions in Article 15(4) and
brought up in an atmosphere of penury, appointed to the reserved posts. Efficiency 16(4). Caste alone or income alone cannot
illiteracy and anti-culture, who is looked is sacrificed as soon as the non-merit be the sole test. In the Laila Chacko vs
d o w n upon by t r a d i t i o n and society, candidates enter the merit posts without State of Kerala the judge had said that a
w h o has no books and magazines to merit. This is a conscious prejudice. When- means-cum/caste/community test had to
read at home, no radio to listen, no TV ever the inferior castes and classes start be adopted for the classification to
to w a t c h , no one to help him w i t h his claiming their legitimate share the argu- determine the backward classes ( A I R 1967,
home w o r k , who goes to the nearest ment of efficiency is brought forth. In Kerala 124), The Kaka Kalekar Report
local board school and college, whose reality the efficiency factor works just the observed, "We tried to avoid caste but we
parents are either i I literate or so ignorant opposite. The states of Karnataka and T a m i l find it difficult to ignore caste in the present
and ill-informed that he cannot even hope Nadu that have functioned w i t h reservation prevailing conditions. We wish it were
to seek their advice on any matter of for several years even before the Mandal easy to dissociate caste f r o m social
importance, a child who must perforce Commission Report, the administration backwardness at the present juncture. In
trudge to the nearest public reading room has been far more efficient than Bihar and modern times anybody can take to any
to read a newspaper to know what is Uttar Pradesh, where the officers have profession.The brahmin taking to tailoring,
happening in the w o r l d , has not this been recruited on merit till very recently. does not become a tailor by caste, nor is
c h i l d got merit if he, w i t h all his dis- Securing high marks at an examination his status lowered as a brahmin. A brahmin
advantages is able to secure the qualifying does not necessarily m a k e a g o o d may be a seller of boots or shoes, and yet
40 per cent or 50 per cent of the marks administrator and add to efficiency. After his social status is not lowered thereby;
at a competitive examination where the all, those of us who have been in education social backwardness, therefore, is not
children of the upper classes who have all are fully aware of the ways and means of today due to the particular profession
the advantages, who go to St Paul's H i g h acquiring grades or marks. Besides the of a person; but we cannot escape caste
School and St Stephen's College, and ability to memorise, the evaluation system, in considering the social backwardness in
w h o have perhaps been s p e c i a l l y and other factors like leakage of question India" (Chapter V: 10).
coached for the examination may secure papers, mass copying and evaluation by Castes therefore are the b u i l d i n g
7 0 , 8 0 or even 90 per cent of the marks? certain teachers who cannot be relied upon blocks of the Indian social structure and
Surely, a c h i l d w h o has been able to do affect the marks obtained. Besides a relevant factor in d e t e r m i n i n g social
j u m p so many hurdles may be expected the country needs more effective than backwardness. Social backwardness is
to do better and better as he progresses efficient administrators. A n effective the result of poverty and caste. As a result
in life- If spring-flower he cannot be, administrator is not a hard core law abiding o f m o d e r n i s a t i o n , mass e d u c a t i o n ,
atumn-flower he may be. W h y then, bureaucrat. Effectiveness is the quality of urbanisation and industrialisation it may
should be stopped at the threshold on the heart. An administrator is effective at times appear that caste restrictions
an alleged meritarion p r i n c i p l e ? " w h e n one possesses q u a l i t i e s o f have loosened considerably, In reality
M e r i t emerges out of an academic understanding and empathy to handle what has happened is a mere shift in
environment and social opportunities. A l l problems concerning a large segment of emphasis without any material alteration
humans have the capacity to excel if they p o p u l a t i o n c o n s t i t u t i n g the weaker in its basic structure. In fact in recent years
are provided w i t h a proper environment s e c t i o n s . I n spite o f 5 0 years o f the role of caste has increased due to
and opportunities. Chinnappa Reddy independence that the status of SCs, STs casteism in politics. Because there is a
Commission Report (the T h i r d Backward and BCs has not significantly improved basis of caste in society, the mobilisation
Classes Commission Report, Karnataka is a clear testimony that merit officers have of vote banks has been on caste lines.
