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GF - Battle Brothers v2.


About OPR Background Story

OPR ( is the home of many free games Battle Brothers are the most elite and feared fighting force in
which are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. the galaxy. Massive genetically modified soldiers equipped with
heavy battle armor and deadly weapons, they are ready to take
This project was made by gamers for gamers and it can only on even the most dangerous missions in the name of their
exist thanks to the support of our awesome community. immortal god-king.
If you’d like to support the continued development of our games Soon after reaching the Sirius sector the immortal god-king
you can donate on created the Battle Brothers in order to conquer even the most
inhospitable of planets. Born in vats and trained for war all their
Thank you for playing! lives, these fine soldiers are solely focused on victory.
As jacks of all trades they are able to do pretty much anything
reasonably well with no particular weakness. Their troops are
armed with a variety of advanced weapons and are designed to
exploit the enemy’s weak spots mercilessly.
They are the ultimate weapon in the god-king’s quest for power
and only find peace in death.

Gaetano Ferrara
Brandon Gillam
Game Design:


GF - Battle Brothers v2.50
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
Master Brother [1] 3+ 3+ Heavy Rifle (24”, A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) A, B, C 55pts
Elite Pathfinder [1] 4+ 4+ Heavy Rifle (24”, A1, AP(1)), CCW (A1) Fearless, Hero, Strider, Tough(3) A, C, D 45pts
Pathfinders [5] 4+ 4+ Heavy Rifles (24”, A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A1) Fearless, Strider A, E 115pts
Assault Brothers [5] 3+ 3+ Heavy Pistols (12”, A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A2) Fearless A, F 140pts
Battle Brothers [5] 3+ 3+ Heavy Rifles (24”, A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A1) Fearless A, G 145pts
Support Brothers [3] 3+ 3+ Heavy Flamethrowers (12”, A6, AP(1)), CCWs (A1) Fearless, Relentless H 165pts
Destroyers [3] 3+ 3+ Dual Energy Claws (A6, Rending) Ambush, Fearless, Tough(3) I 255pts
Pathfinder Bikers [3] 4+ 4+ Grenade Launchers (24”, A1, Blast(3)),  Fast, Fearless, Scout, Tough(3) A, J 220pts
Heavy Pistols (12”, A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A2)
Brother Bikers [3] 3+ 3+ Twin Heavy Rifles (24”, A2, AP(1)),  Fast, Fearless, Tough(3) A, K 270pts
Heavy Pistols (12”, A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A2)
Support Bike [1] 3+ 3+ Twin Heavy Rifle (24”, A2, AP(1)),  Fast, Fearless, Tough(6) L 180pts
Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A6, AP(1)), 
Heavy Pistol (12”, A1, AP(1)), CCW (A3)
A Replace one Heavy Rifle and CCW: F Upgrade all models with any: J Replace any Grenade Launcher:
Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)), CCW (A2) free Jetpacks (Ambush, Flying) +40pts Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1)) +5pts
Dual Energy Claws (A4, Rending) +10pts Veteran Infantry +100pts Replace all Heavy Pistols and CCWs:
Heavy Chainsaw Sword (A4, AP(1)) +10pts Replace up to two Heavy Pistols: Heavy Rifles (24", A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A1) +5pts
Replace one Heavy Pistol: Plasma Pistol (12”, A1, AP(4)) +5pts K Replace all Heavy Pistols and CCWs:
Combat Shield (Shield Wall) +5pts Flamethrower (12”, A6) +15pts Heavy Rifles (24", A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A1) +5pts
Plasma Pistol (12”, A1, AP(4)) +5pts Replace one Heavy Pistol and CCW: Replace up to two Heavy Rifles:
Gravity Pistol (12”, A3, Rending) +10pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),  +5pts Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(4)) +10pts
Storm Rifle (24”, A3, AP(1)) +30pts Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3))
Replace one CCW: Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),  +5pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +15pts
