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ISSN 0016-2094

Vol. 55 : Nos. 14-17 October 2-29, 2022 Price : Rs. 40

Celebrating 54 years of frontier

Founder-Editor : SAMAR SEN

Autumn Number 2022

More of the Same—3  Letter to Ranajit Guha by Sumanta Banerjee—4  India: Quo Vadis? by Anup
Sinha—5  History, Nationalism and Gandhi by Himanshu Roy—10  ‘Walking with the Comrades’
by Bernard D’Mello—12  An Open Call to Communist Revolutionaries by Arup Baisya—16  War
and the Left by Marcello Musto—18  An Alternative Path for India by Bharat Dogra—20  Climate
Expropriation–A Political Question by Farooque Chowdhury—26  Influence of Colonial Modernity
on Indian Intelligentsia by Aloke Mukherjee—30  Rediscovering and Rehabilitating Rammohan Roy
by Asok Chattopadhyay—32  Defending the Indefensible by Shamsul Islam—37  Shiv Sena: Limits
of Political Opportunism by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta—39  How Much Average Healthy Human Life
is Possible? by Chaman Lal—40  Rise and Fall of Trade Union Movements by Asis Sengupta—
44  Impact of Covid-19 on Informal Sector Workers by Nityananda Ghosh—47  Indian Labour in
Iraqi Kurdistan by Arup Kumar Sen—49  Nirmal Kumar Bose : A Nationalist Anthropologist by
Abhijit Guha—50  Tamil Nationalism by Solomon Victus—55  Plight of the Rohingya by Pranjali
Bandhu—57  Politics of Compromise by Manas Bakshi—61  Physics, Religion and Dogged
Affiliations by Rana Bose—63  Further News From The Imperial Capital by Pareto Chamelon—
65  The Modis are Reversing Gains of Freedom Struggle by Sankar Ray—67  Ukraine War Brings
an Ecological Paradox and its Explanation by Saral Sarkar—69  Streets in Motion by Anuj B—72
50th Death Anniversary of Charu Mazumdar by Harsh Thakor—73  A Guide to Reading Karl Marx
by Michael Lazarus—75  The Fourth Industrial Revolution by T Vijayendra—79  ‘I Confess’ by
Dipanjan Rai Chaudhuri—82


Assistant Editor : Subhasis Mukherjee

Published weekly for Germinal Publications Pvt. Ltd. by Sharmistha Dutta from 44, Balaram Dey Street, Kolkata-700006
and Printed by her at LASER AID, 35A/3, Biplabi Barin Ghosh Sarani, Kolkata-700067
E-mail : /  Website :
Telephone : (033) 2530-0065
[ Typeset by THE D-COMLASER, 60 Sikdar Bagan Street, Kolkata-700004, Phone : 98361-58319 ]
October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 3

More of the Same

parliamentary politics initially paid them dividends and they enjoyed privileges otherwise reserved for the
ruling elites. Having failed to challenge the status quo they now find it increasingly difficult to regain what
they have lost completely--pro-poor image. The mass base they once created through arduous anti-establishment
struggles and sacrifices is gone. People are rebelling here and there somewhat spontaneously but they are just on-
lookers. For one thing spontaneous popular outburst despite its severity and militancy cannot be translated into
lasting action against the persons in authority; it is bound to fizzle out after some time. How they failed to motivate
the historic peasant upsurge illustrates among other things that they are in no position to organise masses in their
millions because toilers have no faith in them. These days the oppressed are more interested in independent
political initiatives, not partisan movements. Then they lack appropriate slogans and action- programme to
influence masses in the changed context. They don’t practise what they preach in their official documents. Theory
and practice need each other. ’Without theory, practice is blind and without practice theory is impotent’.
That communist parties throughout the world are facing survival crisis is a hard fact. The way they are reacting
to the on-going Russia-Ukraine war speaks volumes about ideological bankruptcy they have been in for long. Even
in India communists have no specific stand on the Russia-Ukraine war. Indian communist parties used to derive
comfort from being called pro-Soviet or pro-Chinese in the yester years and they were totally dependent on
Moscow or Beijing for ideological guidance. Soviet Russia is dead. Today’s Russia is a capitalist enterprise with
geo-strategic expansionist outlook towards its neighbours while China is happily building capitalism with ‘Chinese
characteristics’ competing with America and Europe. As a result they have nowhere else to go for solace; they
are ideological orphans. Communist parties in India irrespective of their degree of shades never really asserted
themselves independently. The Chinese party at one stage engineered split after split in the international communist
movement, dubbing the Soviet party revisionist or social-imperialist, creating ML factions in a number of countries
only to abandon them at the time of severe crisis theorising and defending their withdrawal strategy in an
opportunistic way. Even today when China looks more like America in terms of market grabbing and capital
export, a section of far left, better known as maoist continues to draw heavily from pre-liberation China and
Chinese Party’s experience in highlighting their revolutionary project. They think India is in a stage of what China
was in the 1920s. The Chinese party once used to describe former Soviet Union as social-imperialist but they are
now a right candidate to get that tag, particularly after the Sri Lankan fiasco. Sri Lankans are in a debt trap,
thanks to Chinese benevolence. The same thing may happen to Pakistan as the recent reports suggest. China’s
ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) scheme is actually aimed at capturing global market. It is sheer
expansionism under the garb of ‘win-win’ situation. The so-called pro-Chinese communists have nothing to say
about it.
They are still in a dilemma as to how to evaluate the Ukrainian situation when the war, after more than six
months shows no sign of ending in the immediate future. They are not in a position to take side in the war because
they cannot categorise the dominant capitalist morality as the ‘Aggressor’ and the other as the ‘Aggressed’ or vice
versa. The working class doesn’t show neutrality towards any of its exploiters who confront each other in the re-
distribution of their market shares, but on the contrary, it expresses its deep solidarity with all the sectors that are
undergoing the multiple assaults of one or the other of its historical enemies. Ukrainian toilers are facing Russian
aggression but they are equally oppressed by Ukrainian oligarchs who are earning huge profits through their trade
deals with America, more precisely with the American military-industrial complex with a view to prolonging the
war though ordinary Ukrainians are dying daily. The war is impacting the global economy badly and equally badly
India’s home market as well. With every passing day the situation is drifting towards chaos sending shivers down
the spines of the wage earners, mainly in third world countries. The point at issue is how to push the revolutionary
dynamic to its ultimate consequences, how to expropriate the possessing class and re-appropriate means of
existence. Communists in India have no answer. They are going the Euro-communist way to commit suicide in
the end. ooo

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4 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

LOOKING BACK your current research project. You

narrated how your interest in the
Letter to Ranajit Guha Naxalite movement had prompted
you to try to understand the peas-
Sumanta Banerjee
ant psyche. This had led you to
Dear Ranajit da I met you occasionally after leav- explore the historical roots of anti-

ing college, at some meeting or British peasant rebellions in India in
social gathering. But I lost touch the past.
was your student for a brief
after you left Calcutta in 1959, and A few years after my return to
while in 1953 on the eve of
joined the University of Sussex. It India, in 1983, I received a copy of
my I.A. (Arts) Intermediate Arts ex-
was again in 1970/71 that we re- your book ‘Elementary Aspects of
amination at the then Central
newed our acquaintanceship. Those Peasant Insurgency in Colonial In-
Calcutta College. You came to teach
were tumultuous years—following dia’. This seminal book was the
us history, and replaced Tapan Ray
the peasant rebellion in Naxalbari. outcome of your research about
Chaudhury who had left for Oxford
You visited India, and came to Delhi which you talked that afternoon in
for further research.
where I was working as a journalist your Sussex home. I had the privi-
But even before listening to your
with The Statesman newspaper. You lege of reviewing it in Economic and
lectures in the classroom, I had been
and your partner Mechthild (an-
your admirer from a distance. Since Political Weekly.
other wonderful woman! You’ve al-
ours was a Communist family, your Your insatiable urge to probe
ways been lucky in your relation-
name often cropped up in discus- further into the subject led you to
ships, Ranajit da) put up at Maiden’s
sions among elders. I heard about come up with the concept of the
Hotel in old Delhi, where one
you being a dedicated young leader ‘subaltern,’ and soon with the help
evening you invited me and my wife
who was chosen by the CPI leader- of your students and ardent follow-
Bizeth. We spent a delightful time,
ship to represent the party at the ers, you established the Subaltern
discussing international politics and
World Federation of Democratic School of Studies. It opened up a
the Naxalite movement. You dis-
Youth in 1945. That assignment took new vista in the academic world. I
agreed with me on my views about
you to Warsaw (if I remember right). met you both in Calcutta and Delhi
the activities of the Chinese Red
After several years of active involve- during seminars held on the sub-
Guards, whom I had criticised (in
ment with the international youth ject—although I expressed reserva-
an article in FRONTIER) for their
movement, you returned to Calcutta tions about some of the conclusions
depredations during the Cultural
in 1953. As far as I remember, you made by the historians of the Sub-
Revolution. You were in favour of
took up residence in Dover Lane— altern School.
them. But both shared our com-
which was near our house in Ekdalia The last time I met you was,
mon admiration of the peasant
Road in South Calcutta. You were may be some time in late 1990s or
warriors and the student activists of
accompanied by your wife Martha, early 2000s at a group discussion in
the Naxalite movement. During your
a brave Polish lady who was a survi- Delhi’s Nehru Memorial Museum li-
brief stay in Delhi, you addressed
vor of the notorious Warsaw Ghetto, brary. You were as youthful as ever,
the students of the Delhi University
where she was imprisoned during the brimming with new ideas, and at
in a meeting, where you urged them
Nazi occupation of Poland. Your own your best argumentative self. In
to come forward in support of the
experiences abroad and Martha’s 2009, I discovered your new Bengali
struggles, lent an aura of heroism book ‘Kobi’r Naam O Sarbanaam’
The next time I met you was
around both of you. To us young- —yet again another extraordinary
sometime in 1979, when during my
sters you were an ideal Communist work, throwing a new light on
short stay in London, our mutual
couple. Rabindranath.
friend Gagan Dutta along with his
Frontier is available at wife Krishna and little daughter, Ranajit da—looking forward to
drove me down to your home in wishing you a happy birthday on
Sussex, where you were teaching May 23, 2023, when you will turn a
then. We had a fantastic lunch, centenarian.
SARBODAYA BOOK STALL spread out by Mechthild, and talked Warmest regards
HOWRAH STATION about old times. You told us about Sumanta Banerjee

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October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 5

DIRECTION IS CHANGING ranks reveal three important aspects

of the state of affairs in contempo-
India: Quo Vadis? rary India. The first pertains to the
low quality of life in the nation as
Anup Sinha
a whole. In the international com-

URING THE PAST 30 and society. This is not to suggest munity of nation states, India’s
years the Indian economy, that these rankings use a perfect standing is poor, despite political
polity and society have been methodology for computation. How- muscle-flexing as to its aspirations
undergoing fundamental changes, ever, the same method used repeat- to be a global or at least a super-
the likes of which the nation has edly gives one an idea of how the power. The second aspect is that
not witnessed since independence. rank has changed over time and the these national level rankings hide
The economy has been sluggish with relative position of India. India has the skewed nature of development
unemployment, relative poverty and declined in recent times in the Hu- and growth—astonishingly widening
inequalities in wealth and income man Development Index of the chasm between the haves and the
reaching unprecedented levels. In- UNDP standing at 131 out of 189 have nots. The third aspect is that
dian society is becoming more and nations ranked. This considers in- the ranks indicate a trend worth
more intolerant and backward look- come, education and health param- noting. A country whose rank is not
ing. National institutions are be- eters. On a ranking of Global Food improving, or even deteriorating,
coming tools of political influence Security Index India stands at 71 implies that the overall political and
and control. The government of the out of 116 nations. On the Global economic climate of the nation is
land has become cruel and callous Hunger Index India stands at 101 becoming worse.
as far as minorities are concerned. out of 116 countries ranked. On the Ever since the economic reforms
There is a shift towards a majoritaria- Human Freedom Index India slipped of 1991, the political system, across
nism marked by hyper-nationalism from 94 in 2019 to 111 in 2020. the spectrum of different political
and xenophobia. What appears to On the Press Freedom Index India parties, have attached their hopes
be a randomness in rules and ac- fell from a low 142 to a lower 150 and their strategies on a belief that
tions of the legislature and the judi- rank between 2021 and 2022. The market-friendly reforms would take
ciary, is actually a slow and sure total number of nations ranked by the economy forward. From the
move towards totalitarianism. Citi- this index is 180. The nation is in Congress to the Bharatiya Janata
zens are either indifferent to these the bottom half of the ranks by Party (BJP), along with the myriad
changes hoping that their silence Economic Freedom Index. India regional parties have asserted their
will buy them safety from dictates ranks 85 in Corruption Perception belief in the resurgence of faith in
of the state, or they firmly believe Index out of 180 countries. As far markets. The Left have often made
that this totalitarianism is good for as environmental performance was noises about the economic dangers
India. A small minority tries to raise concerned, India ranks in the bot- of market economies, without hav-
their voice in opposition, but they tom 5 out of 180 nations that were ing been able to come up with any
fear wrath of the state. What is ranked. It was only in the Ease of clear-cut alternative. The underlying
emerging is a new idea of a Hindu Doing Business rankings that India philosophy of market friendly re-
India where religious practices set improved its position in recent forms is the core of neo-liberalism.
the norms of state culture and a years.It rose by 25 positions. The This core was summarised in what
glorification of a mythical past. ranking was constructed by the came to be known as the Washing-
Economic problems have been ger- World Bank. Soon after its publica-
mane to India’s development. The tion, the ranking list was withdrawn Our next issue of
new political and cultural changes to investigate an allegation that data
are compounding the economic ones.
The nation is changing direction.
One way of capturing the
were fudged in some cases.
It may be worth noting that
these indices are constructed by dif-
changes taking place in contempo- ferent agencies, using different meth- will be that of
rary India is to take a look at odologies and data. India’s position
international rankings of various is persistently low and more often October 30, 2022–
aspects of the nation’s economy than not, declining over time. These November 5, 2022

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6 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

ton Consensus. The Consensus con- and easy credit. As a result, the 1138 percent. The incomes of the
sisted of four elements that were sphere of capital has expanded con- super-rich 0.001 percent increased
supposed to be the foundations of siderably compared to the opportu- by 2726 percent. Assuming the cur-
a market based global economy. nities available for the labour force. rent population to be around 1350
The elements were: open, unre- Capitalists have found labour-sav- million the top one percent would
stricted markets, free international ing processes and technologies. The be 13.5 million people.
trade, a conservative monetary policy organised working class and its po- Coming to an Oxfam estimate,
with inflation targeting as its main litical voice has weakened beyond in 2018-19 the richest 1 percent
concern, and finally a prudent fiscal recognition. The formal employment held more than 4 times the wealth
policy reflecting a small government sector has not increased, the infor- held by the bottom 70 percent of
and a declining fiscal deficit. This mal sector has expanded a lot, and the population. The total wealth of
was attempted to be followed in within this informal sector, casual all billionaires was bigger than the
India with varying degrees of suc- employment has expanded the most. size of the Union Budget for 2018-
cess since 1991. However, what the As a result of which, the bonanza 19. Obviously, these estimates de-
World Bank- IMF philosophy of neo- of growth that the Indian economy pend on official figures and do not
liberalism did not consider, was the enjoyed from the early 1990s to consider any wealth stashed away
historical fact that,in history, mar- around 2015, has accrued to the illegally in Swiss banks. In another
kets economies had done reason- top 20 percent of the Indian popu- measure it was estimated that the
ably well only with a lot of state lation at the most. During the last top 10 percent rich in India held
support in terms of fiscal handouts, 25 to 30 years economic inequality about 63 percent of wealth while
and a social spending on human in terms of wages, wealth and in- the remaining 90 percent held 37
development and physical infrastruc- comes have grown to alarming and percent.
ture. Materially affluent market unacceptable levels. The labour market inequalities
economies are also invariably INEQUALITIES have grown considerably too, with
characterised by strong social safety In terms of economic inequality, the gradual informalisation of the
nets that cushion the effects of the India ranked 147 out of 157 coun- labour force and a serious erosion
inevitably fluctuating fortunes of a tries in 2018, according to Oxfam. of the working class’s organisational
market economy. Over the last three decades India power and bargaining strengths. For
Markets, left to their own de- has witnessed a 108 percent in- regular workers (less than 10 per-
vices, seldom provide stability or crease in the number of billionaires cent of the total labour force) with
economic assurances to the partici- while 30 million more Indians have benefits and some degree of job
pants. Incomes and employment slipped below the poverty line. Sev- security, the public sector is the
opportunities appear seemingly ran- eral sectors are still plagued by low largest reservoir accounting for 35
dom, being shoved and pushed by productivity and disguised unemploy- percent of the regular jobs, the pri-
unanticipated shocks. Also, any in- ment like agriculture which houses vate formal sector accounting for
dividual (worker or a potential en- 50 percent of jobs while contribut- 17 percent and the private informal
trepreneur) willing to avail of oppor- ing 17 percent to national GDP. sector accounting for the residual
tunities that markets might throw The sector also houses 93 percent 48 percent. For casual workers, the
up, has to have certain skills and of the informal jobs. Over the last private informal sector accounts for
human resources that are acquired decade the technical measures of a whopping 91 percent of employ-
through education, social capital, inequality have deteriorated for in- ment. These workers have neither
and of course good health. None of come, wealth and consumption. work-related benefits, hardly any
these opportunities are adequately These estimates were made prior to rights, no organisational strength,
thrown up by markets. India’s pub- the pandemic. Any current revision and no retirement benefits.
lic expenditure on health, education would very likely worsen the esti- According to an Oxfam report,
and physical infrastructure has been mates. Between 1980 and 2014 the during the period 1985 to 2015
wanting since independence, both income of the bottom 50 percent managerial compensations grew by
in terms of the quantum of spend- rose by 89 percent. The average more than double the rate at which
ing as well as its quality. On the income grew by 187 percent. The workers’ compensations increased.
other hand, private capital has been top 10 percent experienced an in- In 2011-12 GDP per worker (includ-
given a lot of opportunities in more crease of 750 percent. The top 0.1 ing the self-employed) was Rs
liberalised markets, fiscal support, percent saw their incomes rise by 175539 per year while the average

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October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 7

for a wage earner was less than Panasonic to name only a random limited by lack of purchasing power
half, at Rs 81819. It implies that few. of the bottom 80 or 70 percent of
incomes from profits, rents and This economic enclave of the rich the population. There is also higher
other incomes from capital are ris- and famous is self-perpetuating. Its competition within the rich enclave
ing at a rate much faster than that links with the rest of the larger that continuously concentrates mar-
of the incomes of the working class. economy is weak and of low value. ket shares in the hands of a few
THE TOP 20 PERCENT For instance, the service people ca- large corporations. With the bulk of
The top 20 percent of India’s popu- tering to the top 20 percent certainly the monopolising corporations for-
lation has done well due to eco- come from the bottom half of the eign in origin, their investment op-
nomic reforms. However, even within economy, or the disposal of used portunities are not restricted by In-
this band, the gains have been ter- consumer goods imply that these dian opportunities alone. Indian
ribly unevenly distributed. The gains reach the population below the top capital finds increasingly limited
of the top 10 percent was more 20 percent. Similarly, when availing opportunities unless directly sup-
than the next 10 percent. The top 1 of public services like railroads, or ported by the state like the Ambani
percent did even better, while the post offices, the rich and famous do companies or the Adani group.
largest gains have been concentrated touch the lives of the invisible. This Hence, market size limits the amount
in the hands of the 0.1 and 0.01 enclave is also well connected and of investment. Growth continues but
percent of the population. Yet the networked with the rest of the world. at a decelerating pace. This is ex-
absolute size of the market is very Economic transactions in terms of actly what people are witnessing
large for a circuit of capital to buying goods and services, tourism, now in India.
prosper and flourish. The market is business travel, and higher educa- The second problem that too
almost as big as that of the US tion abroad for their children are much inequality triggers is,in the
market. Capital looks for a critical usually of an international nature. use of environmental resources that
mass. Once that mass is reached Finally, this enclave economy’s sav- are scarce and non-renewable. The
further expansion could be weak or ings and investments are often parked very poor often have to depend
sketchy without affecting the abroad. upon ecological services of Nature
economy of the top 20 percent. It is enough for capital to thrive just to survive. They overwork the
Hence, seemingly, the market for on this 20 percent. The working land, they are forced to use more
luxury goods such as cars, televi- class gets attached loosely and pe- ground water, and over-harvest fish
sions, washing machines, top end ripherally to this circuit. The abso- beyond sustainable limits. It is not
smart phones, refrigerators, air-con- lute market is very large even for that the poor are unaware of the
ditioners are all flourishing. There giant multinationals. For them, there importance of environmental re-
has developed a good second-hand are good private schools and uni- sources and the knowledge of how
market for these goods too which versities, hospitals, hotels and re- to preserve them, but short-term
help satisfy demand at a lower price sorts which are hugely expensive compulsions make them violate
articulated by the next 10 percent and out of the reach of ordinary those norms. Tonight’s dinner is
or so. Most well-to-do families have mortals. The top 20 percent live in much more important than having
multiple cars, television sets, air- their own world which, in terms of adequate fish in the rivers and
conditioners and individuals have quality, is close to that enjoyed by oceans 5 years from now. On the
multiple phones and laptops. Hence, those living in the affluent devel- other hand, the very rich have ac-
the shopping malls in big urban oped economies. cess to much more natural resources
centres look shiny and are stocked Economic inequality hardens than they require. Hence, they can
with goods that could well have other forms of inequalities in politi- easily waste much of it, without the
been seen in a developed nation’s cal voice and influence, social mo- next two or three generations ever
shopping mall. Expensive cars on bility and opportunities, and cul- feeling the pinch. Environmental
Indian streets are no longer rare: tural practices and recognition. Ris- sustainability takes a backseat in
Mercedes, BMW or even the fancier ing inequalities also increase inter- their lifestyles.
cars like Lamborghinis are frequently generational gaps. The first effect is The third problem is that of the
visible. All popular foreign brands often economic. The size of the build-up of dissent, frustrated aspi-
are available for high-end consumer market grows but at a diminishing rations, political impotency and
goods: Apple, Microsoft, Sony, LG, pace. The ability of the market to anger. Too much inequality leads to
Samsung, Honda, Hyundai, and grow and expand domestically is crimes of desperation or the rise of