1990) cites the case of a study of the not been able to bring about efficiency. Politics has not only helped the upper
performance of students against reserved Perhaps if the country had a larger number castes but has provided an opportunity to
seats in a medical college in Karnataka, of officers f r o m the SCs/STs and B C s lower castes which they could not get
In the first year examination the marks w i t h experiences o f impoverishment, through social instrumentalities.
obtained by the students (the backward deprivation and casteism, the country The emergence of Mayawati, Kanshi
class students) ranged between 54 and 68 w o u l d have been far better o f f than what R a m a n d R a m V i l a s Paswan a s
per cent, It is. however, noticed that it is now - more effective than efficient. representatives of SCs or Laloo Prasad
t h e r e was a n i m p r o v e m e n t i n the The argument of efficiency therefore Yadav and M u l a y a m Singh Yadav and
performance of students in the second seems to be used as a camouflage to let Sharad Pawar as leaders of middle castes
year and third year examinations. W h i l e the upper castes continue their age o l d w o u l d not have been possible apart from
the marks obtained by the students in exploitation. p o l i t i c s . In fact caste has p l a y e d a
the second year examination ranged Should we then have caste element significant role by providing channels for
between 56 and 71 per cent, the marks of included in the Census of 2001 A D ? A mobilisation and articulation for lower
the third year ranged between 56 and 82 section of the SCs/STs and BCs have been castes and classes. These leaders could
per cent. What does it mean in reality? able to cross the margin of poverty today become leaders because of the powerful
When people are provided w i t h the same as a result of the conscious efforts made support they have been able to receive
opportunities and resources, regardless by successive governments. Because caste from their castes. Elections are an indicator
of their current socio-economic position, was acknowledged as a fact of social life, that caste is very much alive.

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W H Y CASTE IN THE CENSUS? of the already privileged. In a caste can emerge. Therefore caste should be
society recognition of caste alone can included as an essential element of the
Census are important for the country. transform caste and a castelcss society census o f 2001 A D .
However in India caste identity of an
individual is important Class identity is
associated w i t h caste. Backwardness in M Athar Ali: Scholar and Teacher
India is four-dimensional: caste, class,
status and power. The SCs/STs, the lowest
Irfan Habib
in the caste hierarchy are still the poorest.
Caste, wealth, status and learning have As a scholar M Athar Ali devoted himself to refuting, by the
been the monopoly of the superior castes. acquisition of larger evidence, communal interpretations of medieval
Caste has even travelled beyond the social India. He was also a careful and conscientious teacher, unlike many
system to religious communities. Even the
who put research first in life. Indian historiography is distinctly
converts are known more by their caste
than religion. Caste, social and economic poorer with his death last month.
inequality are so interwoven in Indian
society that the only way to transform it W I T H M Athar A l i ' s death (July 7,1998) he argued in a subsequent paper, the
is by recognising it. By ignoring the reality the thinning ranks of Indian historians Mughal empire declined because of a
o f caste, we w i l l perpetuate it permitting working on medieval India have lost an cultural failure to keep up w i t h science and
millions of people to live in inhuman eminent member technology, and o w i n g to an almost
conditions. Only when the state is able to Some years older than me (he was born invisible shift in the economic power-
identify the socially and educationally in 1925), Athar A l i joined me in the first balance in favour of western Europe
backward classes on the basis of caste, post-independence intermediate class at through its w o r l d w i d e m a r i t i m e
such castes can be provided w i t h their the A l i g a r h M u s l i m University. Both of supremacy.
legitimate rights. Since the basis of the us specialised in medieval Indian History Athar A i r s ambition now was to build
past oppression has been caste, the basis for our MA degree and joined Aligarh's up the data for the earlier period of the
of liberation too has to be by recognising Department of History practically Mughal empire, similar to what he had
the root of oppression. simultaneously in 1953. We equally felt provided for the reign of Aurangzeb.
