Placement Test

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Choose the right answer:

1. Don’t disturb me, I ____ for an important exam.

a. Study
b. Am studying
c. Studied
d. Studying
2. I can’t believe you went to school ____.
a. With your feet
b. On foot
c. By feet
d. With walking.
3. When ____ you go on a vacation? Tomorrow.
a. Do
b. Did
c. Are
d. Will
4. He ___ got a nice house.
a. Have
b. Has
c. Is
d. -
5. Steve, Alex, David. Alex is _____ Steve.
a. Between
b. Under
c. Next to
d. Behind
6. Her room is only a little bit _____ than mine.
a. Bigger
b. More big
c. Big
d. The biggest
7. Michael’s house is ____ from the train than Betty’s.
a. Far
b. The furthest
c. The farther
d. Further
8. How ____ apples have you eaten? I have had three.
a. Big
b. Many
c. Much
d. Quantity
9. _____ any water?
a. There is
b. Are there
c. Is there
d. There are
10. I am bored, there is ______ to do here.
a. Everything
b. Nothing
c. Something
d. Anything
11. Are there ____ lemons? No, there are _____.
a. Some, no
b. Some, none
c. Any, no
d. Any, none
12. Choose the correct sentence:
a. These shoes, that I bought for the party, aren’t very comfortable.
b. Those shoes that I bought for the party aren’t very comfortable.
c. These shoes, which I bought for the party, aren’t very comfortable.
d. These shoes, who I bought for the party, aren’t very comfortable.
13. He went to the Alps on holiday this year, ____ he usually prefers the beach.
a. Therefore
b. However
c. So
d. Since

Write the sentence in the right order:

1. Go / cinema / ! / the let’s / to

2. Morning / usually / we / the dog / in / the / walk
3. Like / playing / does / ? / football / she
4. Watching / raining / they / is / tv / are / it / so

Read the text and choose the right answer:

Dear Melissa,

I hope you are well. Guess what! I am having a big party next week at my house and I am
inviting all my close friends. The theme of the party is going to be Harry Potter, so all must
dress accordingly. You would make a great witch! I need to let everyone know by
Wednesday since I am throwing the party next Saturday. Sam is going to decorate the
house and my mother is going bake a cake and make lots of food. There is going to be
music and dancing as well. John is going to be the DJ. You can stay over at my house. It’s
going to be great! I hope to see you then.
1. What kind of an organization is it?
a. It is a slumber party.
b. It is a costume party.
c. It is about baking cakes.
d. It is a dance party.
2. When is the party?
a. It is a fancy dress party.
b. On Wednesday.
c. It is next Saturday.
d. There is going to be music and dancing.
3. Whose party is it?
a. It is Sarah’s party.
b. It is Judy’s party.
c. It is Sarah’s mother’s party.
d. It is Sam’s party.


1. Describe a regular Saturday at home.

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