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +15pts
Energy Hammer (A1, Blast(3)) +10pts Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending)
Energy Sword (A2, AP(1), Rending) +10pts Heavy Chainsaw Sword (A4, AP(1)) +5pts Gravity Rifle (18”, A3, Rending) +15pts
Chain-Fist (A1, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +15pts Heavy Pistol (12", A1, AP(1)),  +10pts L Replace Heavy Flamethrower:
Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) +15pts Energy Fist (A2, AP(4)) Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +10pts
Take one Heavy Rifle attachment: Upgrade all models with: Heavy Fusion Rifle +30pts
Plasma-Mod (12”, A1, AP(4)) +10pts G +100pts (18", A1, AP(4),ReplaceDeadly(6))
Fusion-Mod (6", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +15pts Veteran Infantry Upgrade one model with one: Heavy Pistol:
Flamer-Mod (6”, A6) +15pts Battle Standard (Fear) +20pts Heavy Rifle (24", A1, AP(1)) +5pts
Gravity-Mod (9”, A3, Rending) +15pts Medical Training +55pts
B Upgrade with one: Replace one Heavy Rifle: Special Rules
Jetpack (Ambush, Flying) +25pts Plasma Rifle (24", A1, AP(4)) +5pts Advanced Tactics: Once per activation, before
Destroyer Armor (Ambush, Tough(+3)) +70pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +10pts attacking, pick one other friendly unit within 12”
Combat Bike (Fast, Tough(+3),  +90pts Gravity Rifle (18”, A3, Rending) +10pts ofMedical
this model, which may move by up to 6".
Training: This model and its unit get
Twin Heavy Rifle (24", A2, AP(1))) Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts the Regeneration rule.
Upgrade with: Gravity Cannon +15pts
Veteran Infantry +20pts (24", A1, Blast(3), Rending) Repair: Once per activation, if within 2” of a unit
C Upgrade with one: Heavy Flamethrower (12", A6, AP(1)) +20pts with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you may repair
Preacher (War Chant) +10pts Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +30pts D3 wounds from the target.
Archivist (Psychic(1)) Missile Launcher
+25pts (30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On) +45pts Shield Wall: Attacks targeting units where all
Engineer (Repair) +25pts Plasma Cannon models have this rule count as having AP(-1), to
Captain (Advanced Tactics) +35pts (30”, A1, Blast(3), AP(4)) +45pts a min. of AP(0).
Veteran Infantry: This model gets +1 to hit rolls
D Upgrade with any: Heavy Fusion Rifle +50pts in melee and shooting.
Camo Cloak (Stealth) +10pts (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6))
+50pts War Chant: For each unmodified result of 6 to
Forward Sentry (Scout) +10pts Laser Cannon
(36”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) hit when attacking in melee, the hero and its
unit may roll 2 extra attacks. This rule doesn’t
E Replace all Heavy Rifles and CCWs: Replace any Heavy Flamethrower: apply to newly generated attacks.
Heavy Pistols (12", A1, AP(1)), CCWs (A2) -5pts HGravity Cannon -10pts Psychic Spells
Replace any Heavy Rifle:
Shotgun (12”, A2, AP(1)) free (24", A1, Blast(3), Rending)
Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +10pts 12” get -1 to hit nextTarget
Blurred Sight (4+): 2 enemy units within
Replace one Heavy Rifle: Missile Launcher +25pts time they shoot.
Plasma Rifle (24”, A1, AP(4)) +5pts Psychic Terror (4+): Target enemy unit within 6”
Flamethrower (12”, A6) +10pts (30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
+30pts takes 3 hits with AP(2).
Gravity Rifle (18”, A3, Rending) +10pts Plasma
(30”, A1,
Blast(3), AP(4)) Cerebral Trauma (5+): Target enemy model
Heavy Machinegun (30", A3, AP(1)) +20pts Heavy Fusion Rifle +35pts within 12” takes 2 hits with AP(4).
Missile Launcher +30pts (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) Cursed Ground (5+): Target 2 enemy units within
(30", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On) Laser Cannon +35pts 6” get -2" next time they Advance, or -4" next
Replace up to three Heavy Rifles: (36”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)) time they Charge/Rush.
