Mini Assignment 1

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Fuad Syed


GMS200 22

Mini Assignment 1

Dr. Sui Sui

1. Bezos’s decision to develop and deliver the Kindle, Kindle Fire, and Fire TV lines show

systematic and intuitive thinking because as Amazon had products from their competitors

being sold on the website. They had used the competitors’ products as a base for their

own version, for example Fire TV directly competing with apple TV.

2. Amazon’s competitive risk has changed the environment in a way where they sell

everything from A to Z, while also strengthening their own products by using their

competitors’ ideas to boost themselves and jump into untapped markets.

3. Some errors that Bezos might encounter are investing in the wrong platform of form of

tech that is not already doing well in the market. I think he should be patient and wait for

something that has a weight in the market to show up in order to invest so he could

directly market against his competitors; Although it wouldn’t be a big investment to jump

headfirst into small investments, I would advise him to rather be safe than sorry.

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