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organized crime that can prove to HINDU NATIONALISM controlled with a mix of carrots and
be a threat to private property. All Nation states are imagined commu- sticks. The attempt to build a secu-
these together have larger and long- nities. They are neither given in lar, socialistic, democratic, plural
term social and political ramifica- Nature nor are they purely based on India since independence had suc-
tions that each historical context ethnicity, religion or language. There ceeded but only partially. Now it is
throws up with different outcomes. is variety. India, with its rich diver- being replaced by a less tolerant,
The possibilities lie in the options sity, has been referred to as a sub- less free, less secular, more authori-
that the ruling elite has in control- continent. Out of this diversity a tative India.
ling the frustration and anger into nation was carved through a pro- Since 1991, India’s society has
something less harmful for private longed struggle against imperial changed more fundamentally than
property and capital. It could lie in forces. The imagination that fired its economy. The complex forces of
the elite adopting a left-wing popu- the founding fathers of India was neo-liberal policies, coupled with the
list policy within an authoritarian one of secularism, diversity, democ- shrill narrative of intolerance has led
framework of power to retain con- racy, and a sense of equal opportu- to a consolidation of the forces that
trol over the bottom 70 percent. nities for all citizens. India made a look increasingly fascist. Most citi-
Alternatively, the ruling elite could hesitant start into the world of other zens do not understand the trend.
use propaganda and lies to build up nation states. There was economic Those who do are afraid to articu-
a belief system based on religion development but the first four de- late their concerns. A handfuls who
and mythology. The full control cades saw a gradual strengthening express dissent are sent strong sig-
depends on beliefs as well as on of the capitalist class. The state nals of disapproval by the state. As
channelising the anger towards an supported this class through various things look now the country is headed
explicit enemy. That is why, the plans, public funding of infrastruc- for a prolonged period of economic
second option is more attractive. In ture and gradual easing of control. decline and social disruptions. Ev-
the first option the obvious culprit Then came the spate of liberalisation eryday life will also change in terms
would be the super-rich. The sec- and market-friendly reforms. of what is officially valued and what
ond alternative can create an en- Reforms came as a bonanza for is officially disallowed—the content
emy in either a neighbouring coun- national capitalists and the aspiring of education, diet, culture practices,
try, a foreign power or a domestic middle class. Profit opportunities and whom people socialise with, whom
minority. India is on the second consumption opportunities both grew we marry, who we consider the new
path and the rise of the BJP and its for these segments of the popula- national heroes, and above all, who
political agenda is a clear indication tion. Inequalities increased and to we are taught to hate. Two things
of the use of ultra-nationalism and prevent social upheavals the ruling might occur in the next two or three
targeted hatred for minorities. class had to divert the attention of decades. First, history teaches that
the deprived and unemployed to right-wing authoritarian regimes do
For Frontier Contact things not related to material living. not last forever. They can be brought
Religion provided the perfect foil. down, but usually with a major so-
Hindu nationalism found a taker in cial cost in terms of lives and liber-
mass populism. The BJP found the ties. The second possibility comes
D.K. AGENCIES (P) LTD. fertile ground to organise and take from the future. The hubris and cal-
Booksellers, Publishers & control of the dominant narrative of lousness of the ruling powers force
Subscription Agents since 1968 what the nation of India stands for. them to neglect the natural environ-
People are in the midst of a rising ment. Some catastrophe from cli-
CIN: U74899DL1983PTC017169 trend of popular hatred and anger mate change or bio-diversity loss
"DK" is a registered trademark focussed on religious minorities, a might come as a wake-up call that
Regd. off: A/15-17, D.K. Avenue, glorification of a mythical past as will force the rulers to do things
Mohan Garden, Najafgarh Road, real history, and the propagation of differently. Neither of the two possi-
New Delhi-110059. INDIA Hindu cultural practices as the na- bilities is guaranteed. In the mean-
Metro Station: Nawada (Blue Line) tional way of life. Dissent is heavily time, the death-knell of the Indian
discouraged. Human rights are put National Congress is being heard
Ph: (011) 25357104, 25357105 on the back burner. Corruption is loud and clear. With it the India
Fax: (+91-11) 25357103 allowed with state protection. Insti- dreamt of in 1947 is dying without
tutions of national importance are even an audible whimper. ooo

F-14-17(55).P65 # 8
1st proof
October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 9

With best

Sleeping Buddha


Ph: +91 33 22150898

F-14-17(55).P65 # 9
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10 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

NEHRU’S INDEPENDENCE DAY SPEECHES to some of such protests. A major

part of his speeches were of the
History, Nationalism and Gandhi generic nature of the time. Only a
tiny part, as referred to earlier,
Himanshu Roy
[This paper analyses Nehru’s addresses to the nation on Independence Day, since 1947 to mentioned any specific issue such
1963, from the rampart of the Red Fort in Delhi. For 17 years, his addresses contained five for example as the Korean crisis,
recurring themes that wove together a framework of thought that gave a boost to liberalism, Panchsheel, agricultural develop-
and has also become reference markers of public discourse: these were (1) the history of ment, planned development, the
India (2) issue of communalism (3) ideals of anti-colonial movement (4) paradigm of 1962 war, etc. There was never any
development and (5) reference to Gandhi.The addresses were in Hindustani beginning with focused policy statement on any
brothers and sisters (bhaiyon aur bahino) and ended with Jay Hind.The addresses were issue of development like on the
in simple general words, in the manner of explaining a point to the audience.]
water, environment, industrial de-

T WAS NEVER A PREPARED India’s history and of its civilisational velopment, housing construction,
draft, neither was there any spe- values. As the partition of India roads, electricity, airports, railways,
cific policy announcement or any had jolted the nation, one can un- etc. His first address in 1947 was
proposed directive to the adminis- derstand the need for building up the shortest in which he had stated
tration. In passing references, he emotional integration among the that ‘I am the first servant of
used to refer about five year plans, citizens. But the irony of it was that Hindustan’ (main Hindustan ki
development of agriculture, issue of it was the business and political jantaka Pratham Sevak Hun). And
linguistic states, election of Lok elite who had mutually agreed to in his last address, in 1963,he talked
Sabha, removal of unemployment the idea of partition for their inter- of a New India (Naya Bharat).
and casteism, issues with Pakistan, ests. The Muslims as a kaum were Nehru was nominated as Con-
China, Korea, etc. His tone and pushed into the vortex of separation gress president by Gandhi in 1946,
tenor and the manner of speaking by their elite under the banner of by-passing Patel who was elected to
indicated that he shared these de- Islam. It was propagated that Islam be the Congress president. The Con-
velopments of time as pieces of was in danger and that Muslims gress president was to be appointed
information with the public. Their needed social Justice. The Muslim as the prime minister. As Nehru was
opinion in the decision-making was electorate had voted for Muslim declared by Gandhi to be his politi-
not sought. The most melancholic League candidates in the provincial cal heir, it was obvious that he
voice was in 1963 when Nehru election of 1945-46 that gave a would be handed over the reign of
seemed to be a broken man, sapped boost to the partition process. It the government. From his younger
of energy. The loss of war and suited the colonial administration days in politics, he would share the
territory to China in 1962 had im- that fostered the idea of separation podium with Gandhi in public
pacted him badly. Patel’s public and propelled the partition of the meetings,reading newspapers or dis-
speeches, till 1950, in contrast, were country. Nehru had the tendency to cussing a point of his politics. It
straight, in the manner of explain- use rhetoric to cover up the actual was training in leadership while si-
ing a point, suggesting a way out, problem. The reference of Gandhi multaneously being groomed to cul-
giving directives, and seeking opin- and communalism fitted into his tivate a symbiotic relationship with
ion. It was a matter of fact, cat- scheme. Patel in contrast was forth the youth. Gandhi had stated to
egorical, and never circumspect. -coming. His speeches in the con- him in a letter,“to put you in office
Nehru was circumspect, woolly. Even stituent assembly and in the public was an attempt to find you in
when he was cheated, such ex- addresses in Independent India were power, quicker than you could other-
ample as on Kashmir and Akshai different from Nehru in form and wise had been” (Gandhi to Nehru,
Chin he never named the cheaters. content. Nehru also frowned upon 15th July 1936). Groomed in power
Usually, the Prime Ministers’ any protest movement of citizens, relation, imbued in liberalism but
addresses on Independence Day are for example for the linguistic state, speaking the language of left in the
considered as policy statements of as a threat to democracy and a Hindustani sprinkled with Persian-
their governments that reflect their boost to the disintegration of India. Arabic words, Nehru fostered the
priorities towards citizens. In the It was looked at as disruptive to the development of capitalism in India
foundational years of democracy, developmental process in nation- in the incremental form under the
Nehru’s speeches reflected more of building. In his speeches,he referred rhetoric of being socialist and demo-

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cratic, “the final goal… might will sudabaathai ki jo Kashmir kafais- It was also the year when he was
be communism”. He attempted to laaakhir main hoga vohvahanke log to face his first Lok Sabha election
motivate the citizens to participate hi karsaktehain), of their elected leg- with the universal franchise of 17-18
in the nation-building, but was short islative assembly and their local crores of the electorate without
of specifics. He felt that being in constituent assembly. Only Kashmir Gandhi and Patel. Everybody knows
minority Muslims felt insecured and had its local constituent assembly. that it was Patel who had com-
it was the responsibility of the Hin- Abdullah was removed from the manded the Congress election ma-
dus to make them comfortable. He chief ministership because he was chinery: the selection of the candi-
knew very well that the Muslim conspiring to secede from India. A dates, funding of the election, the
electorate had voted for the Muslim new government was formed. Nehru selection of the chief ministers and
League which had sought partition mentioned his rung (angst) and felt ministers in the provinces, etc. Patel
of India; Nehru as the Vice-Presi- that Abdullah had instigated was asked by Gandhi to look after
dent of the Interim government and (bhadkaaya) the Kashmiris. He was this electoral works of Congress.
as the president of the Congress also critical of Jan Sangh which Nehru used to ask people to
had agreed to partition the country. was against the special treatment take up works of local development
He talked about Hindustan in a being meted out to Kashmir. Nehru on their own, not to expect and be
civilisational term, hazaron baras referred Kashmir as a special case dependent on the government for
purani (thousands of years old), of (Kashmir kiekkhaasjagahhai. every small work which they can do
Bharat Mata Ki Jai (Long live the Uskivajahhain Hindustan kekhaandan it collectively on their own (apnime-
motherland), 1948 (of its immortal- mein Kashmir aaya.) But few mo- hnat se sadkebanaye… makaan
ity, of politics, of making of the ments earlier in his speech he had banaye, panchayat gharbnaye, kahin-
policy;but the government he wanted positioned Kashmir differently kahinchoti-chotinahrekhode, khain-
was to be in prime ministerial in (hamare jo sidhaant Hindustan ke chote school-vidyaalaya banaye….
form with a grand PMO moulded in liye rahevohharek Hindustan ke eestarah se aajkal chin kamul
the manner of Viceroy’s secretariat, hisseke liye hainvoh Kashmir kbadhrahahai). He was critical of
and the cabinet was to function as keliyehai). This inconsistency was the functioning of the administra-
his executive council. His letters to always in Nehru. For himself, he tion. (hamared aftrnomein bade-
Gandhi, and Mountbatten’s report always sorted a separate param- bade file banteaur us par bade-bade
on Nehru, amply indicated his eter; for others, there was to be a note likhejaate, lekin vohsad ke aur
thought. He wanted unrestricted free- universal yardstick. Nehru, originally vidyaalaya wonahi banteyaa arse
dom and liberty of direction to “in- a kaul, was promoted by his father; baadbante, yehtarikahai, government
tervene in the functioning of every Nehru promoted his daughter and jarahalkechaltihai). It was equally
ministry”. He felt that ‘the prime sister. He took away Jammu and cajoling and encouraging the citizen
minister is the boss. Patel, and his Kashmir from the purview of Patel and administration to perform.
cabinet colleagues felt that it could and brought it under his jurisdic- (padosi ki nukktachinitoh sab kar
be the end of the cabinet govern- tion. The issue of Kashmir could sakte hain, lekin khud kya akrskte
ment. By the time Nehru died he have been settled through India’s hain). It was also indicative of the
had already dented the functioning military victory in 1948. But na- developments in India and abroad
of the cabinet Government, the ively, he took the case to the United with which he kept his countrymen
collegial functioning had already Nations General Assembly and lost updated and also expressed his views
declined. Cabinet ministers includ- the plot. The rest is history. Interest- whether it was on the Korean
ing Nehru were bypassing the colle- ingly, Nehru did not mention Kash- Crisis,the Chinese revolution or on
gial functioning. The cabinet was mir; but he did mention about Pa-
largely reduced to complete the le- kistan at length in 1951 when he For Frontier Contact
gal-procedural part. gave his longest speech from the
In 1953, he referred to the de- Red For t. (Hamenafsoshuaki
velopments in Kashmir, but did not Hindustan ka tukda alaghua, lekin ALAIGAL VELIYEETAGAM
mention the name of Sheikh hamareaa khirme in manjoori se 4/9, 4th Main Road,
Abdullah. The point he referred to hua, hamari razamandi se hua). His Ragavendra Guest House
United India Colony,
was about the role of Kashmiris in love for Pakistan continued despite
the integration of Kashmir in India the war in 1948. ( Pakistan… Chennai 600 024
(ye bilkul hamare saamnetay hamaredi laurbaazooketukdehain.)

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the arrival of 15-16 lakhs of refu- 1937 election onwards which con- ing the nature of Nehru he did not
gees from Pakistan. An interesting tinued in 1945-46, 1952, 1957 elec- pursue the matter further; his predic-
part of Nehru’s speeches were about tions and afterwards. Candidates in tion of liberating Goa from Portu-
asking countrymen to learn from the constituencies were selected on guese in couple of hours turned out
the armed forces on discipline while the basis of their castes. The other to be prophetic in 1961.
simultaneously briefing them about political parties followed the lead. In 1963, the RSS was invited to
military preparedness for any poten- Such political mobilisation had its be the part of the Republic Day
tial conflict with Pakistan (hum cascading impact on the social life. parade. On the insistence of Nehru,
mulkko taiyaar karen kyon kijo log It led to fragmentation in society Patel had banned the organisation
taiyaar nahi hote unke upar ham and violence to retain/change the in 1948 after the killing of Gandhi.
lehotehain). Civil servants like H M power relations. A Similar impact When Patel had sought for evidence
Patel who was defence secretary, was felt with the communal con- from Nehru, he had none except for
however, has argued that after 1950- flicts in the constituencies where stating that there was no written
52 Nehru neglected the prepared- minorities lived changing the reli- constitution of the Sangh/ RSS.
ness of the armed forces. gious democracy of a locality, lead- Once the constitution was drafted
His frequent references to Indian ing to migrations, sale off proper- and adopted in 1949 by the RSS,
history to inculcate a feeling of pride, ties, breakdown of traditional social the ban was lifted. His last speech
to generate a feeling of nationalism relationships. in 1963 was of a tired man. He
to transcend the barriers of caste, In 1955, Nehru talked of colonial died in May, 1964.
religion and provincialism is laud- Goa at length, wanted its merger For seventeen long years, he was
able. But it was bereft of realities of with India but did not show any the Prime Minister of the country
the time. Or the government was urgency for its liberation. He was not who had propelled the expansion
just acting contrary to what Nehru in favour of sending the army; rather and deepening of capitalism and
was preaching to the people who he wanted the local Goan satygarhi liberalism but termed it as socialis-
were fighting the government for to self-emancipate themselves with tic pattern of development. The CPI,
linguistic states which the Nehru the assistance from the Indian then, had called him as the lackey
government was initially not ready satyagarhis who were willing to go to of American imperialism. A mass
to grant. Nehru was calling it pro- Goa for its liberation. Six years later leader of his time, he was the mas-
vincialism and was against it. Con- the army was sent and within hours ter of rhetoric. His assistant, Mathai
gress, on the contrary, was fostering Goa was liberated. Patel was willing ranked him as one of the top five
caste for its electoral victory from to send the army in 1948 but know- best draftsmen of the world. ooo
NIGHTMARCH the Indian state’s counterinsurgency
operations were in full gear—from a
‘Walking with the Comrades’ revolutionary stronghold in the state
of Bihar to one in Jharkhand, cov-
Bernard D’Mello
[This essay is a review of NIGHTMARCH: AMONG INDIA’S REVOLUTIONARY ering 250 kilometres.In the book,
GUERRILLAS by Alpa Shah, London: C. Hurst & Co. 2018; Harper Collins Publishers description of the trek is interspersed
India, 2018, pp. xxii+320. A different version of the review first appeared in the Journal with numerous discussions centred
of Agrarian Change, Vol. 19, Issue 4, October 2019, pp. 734–738.] on one or other of the various

IGHTMARCH IS A BOOK munities in Jharkhand, including in contradictions besetting the revolu-
which tries to understand an a Naxalite guerrilla stronghold. A tionary struggle for a more egalitar-
Adivasi community in the committed independent observer and ian and democratic future.
Indian state of Jharkhand and its researcher, this experience has en- The literary genre reminds this
process of involvement with Maoist- dowed her with a genuine under- reviewer of Robert Pirsig’s best-sell-
communist revolutionaries (Naxa- standing of the Naxalite revolution- ing fictionalised autobiography, Zen
lites). The author, Alpa Shah, a aries and the people whom they and the Art of Motorcycle Mainte-
social anthropologist at the London have mobilised and move with. nance (ZAMM) which covers the
School of Economics and Political The book’s title NIGHTMARCH trek of a father and son from Min-
Science, has done considerable field- refers to a seven-night trek Shah neapolis, over the Rocky Mountains,
work as a “participant observer,” undertook with a Naxalite guerrilla to the Pacific coast. In ZAMM there
being and living with Adivasi com- platoon in 2010—at a time when are two journeys, the one by motor-

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cycle across the heartland of the from the very process of creation of officials, traders, usurers, and con-
United States of America, and the new egalitarian and democratic com- tractors—as having brought oppres-
other metaphorical journey via en- munities necessarily requiring reli- sion, exploitation, and
lightening talk and conversations that ance on the agencies of individuals degradation.Ethnic identity and
take one into the heart of a con- and organisations within existing semi-proletarian class character in-
temporary fear of technology. This communities whose values conflict tertwined with each other engender
latter “journey” takes the narrator with the imagined ones of the fu- an egalitarian consciousness, which
into a philosophical discourse (ac- ture. Moreover, the Naxalites have one can sense in the way the op-
cessible, edifying and enlightening, no other option but to engage in pressed Adivasis come together to
what Pirsig refers to as a “dirty” commerce with the capitalist cope with deprivation. All that is
Chautauqua) about discovering a economy on its terms, this to fund required is for the Naxalites to bring
genuinely meaningful synthesis be- and sustain the revolutionary the Adivasi peasantry into alliance
tween the “classical” (i.e., rational- struggle. A second contradiction with the rest of India’s poor and
scientific) and the “romantic” (po- emanates from the Maoist landless peasants in the struggle for
etic-intuitive) attitudes towards the characterisation of Indian society socialism. But, of course, this is
world, both of which, when played and economy as semi-feudal even easier said than done.
out, one without the other, leads to as the livelihoods of the Adivasis, Fourthly, Naxalite armed resis-
immense psychological stress and who are a constituent of the tance has brought on brutal state
ultimately, breakdown. Naxalites’ “mass base”, involve repression necessitating further forti-
So also, in NIGHTMARCH’s nar- forced migration in search of wage fication of armed resistance, but the
rative—albeit unlike Pirsig’s, a work work, exposing them to capitalist latter has come at the expense of
of non-fiction—the one journey with exploitation of the worst kind, a neglect of the task of collaborating
Shah “dressed as a man in an problem that remains unaddressed with the people on the emancipatory
olive-green uniform” undertaking the by the Naxalite leadership. political project. Five, the latter project
trek from one Maoist heartland to Thirdly, insufficient thought given is led mainly by Naxalite men from
the other as part of a Naxalite to the “Indigenous (Adivasi) ques- elite backgrounds, invariably leading
guerrilla platoon, the other meta- tion” in relation to class struggle has to failure to nurture lower-caste,
phorical one that takes one to the led to the Naxalites not providing Adivasi, and women leaders, thus
heart of what has been undermin- adequate attention to the relatively undermining the struggle to create
ing the revolutionary project. This egalitarian institutions and values casteless, classless, anti-patriarchal
latter “wandering” is interspersed and already in place amongst the tribal communities.
punctuated with the actual journey. people they are living with. The The central characters in
It is set in the argumentative con- various Adivasis—distinct tribes, for Nightmarch are real.Of course, the
versations with a senior Maoist in- instance, Gonds in Bastar in the names of the characters are pseud-
tellectual-revolutionary, Gyanji, and province of Chhattisgarh, or Santhals onyms. The central characters “rep-
Shah’s consequent reflections over and Oraons in Jharkhand and the resent archetypal figures” (p. vii) in
the points of contention. This intel- adjoining parts of Paschim Banga the Naxalite movement.There is
lectual discourse makes up Shah’s and Odisha—are distinct communi- Gyanji, the upper caste–class, highly-
Chautauqua (for want of another ties of people, with their own dia- educated, Shelly-reciting mathema-
word for it) about the contradic- lects, customs, culture, and rules tician turned Maoist intellectual-revo-
tions confronting the revolutionary which structure how they act to- lutionary leader,with whom Shah
struggle for a better world and how wards and in regard to each other. engages in argumentative conversa-
the problems these contradictions What distinguishes them from main- tions that make her Chautauqua so
give rise to might be resolved. stream society, whether Bengali, meaningful. And Prashant, who
What are these “contradictions” Bihari, Odiya, or Telugu, is internal comes from a family of cattle-herd-
—internal conflicts over theory and social relations based much more ing peasants living in mud huts, first
practice leading to discord in what on kinship bonds, frequent coopera- attracted to the cultural wing of the
is a functionally united revolution- tion to achieve common goals, and movement, and then becoming an
ary struggle—that Shah thinks are maintenance of a certain distance enthusiastic, committed guerrilla.
the Naxalite movement’s main ob- from the state and mainstream so- Kohli, an Adivasi youth who found
stacles to the realisation of their ciety because there is a historical in the Maoist guerrilla army a home
revolutionary project? The first stems memory of such contact—with state away from home, and who learned