Sniper Rifle (30", A1, AP(1), Sniper) +20pts Lightning Fog (6+): Target 2 enemy units within
Upgrade all models with any: Replace all Dual Energy Claws: 6” take 8 hits each.
Camo Cloaks (Stealth) +15pts ICombat Shields (Shield Wall),  -5pts Time Passage (6+): Target friendly unit within
Forward Sentries (Scout) +15pts Energy Hammers (A2, Blast(3)) 12” gets Impact(1) next time it charges.
Storm Rifles (24", A3, AP(1)), CCWs (A3) +45pts
Replace one Storm Rifle:
Heavy Flamethrower (12”,A6,AP(1)) free
Minigun (24”, A4, AP(1)) +10pts
Replace any CCW:
Energy Sword (A3, AP(1), Rending) +20pts
Energy Fist (A3, AP(4)) +25pts
Chain-Fist (A2, AP(2), Deadly(3)) +35pts
Upgrade one model with:
Cyclone Missiles +45pts
(24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)

GF - Battle Brothers v2.50
Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost
APC [1] 3+ 2+ Storm Rifle (24”, A3, AP(1)) Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Tough(6), A 225pts
Attack APC [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Flamethrower (12”, A12, AP(1)) Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Tough(6), A, B 240pts
Drop Pod [1] 3+ 2+ Death Launcher (18”, A1, Blast(6)) Ambush, Fearless, Immobile, Tough(6), C 145pts
Battle Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Machineguns (30”, A6, AP(1)),  Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Tough(12) A, D 490pts
Demolition Cannon (24”, A1, Blast(6), AP(4), Indirect)
Heavy Tank [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Heavy Machinegun (30”, A6, AP(1)),  Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Tough(18), A, E 640pts
Twin Flamethrower Cannons (18”, A12, AP(1)) Transport(11)
Artillery Gun [1] 3+ 2+ Heavy Flak Cannon (30”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3), Lock- Fearless, Repair, Slow, Tough(6) F 260pts
Engineer Crew (A3, AP(2))
Attack Speeder [1] 3+ 2+ 2x Heavy Flamethrowers (12”, A6, AP(1)) Ambush, Fast, Fearless, Impact(6), Strider, G 260pts
Heavy Exo-Suit [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Fusion Rifle (12”, A2, AP(4), Deadly(3)),  Fear, Fearless, Tough(6) H 185pts
Stomp (A2, AP(1))
Attack Walker [1] 3+ 2+ Stomp (A4, AP(1)), 2x Walker Fists (A4, AP(4)) Fear, Fearless, Tough(12) I 330pts
Light Gunship [1] 3+ 2+ Twin Typhoon Missiles (24”, A4, AP(2), Lock-On),  Aircraft, Fearless, Tough(6) J 335pts
Miniguns (24”, A4, AP(1))
Heavy Gunship [1] 3+ 2+ Storm Missiles (36”, A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)),  Aircraft, Fearless, Tough(9), Transport(11) K 545pts
Twin Minigun (24”, A8, AP(1)), 
Typhoon Missiles (24”, A2, AP(2), Lock-On)
A Upgrade with any: G Replace any Heavy Flamethrower: J Upgrade with one:
Storm Rifle (24”, A3, AP(1)) +35pts Heavy Machinegun (30”, A3, AP(1)) +10pts Laser Talon (24”, A3, AP(3)) +50pts
Dozer Blade (Strider) +35pts Minigun (24”, A4, AP(1)) +10pts Storm Cannon +65pts
Hunter Missiles +45pts Heavy Fusion Rifle +30pts (30", A3, AP(2), Lock-On)
(24", A1, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On) (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) Replace Twin Typhoon Missiles:
B Replace Twin Heavy Flamethrower: Replace one Heavy Flamethrower: Twin Heavy Machinegun +10pts
Twin Heavy Machinegun Twin Typhoon Missiles
