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Task 2 – English is easy and fun - Writing Task


Alexander Quintero Moreno.
Maria Alejandra Royero.
Erica Montejo Santiago.
Julieth Del Carmen.
Keidi Alejandra Cotes.

Group No. 230

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

March 2023

Step 1: E-book (Module 1, Module 2, Module 3)

Alexander Quintero
Student’s name:
Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3

Student’s name: Maria

Alejandra Royero.

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module

Student’s name: Erika
montejo Santiago.

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module


Student’s name: Keidi

Alejandra Cotes.
Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2 Screenshot Module 3
Student’s name: Julieth
del Carmen Beleño

Screenshot Module 1 Screenshot Module 2

Screenshot Module 3
Step 2: Participation in the Students’ Talking Time (STT).

Student 1- Name: Alexander Quintero Moreno.

Date: Tutor in the
Topic and What did I learn?
25/02/2023 workshop:
Francisco Javier Barcos Why is it important to learn a second
Romana language?
Hablar mas de dos idiomas tiene
grandes ventajas ya que nos permite
comunicarnos con diferentes
personas, asi lograriamos tener
mucho mas oportunidades laborales y
aprender sobre las culturas de otros
paises del mundo.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I learn?
04/03/2023 workshop: Steeps to write in English.
Leidy Diana Sánchez
Gracias a este STT logre reconocer los
pasos para producir un texto escrito corto
sobre un tema específico. Esto me ayua a
analizar, reflecionar e interpretar
oraciones, textos, noticias, etc.
Date: Tutor in the Topic and What did I
11/03/2023 workshop: learn?
Stephanie Paraphrasing an types of
Gracias al tema presentado en el
STT logre identificar la importancia
de usar sinonimos y de organizar
mis ideas para contar las
proposiciones pero conservando su
significado original.
Step 3: Frequency Adverbs and Routines

Selected Question Student’s name

What time do you get up in the Alexander Quintero Moreno.
A /: I usually get up in the 6:25 in
the morning.
How often do you make the bed in
the morning?
How often do you go for a run in the Julieth del Carmen Beleño
A/: I never go for a run in the
How often do you take a shower in Keidi Alejandra Cotes.
the morning?
A/: I alwais take a shower in the
How often do you brush your teeth in
the morning?
A/: I always brush my teeth in the Alexander Quintero Moreno
6:30 in the morning.

How often do you make coffee in the Erika montejo Santiago

A/: I sometimes make coffee in the
How often do you read the María Alejandra Royero.
newspaper in the
A/: I never read the newspaper
How often do you check your email María Alejandra Royero.
in the morning?
A/: I never check my email
What time do you leave for work in Erika montejo Santiago
the morning?
A/: I always leave for work at 6:30
in the morning
How often do you practice a hobby?

Example: I am always very busy in the morning. (Leidy Diana)

1. I always do of the university in the afternoon. (Alexander Quintero Moreno)

2. I sometimes go for a run in the morning. (Alexander Quintero Moreno)
3. I always take a shower in the morning(Julieth del Carmen Beleño)
4. I always make coffee in the morning (Julieth del Carmen Beleño)
5. I usually get up at 6:10 in the morning(Erika montejo Santiago)
6. I sometimes go for a run in the morning (Erika montejo Santiago)
7. I usually make my breakfast (María Alejandra Royero)
8. I always study all the days (María Alejandra Royero)
9. I usually do my university activities in the orternoon (Keidi Alejandra Cotes)
10. Normally on Sunday in the morning for worshap (Keidi Alejandra Cotes)

c. Example: Always (Leidy Diana)

My father always jogs in the morning.
• Never (Alexander Quintero Moreno)
My brother never runs in the morning.
 Usually(Maria Alejandra Royero)
My brother usually played volleyball
• Sometimes (Julieth del Carmen Beleño)
She sometimes gaoes run with his ount in the mornig.
• Often (Erika montejo Santiago)
My uncle often works on Sundays
• Hardly ever (Keidi Alajandra Cotes)
My sister hardly ever walks to school
Step 4: Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable Uncountable nouns Student’s name

Friends Sand Alexander Quintero
Grandparents Water Alexander Quintero Moreno
Universities Air Alexander Quintero Moreno
Cousins Stone Alexander Quintero Moreno

Tables Land Alexander Quintero Moreno

Apples Wood Erika montejo Santiago

Flowers Rain Erika montejo Santiago
Cars Snow Erika montejo Santiago
Shoes Dust Erika montejo Santiago
Houses Peace Erika montejo Santiago
Pens Clothing María Alejandra Royero
Books Cash María Alejandra Royero
Chairs Milk María Alejandra Royero
Cats Moon María Alejandra Royero
Dogs Sun María Alejandra Royero
Pencil Oil Julieth del Carmen
Elephant Wool Julieth del Carmen
Family Salt Julieth del Carmen
Computer Cheese Julieth del Carmen
Desk Honey Julieth del Carmen
Cows Sugar Keidi Alejandra Cotes
Spoons Salt Keidi Alejandra Cotes
Cookies Oil Keidi Alejandra Cotes
Motorcycles Gasoline Keidi Alejandra Cotes
Gumies Sawdust Keidi Alejandra Cotes
Step 5: Write a Story in simple past and past progressive.

The most frightened day…

Last year my friend Melissa was planning her vacations, she was really happy

because she was planning to go with her fiancé, she was planning to have a great

time there, she bought the airplane tickets, did the reservation in a very nice place

and everything was set.

Student 1 (Alexander Quintero Moreno) Melissa and her fiancé were traveling to

the city of Bogota, when they arrived at their destination they found a very scary

place, it was very scary and they were afraid.

At the hotel where they stayed, they began to hear strange things. At night, Melisa

went for a walk. When she got to the fourth floor, she found a doll.

Student 2 (Maria Alejandra Royero) Melissa found a doll in the kitchen, the

doll had a terrifying smile and melissa didn´t want to touch her, so she left the

kitchen and she went for a walk to clear her mind, on the way she saw a

restaurant, she was very hungry so went in to eat something, she sat in the back

of the restaurant, she looked at the menu and she ordered the food that she

wanted, suddenly a girl appeared with the doll that melissa had been found in the


Student 3 (Julieth del Carmen) Melissa was frozen and when she reacted,

what she did was run out of the place, when she got to the hotel she calmed down
a bit, she was already entering when she looked to the side and there was the doll

sitting in a bush looking her and smiling, the promised suddenly calls asking why

she ran away, causing her to look away, when she looks back at the doll it was


Student 4 (Erica Montejo Santiago)… A very scared Melissa enters the room

and tells her fiancé what she saw, but he tells her to sleep and rest. The next day

when Melissa wakes up and looks for her fiancée, she does not find him in the

room, she goes to the bathroom and notices that there is blood all over the walls.

In her mirror there is a sign for her that says...

Student 5 (Keidi Alejandra Cotes) When Melissa saw that there was blood in

the bathroom, she was very scared, since she found a notice that said what had

happened to her husband was her fault for ignoring the doll, despite so many

discussions and since Melissa did not pay attention to the doll then I kill her.
Step 6: Reflection and personal growth

Student 1 – Name: Alexander Quintero Moreno.

Student 2 – Name: Maria Alejandra Royero.

Student 3 – Name: Julieth del Carmen.

Student 4 – Name: Erika Montejo Santiago.

Student 5 – Name: Keidi Alejandra Cotes.

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