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to read and write there. Vikas, the ing and who are her “informants.” side the domestic confines of their
one heading the platoon which took First, the one related to the “corrup- homes” (p. 216). And, like Somwari,
Shah on her Nightmarch, but who tion” of some among the Naxalites they love consuming alcohol in the
turned out to be the opposite of the whom the Maoist Party has deputed company of other Adivasi men and
revolutionary the Naxalites were trying to transact “commerce” in the capi- women. Verrier Elwin was similarly
to nurture, or indeed even of the talist economy, which for the attracted by the way the Gonds, a
Adivasi community he came from, Naxalites is a necessary evil that distinct Adivasi community, ex-
amassing wealth for his own private must be engaged in to fund and pressed their sexuality, openly, hon-
purposes, indulging in treachery and sustain the revolutionary struggle. It estly, and uninhibitedly, and seemed
betrayal, and ultimately metamorphos- is here that the Vikases—deputed to to be peeved by followers of M K
ing into a “Frankenstein’s monster”. strike deals with the contractor–poli- Gandhi who (like the Naxalites in
There are also characters not on tician–state official combines doing this respect, as Shah also thinks)
Shah’s trek but who figure never- business in the guerrilla zones, in were uptight and narrow-minded in
theless in her Chautauqua. Seema, the process of gaining access and these matters. (Regarding Elwin, the
a remarkable revolutionary, “con- acceptance in these elite social reader may refer to Ramachandra
strained by the movement’s middle- circles—get “corrupted” and siphon Guha’s 1999 book Savaging the
class, caste-based assumptions of off part of the money into their own Civilized: Verrier Elwin, His Tribals,
what it meant to be a ‘good personal coffers. and India).
woman’,” and, most likely “inhib- Like the good Maoist, with refer- There is another important issue
ited from experiencing the gender ence to Vikas, Gyanji laments the that deserves attention, given that the
relations, kinship and family struc- lack of careful and painstaking po- Maoist practice of “people’s war” has
tures, as they existed amongst the litical and “ideological” education brought on the Indian state’s full-
Adivasi communities” she lived that should be imparted to every scale counterinsurgency operations that
amidst (p. 214). And Somwari, an budding revolutionary. For one thing have in turn forced the Maoist move-
Adivasi woman who was indepen- even with the best of such educa- ment to recede over the last two
dent and autonomous from her tion, the power of capital alongside decades from the plains in the coun-
partner with whom she had chosen the mystification of money and the tryside to zones and regions where the
to cohabit and who wasthe father worship of gold that have been a terrain is more favourable to the prac-
of their children. She makes badia part of ruling cultures over the longue tice of guerrilla warfare. These zones
(rice beer) and mahua wine and durée, may, in some instances, prove and regions happen to be the forested
enjoys drinking it in the company of too robust to resist. and hilly areas inhabited mainly by
other Adivasi men and women after Shah’s criticism of the Maoist Adivasis. The latter have been
a hard day’s collective labour. leadership’s flawed handling of gen- mobilised by the Maoists in their
Almost all the characters are der issues with respect to Adivasi mass organisations and in their guer-
perplexing and, in some respects, women is correct. There is a huge rilla army. It is in this context that
contradictory. The respect and dig- gap between Naxalite assumptions one might legitimately pose the ques-
nity with which the revolutionaries of Adivasi women’s subordination tion as to how much of the revolu-
treat the Adivasis, sharing food and and actual patriarchal gender rela- tionary movement’s solidarity in the
eating often from the same plate tions in the home. It is usual for Adivasi areas derives from mobilisation
with them; joking and teasing the Adivasi girls and boys to choose of the Adivasi peasantry based on
Adivasi villagers “with the ease of their own partners (p.217). It is class struggle and how much of the
familiarity”; the tone of voice when common for Adivasi men to help solidarity stems from a common tribal-
addressing people; sitting on the with the cooking, washing, and other ethnic identity.
floor with everyone else–these were household chores, and “share the The solidarity within the revolu-
the “‘small things that enabled the domestic tasks of reproductive labour tionary movement in the Adivasi
guerrillas to win the local people’s with the women”. Adivasi women areas stems from both the Adivasi
hearts and minds” (p. 137). are on a “far more equal footing” participants engaged in a common
Let me then get back to some of than women in middle-class, middle- struggle against their oppressors, and
“the contradictions” that Shah is and upper-caste families (p. 215). exploiters, and from the fact of
concerned about, empathising as They do not wear the veil and are their common tribal-ethnic identity.
she does with the Adivasis and the bold enough to “flirt and flaunt Shah’s eagerness to highlight the
revolutionaries whom she is study- their sexuality in public places out- class character of the Maoist move-

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ment in the tribal areas should not In other words, the tribal-ethnic iden- and smear the Maoist record in In-
lead people to underestimate the tity of the struggle’s main partici- dia, his diatribe stemming from a
affinity deriving from shared tribal- pants cannot, per se, define the hysterical form of anti-Maoism and
ethnic identity. The two, class and movement’s character, which is what anti-Stalinism. Here comes Trotsky
shared tribal-ethnic affinity, taken Arundhati Roy (in her 2011 book, after 1927 when he was living in
together, have determined the Broken Republic) does. However, exile, no longer having to manage
movement’s overall character. Well, unity of the dispossessed in the Soviet state and party organisations,
this is in response to Shah demar- struggle would depend both on the constantly asserting socialist principles
cating/contrasting the “politics of depth of the class consciousness of while finding fault with his former
communism” and/with the “politics the movement’s participants and the comrades, who were then directly
of indigeneity” (p. 136). degree of cultural homogeneity that involved in transforming post-revolu-
The dispossession of Adivasis comes from their common tribal- tionary Soviet society, mainly to
from the lands, forests, and other ethnic identity. But the latter can- catch-up in the economic and mili-
natural resources of their habitats, not be a substitute for the class tary realms and thus be ready to
a violation of their collective, cus- consciousness of the dispossessed, take on the coming imperialist–fas-
tomary rights over this resource base, which is a necessary condition for cist onslaughts. But, of course,
and the appropriation of these re- unity in the struggle against the Trotsky did not go overboard in his
sources by corporations is part of capitalist process of “accumulation berating of the “Stalinists.” Here
what David Harvey would call a by dispossession.” Marxist philosopher considers the
process of “accumulation by dis- In concluding, Shah might be Maoist phenomenon a “‘disease’”
possession” (A Brief History of among the very few social anthro- and likens the “mindless violence” of
Neoliberalism, 2007, p. 159), and pologists studying a Maoist revolu- the Maoists to fascist brutality, which
the Maoist movement’s resistance tionary movement who does not as- he claims to be one of a piece of the
to this is, at its heart, a class sume that Maoism is bad and “same type of brutality by the
struggle. The fact that the solidarity unviable. Just as well, for such an Maoists.”He and his ilk have some-
of the dispossessed Adivasis also assumption invariably leads to a dis- thing to learn from the social anthro-
derives from their common tribal- tortion of both theory and fact. In- pologist Alpa Shah who is deeply
ethnic affinity does not define the deed, in Frontier itself, a Marxist attentive to the challenges confront-
character of the Maoist movement. philosopher has gone all out to blur ing the Maoists/Naxalites in India. o

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F-14-17(55).P65 # 15
1st proof
16 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

THE UNITY QUESTION all practising Marxists can realise

from their practice that there are
An Open Call to Communist Revolutionaries certain changes in social relations
of production. In addition to the
Arup Baisya
land reform in ownership pattern,

HE FUNDAMENTAL PRE- tion was that Italian programme for the co-operation of peasantry in
mise for unity of communist radical change, and united front production and struggle against cor-
revolutionaries is definitely and communist unity against fas- porate domination has been emerg-
Marxism. Marxism is a guide to cism cannot be resolved without ing as important agenda as big
action. So it is the action that addressing the “Southern Question”. land-holding class is numerically not
guides the path to unity of commu- He was right in its essence, but he significant in proportion to small
nist revolutionaries. The communists visualised it within the framework of peasant community. If this question
are not the historians who strive to centre-periphery relation, the rela- of characterisation of Indian society
know what and how such and such tion between developed capitalist cannot be settled through debate
things appeared in the past, but region and backward feudal region. and discussion, how can this be the
discover the past in its present to Communist revolutionaries in India basis for the unity of communist
formulate an action for the future. conceptualised the idea of revolu- revolutionaries? One who argues that
Communists dwell on the present to tion mostly from Chinese experi- the unity is fragile without settling
know and influence the future tra- ence of backward feudal region and this debate actually puts the ques-
jectory of society through their ac- this legacy is still continuing. In tion of revolutionary seizure of power
tion. So it is the action that guides Indian context, one cannot delin- in backburner and cannot be con-
the future. The question of unity is eate the issue as western or north- sidered as revolutionary. The revolu-
such an action that gives rise to a ern question. The Russian experi- tionary party formulates a progra-
guide for new action. Why unity is ence had not helped communists mme for revolution in a given social
to be achieved is more important much in understanding the Indian condition, but the implementation
than how it should be achieved. social contour in the backdrop of a of programme itself is always in a
Communists are not moral foot- global capitalism as a system. The flux as the given situation is always
soldiers; they are the actors, the Russian revolution took place in a in a flux and in constant motion.
role of which is determined by the different global context and internal The theory and practice is a dialec-
social conflict. They have a vision social dynamics of developed capi- tical relation, and it is very difficult
for the future and a mental theory talist region with proletarian pres- to justify one’s praxis in conso-
to act radically. This determined ence and region of peasant com- nance with theoretical formulations
action is dialectically intertwined with mune with Russian specificities and in a mechanistic format. If there is
multifaceted indeterminations. Can largely undisturbed by capital pen- always a mismatch between the
the social conflict within a social etration. It is true that the legacy theory and practice, why the ques-
relation of production be fully deter- emanated from Naxalbari peasant tion of unity should not be ad-
mined? If it is not, does it mean uprising and carried forward by the dressed from practical situation?
that communist revolutionaries communist revolutionaries in India Before dwelling briefly on what prac-
should wait for their programme to could not settle the question of later tical situation actually means, this
be experimentally proven and vindi- development of intermingling and writer would like to mention that
cated by the society in their ac- overlapping social territorial spaces revolutionary praxis based on Marx-
tions? The maximalist stand of do- in its entirety within a global capi- ism as a guide to action is not like
ing nothing and waiting for the talist system. The great Indian mode natural science where one can wait
opportune moment for vindication of production debate in the 1970s decades after decades for labora-
of programmatic line, and mini- could not also settle the question in tory experiments to validate the once
malist approach of emphasising on either side of the two camps. The formulated theory for being com-
only doing something are both mode of production debate is never- patible with observations or wait for
counter-productive and end in sta- ending and it cannot be settled a moment of paradigm shift when
tus-quoist quagmire. through experiences and studies the large number of observations
Gramsci raised the “Southern because experiences are varied and becomes incompatible with the
Question” in Italy and his proposi- studies are always incomplete. But theory. In Marxian sense, commu-

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October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 17

nists have an agenda for revolution mean if it is not the indication that from prime land and installations to
or seizure of power which is not both upper and lower classes are support both the corporate market
determined by theory and praxis unable to rule and willing to be forces with property and cheap labour
alone, but by the society in change ruled in old way. Can one not see and simultaneously promoting rentier
and in motion. This places them in the fissures emerging within the rul- neo-feudalist class are marked by
a position where concrete analysis ing dispensation? the crisis situation and upper class
of concrete situation, unlike natural Two, “when the suffering and action?
science, becomes a continuous pro- want of the oppressed classes have As Gransci underlined the im-
cess for formulating the concrete grown more acute than usual”. Is portance of “Southern Question” in
task. The task of achieving the revo- there anyone in Communist camp Italy, the great legacy of Naxalbari
lutionary unity is dictated by such who denies this fact? The answer is peasant uprising should not be a
concrete analysis of concrete condi- in the negative. barrier for the communist revolu-
tions, otherwise apparently moral Three, “when, as a consequence tionaries to take stock of the pan-
standpoint of achieving program- of the above causes there is a con- Indian situation as well as the
matic unity is actually a reformist siderable increase in the activity of changes in northern heartland of
standpoint. It is a practical ques- the masses, when uncomplainingly Indian ruling system. The emphasis
tion. allow themselves to be robbed in on programmatic unity evades the
What Lenin said about revolu- “peace time”, but in turbulent times, real question of concrete analysis of
tion in State and Revolution is true, are drawn both by all the circum- concrete situation and becomes a
though in its entirety, the content of stances of the crisis and by the upper reformist standpoint at its core. In
the book should not be considered classes themselves into independent the backdrop of deepening systemic
as Gospel and Lenin himself historical action”. Any keen social crisis and people’s rising anger, the
changed his position at a later stage observer can observe the deepening revolutionaries should and must rise
on various issues. Lenin said, “Revo- restlessness hitherto absent within above all small or big party sectari-
lution can never be forecast; it can- the north Indian society which has anism and narrow vision from the
not be foretold, it comes of itself. always been the pivot of hegemonic experience gathered from a limited
Revolution is brewing and is bound control of Indian system by the In- space, and take genuine, sincere
to flare up”. He further said, “To dian ruling classes. Is not the policy and visible effort for unity which
the Marxist it is indisputable that a shift of Indian Government towards will give a boost to the morale of
revolution is impossible without a aggressive pan-Indian statist drive of workers-peasants and section of dis-
revolutionary situation; furthermore, evacuating and displacing the people illusioned middle class. ooo
it is not every revolutionary situa-
tion that leads to revolution.”
It won’t be wrong if one dog-
matically adheres to Lenin’s defini-
tion of revolutionary situation. Lenin
emphasised three criteria for assess-
ment of revolutionary situation.
One, “when it is impossible for
the ruling classes to maintain their
rule without any change, when there
is a crisis, in one form or another,
among the upper classes, a crisis in
the policy of the ruling class, lead-
ing to a fissure through which the
discontent and indignation of the
classes burst forth”. Almost all the
revolutionary formations agree that
Indian ruling class is treading the
path to change the character of the
Indian state to fascism or
authoritarianism. What else does it

F-14-17(55).P65 # 17
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18 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

“WAR ON WAR” Liebknecht and August Bebel con-

demned the annexationist objectives
War and the Left of Bismarck’s Germany and voted
against war credits. Their decision
Marcello Musto*
to “reject the bill for additional fund-

HILE POLITICAL SCI- it. In “Can Europe Disarm?”, he ing to continue the war” earned
ENCE has probed the noted that in the previous twenty- them a two-year prison sentence for
ideological, political, eco- five years every major power had high treason, but it helped to show
nomic and even psychological moti- tried to outdo its rivals militarily the working class an alternative way
vations behind the drive to war, and in terms of war preparations. to build on the crisis.
socialist theory has made one of its This had involved unprecedented As the major European powers
most compelling contributions by levels of arms production and kept up their imperialist expansion,
highlighting the nexus between the brought the Old Continent closer to the controversy on war acquired
development of capitalism and the “a war of destruction such as the ever greater weight in the debates of
spread of wars. world has never seen”. According to the Second International. A resolu-
In the debates of the First Inter- Engels, “The system of standing tion adopted at its founding con-
national, César de Paepe, one of its armies has been carried to such gress had enshrined peace as “the
principal leaders, formulated what extremes throughout Europe that it indispensable precondition of any
would become the classical position must either bring economic ruin to emancipation of the workers”. As
of the workers’ movement on the the peoples on account of the mili- the Weltpolitik–the aggressive policy
question: namely, that wars are in- tary burden, or else degenerate into of Imperial Germany to extend its
evitable under the regime of capital- a general war of extermination”. In power in the international arena—
ist production. In contemporary so- his analysis, Engels did not forget to changed the geopolitical setting, anti-
ciety, they are brought about not by highlight that standing armies were militarist principles sank deeper roots
the ambitions of monarchs or other maintained chiefly for internal po- in the workers’ movement and in-
individuals but by the dominant litical as much as external military fluenced the discussions on armed
social-economic model. The lesson purposes. They were intended “to conflicts. War was no longer seen
in civilisation for the workers’ move- provide protection not so much only as opening up revolutionary
ment came from the belief that any against the external enemy as the opportunities and hastening the
war should be considered “a civil internal one”, by strengthening the breakdown of the system (an idea
war”, a ferocious clash between forces to repress the proletariat and on the Left going back to Maxi-
workers that deprived them of the workers’ struggles. As popular layers milien Robespierre’s “no revolution
means necessary for their survival. paid more than anyone else the without revolution”). It was now
Karl Marx did not develop in any costs of war, through taxes and the viewed as a danger because of its
of his writings his views—fragmen- provision of troops to the state, the grievous consequences for the prole-
tary and sometimes contradictory— workers’ movement should fight for tariat in the shape of hunger, desti-
on war, nor did he put forward guide- “the gradual reduction of the term tution and unemployment.
lines for the correct attitude to be of [military] service by international The resolution “On Militarism
taken towards it. In Capital he ar- treaty” and for disarmament as the and International Conflicts”, adopted
gued that violence was an economic only effective “guarantee of peace”. by the Second International at its
force, “the midwife of every old so- TESTS AND COLLAPSE Stuttgart Congress in 1907, reca-
ciety pregnant with a new one”. But It was not long before a peacetime pitulated all the key points that had
he did not think of war as a crucial theoretical debate turned into the become the common heritage of
shortcut for the revolutionary trans- foremost political issue of the age, the workers’ movement. Among
formation of society, and a major when the workers’ movement had these were: a vote against budgets
aim of his political activity was to to face real situations in which their that increased military spending,
commit workers to the principle of representatives initially opposed any antipathy to standing armies and a
international solidarity. support for war. In the Franco-Prus- preference for a system of people’s
War was such an important ques- sian conflict of 1870 (which pre- militias. As the years passed, the
tion for Friedrich Engels that he ceded the Paris Commune), the Second International committed it-
devoted one of his last writings to Social Democrat deputies Wilhelm self less and less to a policy of

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action in favour of peace and the had replaced the class struggle with just as none of them is entitled to
majority of European socialist par- a claim on “morsels of the profits claim legitimate self-defence”.
ties ended up supporting the First obtained by their national bourgeoi- Attitudes to the war also aroused
World War. This course had disas- sie through the looting of other coun- debate in the feminist movement.
trous consequences. With the idea tries”. The most celebrated thesis of The need for women to replace
that the “benefits of progress” should this pamphlet—that revolutionaries conscripted men in jobs that had
not be monopolised by the capital- should seek to “turn imperialist war long been a male monopoly encour-
ists, the workers’ movement came into civil war”—implied that those aged the spread of chauvinist ideol-
to share the expansionist aims of who really wanted a “lasting demo- ogy in a sizeable part of the new-
the ruling classes and was swamped cratic peace” had to wage “civil born suffragette movement. Expo-
by nationalist ideology. The Second war against their governments and sure of duplicitous governments—
International proved completely im- the bourgeoisie”. Lenin was con- which, in evoking the enemy at the
potent in the face of the war, failing vinced of what history would later gates, used the war to roll back
in one of its main objectives: the show to be imprecise: that any class fundamental social reforms—was
preservation of peace. struggle consistently waged in time one of the most important achieve-
Rosa Luxemburg and Vladimir of war would “inevitably” create a ments of Rosa Luxemburg and the
Lenin were the two most vigorous revolutionary spirit among the communist feminists of the time.
opponents of the war. Luxemburg masses. They were the first to embark lu-
extended the theoretical understand- LINES OF DEMARCATION cidly and courageously on the path
ing of the Left and showed how The First World War produced divi- that would show successive genera-
militarism was a key vertebra of the sions not only in the Second Inter- tions how the struggle against mili-
state. Displaying a conviction and national but also in the anarchist tarism was essential to the struggle
effectiveness with few equals among movement. In an article published against patriarchy. Later, the rejec-
other communist leaders, she ar- shortly after the outbreak of the tion of war became a distinctive
gued that the “War on war!” slogan conflict, PëtrKropotkin wrote that part of International Women’s Day,
should become “the cornerstone of “the task of any person holding and opposition to war budgets on
working-class politics”. As she wrote dear the idea of human progress is the outbreak of any new conflict
in The Crisis of Social Democracy, to squash the German invasion in featured prominently in many plat-
the Second International had im- Western Europe”. In a reply to forms of the international feminist
ploded because it failed “to achieve Kropotkin, the Italian anarchist movement.
a common tactic and action by the Enrico Malatesta argued that“a The escalating violence of the
proletariat in all countries”. From German victory would certainly spell Nazi-Fascist front, at home as well
then on, the “main goal” of the the triumph of militarism, but also as abroad, and the outbreak of the
proletariat should therefore be “fight- that a triumph for the Allies would Second World War created an even
ing imperialism and preventing wars, mean Russian-British domination in more nefarious scenario than the
in peace as in war”. Europe and Asia.” 1914-18 war. After Hitler’s troops
In Socialism and the War and In the Manifesto of the Sixteen, attacked the Soviet Union in 1941,
many other writings during the First Kropotkin upheld the need “to resist the Great Patriotic War that ended
World War, Lenin’s great merit was an aggressor who represents the with the defeat of Nazism became
to identify two fundamental ques- destruction of all our hopes of lib- such a central element in Russian
tions. The first concerned the “his- eration”. Victory for the Triple En- national unity that it survived the
torical falsification” whenever the tente against Germany would be fall of the Berlin Wall and has
bourgeoisie tried to attribute a “pro- the lesser evil and do less to under- lasted until our own days.
gressive sense of national liberation” mine the existing liberties. On the With the post-war division of the
to what were in reality wars of other side, Malatesta and his fel- world into two blocs, Joseph Stalin
“plunder”, waged with the sole aim low-signatories of The Anarchist In- taught that the main task of the
of deciding which belligerents were ternational Anti-War Manifesto de- international Communist movement
this time to oppress the most for- clared: “No distinction is possible was to safeguard the Soviet Union.
eign peoples and to increase the between offensive and defensive The creation of a buffer zone of
inequalities of capitalism. The sec- wars”. Moreover, they added eight countries in Eastern Europe
ond was the masking of contradic- that“None of the belligerents has was a central pillar of this policy.
tions by the social reformists who any right to lay claim to civilization, From 1961, under the leadership of