There is too much of hypocrisy in the the excitement of exploring a large field Nearly a decade and a half of long hours
system. The very same caste lobby that the bulk of whose source material seemed of daily t o i l u n t i l late hours, immersed in
has exploited the lower castes and classes to still lie untouched. I felt sure this could Persian texts, microfilms, cards, large
in the name of caste for centuries is putting help one put medieval India into the seemingly unmanageable tables,
forth several reasons why caste should not classical M a r x i s t m o u l d and took to culminated in his Apparatus of Empire;
be included in the census of 2001 A D . A n d agrarian history. Athar A l i decided, w i t h Awards of Ranks, Offices and Titles to the
yet when atrocities take place in the name a s i m i l a r vehemence that c o m m u n a l Mughal Nobility. 1574-1658, published
of caste and biases and prejudices operate interpretations, which bedevilled not only by the Oxford University Press, Delhi in
on the very same basis on all sectors of much of the current historiography but 1985. The tables, preceded by a careful
life, these casteist lobbies do not dare to also the current condition of the nation, analysis of their evidence in the intro-
take a stand. There is no denying the fact could be refuted by the acquisition of duction, laid out the anatomy of the Mughal
that the root cause of impoverishment and larger evidence. It was natural for him, ruling class, the book being an indis-
deprivation to millions of people in this then, to take for his subject the nature and pensable tool of reference as w e l l as
country has been caste, On the other hand composition of the Mughal ruling class offering an authoritative perception of that
because a small section was able to exploit under Aurangzeb, whose measures and empire. In the later years of his life Athar
caste for their o w n benefit they have policies had been the subject of so much A l i worked equally hard to complete his
climbed the ladder of success. It is only debate. Athar A l i was indefatigable in his life-work by bringing his Apparatus down
now when groups of people are asserting labours, digging up an enormous amount to 1707, presenting far more compre-
their legitimate rights on the basis of caste, of quantitative and qualitative evidence hensive data for Aurangzeb's reign than
the upper caste groups have risen in on which was built his major work, The he had provided in his Mughal Nobility.
opposition. If society has to be transformed, Mughal Nobility under Aurangzeb The work was nearing completion (much
the old order must die and a new one must (Bombay 1966). (This was originally his of it computer-processed) when death took
emerge. But a new order cannot emerge PhD thesis which Satish Chandra had h i m away.
without proper analysis of the historical supervised.) It is a sign of the soundness The official obituary issued by the Centre
injustice meted out to large sections of of Athar A l i ' s work that the basic data he of Advanced Study in History, Aligarh,
people. produced have never been brought into describes Athar A l i as one to w h o m "the
If caste was used as an 'opium of the question, though over 30 years have passed, w o r d l i b e r a l ' could be most appropriately
masses' where a small priestly class by a and the work has gone through a paper' applied". This w o u l d be true if we also
subtle process conditioned the thinking of back reissue (1970) and a second edition agree that a liberal can take very strong
the vast majority and hypnotise for ages, (1997). It was also a sign of Athar A l i ' s positions. Athar A l i , though to the last a
the recognition of it alone can help the independence o f j u d g m e n t ' that h e firm friend of the communist movement,
country to march towards the goal of courteously, but f i r m l y , criticised in this was not a Marxist. But w h i l e he regarded
'equality, fraternity and justice' envisaged book, as well as in his later work, my M a r x i s m as an important trend in historio-
by the framers of the Constitution. Denial favourite thesis that the Mughal empire graphy, he had little patience w i t h what
of caste can further brutalise our caste- dug its o w n grave by the oppression it he regarded as trends based not on sources,
ridden society and enhance the privileges subjected the peasantry to. On the contrary, but o n i l l - f o u n d e d speculations. H e

2060 Economic and Political Weekly August 1, 1998

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