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Rec I Meeting

Wednesday April 27, 2005 1:30 pm

Cosmo Civic Centre

Chair: Kristen
Minutes: Sheri
Present: Steve, Rich, Kristen, Marisol, Yves, Lori, Doug, Shaun, Sheri
Regrets: Jason

1. Approval of last meeting minutes

2. Additions / Deletions
4.4 Red Cross Swim
4.5 LSS Awards

3. Personnel

4 Wet Agenda Items

4.1 Activity Leader Evaluations
 Jason updated the activity leader evaluations, which are used to
evaluate our birthday party activity leaders.
 A few modifications were made; the biggest were taking out the
Not Observed column and adding in a Notes section. It was felt
that due to activity leaders not being evaluated on a regular basis,
they should have their entire class observed. If something is not
observed then it can be commented on in the notes section.
 A copy has been placed in the lscomm basket.

4.2 Spring Inservice Report

 Marisol provided a handout of information compiled by Rich with
concern areas noted on staff.
 All guards filled out evaluations. A recommendation was put
forward to attach the evaluation forms to the guards next schedule
after inservice. A concern with that was having them returned. At
this point, we will continue to hand them out at Inservice, however;
if guards would like to take them home and return them that option
can be provided to those who request to do so.
 Positives: Aqua Tot information presented was very useful
(submersion of tots)
 Session presentations
 Format
 Negatives: Waves
 Spinals
 Format
 Marisol found that having evening sessions limits the energy level
of the guards in attendance. Morning sessions seem to be more
 Fanny Packs from outdoor sites should be the ones used for the
sessions so that the site has enough for same day public swim.
 Steve addressed the issue of the time allotment for the Site
Administrator session.
 Would like to see the session presented as a focus group.
Notes should be taken, and a “parking Lot” established.
 A time frame also needs to be established an upheld so as not
to run over into the next session leaders time.
 Steve presented a complete list of issues/items to the table.
 One major issue raised was the fact that the Rec. I /A.T. ‘s didn’t
know about some of the issues to be spoken about. When guards
are unclear, the recreation and aquatic staff are unable to help
clarify things for the guards.
 Yves will follow up with these concerns at the Site Administrator

4.3 Summer Staff Placements

 There will not be core staffing as we know it from past years.
 The schedule will be devised as it is for other seasons (Fall,
Winter, Spring)
 Staff will be assigned prior to ODP training, but may continue to
be altered up to on-site orientations.
 Keys and codes will be given out to the top people that will have
opening and / or closing shifts.
 Lori B is putting aquatic Tech schedules together. Once she has it
in place, she will sit down with them to work things out.

4.4 Red Cross Swim

 Steve will be presenting information the S.A.’s at their May 5th
 Presentation will be given to the Rec I’s and II’s at the May 18th
program planning meeting.
 Submit questions prior to the 15th so Steve can come prepared for

4.5 LSS Awards

 Bruce sent out an email with the correct information for guard
 Rich has drafted a memo to be attached to guard schedules with
the information, as well as information for clarification from the
LSS pertaining to the award and which recerts count towards the
point system.

5. Dry Agenda Items

5.1 Fitness Availabilities
 Placement meeting will be held Thursday May 12th at LCC
 All availabilities are due back April 29th.
 All inside rec I’s should be in attendace for placements of fitness
instructors. This will include PPT’s so that they can gain the
process experience.
5.2 Rec II Update
 Lori covered all information at previous meeting.

5.3 Outdoor Pool Orientation and Review

 Lori handed out the orientation checklist as well as the orientation
sheet the Building Operator will cover at the orientation.

5.4 Rec I Resources

 Kristen has requested a list be compiled for the lscomm basket for
people to access regarding registered program instructors.
 LWC is in the process of hiring more staff and will compile a list to
be posted once completed. All other sites can add names for their
appropriate programming.

Next Meeting: May 11 @ 1:30

Site: LCC
Chair: Sheri
Minutes: Lori

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