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20 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet Union cialist country towards capitalism, it may, under certain circumstances, be
began a new political course that becomes not only a problem of the utilised by another “Great” Power in
came to be known as “peaceful country concerned, but a common its equally imperialist interests should
coexistence”. However, this attempt problem and concern of all socialist have no more weight in inducing So-
at constructive cooperation was countries.” According to this anti- cial Democracy to renounce its rec-
geared only to the USA, not the democratic logic, the definition of ognition of the right of nations to self-
countries of “actually existing so- what was and was not “socialism” determination”. Beyond the geopoliti-
cialism”. In 1956, the Soviet Union naturally fell to the arbitrary deci- cal interests and intrigues that are usu-
had already brutally crushed the sion of the Soviet leaders. ally also in play, the forces of the Left
Hungarian Revolution. Similar events With the invasion of Afghani- have historically supported the prin-
took place in 1968 in Czechoslova- stan, in 1979, the Red Army again ciple of national self-determination
kia. Faced with demands for became a major instrument of and defended the right of individual
democratisation during the “Prague Moscow’s foreign policy, which con- states to establish their frontiers on
Spring”, the Politburo of the Com- tinued to claim the right to inter- the basis of the express will of the
munist Party of the Soviet Union vene in what it described as its own population. In ‘Results of the Discus-
decided unanimously to send in half “security zone”. These military in- sion on Self-Determination’, Lenin
a million soldiers and thousands of terventions not only worked against wrote: “If the socialist revolution were
tanks. Leonid Brezhnev explained a general arms reduction but served to be victorious in Petrograd, Berlin
the action by referring to what he to discredit and globally weaken and Warsaw, the Polish socialist gov-
called the “limited sovereignty” of socialism. The Soviet Union was ernment, like the Russian and Ger-
Warsaw Pact countries: “When forces increasingly seen as an imperial man socialist governments, would
that are hostile to socialism try to power acting in ways not unlike renounce the ‘forcible retention’ of,
turn the development of some so- those of the United States, which, say, the Ukrainians within the fron-
since the onset of the Cold War, tiers of the Polish state”. Why sug-
URGENT APPEAL had more or less secretly backed gest, then, that anything different
This unique world law fortnightly— coups d’état and helped to over- should be conceded to the national-
perhaps the only law journal in
India which regularly publishes throw democratically elected gov- ist government led by Vladimir Putin?
important foreign and ernments in more than twenty coun- On the other hand, all too many
international courts’ decisions— tries around the world. on the Left have yielded to the
as also provides copious
information regarding the socio- TO BE ON THE LEFT IS TO temptation to become—directly or
economic/political conditions of BE AGAINST WAR indirectly—co-belligerents, fuelling a
various countries the world over The end of the Cold War did not new union sacrée. Such a position
and invites/publishes thought
provoking articles on the pressing lessen the amount of interference in today serves increasingly to blur the
problems and crises faced by the other countries’ affairs, nor did it distinction between Atlanticism and
people of the world in various increase the freedom of every people pacifism. History shows that, when
spheres—is running on heavy
losses and is IN DANGER OF
to choose the political regime under they do not oppose war, progressive
BEING CLOSED DOWN SOON which it lives. The Russian-Ukrainian forces lose an essential part of their
unless subscribers, admirers/ war has again faced the Left with reason for existence and end up
well-wishers rise to the occasion
the dilemma of how to react when a swallowing the ideology of the op-
and render crucial help in the
form of causing many more country’s sovereignty is under at- posite camp. This happens when-
subscriptions, advertisements (Rs tack. The failure to condemn Russia’s ever parties of the Left make their
15,000 or more) and donations invasion of Ukraine is a political presence in government the funda-
at the earliest and regularly. Hope
and request all such sympathetic mistake on the part of the govern- mental way of measuring their po-
persons/institutions would chip in ment of Venezuela, and it makes litical action—as the Italian Com-
with their precious aid. denunciations of possible future acts munists did in supporting the NATO
—Publisher, Editor, LAW
CONTACT of aggression committed by the United interventions in Kosovo and Afghani-
I. BALAMANI, Publisher States appear less credible. stan, or today’s majority of Unidas
Law Animated World
6-3-1243/156, M.S. Makta, Recalling Lenin’s words in The Podemos, which joins its voice to
HYDERABAD-500082, India. Socialist Revolution and the Right of the unanimous chorus of the entire
Ph: 040-23300284
Email: Nations to Self-Determination: “The Spanish parliamentary arch, in
Annual subscription: Rs. 1600/- fact that the struggle for national lib- favour of sending weapons to the
Life subscription: Rs. 20,000/-
eration against one imperialist power Ukrainian army.

F-14-17(55).P65 # 20
1st proof
October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 21

BONAPARTE IS sion of NATO, does not show proof global security. It must be shown
NOT DEMOCRACY of political indecision or theoretical that it is a dangerous and ineffec-
When Marx on the Crimean War, in ambiguity. In recent weeks, a num- tual organisation, which, in its drive
1854, he wrote, in opposition to lib- ber of experts have provided expla- for expansion and unipolar domina-
eral democrats who exalted the anti- nations of the roots of the conflict tion, serves to fuel tensions leading
Russian coalition: “It is a mistake to (which in no way reduce the bar- to war in the world.
describe the war against Russia as a barity of the Russian invasion), and For the Left, war cannot be “the
war between liberty and despotism. the position of those who propose a continuation of politics by other
Apart from the fact that if such be policy of non-alignment is the most means”, to quote Clausewitz’s fa-
the case, liberty would be for the effective way of ending the war as mous dictum. In reality, it merely
nonce represented by a Bonaparte, soon as possible and ensuring the certifies the failure of politics. If the
the whole avowed object of the war smallest number of victims. It is Left wishes to return hegemonic and
is the maintenance?…? of the Vienna necessary to pursue ceaseless diplo- to show itself capable of using its
treaties—those very treaties which matic activity based on two firm history for the tasks of today, it
annul the liberty and independence points: de-escalation and the neu- needs to write indelibly on its ban-
of nations”. If one replaces trality of independent Ukraine. ners the words “anti-militarism” and
Bonaparte with the United States of Despite the increased support for “No to war!” ooo
America and the Vienna treaties with NATO following the Russian moves, [* Marcello Musto is Professor of Sociol-
NATO, these observations seem as if it is necessary to work harder to ogy at York University (Toronto—Canada)
and is an expert of Socialist thought and
written for today. ensure that public opinion does not history of the labour movement. His writ-
The thinking of those who op- see the largest and most aggressive ings—available at
pose both Russian and Ukrainian war machine in the world—NATO— —have been published worldwide in twenty-
nationalism, as well as the expan- as the solution to the problems of five languages.]

EQUALITY VS INEQUALITY For such an achievement to be

possible, India should try to estab-
An Alternative Path for India lish broad consensus on three over-
whelming priorities-(i) very signifi-
Bharat Dogra
cant, durable reduction of poverty

NDIA IN THE 75TH YEAR OF humanity, and (ii) the continuation and inequalities, ensuring basic
its independence today stands at of many conflicts, invasions and needs of all, (ii) protection of envi-
a very important juncture of his- wars in a situation of more and ronment with special emphasis on
tory, faced with very serious prob- more destructive arms race includ- checking survival threatening prob-
lems and critical challenges, and at ing huge arsenals of weapons of lems such as climate change, water
the same time also with significant mass destruction which can destroy depletion and loss of bio-diversity
opportunities if only these can be the entire world. and (iii) peace and social harmony
grasped. The choice people make These two problems may appear at all levels while ending all dis-
between various paths of develop- separate but are related in signifi- crimination.
ment, for example the path of equal- cant ways, not the least because With 2 per cent of the world’s
ity and harmony versus the path of the kind of international effort land, 1 per cent (or less)of oil and
increasing inequalities and polarisa- needed to resolve the first listed gas resources but 17 per cent of the
tion, will be very important for de- survival issues will simply not be world’s population, India’s quest for
ciding whether the problems get ac- possible in a situation of conflicts meeting the basic needs of its people
centuated or the opportunities get and wars. and providing them satisfactory live-
utilised optimally. In the context of this wider situ- lihood on a sustainable basis is a
The two most important fea- ation of the world, India must pio- huge challenge. If this can be met
tures of the present day world are- neer a path which, while solving while also protecting environment
(i) the deepening of a many sided India’s basic problems of poverty and keeping down GHG emissions,
ecological crisis in critical ways so and deprivation, should at the same this will truly be a very commend-
that it has now become a survival time show the way forward for re- able achievement.
crisis threatening the life of count- solving the most threatening prob- India is a nuclear weapons power
less species and endangering even lems of the world. which shares borders with two other

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22 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

nuclear weapons powers. India has GHG emissions, while promoting on imports in meeting essential needs
been extremely prone to terrorist peace and harmony at all levels. (in terms of consumption goods as
attacks from across its borders. It In several critical areas of the well as capital goods and
has already fought five wars with economy the public sector should intermediates)should be emphasised,
neighbouring countries, with aggres- continue to play an important role. while the sovereign government's
sion generally coming from the other The private sector obviously should powers to reduce or stop those im-
side of the borders. It has coped also have an important role but sub- ports which are harmful for health,
with several secessionist movements ject to the condition that no industri- livelihoods or other vital interests
and insurgencies. . India has seven alist or company can dominate the should be reaffirmed. Similarly
major religions (plus many more economy, its one or more important patent laws should be in line with
religious sects and religions with sectors, to acquire excessive power national interests. India should play
smaller number of believers), around and interfere unduly in the function- an important role in reform of the
6400 castes and 1600 languages. ing of democratic system and its WTO, the World Bank and the IMF
The much-discussed idea of India policy making mechanisms. with the aim to make them more
is that despite all these outward dif- Corporate sector should be regu- transparent and responsive to the
ferences, all people can live without lated carefully for responsibilities real and economic justice based
discrimination in India with security relating to environment, workers, needs of world.
and equal opportunities. If anything consumers (or other end-users of There should be a relentless cam-
governance reforms including signifi- their products) and to the wider paign against the substantial 'black'
cant reduction of corruption and society. Multinational and foreign part of the economy so that illegally
crimes (and related criminalisation of companies should be regulated very held money can be recovered and
politics) and improved transparency carefully. Cooperative sector should used for constructive development
are essential preconditions for success be reformed and strengthened to tasks. This includes efforts to bring
of this agenda based on justice, accept increasing responsibilities. back black money deposited abroad
equality, harmony and protection of Certain products and areas can be using various secretive devices.
environment. reserved for small-scale and cot- High priority should be given to
But what has been happening in tage-scale entrepreneurs, coopera- rural areas. The distorted thinking
recent times is a far removed from tives, small farmer groups and self- which necessarily equates develop-
the real needs of the country. Today help groups, particularly of women, ment with very rapid urbanisation
India has a system of crony capital- with emphasis on meeting basic and migration of displaced villagers
ism tied closely to inequality and needs of villages and small towns to mega-cities should be rejected.
injustice based globalisation, with a as well as generation of more di- Villages should be the main base of
big role also for some of the most verse livelihoods there. India's development. Even though
infamous multinational companies Economic planning should retain land availability per family is declin-
and institutions. Highly favoured are an important role in ensuring the ing with the passage of time, more
those MNCs which are known to be availability of goods and services diverse livelihoods can be provided
very aggressive in trying to domi- which meet the basic needs of people, in rural and semi-rural areas by
nate food and seeds sector, using reducing inequalities, protecting live- encouraging village and cottage in-
very hazardous technologies. To pave lihoods, keeping unemployment and dustries, including khadi, and pro-
the way for such corporate led inflation at low levels, providing es- tecting artisans' livelihoods.
growth, the Planning Commission sential infra-structure and avoiding Ecologically protective, low-cost,
has been shut down arbitrarily. The foreign indebtedness. The Planning location-specific technology which
environment is threatened more than Commission (including state plan- seeks to make best use of local
ever before with aggressively mar- ning organisations) should be re-es- resources and conditions should be
keted and ecologically destructive tablished with some important re- emphasised, an approach which
projects of big corporate interests. forms to strengthen it and the pro- includes organic farming, protection
In such adverse circumstances it cess of five-year plans (including state of traditional seeds and biodiversity,
is all the more important to hold plans) should be re-started. soil and water conservation, increas-
high the banner that another path In foreign trade imports of all ing green cover and forests. Organic
exists- a path that can make India non-essentials including luxury goods farming should avoid the pitfall of
a pioneer in reducing poverty, in- and gold should be minimised. Steps avoidable expenses like costly certi-
equalities, environment ruin and which reduce excessive dependence fication and should be based on

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by P. Bandhu and T.G. Jacob) Studera Press, New Delhi, 2019.
978-93-8588309207; HB and as e-book; pp. 356; Rs 1795.


Edited by Pranjali Bandhu. Introduction by T.G. Jacob. Second revised and expanded edition.
Studera Press, New Delhi, 2021.
978-93-85883-98-9; pb; pp. 610; Rs. 995.


Edited by T.G. Jacob.Second revised edition.Studera Press, Delhi, 2017.
978-93-85883-36-1; HB; pp. 250; Rs. 1495.


Edited by P. Bandhu and T.G. Jacob.Second revised edition.Studera Press, Delhi, 2017.
978-93-85883-35-4; HB;pp. 312; Rs 1795.


by T.G. Jacob
Empower India Press, New Delhi, 2012.
pb; pp. 278; Rs 400.


by T.G. Jacob and P. Bandhu. Odyssey, Ootacamund, 2009.
978-81-900615-4-4; pb; pp. 296; Rs. 545.


by S.N. Nagarajan. Edited by T.G. Jacob and P. Bandhu. Odyssey, Ootacamund, 2008.
978-81-900615-3-7; pb; pp. 220; Rs. 445.


by Pranjali Bandhu, Odyssey, Ootacamund, 2007.
81-900615-2-6; pb; pp. 263; Rs. 495.

For copies write to: /

Ph: 011-27380218; 27383728; 9711007535.
For Left to Right: Decline of Communism in India contact:
Thejas Books, Media City, Nallalam Post,
Calicut 673027. Mo: 9847815603

F-14-17(55).P65 # 23
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24 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

self-reliance and low costs, includ- extent possible and practical, for vaccines and investigations should
ing mutual certification by farmers self-reliance to a significant extent be accessible to all. Adequate bud-
of each other’s crops. Farmers' seed in all essential consumer and capi- getary provisions should be provided
rights should be well-protected and tal goods. for this. To utilise this properly, ten-
seed-banks of traditional diverse While private, public and coop- dencies of extracting very high and
seeds should be set up with the erative sectors all have important unethical profits in the supply of
close involvement of farmers includ- roles, domination by any single in- medicines and medical care (includ-
ing elderly farmers and women. dustrialist or use of unfair means to ing investigations) should be strictly
Water conservation as well as surge ahead of others in one or curbed, or else the higher budget
protection/regeneration of greenery more sectors should not be allowed. can be gobbled by profiteers. Im-
provides the base for survival in the Public sector should be strength- portant changes in medicines policy
form of meeting basic needs of life ened and reformed to fulfill its wider are needed to make available all
and supporting basic rural liveli- social responsibility while maintain- essential medicines at a fair price,
hoods. Some existing provisions like ing high standards of efficiency and with special emphasis on supply of
rural employment guarantee can be entrepreneurial ability. generic medicines, while those medi-
strengthened for this. In terms of The important role of nationalised cines and vaccines with high risks
resource use, concentrating atten- or public sector banks and insur- and side-effects should be discarded.
tion on smaller watershed progra- ance companies (mainly Life Insur- The public sector should fulfill an
mmes as well as proper mainte- ance Corporation of India) should important role in this. The govern-
nance of existing canals will yield continue. These should be reformed ment should accept the responsibil-
much better results instead of vari- and strengthened to improve their ity of health care, medicines and
ous new big and medium projects efficiency, basic financial soundness vaccines. As far as possible, all
of dams and canals. Of course this and social responsibility and to medicines should be provided free
will also be ecologically much safer minimise the possibilities of corrup- in primary health centres and all
and will help to avoid a lot of tion and irregularities. government hospitals.
displacement. Public sector companies should While emphasising right to edu-
Protection and regeneration of continue to have an important role cation for all, the education budget
natural mixed forests should get very in creation of strong and adequate should be increased significantly. At
high priority. The practice of raising infra-structure for development of the same time the tendencies of
monoculture plantations of commer- country. While infra-structure should rapid privatisation and extraction of
cial species of trees in place of be adequate, unnecessarily expen- high profits should be checked.
natural forests should be given up sive and grand projects should be Improvement of government schools
forever. avoided. Care should be taken to should get the highest priority, while
Animal husbandry should be minimise the problems relating to those schools which aim to sin-
encouraged with special emphasis environment and displacement. cerely pursue important educational
on regeneration of pastures and Special care should be taken to objectives should also be encour-
fodder trees as well as protection of reconcile development and environ- aged. Children of weakest and vul-
indigenous species of farm animals. ment protection objectives in the area nerable households (like migrant
Protection of indigenous breeds of of energy, as both are important. For workers and nomadic groups) should
cows and bullocks should get spe- rural areas in particular decentralised also be included with a system of
cial attention. Availability of essen- mixed renewable energy systems can evening schools/bridge courses and
tial food items in public distribution play an important role. later integration with the main-
network should be linked to strength- Mineral wealth should be used stream.
ening of small and medium farmers in the wider interests of people with Tendencies towards communali-
in all rural areas. special emphasis on the rights and sation of education (or linking it to
Steps should be taken to free welfare of communities living in the dominance of one faith or reli-
various kinds of produce from the mineral rich areas. gion) should be curbed. Instead a
grip of a few big traders and specu- A strong foundation of good secular approach to moral/ethical
lators so that farmers get justice health can only be established by education should be introduced with
and sudden escalations in price for good nutrition and fulfillment of emphasis on universal values such
consumers are also avoided. other basic needs. In addition es- as not causing distress to anyone,
The country should aim, to the sential health services, medicines, equality of all human beings, rejec-

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tion of all kinds of discrimination, lating to bamboo, leather etc. should levels, including reduction of air and
compassion for all forms of life, be improved so that new opportuni- water pollution, soil and water con-
honesty, hard-work and a spirit of ties emerge and better, cleaner work- servation, protection of forests, re-
service. conditions are available. ducing the spread of various toxic
Child labour and all forms of Land rights of tribal communi- products and wastes etc. New forms
exploitation of children should be ties should be carefully protected of pollution such as threat from
eliminated. Trafficking of children and land allocated earlier illegally radiation of nuclear plants, or the
should be curbed strongly and miss- should be restored under the due threat from mobile phone towers,
ing children should be traced with a process of law. The implementation or the irreversible risk of genetic
sense of urgency. Trafficked and of recent Forest Rights Act needs to pollution should be given adequate
exploited children when rescued be substantially improved and any importance in the environment pro-
should be rehabilitated properly. possibilities of large-scale displace- tection agenda. Protection of rivers
Progress in science and technol- ment should be checked. should learn from past failures and
ogy should be linked closely to the Nomadic and semi-nomadic concepts of ecologically adequate
country's real needs. Technical skills tribes and groups deserve sympa- river flows as well as free river flows
not only in institutions of higher thetic understanding. Both options should get more appreciation in
learning but also in rural areas, in of improving their present life pat- policy, along with adverse impacts
farms and workshops and factories tern and satisfactory rehabilitation of dams and barrages.
should be recognised, encouraged are open. Long pending police reforms
and provided adequate avenues. In all categories the most op- should not be delayed any longer.
Senior citizens should have a pressed and neglected groups de- These reforms should be aimed at
place of respect and dignity and to serve special attention and help. not only increasing the efficiency of
facilitate this better social security Particularly among OBCs there is a the police but also their sensitivity
particularly pensions are very neces- need to be careful that the genu- and humanity. Dignity of policemen
sary. Extensive pension reforms inely oppressed, left-out and ne- at lower levels should be protected.
should be taken up to create a glected castes get more help. Reducing crimes should have a
system of universal and adequate Hard-won rights of workers and multi-dimensional approach with
pensions. trade unions should be protected. special emphasis on reducing the
All forms of discrimination based Reforms or codification should not social causes of crimes as well as
on caste, religion, gender, colour, be used as a pretext to reduce or breaking the nexus between crime
ethnicity etc. should be curbed undermine these rights. Occupational and corruption and political power
strictly in keeping with the constitu- health and safety need much more at higher levels.
tional precepts. Apart from imple- attention. The rights of unorganised The justice system is breaking
menting legal provisions this should sector workers deserve more atten- down particularly in rural areas be-
also be taken up as public cam- tion and funds. Social security of cause of long pending cases and
paigns. these workers should be ensured in repeated visits to courts from long
Continuing efforts should be a big way. Women workers deserve distances which only lead to further
made, and not just at the time of special attention in terms of protec- dates. Therefore rural decentrali-
tensions, to maintain communal tion and care. Existing laws which sation should include some judicial
harmony or inter-faith harmony. protect rights of workers should be provisions for settling disputes lo-
The existing reservations should implemented in the right spirit. cally but with suitable safeguards.
continue till real equality in all im- Within the organised sector also the Jails need extensive reforms to
portant respects is not achieved. A rights of contractual workers de- create more human conditions, with
big effort should be made to pro- serve more attention. special provisions firmly in place for
vide some land to the large number Protection of environment is of recognition and human treatment
of Dalit (or other) landless farm the highest importance not only for of political prisoners. ooo
workers and provide other assistance preparing the base of sustainable [This is a shortened version of a longish
to help them to emerge as small development but increasingly for article written by the author for social
activists who are trying to organise masses
farmers cultivating their own land. sheer survival of various life-forms
in the context of destructive policies pur-
The ban on manual scavenging must including human beings. Protection sued by the successive governments irre-
be backed by adequate rehabilita- of environment and reduction of spective of their colour to allow the
tion opportunities. Artisan work re- pollution should get priority at all corporates to loot the country.]