+20pts (24", A4, AP(2), Lock-On) +40pts (30", A6, AP(1))
(30”, A6, AP(1)) Twin Laser Cannon +50pts
Twin Minigun (24”, A8, AP(1)) +25pts Upgrade with: (36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Laser Cannon +35pts Open Sides (Transport(6)) +15pts Twin Hammer Missiles
(36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
(36", A1, AP(3), Deadly(3)),  H Replace Twin Fusion Rifle:
Twin Plasma Rifle (24", A2, AP(4)) Twin Flamethrower (12", A12) +5pts K Replace Twin Minigun:
Twin Laser Cannon +60pts Twin Gravity Cannon +5pts Twin Plasma Cannon +25pts
(36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3)) (24", A2, Blast(3), Rending) (30”, A2, Blast(3), AP(4))
C Replace Death Launcher: Twin Heavy Machinegun +40pts Twin Laser Cannon +35pts
Storm Rifle (24", A3, AP(1)) +5pts (30”, A6, AP(1))
Twin Laser Cannon +80pts
(36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Replace Typhoon Missiles:
D Replace Demolition Cannon: (36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Boosted Fusion Rifles free
Spear Missile Launcher +5pts Dual Heavy FistsUpgrade with one: (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3))
(30", A1, AP(3), Deadly(6), Lock-On) (A2, Blast(3)) +20pts Heavy Machineguns (30", A3, AP(1)) +5pts
Twin Laser Cannon +10pts Dual Combat Drills (A4, AP(4))
Upgrade with one:
+35pts Upgrade with:
Heavy Rifle Arrays (24", A6, AP(1)) +70pts
(36", A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
Rapid Autocannon (36", A6, AP(2)) +10pts Heavy Rifle Array (24”, A6, AP(1)) +65pts
Special Rules
Twin Storm Cannon +15pts Cyclone Missiles Array
(24", A2, AP(2), Deadly(3), Lock-On)
Repair: Once per activation, if within 2” of a unit
(30", A6, AP(2), Lock-On) with Tough, roll one die. On a 2+ you may repair
Wind Missile Launcher +85pts I Replace one Walker Fist: D3 wounds from the target.
(36”, A3, Blast(3), AP(1), Indirect) Missile Array (30", A4, AP(2), Lock-On) +55pts Veteran Walker: This model gets +1 to its attack
Replace Twin Heavy Machineguns: Twin Autocannon (36”, A6, AP(2)) +95pts rolls for melee and shooting.
Twin Laser Cannons +40pts Replace one Walker Fist:
(36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Heavy Fusion Rifle +25pts
E Replace Twin Flamethrower Cannons: (18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6))
Twin Heavy Rifle Arrays +30pts Twin Heavy Flamethrower
(12”, A12, AP(1))
(24", A12, AP(1))
Quad Laser Cannons +150pts Heavy Rifle Array (24”, A6, AP(1))
Heavy Minigun (24”, A6, AP(2))
(36”, A4, AP(3), Deadly(3)) Twin Heavy Machinegun +50pts
Replace Twin Heavy Machinegun:
Twin Minigun (24”, A8, AP(1)) +5pts (30", A6, AP(1))
Heavy Plasma Cannon +70pts
Upgrade with:
Heavy Fusion Rifle +60pts (30”, A1, Blast(6), AP(4))
Twin Laser Cannon +90pts
(18", A1, AP(4), Deadly(6)) (36”, A2, AP(3), Deadly(3))
F Replace Heavy Flak Cannon: Upgrade any Walker Fist with one:
Heavy Gatling Cannon (24", A12, AP(1)) +5pts Fusion Rifle (12", A1, AP(4), Deadly(3)) +25pts
Heavy Thunder Cannon +5pts Heavy Flamethrower (12", A6, AP(1)) +35pts
(30", A2, Blast(3), AP(2), Indirect) Storm Rifle (24”, A3, AP(1)) +35pts
Heavy Crack Cannon +80pts Upgrade with:
(30”, A9, AP(1), Rending, Indirect) Veteran Walker +70pts

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