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AT THE EXPENSE OF THE POOR Under consumption-based ac-

counting attributable damages in-
Climate Expropriation–a Political Question crease by 1.5% for the US, increase
by 10–20% for some European
Farooque Chowdhury
countries, and decrease by 15% for

LIMATE IS BEING EXPRO- The report said: Global income Russia and 9% for China, expand-
priated by the rich and the changes attributable to the US and ing the gap in responsibility between
powerful while the poor China’s emissions over 1990–2014 the US and all other countries, said
people are paying with their life. each exceed US $1.8 trillion in both the report.
This fact is also evident in the case losses and benefits; losses and ben- The report said: Emissions re-
of rich and poor countries—the rich efits induced by Russia, India, and leased early in the twentieth century
countries gain while the poor coun- Brazil each individually exceed US may have more severe effects be-
tries suffer. The issue is a political $500 billion. The US $6 trillion in cause of the longer time period over
question related to struggle for de- cumulative losses attributable to which the growth effects of such
mocracy. these five countries is comparable emissions accumulate; at the same
With its carbon footprint from both to some 14% of annual world time, carbon sinks are stronger at
1990 to 2014, a recent study finds, GDP and to the economic losses lower emissions levels and the
the US caused nearly $2 trillion in associated with warming the planet growth effects of warming are milder
damages to other countries. to 2°C rather than 1.5°C. when baseline temperatures are
The colossal amount of green- The study finds: The most north- cooler, so the opposite could be
house gases (GHG) released by the erly countries are reaping tangible true.
US over the period cited above has benefits from climate change; and Developing countries’ attributable
led to disasters and damages result- the disproportionate harm befalling damages and benefits, according to
ing in $1.9 trillion in lost income poorer and warmer countries is likely the report, only increase modestly
globally, found the recent study. even more skewed. When emissions while many countries in Europe ex-
The study report was published created by international trade are perience > 400% increases, given
in the journal Climatic Change on taken into account the US is placed their large shares of pre-1990 emis-
July 12, 2022 (Callahan, C.W., even more starkly in the lead re- sions.
Mankin, J.S. “National attribution garding climate-induced damages, It said: Countries that lose in-
of historical climate damages”, Cli- responsible for 18%. come are warmer and poorer than
matic Change 172, 40 (2022). https:/ In poor and poorer countries, the global average, generally located
/ the impact of climate expropriation in the tropics; countries that gain
It’s not strange that the study is deadly: hundreds die, thousands income are cooler and wealthier
report has been mostly ignored by turn destitute and migrants, millions than the global average, generally
the MSM. But, it’s strange that the face uncertainty in terms of liveli- located in the midlatitudes; and glo-
report has also been ignored by a hood, shelter, health and educa- bal warming to date has amplified,
section of the outlets including on- tion; and it’s the poor, the most and will continue to amplify, this
line journal, e-magazine, etc. that vulnerable segment of society that extant pattern of global economic
claim to be alternative to the MSM, suffers the most. inequality.
that claim to be standing for cli- Large emitters, the report said, The study report said: The re-
mate, people and the poor. make disproportionate contributions sults provide an additional dimen-
GHG emissions from high-emit- to climate damages. The top 10 sion to this globally unequal pat-
ting countries, said the study report, most damaging countries are re- tern: The cool, relatively wealthy
have caused substantial economic sponsible for more than 67% of countries that have gained from
losses in low-income, tropical parts losses and 70% of benefits. The US anthropogenic warming are also
of the world and economic gains in contributes the most, responsible for those that (1) have emitted the
high-income, midlatitude regions. 16.5% of losses and 18% of ben- most and (2) caused the most dam-
Discourse on climate liability is efits, followed by China, responsible age to other countries from their
narrow due to lack of scientific evi- for 15.8% of losses and 16.8% of emissions. Nearly all the high-emit-
dence of causal linkages between benefits; every other country indi- ting nations in North America and
countries’ emissions and its impact. vidually contributes less than 10%. Eurasia are in the top two GDP per

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capita income quintiles over 1990– of economic losses from warming extreme hot years”, Communica-
2014, though China, India, and attributable to individual emitters is tions Earth & Environment, 3, 7,
Indonesia are exceptions. These top not known, undermining their stand- January 6, 2022,
several income quintiles have caused ing for climate liability claims. Un- 10.1038/s43247-021-00320-6) quan-
income losses in the poorest two certainties compound at each step tified contributions of the five larg-
quintiles, while they have caused from emissions to GHG concentra- est emitters—China, US, EU-27,
income gains for themselves that tions, GHG concentrations to glo- India, Russia—to project 2030 coun-
exceed those losses in magnitude. bal temperature changes, global tem- try-level warming and extreme hot
It said: Countries in the lowest perature changes to country-level years with respect to pre-industrial
income quintile, primarily in Africa temperature changes, and country- climate.
and central and south Asia, have level temperature changes to eco- The study report said: The US is
caused nearly zero effects on other nomic losses, providing emitters with the largest per capita emitter, fol-
countries while suffering the greatest plausible deniability for damage lowed by Russia, China, EU-27,
disadvantages from the emissions claims. and India.
of larger economies. The study, claim the scientists, It said: The top five emitters are
The report said: The study re- lifts the veil of deniability, and helps playing a major role in driving glo-
sults are consistent with previous quantify each country’s culpability bal and regional warming and are
work that shows increases in global for historical temperature-driven in- increasing the probability for ex-
inequality from historical warming. come changes in every other coun- treme hot years.
The study findings emphasise: The try. “Recent studies”, said the study
culpability for warming rests prima- The scientists claim their “frame- report, “have highlighted the rel-
rily with a handful of major emit- work shows such linkages can be evance of assigning climate change
ters, and that this warming has quantified”; and they can “process- responsibility to major emitters, in
resulted in the emitters’ enrichment trace exactly who has caused eco- order to better quantify the contri-
at the expense of the poorest people nomic losses from their emissions, butions of individual countries to
in the world. and how much.” human-induced global warming and
The anthropogenic warming, the The study findings, the scientists its consequences. This has gained
report said, constitutes a substantial claim, could provide a basis for importance with the bottom-up ap-
international wealth transfer from poorer countries to sue for climate- proach to mitigation that was intro-
the poor to the wealthy. related harms. duced as part of the Paris Agree-
The report said: These harms The study report said: Previous ment”.
can be assigned to individual emit- efforts have been hamstrung by a The issue was also found in
ters in a way that rigorously ac- lack of scientific evidence linking many other studies.
counts for the compounding uncer- individual carbon emitters to “the A 2012-study (Wei T, Yang S,
tainties at each step of the causal downstream impacts of warming.” Moore JC, Shi P, Cui X, Duan Q,
chain from emissions to local im- These countries now will be able to Xu B, Dai Y, Yuan W, Wei X et al
pact. take legal action. Such methods of (2012), “Developed and developing
It notes that the study approach placing blame for climate harms world responsibilities for historical
can be generalised to other actors can also be applied to corporations. climate change and CO2 mitiga-
including individual firms, or to other Damages and thus potential li- tion”, Proceedings of the National
harms, such as the farmers’ eco- abilities, the report said, depend on Academy of Sciences of the United
nomic losses. These results contrib- when emissions accounting begins States of America, 109 (32) https:/
ute to resolving a major obstacle to and on what emissions are consid- /
climate liability efforts and advance ered. These choices are ultimately said: Negotiations on emission re-
critical discussions. political. duction among countries are increas-
The report said: Quantifying The analysis provides a quanti- ingly fraught with difficulty, partly
which nations are culpable for the tative grounding to inform these because of arguments about the
economic impacts of anthropogenic political choices. responsibility for the ongoing tem-
warming is central to informing cli- This year, another study (Beusch, perature rise. Simulations with two
mate litigation and restitution claims L., Nauels, A., Gudmundsson, L. earth-system models demonstrate
for climate damages. For countries et al., “Responsibility of major emit- that developed countries had con-
seeking legal redress, the magnitude ters for country-level warming and tributed about 60-80%, developing

F-14-17(55).P65 # 27
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28 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

countries about 20-40%, to the glo- programme for struggle for democ- justice has been conceptualised.
bal temperature rise, upper ocean racy. While most discussions of climate
warming, and sea-ice reduction by Plaintiffs’ claim is an important justice in the academic literature
2005. part in this issue. focus on ideal conceptions and nor-
Seven years later, another study Rupert F. Stuart-Smith, et al mative arguments of justice theory,
(Diffenbaugh NS, Burke M (2019), (Stuart-Smith, R.F., Otto, F.E.L., or on the pragmatic policy of the
“Global warming has increased glo- Saad, A.I. et al, “Filling the eviden- more elite environmental nongov-
bal economic inequality”, Proc Natl tiary gap in climate litigation”, Na- ernmental organisations (NGOs), a
Acad Sci, 116(20) PMID: 31010922, ture Climate Change, 11, 651–655 distinct discourse has developed out
PMCID: PMC6525504, DOI: (2021). of the grassroots. In these move-
10.1073/pnas.1816020116) said: s41558-021-01086-7) found: Law- ment articulations of climate jus-
Understanding the causes of eco- suits concerning the impacts of cli- tice, the concerns and principles of
nomic inequality is critical for achiev- mate change make causal claims environmental justice are clear and
ing equitable economic development. about the effect of defendants’ GHG consistent. Climate justice focuses
The study found: Very high like- emissions on plaintiffs. Plaintiffs on local impacts and experience,
lihood that anthropogenic climate have sought, inter alia, compensa- inequitable vulnerabilities, impor-
forcing has increased economic in- tion for climate-related losses and tance of community voice, and de-
equality between countries. to compel governments to reduce mands for community sovereignty
As example, the study cited the their GHG emissions. So far, most and functioning.
following facts: of these claims have been unsuc- Vanuatu now stands as an ex-
(1) Per capita GDP has been cessful. ample, to many extents, in this
reduced 17-31% at the poorest four The study assessed 73 lawsuits, area.
deciles of the population-weighted and found the evidence submitted Vanuatu, said a Time report (“Pa-
country-level per capita GDP distri- and referenced in these cases lags cific Island Nations Are Bringing Their
bution, yielding a ratio between the considerably behind the state-of-the- Climate Justice Fight to the World's
top and bottom deciles that is 25% art in climate science, impeding Highest Court”, July 18, 2022, https:/
larger than in a world without glo- causation claims. /
bal warming. The researchers’ conclusion: nations-vanuatu-climate-change/), is
(2) In addition to not sharing Greater appreciation and exploita- trying to build a coalition to get the
equally in the direct benefits of fos- tion of existing methodologies in International Court of Justice (ICJ)
sil fuel use, many poor countries attribution science could address to issue a legal statement, or an
have been significantly harmed by obstacles to causation and improve advisory opinion, on climate change.
the warming arising from wealthy the prospects of litigation as a route On July 18, 2022, more than a
countries' energy consumption. to compensation for losses, regula- dozen countries and territories in the
This climate-reality found in the tory action and emission reductions Pacific region including Australia and
above mentioned studies is climate by defendants seeking to limit legal New Zealand extended support to
plunder, and this plunder is nothing liability. Vanuatu’s effort. Vanuatu is hoping
but expropriation of the climate. So, comes the question of cli- to have an opinion of the ICJ on the
This expropriation goes on in addi- mate justice, an issue in discussion obligations countries have to protect
tion to appropriation of surplus la- and demand since long. the rights of “present and future
bor the world around; and entire The study by David Schlosberg generations” from the harmful im-
global population pays the toll for and Lisette B. Collins (“From envi- pacts of climate change. Vanuatu
capitals’ climate plunder. ronmental to climate justice: cli- needs a simple majority at the UN
The findings of the studies also mate change and the discourse of General Assembly (UNGA) to give
help identify contradictions related environmental justice”, February 22, the ICJ a mandate to act. While an
to climate and the world capitalist 2014, ICJ opinion isn’t binding, it could go
system: climate-expropriating capi- wcc.275) said: Environmental jus- a long way in holding countries ac-
tal against people. Considering the tice is a major movement and countable for protecting human rights,
issues, the studies cited above are organising discourse in the environ- from the right to food to the right to
significant as climate expropriation mental politics, and both the move- life itself, which are becoming in-
by capital is crime against human- ment and the idea have had a large creasingly vulnerable as climate
ity, and this should be in the influence on the way that climate change worsens.

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The idea to get the ICJ in The tinue to make a significant contri- handled by political organisations/
Hague to issue an advisory opinion bution to the climate crisis”. An parties, because,
on climate change was conceived in advisory opinion that strongly says (i) capitals are involved,
2019 by more than 20 students at that countries have concrete duties (ii) capitals’ conflict with people,
the University of South Pacific in under existing law to take urgent (iii) it’s political, and
Vanuatu, a country that in 2015 action, or that historic polluters are (iv) this involves political deci-
experienced Cyclone Pam causing liable for the loss and damage suf- sion.
$450 million in economic losses, fered by the rest of the world could These make the issue of climate
wiping out 64% of the country’s be “a big blow to politics as usual,” one of the major and immediate
GDP. Bob Loughman, the Prime says Douglas Guilfoyle, a professor tasks of political organisations/par-
Minister of Vanuatu announced in of international law and security at ties, especially, the political
September 2021 that he would build the University of New South Wales’ organisations of people, especially
a coalition of countries to take the Canberra campus. (ibid.) the poor. Even, the mainstream
push forward. (ibid.) Over the last few years, as the academia tells that the issue is po-
The list of countries supporting Time report said, there’s been an litical. Ignoring this aspect—politi-
the movement has been steadily increase in cases of domestic litiga- cal—is making a backward march,
growing. In March, the Caribbean tion, and in interest in trying to or passing days by sleeping. It’s
Community, a group of 14 Carib- leverage international courts to ad- unquestionabe that political issues
bean nations and dependencies, said dress the climate crisis. For example, should be handled politically.
they suppor ted Vanuatu. The the Commission of Small Island The findings, etc. of the study
Organisation of African, Caribbean, States (COSIS) on Climate Change by Callahan and Mankin are signifi-
and Pacific States, a 79-country and International Law, aims to be cant, as these show that move-
bloc, said in June that it endorses the first to bring a case to the UN ments on/of climate, poor peasants
Vanuatu’s initiative. About 1,500 International Tribunal for the Law and agricultural labour, working
civil society groups also support the of the Sea to help determine the class, rights, anti-imperialism, these
campaign. Pacific Island Forum obligations of countries under inter- are parts of democratic movement;
members, like Fiji, Palau, Papua national law and hold polluters ac- even, rich farmers have ground to
New Guinea, and Samoa, endorsed countable. Wealthy countries have raise climate related demands; and
Vanuatu’s move. So did Australia failed to provide poorer countries the demands are political. The poli-
— one of the world’s largest export- $100 billion a year to help them tics of the exploited classes have no
ers of fossil fuels. Adding number of deal with climate change. In June, scope to ignore the issue of climate,
countries supporting the initiative rich countries blocked the inclusion to be exact, climate expropriation,
adds moral weight to the initiative. of “loss and damages”—or, com- as the exploited classes suffer/pay
(ibid.) pensation from historically high- most in this crisis. ooo
The UNGA can request the ICJ emitting countries for the harm
to give an advisory opinion on any 1. This is the modified version of an
caused by the resulting carbon pol- earlier article (Countercurrents, “Cli-
legal question of concern to the
lution—from the agenda of the mate expropriation: US caused nearly
international community. Although
COP27 climate meetings in Novem- $2 trillion damages to other countries
advisory opinions aren’t legally bind-
ber. (ibid.) from 1990 to 2014” July 13, 2022,
ing, they carry “great legal weight
The Vanuatu case shows the
and moral authority.” An advisory mate-expropriation-us-caused-nearly-
political aspect of the issue.
opinion could have a big impact on 2-trillion-damages-to-other-countries-
There’s no scope today to con-
large emitters. Tim Stephens, a pro- from-1990-to-2014/).
fine the climate crisis issue within 2. Almost all quotes, direct/indirect, are
fessor of international law at the
the narrow “climate-only” and “de- from the study/media reports cited.
University of Sydney Law School,
struction-only” discussions, if the
tells Time that “even if the [ICJ]
deals with wider legal issues such as
findings cited above are considered For Frontier Contact
from people’s, especially the poor,
the general obligations of states to
the working people’s perspective. The
protect the rights of future genera-
issue is not also to be handled only MYTHRY BOOK HOUSE
tions against the adverse effects of MASJID LANE, KARL MARX ROAD
by NGOS.
climate change it will carry implica- VIJAYWADA-520 002
Rather, the issue should be
tions for all governments that con-

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THE RISE OF BROWN SAHIBS answer is very simple. As social props

these people had close relationship
Influence of Colonial Modernity with the rulers and became ac-
quainted with their culture. Often
on Indian Intelligentsia the Europeans were treated by them
Aloke Mukherjee at different occasions. So a section
of them were attracted towards

VEN BY 1853 MARX Marx's observation was in1853. English education as fortune seekers.
observed the differences in But much before that East India Moreover, the British needed a large
objectives of the British rul- Company created their social props number of native youth for the ex-
ers. According to him, "The ruling by using the traders and fortune tension and expansion of the arms
classes of Great Britain have had, till seekers of upper crust of the upper of the state around the country. From
now, but an accidental, transitory caste Hindu society. Those people the beginning they wanted to divide
and exceptional interest in the became close with the British trad- the Indians based on religion and
progress of India. The aristocracy ers to establish themselves as caste. They readily found their allies
wanted to conquer it, the banians and compradors (mut- (to be true, servitors) among the
moneyocracy to plunder it, and the suddis), while most of the Muslim upper caste elites in India.
millocracy to undersell it. But now traders and landlords were opposing Victor Jacquemont,a famous
the tables are turned. The millocracy the British rule and British rulers French botanist, received a letter in
have discovered that the transforma- were also trying to utilise the policy 1828 from an Indian elite saying:
tion of India into a reproductive of divide et impera. They amassed "Indians are fortunately placed by
country has become of vital impor- huge property which they had to Providence under the protection of
tance to them, and that, to that end, accumulate, even after living luxuri- the whole British nation". In that
it is necessary, above all, to gift her ous lives, except a meagre few, their letter he thanked "the Supreme Dis-
with means of irrigation and of in- origin kept them away from devel- poser of the Universe for having
ternal communication. "[The Future oping industries. The Permanent unexpectedly delivered this country
Results of the British Rule in India, Settlement lured them to invest that from long continued tyranny of the
Karl Marx, The First Indian War of idle money when the land tenure former rulers and placed it under
Independence 1857-1859, Progress became secured. the Government of Englishmen, a
Publishers, Moscow, p 30-31] Although the Permanent Settle- nation who not only are blessed
That was how Marx envisaged ment was introduced by Cornwallis with enjoyment of civil and political
India to step into modernity. At the it "was a predetermined plan of the liberty, but also interest themselves
same time he was also doubtful Court of Directors with a cautious in promoting liberty and social hap-
that the colonial rule would not delay "(WW Hunter ).The British piness as well as free inquiry into
allow India to achieve it. rulers gained through this in two literary and religious subjects among
So Marx did warn: "The Indians ways : the capital accumulated in those nations to which that influ-
will not reap the fruits of the new the hand of native Indians changed ence extends". (Leaders of Nation-
elements of society scattered among hands to the British and they ex- alist Movement, Vidya Dhar
them by the British bourgeoisie, till tended their social prop to the rural Mahajan, p-4). Elsewhere the same
in Great Britain itself the ruling areas. It further extended its root person published his Second appeal
classes shall have been supplanted since the Permanent Settlement land- to the Native Indians in 1821 de-
by the industrial proletariat, or till lords in their turn started collecting scribing him "labouring in the pro-
the Hindus (Marx meant the Indi- taxes through number of intermedi- mulgation of Christianity".
ans–author) themselves shall have aries whom they distributed the land This clarifies how deep was the
been grown strong enough to throw under their control. So a new class epistemological influence of the co-
off the English yoke all together.” of landlords appeared who amassed lonial modernity in the early days of
Colonialists all over the world huge wealth through exorbitant taxes nineteenth century. It is a well-known
also were afraid of such revolution- collected by bleeding the direct pro- fact that from the beginning the
ary development, so as a counter- ducers white. British did everything to drive wedge
move they developed an elite sec- Question may arise how does it between the large religious commu-
tion replicating the European elite. connect with colonial modernity. The nities as their policy of divide et

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impera. Ironically the person was to attempt to educate the body of Independence, 1857-1859, p 47].
none other than Raja Rammohan people. We must at present to do our Again the educated middle-class
Roy. best to form a class who may be intelligentsia along with the Perma-
Before the above statements interpreters between us and millions nent Settlement Landlords stood
British rulers founded Hindu Col- whom we govern—a class of persons steadfast by the side of the colonial
lege in Kolkata in 1817, which ac- Indian in blood and colour, but rulers opposing what by the argu-
cording to Gopal Halder well-known English in tastes, in opinions, in ment of Disraeli "a national revolt".
as a Marxist intellectual, "brought morals and in intellect." (Macaulay They rejoiced calling the prajahs
into existence a new and dynamic Minute on Education, 1885). to dance holding both hands high
force, the urban middle-class intelli- Thus the British developed a to celebrate the capture of Delhi
gentsia..." But this was not enough class of elite intelligentsia which will Fort. (Sangbad Bhaskar) Almost
for the proponents of colonial mo- be at its service to govern the people 2500 Rajahs, big and small land-
dernity. So when the British started being epistemologically imbibed with lords of the undivided Bengal prov-
the Sanskrit College to further edu- the ideas, morals and intellect as ince (Bengal-Bihar-Orissa and cer-
cation Raja Rammohan wrote to taught by the colonialist masters. tain parts of Assam) wrote a letter
Amherst in 1823 :"When this semi- Within a few years Macaulay on December 1857, to the then
nary of learning was proposed...we was proved to be correct. These Governor General : "We, the under-
were filled with sanguine hopes that elites rejoice when in the 1830s, the signed Rajahs, Zeminders, Talook-
[it would employ] European Reforms bills were introduced in the ders, Merchants and other natives
gentlemen(sic) of talent and educa- House of Commons in England as of the province of Bengal take the
tion to instruct the natives of India if the victory of middle classes in earliest opportunity on the retaking
in Mathematics, Natural Philoso- England was their own. But when of Delhi, to offer your Lordship in
phy, Chemistry, Anatomy and other Santals along with the lower caste council our warmest congratulation
useful sciences,... "This was written people rose in Revolt in1855, they on the signal success which has
6 years after the establishment of stood by the side of the British. The attended the British arms, under
Hindu College. Zemindar of Hetampur in Birbhum circumstances unparalleled in the
Rammohan Roy's opinions were raised a private army to help the annals of British India..."
not accidental. It was part of an British soldiers fighting the rebels. After the suppression of the re-
ongoing debate in India and Britain On 2nd October, 1955 A W Rupen volt at Gopal Mullik's garden in
after the Act of Parliament, 1813, acknowledged "the public spirit Calcutta (Kolkata) under the leader-
which had not only established the evinced by Babu Bipracharan ship of Radhakanta Dev, a gather-
Crown's sovereignty over India cut- Chukerborty, in raising a force at ing of 'Indians' declared their loyalty
ting to a large degree the power of his own expense, from among his to the Queen.
the East India Company but also dependents to aid the military with The epistemological influence was
had changed the policy on mission- suppression of the Sonthal insurrec- eloquently put forward by Lt-Gover-
aries and education in India. It tion. (Letter to I Richardson, Col- nor Halliday in his speech at the
allotted funds and permitted Chris- lector of Birbhum). Not a single distribution of diplomas to students
tian missionaries to preach religion voice was heard in support of the of Medical College Calcutta, on April
and propagate English language. At rebels from those who rejoiced on 1, 1858: "Those who have imbibed
the same time financial provisions the Reforms Bill. the greatest share of English ideas
were also made to encourage re- Within two years, the First War and knowledge have taken the least
vival of Indian literature and for of Independence, which the British part in the recent troubles and
promotion of sciences. tried to pass as Sepoy Mutiny, broke atrocities...I know scarcely one au-
The Orientalists supporting the out in 1857. Karl Marx quoting thenticated instance of a really edu-
need for revival of Indian literature extensively from Disrraeli's speech cated native—I will not say joining
Sanskrit, Arabic/Persian etc along on 27 July, 1857 night agreed with but even sympathizing with the
with promotion of sciences lost to his "conclusion that the present In- rebels." [Benoy Ghose, The Bengali
the class of elites like Rammohan dian disturbance is not a military Intelligentsia and the Revolt, in
Roy. Finally Thomas Babington mutiny, but a national revolt, of REBELLION 1857, edited by P C
Macaulay had his way. He was clear which the Sepoys are acting instru- Joshi, p.125]
to declare : "I feel that it is impos- ments only" [The Indian Question, There are abundant examples of
sible for us, with our limited means, Karl Marx The First Indian War of the British as a policy of maintain-

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ing their rule had been utilising all his book on history of Bengal. Inter- weavers of Bengal was just opposite
opportunities to keep the social di- estingly Vidysagar in his book in to that of the British traders. On
visions among Hindus intact and Bengali Banglar Itihas "just trans- the other hand, modernism devel-
spread and extend divisions between lated" the last nine sections of ops with a concrete development of
religious communities as much as Marshman's book. Some feel that productive forces and production re-
possible. Examples have already British education was scientific and lations. But if the development is
been given how Rammohan Roy or modern search for knowledge. For mitigated by some external influ-
Ishwarchandra Gupta, the poet, and them George Francis Hamilton's let- ence, modernism also becomes in-
others' actions helped the British. It ter to Curzon would be an eye- fluenced by that external force. That
was mostly a part of administrative opener. On 26 March 1888, the is colonial modernity. It has its ef-
method to keep the people away Secretary of State for India, fect on the knowledge and under-
from the erstwhile rulers and divide Hamilton wrote to Curzon: "I think standing of reality. This is what
the people to rule them. But what the real danger to our rule in India happened in case of two of the
was covert, yet widely understood not now but say 50 years hence is stalwarts of Indian intelligentsia from
affair became open policy to inject the gradual adoption and extension Bengal on the plight and ruination
in the minds of the young educated of Western ideas of agitation, and, of weavers of Bengal after large-
persons after 1857 when divisions if we could break educated Indians scale import of cotton textiles from
based on religion and caste disap- into two sections holding widely dif- England. But Vidyasagar's reaction
peared amongst the fighters for in- ferent views, we should, by such a was that muslins used to be 'sold at
dependence to a large extent. Offi- division, strengthen our position high price in Europe', the weavers
cial British records show that a against the subtle and continuous lost that market because of their
well-planned policy of education attack which the spread of educa- 'lack of knowledge and initiative'.
was undertaken after 1857. In1863, tion must make upon our system of Another stalwart's reaction was that
Charles Wood, famous for his edu- government. We should so plan the even if the weavers lost their age-
cational dispatch, wrote to Lord educational text books that the dif- old occupation why did they not
Elgin on March 1862 : "We have ferences between community and start cultivation. Both were burdened
maintained our power in India when community are further strengthened. with the knowledge and understand-
by playing off one part against the [Quoted in Islam and Indian Cul- ing of reality as propagated by their
other and we must continue to do ture, B N Pande, Khuda Bakhsh, colonial educators.
so. Do all you can, therefore, to Oriental Public Library, Patna p.31] Even today epistemological in-
prevent all having a common feel- Epistemology, like morality, is fluence of colonial modernity bur-
ing". not value neutral. Epistemology as dens the thought process of the
It started with Marshman's the theory of knowledge based on Indian intelligentsia to a large ex-
colonialist and anti-Islamic tirade in reality. But what is reality to the tent, if not the majority. ooo
250 YEARS LATER practice in 1829. The Raja indeed
did have agitprop against the cruel
Rediscovering and Rehabilitating system but when Lord Bentinck was
about to outlaw such a system, the
Rammohan Roy Raja objected and said that such a
practice ‘might be suppressed qui-
Asok Chattopadhyay
etly and unobservedly’! The Raja

HIS YEAR 22ND MAY BE- ‘best remembered’ because of his opined that such an enactment
ing the 250th birth anniver ‘historic contribution’ towards the would ‘give rise to general appre-
sary of Raja Rammohan Roy abolition of the inhuman sati sys- hension’. The reason he argued was
has got up almost the blue azure tem prevalent in the then Bengal. It as follows:
from a section of Indian revolution- has been averred that owing to ‘‘While the English were contend-
ary left. It has been iterated that Raja’s ‘spirited, bold and persuasive ing for power they deemed it
Raja Rammohan was ‘one of the campaign’ against the inhuman and politic to allow universal tolera-
earliest and greatest campaigners’ infamous sati system, the then Gov- tion and to respect our religion,
for the ‘modern’ India. ernor General Lord Bentinck was but having obtained the su-
It has been said that the Raja is ‘forced’ to ‘outlaw’ such a truculent premacy their first act is a viola-

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Compliments From:



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34 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

tion of their profession, and the ters of such a deliverer? He found much explanation? Emotion com-
next will probably be, like the his entire wishful firmament under manding over political views cannot
Muhammadan conquerors, to the oneness of the British rule. To but invite disaster to ideological
force upon us their own religion’’. the consideration of the Raja the stands.
But Lord Bentinck paid not much union of India with the England Fifty-five years have passed after
heed to Rammohan’s objection and should have been bound ‘for an the massacre of the ‘protesting peas-
promulgated on December 4, 1929 unlimited period’ to reap the best antry’ in Bangaijote under Naxalbari
that ‘hereceforth whether such a case harvest in the common interest of in the third week of May 1967. At
of sati burning following the death of the countrymen! He pleaded for the behest of a ‘communist’ home
her husband be occurred ‘voluntarily free trade and colonisation of the minister police fired and killed ‘eleven
on her part or not, shall be deemed English in the country, stood by the people, including eight women, two
guilty of culpable homicide and shall permanent settlement done by Lord of them with children strapped on
be liable to punishment’. Cornwallis in 1793 and even sup- their backs’. And then arose the
One more contribution of the ported the indigo plantation despite ‘Spring Thunder’ and the then Ben-
Raja appears to have been emphati- the indescribable distress of the cul- gal, Bihar and rest of India woke
cally up-roared. Oft-quoted saying is tivators. On December 15, 1829 at like an angry lion awaken from
found reloaded to the effect that far Calcutta Town Hall Rammohan prolonged sleep. According to Ilina
before the struggle for India’s inde- delivered his speech in support of Sen, ‘the peasant revolution’ flared
pendence in the first half of the colonisation and free trade. In his up, emboldened ‘with the support
twentieth century Bengal, the Raja deliverance the Raja said: of many dissident communist cad-
‘was deeply influenced by the ‘‘From personal experience, I am res’. She stepped up further to say:
emancipatory ideas’ of the French imposed with the conviction that ‘‘Internationally, this was a time
Revolution happened in late eighties the great our intercourse with when the students and youth
of the eighteenth century and found European gentlemen, the greater came on to the streets to express
him to have ‘felt greatly elated by will be our improvement in liter- their anger against the ruling
the attainment of independence by ary, social and political affairs, classes and governance system—
the countries of South America from a fact which can be easily proved against the cold war, the Vietnam
Spanish colonialism’! But this very by comparing the conditions of death factory, the archaic educa-
Raja was quiet unconcerned of his those of my countrymen who tion system, and the simple lack
own country from the fetters of the have enjoyed this advantage with of political will among the rulers
English colonialists! He considered those who unfortunately have to solve basic existential issues.
the English rule in India to be just not had that opportunity; … As In Bengal, all of this culminated
blessings for these countrymen! He to the indigo planters, I beg to in the expulsion from the CPI (M)
wrote: observe that I have travelled of dissident leaders like Charu
‘‘Thanks to the supreme dis- through several districts in Ben- Mazumdar, Sushital Roy
poser of the events of Universe gal and Bihar, and I found the Chowdhury and Saroj Dutta.
for having unexpectedly deliv- natives residing in the neighbour- Since they no longer had access
ered this country from the long- hood of indigo plantations evi- to the pages of the Desh Hitaishi,
continued tyranny of its former dently better-clothed and better- a new paper, the Deshabrati was
Rulers, and placed it under the conditioned that those who lived launched. Articles covering move-
government of the English—a at a distance from such stations. ments in North Bihar, Bengal
nation who not only are blessed There may be some partial in- and Telengana published in the
with the enjoyment of civil and jury done by the indigo-planters; Deshabrati were hugely popular’’.
political liberty, but also interest but on the whole, they have Following this historical peasants
themselves in promoting liberty performed more good to the uprising a new horizon of thought
and social happiness, as well as generality of the natives of this and culture came into being. A
free enquiry into literary and re- country than any other class of relook, revisit of the colonial history
ligious subjects, among those Europeans whether is or out of brought forth a sharp contrast on
nations to which their influence the service’’. the fore. The nineteenth century
extends’’. What sort of ‘modern India’ the Bengal renaissance came under the
So why the Raja would be eager to Raja hailed as some revolutionary fury of rethinking. The colonial hang-
favour independence from the fet- left outfits venture to prop needs over gradually came dropping down

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and a new war field relating to appears to somersault by degrees to Saroj Dutta has arisen! The obsti-
intellectual domain evaporated. And right rather than left. They now nate old are now felt hopeless to
even anarchy came up following seem to prefer get back mainstream make advancement towards the new
behind. The great sociologist and constitutional politics to vote out path of ideological practices in the
Marxist intellectual Benoy Ghose the fascist force from the political making. Now the remembrance of
revisited his Banglar Nabajagriti and power and to capture it by the the 25th May is pale enough under
branded it a ‘hoax’. Saroj Dutta, a peaceful politics of alliance with the the sharp sunshine, it is not just
renowned poet, essayist, translator, official lefts and even the rightist more than a mere date of calendar
journalist and overall a Naxalite ones. And this transformation needs and not a fresh oath taking pledge!
theoretician did have ventured to change of ideological stance and Despite many wrong-doings, mis-
exceed the excess. Anarchy ruled practice too. Now the class concept carriage of practices and even Hi-
him over. He theorised that ‘a new diminishes, caste concept expands malayan blunders committed—the
culture could only emerge if the old to its full extent. Once turned en- bacon it collocated in order to view
was forcibly destroyed.’ And this emies now have become dearer and review the social movements
seeded bane trees that worked the friends. have not lost its relevance on to the
worst. Ilina Sen described it in the What Charu Majumdar, the in- way ahead. But now people have
following lines: vincible leader of Naxalbari and got out of the track and have an-
‘‘The murti bhanga andolan CPIML, wrote in 1971 in the Lib- chored far from the dreamy red
(breaking of statues of reformist eration (July 1971-January 1972 east. The new world view that the
leaders), boycott of classes do- issue) is quote- worthy: Naxalite movement got people
ing out bourgeois education by ‘‘Naxalbari lives and will live. … enough to unmask the real facet of
students in schools and colleges, We know that as we move for- the Bengal Renaissance of the nine-
and violent killings of political ward we shall face many ob- teenth century Bengal and the colo-
opponents led to a general chaos, stacles, many difficulties, many nial delusion has now been rejected
and brutal state repression killed acts of betrayal and there will by degrees. As a result a sea change
many youth and jailed and tor- be many setbacks. But Naxalbari in respect of measure sticks of the
tured thousands of others. Sev- will not die … When Naxalbari role of the nineteenth century intel-
eral leaders like Sushital Roy receives congratulations from the lectuals, writers and social workers
Chowdhury opposed the slide heroes in the rubber plantations doing their job under the yoke of
into anarchy in writing. SD op- of Malaya who have been en- the colonial hangover! Now a sec-
posed this publication on record, gaged in struggle for 20 years, tion of the revolutionary left of the
on the ground that the youth’s when congratulations are sent Naxalite family appears crazy to
enthusiasm and energy would be by Japanese comrades who have pay tribute to the Raja Rammohan
impeded by these debates’’. been fighting against the revi- Roy in a manner quiet unforeseen.
Saroj Dutta was murdered by the sionist leadership of their own The question of the main contradic-
Calcutta police in the late mid-night Party, when such congratulations tion in the colonial India has, so to
of August 4 (1971), beheaded and come from the Australian revo- say, been rejected. Being the sav-
left in the Calcutta Maidan. And lutionaries, when the comrades iour of the constitution and being
before passing a complete year of of the armed forces of great the roader to constitutional move-
Saroj Dutta’s assassination, the in- China send their greetings, we ment—an un-thought of change of
domitable Naxalite leader Charu feel the significance of that im- ideological frame-up and practices
Majumdar was murdered in the mortal call, ‘Workers of the has taken a different pathway quiet
Lalbazar police custody on July 28, World, Unite’, we have a feeling free from that of the bloody seven-
1972. And thereafter the third Com- of oneness and our conviction ties happened fifty-five years ago.
munist Party (CPIML) splintered into becomes more strong and firm The revolutionary political philoso-
groups. But the regeneration of the that we have our dear relations phy of the Naxalites in the fiery
new world outlook that emerged in all lands. Naxalbari has not seventies of five decades back, is
from the Naxalite movement stayed died and it will never die’’. left with a shady reference. The
working in the intellectual arena and These sayings perhaps now sound questions of class orientation, class
in the political domain also. But the not so much as it rang fifty-one concept and class struggle, as Karl
main legacy-claimer of the main- years ago. Now the question of a Marx iterated, appear to be off the
stream of the Naxalite movement new Charu Majumdar and a new shore and chant another hymn for

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a dawn! Now almost all the re- shy of the slave trade which fre- wretched widowed women to get rid
nowned intellectuals, writers, social quently happened in Calcutta dur- of an age-old feudal social system
activists of the cultural arena, in- ing this time. But the then Urasian (actually pertaining to land and prop-
cluding those decried for their anti- poet Henry Louis Vivian Derozio erty) is the best job the Raja did in
people activities, are now being registered his sensitive concern to his life, then it has to be acknowl-
welcomed and rehabilitated. And this effect and wrote a poem en- edged that he was disinclined to
the effulgence shrouding Raja titled Freedom to the Slave in 1827. have these widows remarried. Armed
Rammohan Roy on his 250th birth He wrote: with the logic having had from the
anniversary, in question of fray with How felt he when he first was yellow pages of religious books,
the hindutvawadi BJP fascism, is told he proceeded to his way on.
somehow a ‘spontaneous overflow A slave he ceased to be; Scientific arguments appeared to
of emotion’ and nothing more. How proudly beat his heart, have no reference he opted to use
Rammohan was silent of the when first for the purpose. So did Vidyasagar
heroic struggle waged by the peas- He knew that he was free!— too in later years. Rammohan trans-
ant leader Titumir who wanted the In the end he pleaded for the slave lated the upanishads into English
Bengal peasantry to have been free to have been enunciated of all serf- from Sanskrit. The upanishads he
of zamindary-tyranny and British dom he had to undergo and wrote: translated in English were the
oppression. The Bengal renaissance Blest be the generous hand that Moonduk Oponishad, the
men kept this struggle out of their breaks Kenopanishad, the Kathopanishad,
syllabus. During his permanent-stay The chain a tyrant gave, the Isopanishad and an abridge-
at Calcutta, the Raja never was And, feeling for degraded man, ment of the Vedantas. In the intro-
concerned of the inhuman distress Gives freedom to the slave. duction to Kenopanishad, the Raja
of the serf and slaves having had to Was the Raja unfamiliar with this wrote that he was not inclined to
undergo in their everyday life. Sale concern of Derozio, a left leader of invest his best effort to ‘surrender
of a female child happened at the then Bengal of Hindu College? completely’ in the hands of shastras.
Burdwan at Rs 150 only in 1825. Certainly not. He fought shy of it And just after that he wrote:
An incident of the sale of a domes- and invested all his efforts to the ‘‘To illumine the reasoning fac-
tic wife of a person happened in cause of the ill-fated widows. ulty and knowledge of morality
Burdwan at the cost of a few ru- The East India Company was by their light and then to depend
pees! It happened in the year 1828. fond of branding the slave trade as upon the beneficence of the Al-
The newspapers of the time did free labour as a tame name! British mighty God’’.
have reported such much news fre- parliament passed the abolition of How such a man could have been
quently. B B Majumdar wrote in his the slavery act in 1833 in Britain a ‘campaigner’ of a ‘modern India’
History of Indian Social and Politi- and the English ruler at last out- as envisaged by the helmsman of a
cal Ideas that ‘Bengal and the south- lawed this trade in India in 1843. revolutionary left remains far from
ern part of Bengal presidency had A de novo effort is now wit- having a gate-pass to the argumen-
also a considerable number of nessed to find out a gross accep- tative arena of revolutionary cul-
slaves.’ He even lamented : tance of the so-called renaissance ture. In the mid-sixties Keshab
‘‘If there was some demand for men of the nineteenth century Ben- Chandra Sen, one of the stalwart
the abolition of the Sati from gal against their almost negligible of Brahmo Samaj movement,
the Hindu society, there was none negativity! A fresh individual-cult, in opined that the Raja’s ‘creed’ was
at all for the abolition of slavery this ‘land of lotus’, against the icono- just but a ‘standing mystery’ and
in India’’. clasm is in the making. And this ‘the world seems to be hopelessly
The distress of the widow women in has somehow been welcomed by a disagreed as to what his real con-
respect of the sati system i.e widow- section of the revolutionary left in victions were’. He was said to be
burning touched the Raja deep in their political agenda and in the sick of the Muslim oppression in the
his heart and he moved to get the arena of the social science also. Mughal regime and eulogised the
satis unfettered from such a trucu- And thus the Raja is being rehabili- British to get this country rid of
lent system. Indeed it’s a very posi- tated with his positive epoch keep- those dark days! And perhaps to
tive response the Raja did to get ing the dark at bay in the year of this context the helmsman of a
this system off the track. But at the his 250th birth anniversary. If his revolutionary left wrote that the East
same time the sensitive Raja fought move for the emancipation of the India Company had ‘grabbed Ben-

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gal by defeating Nawab Siraj-ud- the Nawab of Bengal and the East sharp departure from ideological
Daulah in the battle of Palashi’ and India Company? A political con- stance. And this way the view of
had got India under their control. spiracy of the then traitors and the so-called renaissance men of
The Palashi-conspiracy between the quislings seem to have been rubbed the nineteenth century Calcutta has
then feudal landlords, Zemindars, off from the history and brand it a been shared and a bye off process
capitalists like the Sheths and the mere war and defeat game that to the new thought of the stormy
East India Company appears here paved the Company way for their years five decades back nears to
to have no rooms. Was there at all hegemonic rule over the country! take a complete gesture.
a war happened at Palashi between It’s a concocted view of history, a ooo

BALANCING IS NO JUSTICE why despite all these glaring facts

and proofs even corroborated by the
Defending the Indefensible Honourable non-partisan Justices it
was decreed by the non-partisan high-
Shamsul Islam
est court of India that due to the

AIZAN MUSTAFA, A PROFE- Faizan’s defence of the SC started “faith and belief of Hindus…that
ssor of law and vice-chan- with the defence of Justice D Y Janmaasthan of Lord Ram is the
cellor of National Academy of Chandrachud whom he described place where Babri Mosque has been
Legal Studies and Research as a “scholar judge”. Faizan stated: constructed”; a Ram Temple must
(NALSAR University of Law “On June 20 [2022], Justice D Y be built there. It is important to note
Hyderabad established by Legisla- Chandrachud was asked about the that Babri mosque-Ramjanam
tive Assembly of Telangana) in a judiciary’s treatment of Muslims at Bhoomi case was not a Hindu-Mus-
recent write-up (‘Muslims and Judi- King’s College London. Justice lim issue which was made out by
ciary: We do not have Muslim or Chandrachud didn’t take offence to Hindutva organisations and later SC
non-Muslim judges in India’, the the question but answered it po- falling for it.
Indian Express, July 8, 2022) dis- litely… our judges do not have the Babri Mosque was demolished
closed that in 1997 he refused to litigant’s religious identity in mind on December 6, 1992 by an illegal
undertake a project on the role of while dispensing justice.” assembly of Hindutva zealots gath-
Muslim judges as it was against the As another proof of the non- ered in Ayodhya by the RSS and its
ingrained ethos of Indian judiciary; partisan character of the SC he re- fraternal organisations. It was not
the non-partisan character. ferred to the 2019 SC judgment in an issue between Hindus and Mus-
Faizan stressed that “Judges have Ramjanmabhoomi-Babri Masjid lims but between Hindutva organi-
been not only fair but also sensitive case, which included Justice D Y sations and democratic-secular In-
to Muslim causes”. It is a problem- Chandrachud as member of the dian polity. The mosque was de-
atic statement. Are Muslim causes bench which delivered the judgment. molished despite orders of the SC,
not also Indian causes? To take few According to Faizan, in this case SC, assurances by the RSS/BJP leaders
contemporary examples: Are Ram- “Termed the installation of idols to Indian Parliament and the then
janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid case, in 1949 and the demolition of PM Narsimha Rao. Rao gave sol-
indefinite incarceration of hundreds the Babri Masjid in 1992 as emn promise both to the Parlia-
of youth/intellectuals/journalists un- ‘egregious wrongs’ [and said] the ment and Indian nation (from the
der terror laws, protests against CAA Babri Masjid was not constructed ramparts of Red Fort on August15,
and subsequent repression of the after the demolition of a Ram 1993) that wrong would be undone
activists, bulldozing of residences and temple and pointed out that the and the demolished Mosque would
protests against abrogation of the Archaeological Survey of India be built at its original site.
Article 370 only Muslim issues? report had not found any evi- As if it was not enough, SC
These issues much maligned as dence of such a demolition. It allowed the same organisations
‘Muslim’ issues, in fact, test Indian had also observed that the Places (Vishwa Hindu Parishad, an ap-
polity’s constitutional commitment of Worship Act,1991, protects pendage of RSS) to construct Ram
towards democracy, social-political- and secures the fundamental Temple which had admitted playing
religious equality, secularism, feder- values of the Constitution”. leading role in demolition of the
alism, Rule of Law (even Rule by However, for reasons known to the Mosque. Thus what Hindutva jug-
Law) and independent judiciary. Professor only, he did not elaborate gernaut could not accomplish on

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December 6, 1992 was facilitated both academic and general councils that Indian higher judiciary delivers
by SC. of the law university headed by two kinds of justices which not only
Faizan kept silent on how later Faizan) wrote on this issue. He stated affect Muslims but other minorities,
Justice Chandrachud violated unani- that Teesta was “Condemned by Dalits and women too. Whenever
mous judgment in Babri mosque- Innuendo” of the Gujarat police the country witnesses the large-scale
Ramjanam Bhoomi case in which prosecutors and, violence against minorities and
he was part of the bench. Renowned “It is tragic that the Supreme Dalits, the search for perpetrators
political analyst, Ashutosh stated Court has taken upon itself to continues endlessly and criminals
that 1991 judgment was expected unilaterally decide who should rarely punished. Major incidents of
to put at rest the Hindutva project be arrested and why? That is violence against minorities like Nellie
of demolition of innumerable certainly not the jurisdiction of massacre (1983), Sikh massacre
mosques. On the contrary, the Supreme Court, as we know (1984), Hashimpura custodial mas-
“While hearing the Gyanvapi pe- it, except in the case of con- sacre of Muslim youth (1987), pre/
tition, Justice Chandrachud tempt of court. And, even in a post-Ayodhya mosque demolition
opined that the 1991 Act does case of contempt, the Supreme violence against Muslims (1990-92),
not stop the ‘ascertainment of Court hears the alleged contempt Gujarat carnage (2002) and
the religious character of the not before judgment and arrest.” Kandhmal cleansing of Christians
place’…Now anyone can go to It is sad that Faizan who happens to (2008) are testimony to this reality.
court and put a question mark be VC of a University (whose Chan- The status of anti-Dalit violence
over the veracity of any mosque cellor is chief justice of Telangana is no different. The major incidents
or temple or Gurudwara or High Court) and known as expert on of persecution and massacre of
church or a synagogue and re- legal/judicial issues can be so untruth- Dalits; 1968 Kilvenmani massacre,
quest to change its ful. He admits “that many [meaning 1997 Melavalavu massacre, 2013
status…Therefore the Supreme countless] young Muslims had been Marakkanam anti-Dalit violence,
Court has practically made every arrested on terror charges under suc- 2012 Dharmapuri anti-Dalit violence
religious place in the country sus- cessive governments” but resorted to (all in Tamil Nadu), 1985 Karam-
pect and disputed. Would it be a grave lie when stated that “the ac- chedu massacre, 1991 Tsundur
correct to say that the Supreme cused in many such cases were ac- massacre (all in AP), 1996 Bathani
Court in its deliberation has, mis- quitted clearly demonstrates that or- Tola Massacre, 1997 Laxmanpur
takenly, been impacted by the dinary Muslim litigants have been Bathe massacre (all in Bihar), 1997
majoritarian thought process?” getting justice from our judges”. In Ramabai killings, Mumbai, 2006
Faizan praised Supreme Court Jus- truth these are not countless Muslims Khairlanji massacre, 2014 Javkheda
tices Surya Kant and Justice J B only but countless Hindus, Christians, Hatyakand, (all in Maharashtra),
Pardiwala [July 1, 2022] for making, Sikhs and Dalits who have been lan- 2000 Caste persecution in (Karna-
“scathing observations against guishing in jails under terror laws with- taka), 5 Dalits beaten/burnt to death
ex-BJP spokesperson Nupur out hearings, grant of bails or any kind for skinning a dead cow 2006, 2011
Sharma for speaking against the of judicial intervention. Faizan as a killings of Dalits in Mirchpur (all in
Prophet. Justice Surya Kant researcher of Indian judiciary should Haryana), 2015 anti-Dalit violence
blamed her for the tragic killing have read tribal and human rights’ in Dangawas (Rajasthan) are some
in Udaipur”. activist Jesuit Fr Stan Swamy’s fac- of the thousands of incidents of the
The Justices deserved thanks for tual report on the pathetic condition Dalit persecution. In almost all these
this gesture. However, Faizan forgot of incarcerated youth in jails, most cases perpetrators are yet to be
to deliberate on what the Supreme of them hailing from Dalit and mi- identified. Even if identified the pros-
Court bench comprising Justices AM nority stocks. Does Faizan need to be ecution rate never exceeded 20%.
Khanwilkar, Dinesh Maheshwari and reminded that Fr Swamy was the old- On the other hand, the Dalit and
CT Ravikumar did to renowned est prisoner [83 years old] incarcer- minority 'perpetrators' of violence are
human rights’ activist, Teesta ated under terror laws on October 8, efficiently put on trial by constituting
Setalvad and a senior much deco- 2020 and was given interim bail only special investigation teams and pun-
rated police officer, Sreekumar. Mini- on May 28, 2021for treatment when ished by fast track courts. In order to
mum, he should have read what there was no chance of his survival? meet the end of justice and national
former SC Justice Madan B Lokur He died on July 5, 2021. security they are hanged and jailed.
(who happens to be a member of Faizan Mustafa refuses to admit But when the victims are Dalits or

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minorities no such urgency is shown. travesty of justice if examination of Article 370, anti-working class laws,
In such cases Indian State is fond of independence of higher judiciary is hate mongering to name a few.
playing commission-commission Ex- shackled by the binary; SC versus This judicial inertia is prolonging the
istential Crisisn. Muslims. SC has not been able to misery (of being incarcerated) of
Faizan as a legal luminary must expedite its scrutiny of terror laws, hundreds of political activists, jour-
understand that justice is not an art use of Pegasus for snooping on nalists, lawyers, human rights activ-
of balancing but requires honesty to journalists, activists, constitutional- ists and trade unionists. ooo
call spade a spade. It would be ity of CAA, political bonds and Email:

ESSENTIAL CRISIS in December 1992 and January 1993

that was targeted largely at the
Shiv Sena: Limits of Political Opportunism Muslims. The presentation of the
commission’s report was sought to
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
be delayed and, predictably, the
[The Shiv Sena has gone through an unprecedented existential crisis. If, how and till
when the party will survive the crisis remains to be seen. Barely two and half years after
Maharashtra government then
Uddhav Thackeray became Chief Minister of Maharashtra, thanks to Sharad Pawar’s headed by Manohar Joshi rejected
manoeuvring, he had to resign. After propagating a parochial and anti-Muslim agenda its findings and recommendations
for decades under its founder Balasaheb Thackeray, the Shiv Sena is today at a calling for punitive legal action
crossroads. Having reached the limits of its political opportunism the party will find it against Shiv Sainiks.
difficult to move forward from here as the Bharatiya Janata Party has lasciviously grabbed When the Congress government
the spoils of power in India’s most industrialised state.] led by Vilasrao Deshmukh threat-

FTER COMING INTO EX- party build a strong political base, ened to arrest Balasaheb, the Shiv
istence in June 1966, the especially in and around Greater Sena ministers in the Atal Bihari
Shiv Sena, set up by cartoon- Mumbai. Vajpayee government in Delhi, in-
ist Balasaheb Thackeray, experienced From the 1980s onwards, the cluding Suresh Prabhu and
electoral success for the first time public persona of the Sena became BalasahebVikhe Patil, resigned.
when its candidates won a majority increasingly anti-Muslim. Balasaheb Balasaheb was eventually not ar-
of seats in the Bombay (now proudly took credit for the fact that rested, and the Sena continued to
Mumbai) Municipal Corporation, the his Sainiks were active participants vie with the Bharatiya Janata Party
wealthiest civic body of its kind in in the demolition of the Babri Masjid (BJP) in presenting itself as the
the country. The party’s victory was in December 1992. He spewed more radical exponent of Hindutva
aided by factionalism within the venom on so-called Bangladeshi among the alliance partners.
Congress on the issue of the creation immigrants and was one of the few The then Shiv Sena chief not
of the new state of Maharashtra politicians on the planet who un- only wanted India to send its forces
from the erstwhile Bombay Presi- abashedly expressed his great admi- to occupy Pakistan Occupied Kash-
dency province. It played an active ration for German dictator Adolf mir, Balasaheb also wanted cricket
role in the movement to include the Hitler. For around six years between matches between the two countries
Dharwar and Belgaum districts in December 1995 and December to be stopped. His supporters op-
Maharashtra and consolidated its 2001, Balasaheb was disenfran- posed a performance by popular
base in Mumbai and adjoining in- chised (that is, barred from voting) ghazal singer Mehdi Hasan and at-
dustrial areas like Thane. after he was held guilty of delivering tacked actor Dilip Kumar’s residence
Through the late-1960s and the hateful speeches and writing articles when he received the highest civil-
1970s, the Shiv Sena was used by considered communally incendiary. ian award from the government of
owners of textile mills to counter But the snarling tiger–the party’s Pakistan. The Sena’s cultural polic-
the influence of Left unions among symbol–was not tamed. ing also included imposing a “ban”
workers. The Sena’s strident rheto- After forming the state govern- on Mira Nair’s film “Fire” for de-
ric against non-Maharashtrian “out- ment in 1994 in alliance with the picting a lesbian relationship.
siders,” notably migrants from Uttar Bharatiya Janata Party, the Shiv Even as the Sena vied with the
Pradesh, Bihar, and Tamil Nadu, Sena spared no effort in preventing BJP to expand its political support
and in favour of “sons of the soil” the smooth functioning of the B N base across Maharashtra, the party
or Marathimanoos, divided textile Srikrishna commission of inquiry into faced internal dissensions that led
industry workers and helped the the communal violence in Mumbai to the departure of leaders like

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Sanjay Nirupam, Narayan Rane and After becoming Chief Minister many Shiv Sainiks did not come
Chhagan Bhujbal. The party was Uddhav Thackeray had made all unstuck easily. Given the history of
able to cut its losses after Balasaheb the right noises. He said that poli- the Sena, Shinde and the erstwhile
anointed his son Uddhav, and not tics and religion should be kept rebels are now portraying themselves
his nephew Raj, as his successor. apart. He emphasised that not a as the “true” legatees of Balasheb,
Raj Thackeray went on to form his single tree would be cut in the and not his son Uddhav. Opportu-
own political outfit the Maharashtra Aarey forest to build a railway shed. nistic politics reached its limits. The
Navnirman Sena. He said that what Mumbai needed BJP had waited for this time. With
These instances of factionalism was an improvement in its subur- no dearth of resources, the ruling
have paled into insignificance when ban railway system, not the bullet regime in New Delhi decided to
compared with the revolt in the train to Ahmedabad. He portrayed move in for the kill with Shinde as
party led by Eknath Shinde, who is an image of himself that was dis- its willing collaborator. The fight
the current Chief Minister. Former tinct from his father. Not surpris- against the Modi government has
Chief Minister Devendra Phadnavis– ingly, these are the very first deci- weakened considerably with the BJP
who was never reconciled to the sions that have been overturned by returning to power in a state that
way Sharad Pawar outsmarted him Shinde after he was sworn in Chief sends the largest number of MPs to
and his supporters by forming a Minister. As for Uddhav, he has the Lok Sabha after Uttar Pradesh.o
coalition government with the Sena, already buckled and announced his
[A different version of this article was
the Nationalist Congress Party and support for the BJP’s candidate for published by the News Click portal on 27
the Indian National Congress–has the post of President of India, June 2022 when Uddhav Thackeray was
been forced by the BJP “high com- Droupadi Murmu. still the Chief Minister of Maharashtra:
mand” to play second fiddle and The right-wing, communal, and
become Shinde’s deputy. parochial ideological glue that bound Political-Opportunism]

‘SOCIALISM OR BARBARISM’ in one of his highly scientifically

imaginative prose-Baisivin Sadi
How Much Average (Twenty second Century) has cre-
ated such a utopia of human life,
Healthy Human Life is Possible? which could have proved true and
Chaman Lal actual, if in twentieth century and
continuing twenty first century all

AS IT OR IS IT POSSI- wars for capitalists’ interests, the these wars fought due to neo colo-
ble to have a rise in interests of weapon producing in- nial and neo imperial crony capital-
average healthy human dustry, whose basic aim is to have ist interests had not disturbed the
life? The reply is yes; it was possible wars, if not happening, then create flow of history towards the human-
by this time itself that average massive lies like WMD (Weapons of ist dream of Marx or even earlier
healthy human life could have eas- Mass Destruction) to attack Iraq by idealist philosophers. In Rahul’s
ily been raised to a hundred years, Bush and Blair duo of imperialists, imagination the working hours and
had the October Socialist Revolu- which got exposed only after de- days of human societies would have
tion of 1917 in Russia spread all stroying Iraq and later Libya. Had been radically decreased, very harsh
over the world, at least imperialist the Soviet Union despite all its ills working conditions changed through
form to which Lenin described as of growing capitalism, which China scientific mechanical innovations, (as
the highest stage of capitalism or in its height of revolutionary arro- the robots have already come up)
now a days called crony form of gance used to describe as ‘social and the multiple and wholesome
capitalism had been kept under imperialism’, which is one of the hours of entertainment, highest level
some form of social control. If there factors behind Russian-Ukrainian of cultural development, with no
has been no division of one percent war, has not broken up into fifteen crime in society and the level of
have-alls and 99% have-nots in re- countries, it was possible to have happiness among human beings
cent terminology developed in many an average healthy life of human would have increased immensely.
countries of the world. If the world beings raised to a hundred years If all these trillions or more of
had not passed through second even at this point of time! Rahul money which had been spent on
world war and various international Sankartyayan, a Hindi Marxist writer nuclear bombs, weapons and other

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forms of capitalist profits world over, Vietnam, China and North Korea, showed the reality on ground have
had been invested into health and where the human life loss is mini- been targeted or under the close
education. The newly liberated or mum, less than thousands in num- watch of ‘big brother’, who have
freed countries of Asia and Africa ber. On the other side there are claims to be the ‘largest democ-
had not indulged in fratricidal kill- countries like USA, Brazil, India, racy’ in the world!
ings like India and Pakistan or some UK and many more, where loss of Socialist or ex socialist countries
other countries had, and the focus human life is in millions. While like Cuba, Vietnam or China have
had more been on human develop- USA and European countries have preferred to save human lives, even
ment in totality. It is not absurd to provided food and shelter to unem- with certain strict and harsh mea-
foresee the dream creation of ployed and poor people in some sures than keep on earning profits
Rahul’s Baisivin Sadi, based on dignified manner, India like coun- for the business and capitalists. It
Marx’s concept of socialism or even tries have treated poor and people, was economic and financial crisis
beyond that of communism, com- who lost employment due to Covid- with the complete closure of eco-
ing closer. It was and is possible 19 in a most ruthless and pitiless nomic activities and the workers of
even without full-fledged socialism manner and reduced them to the those places had lost jobs and
coming into practice, as Thomas status of beggars, who got minimal wages, but the state had ensured
Piketty like writers etc had shown in level of raw food from state funds, their lives to be saved with restric-
their recent books. but shown as personal gift of rulers tions but helping them with food
It was possible to achieve one with photographs and votes sought and other needs. China is blamed
hundred percent literacy by now in for this ‘pity’ shown to them!. The by western world for causing Covid-
all countries, even in so- called most way lakhs of Indian working people 19 from its laboratories, but same
backward much exploited ex- returning to their villages by walk, China did not allow its largest popu-
colonised countries of Africa, with- cycling, buses and trains due to lation among the whole world, to
out socialist revolution. And it was getting no work and wages with no die like American people, who ac-
possible to find treatment to most support from state, and got crushed cuse China for spreading Covid-19.
common old age or even earlier age under trains, road vehicles, died by Why America or Brazil or India did
diseases relating to cardiology, ortho hunger and exhaustion. People have not try to save their population
or prostate or sugar related diseases been left to die like insects and their from dyeing in millions? And why
etc. Even during the worst attack of dead bodies got most horrible treat- China and North Korea termed as
present pandemic Covid-19, the ment, seen by the whole world on authoritarian and dictatorial coun-
multiple countries have been able electronic media. The second round tries saved its citizens by taking
to develop vaccination for the deadly of Covid-19 during April-May harsh measures like shutting people
killer disease, which still continues. 2021,was the most horrible even for in their homes, stopping all eco-
The issue of environment pollution, much influential middle classes, nomic activities?
rising of temperatures in climate when in Delhi like capital city of Cuba and Vietnam did not take
world over, even so-called cold coun- second largest populated country of much harsh measures, yet their
tries of Europe and Americans be- the world saw the naked death dance health system has been so advanced
ing burnt by same profit motivated due to lack of gas supply to hospi- and pro- people that the human
industries which are using human tals and even richer patients dyeing lives were not lost in such massive
damaging gases and other prod- in front of cameras, was such a manners as in other countries, whose
ucts, could not have reached at this horrifying spectacle, which would economic system is pro -corporates.
stage, if some kind of social control have made the rulers of any coun- Is it not an irony of the situation
had been kept on profits at the cost try hung their head in shame and that as more people died in pan-
of human life. would have required resignation and demic, the profits and coffers of
How the social system affects apology as are demanded from ex- biggest billionaires of the world in-
human life can be seen from con- colonial countries like England and creased manyfold, including those
tinuing Covid-19 pandemic through- US for their crimes and rightly so. of Adanis and Ambanies in India
out the world. There is a qualitative Yet rather than any sense of guilt, which joined the club of ten richest
difference between the countries with the rulers of country shamelessly people in the world! Death and
different socio-political system to speak of dealing with pandemic as destruction of human life and in-
handle the pandemic. On one side ‘best’ in the world and claim to be crease in corporates coffers seems
there are few countries like Cuba, ‘Vishavguru’! Those few in media to be inter-related, that is what

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pandemic in 2019-22 has proved Maan Kaur had participated in run- crimes. Those countries have lesser
and showed to the world people like ning competition at the age of hun- crime rate, which have more social
a mirror! But the mirror does not dred years,just recently 94 years old securities, more equality in gender
make them rise in anger and throw woman from Haryana won some matters, apart from socialist coun-
away such system as Bhagat Singh medal in running. tries, which theoretically if not prac-
had asked people to do long back. Most of the persons mentioned tically follow these principles. Some
As about average longevity of above lived in relatively comfortable European or Nordic and some of
human life, Covid-19 has definitely conditions which provided them with Latin American countries have lesser
negatively impacted, but if one takes social and financial security and crime of rape, than other countries,
examples not from much older past- they could avail Medicare with ease. because in their systems women
—Nirad C Chaudhary, the renowned If the same conditions could be participate in socio-cultural set up
author of ‘The Autobiography of an provided to society at large, the of those countries at equal level
unknown Indian’, lived up to 102 longevity of average human being and sex among men and women is
years, while his last novel—Three could definitely reach 90 years plus neither taboo nor suppressed, so
Horsemen of the New Apocalypse active life. the mutual consent becomes a major
published at the age of 100 years! The more important factor is sense factor among men-women relations.
He was fit and active till hundred of financial and social security of the Norway like country does not ex-
years of his life. Baba Bhagat Singh citizens in society. With these securi- ecute or lynch barbaric murderer of
Bilga, the renowned Ghadarite revo- ties, a large number of populations seventy plus kids as the country like
lutionary, to whom this writer had would otherwise be saved from dis- hundred plus more countries have
the chance to meet many times, eases, which are caused by tensions abolished death sentence or capital
lived up to same age 102 years and and stress and environmental pollu- punishment, but in countries like
at the age of hundred years, his tion. There is a term lumpen prole- India which have deadly combina-
standing straight speech was so loud tariat, which is a negative term and tion of feudal religious fundamen-
and stirring that even young people used for those criminals, who come talism with crony capitalism, not
could not make such stirring speech. from poor and working-class back- criminals, but innocent people are
English authors Mulk Raj Anand ground population. Why they turn lynched on the base of their par-
and Khushwant Singh both lived up lumpen? Because of lack of jobs and ticular religious faith or eating hab-
to 99 years of life and remained positive absorption in society. When its and the those lynching murderers
actively writing till last! Two athletes people say and see with their own are honoured by leaders of
from Punjab Fauja Singh and Mrs eyes that capitalist system produces majoritarian religious fundamental-
an army of unemployed people to ist ruling parties.
àU˛y!°Ü˛y ≤ÃÓy• ˆÌˆÏܲ keep working class in control with Only if people in the world could
limited wage structure, as whenever realise that social control over
ÓyÇ°y ˲y£Ïy ï˛Ìy Ùyï,˛Ë˛y£Ïy ÓÑyã˛yl working-class fights for wage rise, money production is in their own
Ú÷ô% ˛õ)Ó≈y¢yÛ they are threatened with dismissals interests. Creating a wedge between
and replaced with even lesser waged and one and Ninety nine percent is
§yí˛¸y çyàyˆÏly ÓyÇ°y ˛õy!«˛Ü˛ ˛õ!eܲy people engaged from unemployed the root cause of all crimes, all
G Ú˛õ)Ó≈y¢y ~álÛ Ùy!§Ü˛ ˛õ!eܲy population, who are ready to work health-related problems. Had the
~ál•z §Ç@˝Ã• ܲÓ˚&l at much less wage. Some part of Socialist revolution in Russia kept
these lumpens turn into hardened advancing as it was till Vietnam
§Ó fiê˛ˆÏ° ˛õyGÎ˚y ÎyˆÏFSÈ– Ú÷ô% ˛õ)Ó≈y¢yÛ òyÙ 5 criminals-gangsters, rapists and mur- liberation in 1975, the world hu-
ê˛yܲy Ùye G Ú˛õ)Ó≈y¢y ~álÛ 25 ê˛yܲy Ùye– derers! man society would have been much
Ú÷ô% ˛õ) Ó ≈ y ¢yÛÈ ü È ~ Ó˚ Óy!£Ï ≈ Ü ˛ @˝ à y•Ü˛ ãÑ ˛ yòy 170 What is happening in India to- more kind, humane and full of
ê˛yܲy– Ú˛õ)Ó≈y¢y ~álÛÈüÈ~Ó˚ @˝Ãy•Ü˛Ó˚y x!ï˛!Ó˚_´ day? Qualified teachers and other empathy. Advancement of social-
professionals are ready to work and ism, even some social control over
100 ê˛yܲyÎ˚ ˛õy!«˛Ü˛!ê˛Ó˚G @˝Ãy•Ü˛ •ˆÏï˛ ˛õyˆÏÓ˚l–
do work at pitiable wages. Why capitalism would have brought much
ܲ°Ü˛yï˛y ܲyÎ≈ƒy°Î˚ ≠ India and more countries are facing cheer to society. In a fuller socialist
23ñ í˛y/ ܲy!_≈ܲ Ó§% !fiê˛∆ê˛ñ ܲ°Ü˛yï˛yÈüÈ700009 increased serious crimes of murder transformation of the world, which
ã˛°Ë˛y£Ï ≠ 8420824286 and rapes with much brutality, be- is at present is not even a dream,
email : cause it is crony capitalist system average human life could have in-
which gives birth to most heinous creased to 150 years and all other

F-14-17(55).P65 # 42
1st proof
October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 43

ö¤•%þ ²Ì†þy¢l# xy§ß¨ ˛õ!Ó˚ˆÏÓ¢ !Ó˛õÎ≈Î˚

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◊#Ó˚yÙÜ,˛£è !lÙ≈yî≠ xˆÏ¢yܲÜ%˛ÙyÓ˚ §Ó˚ܲyÓ˚ 350
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§¡õy≠ §%ܲyhs˝ òy§ñ §%ò#Æ Óƒylyç#≈ñ x˲#ܲ Ù%áyç#≈ 300 Voices from the Underground
Select Naxalite Documents 1965-71 225
flø,!ï˛Ó˚ ˆáÎ˚y≠ ◊#•R ˆÌˆÏܲ ܲ°Ü˛yï˛y
Memories as History
ï%˛!•lyÇ¢ ˆ¢áÓ˚ ˲Ryã˛yÎ≈
Contestualising Bengal
§¡õy≠ x!Ùï˛ Ë˛Ryã˛Î≈ 450 Edited by : Pradip Chattopadhyay
Ùl% ˆÌˆÏܲ Ù•ydy Aparajita Dhar, Binata Sarkar 225
ˆàÔï˛Ù Ù%ˆÏáy˛õyôƒyÎ˚ 200 Paradise Lost
ÓyÇ°y G Óy.y!°≠ §Ùyçñ •z!ï˛•y§ñ §Çfl,Ò!ï˛ A Contemporary
History of Kashmir 1947-2020
ˆòÓÓ ï˛ ˆây£Ï 200
Siddhartha Guha Ray 500
ÓyÇ°y ˛õ!OܲyÎ˚ ˛õ%Ó˚ˆÏly ܲ°Ü˛yï˛y Democratic Awareness
!l°Î˚ §y•y Through Legal Leteray
ly•zê˛ Ùyã≈˛≠ Goutam Mukhopadhyaya 175
lܲ¢y°˛õsi# ˆà!Ó˚°yˆÏòÓ˚ x®Ó˚Ù•ˆÏ° §Çâ ˛õ!Ó˚ÓyÓ˚ G !•®%cÓyò ≠
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e-mail :

F-14-17(55).P65 # 43
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44 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

things imagined by Rahul cialism or Barbarism. There are little ers struggled during 2020-21 facing
Sankartyayan in his book—Baisivin signs of world moving towards So- all kinds of oppressive state ma-
Sadi (twenty second century)! cialism and dangerously sliding chinery tactics, sacrificing more than
But the present situation is such, downwards to barbarism. Would seven hundred farmers lives in the
especially after pandemic and wars, there be a stop or break to this process, had for a while stopped it
that the world is moving towards slide, it will not be less than a or Sri Lankan people are trying to
the dangerous path of fascism and miracle, if it happens. But this stop, some countries in Latin
could end up in even more destruc- miracle would not happen at super- America are also proving a bulwark
tion, along with the warming up of natural level, only exploited, op- against barbarism. The hope lies in
climate. Rosa Luxemburg had rightly pressed and suffering humanity can such people and their mass struggles!
warned before her brutal assassina- bring about this stop, through their [The writer is ex Dean, faculty of Lan-
tion, that world has to choose-So- sustained struggles, as Indian farm- guages at Panjab University Chandigarh.]

WANDERING IN WILDERNESS rica, with TU movement in Surat. It

was estimated that in 1924, there
Rise and Fall of Trade Union Movements were 167 unions under the leader-
ship of Gandhi. The ‘‘Spinners and
Asis Sengupta
Weavers Union ‘was established in

HE EARLIEST TRADE Steel Workers’ strike ‘in the same Ahmedabad under his leadership.
Union in India was formed year in US. At this point, T U move- Several important labour laws were
in Bombay Textile Mills, as ments in India gained momentum, passed during this time, following
early as 1851. Shorabji Shapuri following the growth of unions in multiple court cases fought by T U
Bengali and C P Mazumdar were the time of First World War, and the bodies in different parts of the coun-
pioneers of labour organising in In- success of Russian revolution, 1000 try. Workmen’s Compensation Act,
dia. Saroyan Meghaji Lokhande Industrial strikes were recorded be- 1923, Trade Union Act 1926, Trade
formed ‘Bombay Millhands Associa- tween 1920 and 1924. The waves of Disputes Act 1929, Payment of
tion’, and with a membership strength strikes boiled over with the arrest of Wages Act 1936 were passed.
of 5300 workers, submitted a memo- prominent leaders and Trade Union- AITUC split up many a time,
randum to the ‘ Factory Commission ists who were accused of attempting and such organisations as National
‘ in 1884, and Lokhande emerged as communist revolution to overthrow Trade Union Federation (NTUF), All
the first Union leader in India, who the British Government. Another India Red Trade Union Congress
organised a mass rally of 10000 important figure inTU movement was (AIRTUC) were formed, but those
workers, where two women workers N M Joshi, who persuaded the gov- later merged with AITUC, for the
demanded Sunday as weekly off, ernment in 1921 for the registration purpose of unity. N M Joshi, B T
and the Mill Owners’ Association, and protection of Unions. Thus the Randive, M N Roy parted with
accepted the demand. That was Trade Union Act was enacted in AITUC at different points of time,
recognised as the first Trade Union 1926. and again federated with AITUC
victory in the country. International Labour Organisation later. As AITUC came to be domi-
Encouraged by this instance, some (ILO) was formed in 1919, after the nated by communists since1935,
other organisations like Ahmedabad first world war, and that was instru- Indian National Trade Union Con-
Weavers (1895), Jute mill Workers, mental in formation of All India gress (INTUC) was formed by Sardar
Calcutta (1896), Bombay Mill Work- Trade Union Congress (AITUC)in Ballav Bhai Patel in 1947 and Hind
ers (1897) got unionised. Notable 1920, in which nationalist leader Mazdoor Sabha (HMS)was formed
strikes that took place were, Madras Lala Lajpat Rai, was the first Presi- under the banner of Praja Socialist
Press Workers (1903), Printers Union, dent, who also attended the first Par ty in 1948, and Bharatiya
Calcutta (1905), Bombay Postal ILO conference in Geneva in 1926. Mazdoor Sangh (BMS) was formed
Union (1907) .Though the Madras Thus in 1947, there were 2766 by Jana Sangh (now BJP) in 1955,
Labour Union was formed by B P unions registered, with a combined thus paving the way for the disunity
Wadia in 1918, the Buckingham and membership strength of 1.66 mil- and weakness of workers under dif-
Carnatic Mills Strike (1921), under lion. Prior to that, M K Gandhi ferent banners on the basis of politi-
the leadership of V K Mudaliar, was started his political career in India, cal affiliations. India also witnessed
considered at par with the ‘Great after coming back from South Af- different Trade Unions coming to-

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October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 45

gether for a common cause, bury- well as in other Industrial centers with the practice of secret violence,
ing political identities, these include like, Kanpur, Madras or Mysore and tactics of sudden actions, and mov-
the crippling and historic Railway Andhra, Unions inspired by com- ing away in the name of Guerilla
strike in 1974, and Great Bombay munist ideology were in the lead, warfare, tasted success in proper
textile workers’ strike in 1982. and the leadership set the inspiring TU activity. Among such experi-
In independent India the Consti- examples of integrity, sacrifice and ments, the Calcutta Electric Supply
tution guaranteed the right to form militancy. In the Public Sector Un- Contract Workers Union (CESC
associations under Article 19 C. dertakings created by Govt of India Contractors’ Mazdoor Samity)led by
After the passing of Industrial Dis- --- Steel Plants, Coal Mining, Power Timir Basu, the Editor, Frontier, was
putes Act Dec 1947, the TU move- Generation and Distribution, and acclaimed all over India. But the
ments gained strength, and at this traditional Govt sectors like, Postal, most glaring Example was that of
point, some Congress leaders fed Telecom and Railways ---- Leftist Dalhi Rajhara Mining Workers’
up with communist ways, formed a Unions were major players, though organisation, under the able leader-
new Trade Union INTUC (Indian there were presence of govt backed ship of Late Shankar Guha Neogi.
National Trade Union Congress). Unions like INTUC ; Left Unions, in In 1977 Late Neogi formed
Further, the left wing socialists who many cases could form a united “Chattisgarh Mines Shramik
were dissatisfied with socialist poli- forum to fight the causes of work- Sangha” and that movement proved
cies, parted with HMS and formed ers. With the spurt of Nationalisation immensely successful. It brought un-
UTUC (United Trade Union under the Congress regime since der one umbrella all the labourers
Congress)in 1949, some members 1969, when all the major Banks, working in different mines, launched
of AITUC also joined this platform. Insurance Companies came under militant mass movements and
In 1970, AITUC, which was the govt ownership, and expanded like wrested democratic rights from the
biggest organisation along with anything, the leftist unions grew in Mine owners ensuring improvement
INTUC divided themselves, in line leaps and bounds in a short period of working conditions of working
with division of party between CPI of a couple of decades. community, across the castes and
and CPI (M), and CITU (Centre of Despite the historic uprising of tribals as well as non-tribals. Not
Indian Trade Unions) was born. Naxalbari, and in following years, stopping there he formed Chattisgarh
INTUC also suffered a rift when the true radicals, failed to utilise the Mukti Morcha, to espouse the cause
Indira Congress retained INTUC, and oppor tunity, as the leadership of working class in various plat-
Organisation Congress formed Na- strongly opposed the participation forms. A Sramajivi Hospital was
tional Labour Organisation (NLO), in mass movements and formation also founded to take care of health
the parent INTUC again split when of mass organisations. This self- hazards of workers and their fami-
INTUF (Indian National Trade Union imposed isolation, resulted in the lies. This was a unique example of
Federation)was formed later. detachment from true Trade Union institutionalising collective bargain-
During the transition period of Movement, which is essentially a ing power graduating into political
independence, transfer of power, and mass movement. In the first place, power, uplift of life quality, and
adoption of new Constitution, many the division of AITUC by creation democratisation of work space as
movements were going on. Among of CITU, and the following rivalry well as society. This classic experi-
them, the Bank Employees struggle for capture of space, and in the ment, unfortunately suffered setback
(Lloyds Bank agitation), and Textile second place, the abstention of as a result of assassination of Guha
workers ‘ agitations in Calcutta and communist revolutionaries from Neogi by Mining Mafias and Liquor
Mumbai, were important, Bank mass movement, substantially weak- Barons, whose spines were broken
Employees movement became stron- ened the radical Trade Union agita- by his anti-liquor consumption drives,
ger, and in the process of multiple tion in India. Naxalbari was a mass that gained popularity. There were /
court cases, several Dispute settle- upheaval, but option for secret are still in existence such fruitful
ment commissions and Tribunals organisation and shunning the path experiments, in pockets and belts,
were instituted, and Awards meted of mass movement, as a whole, but those suffer and fail to last and
out by those, marked the victory and was against the very spirit of Trade mature into considerable factor, for
improvement of working conditions. Unionism. the want of central and coordinat-
In all these struggles, Communist A section of revolutionaries, who ing leadership.
leadership played a guiding role. were originally inspired by Naxalbari From the ’70s to the ’90s, the
In Calcutta and Mumbai, as ideology, but chose to part ways left TU leadership kept themselves

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46 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

confined to the comfort zone of workers away from unionisation. back for worldwide Trade Union
Public sectors and other organised Example is the notorious incident in movements. In India too, the fa-
white or blue collar jobs sectors. Maruti, Manesar, Gurgaonplant. In mous Bombay Textile workers strike
But from 2000 onwards, the para- 2012, a bloody clash between the ill- in 1982, that continued for a year,
digm shift in economy from welfare paid factory workers and the shop finally succumbed to the negative
to market economy, and gradual floor Managers broke out, in which tactics of Mill owners who never
dilution of traditional domestic sec- one executive lost is life, and left 100 reopened the mills. The influence of
tors in manufacturing or ancillary injured. Nearly 200 were arrested left trade unions had already slipped
units, made the situation difficult and put behind bars. In 2017, 31 of into decay, as the leadership no
for workers. The introduction of the accused were convicted, and 117 longer enjoyed trust of the workers.
Computers, Mechanisation, Automa- acquitted .Such is the picture of Late Datta Samanta who was origi-
tion etc, and the opening of market strained industrial relations situation nally a Congress man, but a popu-
for foreign players in consumer goods in India today. In a very recent case lar organiser, led the movement,
sectors, posed threat to Production study, one independent reporter that ended up in despair and fruit-
and marketing. With that the law Rupesh Singh was arrested by police lessness. Despite such odds, the
for Special Economic Zone (SEZ), on 17th July 2022, for reporting the trade union activity remained alive
helped corporate sectors to shift to abysmal working conditions of vil- for one decade, but finally died
particular Zones where no Labour lagers and workers in Sponge and down with the assassination of Datta
Law was/ is valid. The huge Iron Factories situated in Giridih, Samanta in 1997. The historic Rail-
outsourcing of software jobs to In- Jharkhand. In fact, the pollution way strike in 1974, that shook the
dia by US and Europe, and estab- emitted has made the life of villagers nation and world, failed to reap the
lishments of SEZs, posed existential miserable, and the labourers, brought gains and leave a lasting impact,
threat to TUs. The new flourishing from outside, are kept in Ghettos, due to leadership shortcomings. Fi-
sector of Software services, created under sub human living conditions, nally the heroic organisation was
a new generation of slaves, at times without nutrition, health care and at captured by Bharatiya Mazdoor
highly paid, though not always, but minimal wages. This is comparable Sangh (BMS), which is the satellite
without any security, and falling vic- to the state of labour force in Jute of Jana Sangh, that later became
tims of whimsical hire and fire Mill or Tea Plantation sectors in W present day BJP. Such awkward
policy, being ever at the mercy of Bengal and Assam. So this is the degenerations marked the end of
blood sucking employers. horrendous situation of cheap labour the era of glorious Trade Union
Not only that, with the target of force squeezed by the so-called de- movements in India.
profit maximisation in the pretext of velopment demons of new emerging Taking advantage of this situa-
competitiveness and reduction in India. tion of depressed economy, uncer-
cost, more and more emphasis was With the advent of Neo liberal tain labour market, acute unem-
on outsourcing and contractual economics, the traditional work ployment among educated youth,
labour forces, who were without any place set up and concept of Factory absence of proper mass leadership,
job security and adequate wages, or office, underwent sea changes, the far right ideology of replacing
and that made the task of with that the ideology of trade union- class struggle with communal con-
unionisation, really difficult. To make ism needed change. Change means, flicts, has been successfully crafted
the situation worse, draconian re- not only in organisation and struc- by Hindutwa Fascists .As such, the
pressive measures were / are being ture, but also in modes of struggle enactment of Labour Code 2022,
adopted by employers to scare the and agitation. But unfortunately, dealt a big blow to the formation
world -wide trade union movement and registration of unions which are
Frontier is available at has failed to rise to the occasion, rendered next to impossible, let alone
and stuck in conventionality. In conducting of activities.
Britain, the birthplace of TUs, in Taking for granted all these turn
1984-85, the famous Coal Mines of the grave situation and bleak pros-
strike, was shattered by the atro- pects, it is time for introspection,
cious methods adopted by Margaret self-assessment and pin- point the
SARBODAYA BOOK STALL Thatcher, the notorious Conserva- drawbacks and shortcomings respon-
HOWRAH STATION tive PM, which the miners could sible for this decay and decadence,
not resist. And that was a big set- in order to overcome those. ooo

F-14-17(55).P65 # 46
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October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 47

SHRINKING JOB MARKET ing single child with their life part-
ners but suddenly the situation de-
Impact of Covid-19 on Informal teriorated dramatically.
No doubt women workers were
Sector Workers the worst sufferers during the pan-
Nityananda Ghosh demic. Although men workers had
suffered due to fall in economic

ORKERS IN THE INFOR- female workers in the informal sec- activities during pandemic, women
mal sector are the worst tor are more vulnerable than their workers relatively lost more jobs sig-
sufferers during the post- male counterparts. nificantly than men.
COVID-19 period throughout India A joint survey conducted by 'UN In India, pandemic has its maxi-
in general and Bengal in particular. Women' and 'ILO' on the workers of mum toll on women workers and
A majority of them lost their liveli- 189 countries who are either parents their participation in job market is
hood due to COVID-19 pandemic. having a six-year-old child or single gradually shrinking. According to a
They are domestic workers, agricul- mother or single father shows their World Bank report women partici-
tural wage labourers, integrated child engagement in jobs had declined. It pation in job in India had declined
development scheme (ICDS) work- declined before pandemic to 55 per from 26% in 2005 to 20.3% in
ers, other workers engaged in brick- cent from total women participation 2019. During the hard hit lockdown
kilns, eateries (including dhabas and (i.e.62%) which is again much less period of April to June 2020 in the
street hotels), sanitation, sweeping, than men's participation (97.1%). tri-monthly period the unemploy-
goldsmith establishments, restau- The gender discrimination is also ment rate was15.5%, in July–Sep-
rants, bigbazars, shop establish- seen in pay structure (female workers tember it was 16.1% where women
ments, small factories, lathe units, get less pay than male workers),
leather complexes, tanneries, ven-
dors to name a few. Migrant work-
ers generally move from their native
social security (pregnant women
workers deprived of maternal ben-
efits, women workers do not have
xÓ˚&î¢ÇܲÓ˚ òy¢
places to different states cities/towns, separate toilets—they have to use
500 to 1500 km away from their common toilets). Besides the perti-
È~Ó˚ !ܲS%È í˛zˆÏÕ‘áˆÏÎyàƒ @˝Ãsi
homes and work mainly in building nent question of harassment at work à“ ≠
construction, goldsmith and diamond places, particularly sexual harass- Ù•yçyàÓ˚î G xlƒylƒ à“
polishing establishments, restaurants ment is everyday's occurrence for
etc. All unskilled manual labour! It which they have to sacrifice their Ù,ï%˛ƒ•#l ≤Ãyî
is needless to mention the deplor- jobs for lodging complaints against ܲ!Óï˛y ≠
able condition of the migrant work- the culprits who obviously are either
!ܲS%È !ܲS%È xˆÏÙyâ ܲ!Óï˛y
ers just after the Prime Minister employers or managerial staff.
Modi's sudden unplanned declara- The joblessness among women !Ó≤’Ó flõ!®ï˛ ӈϫ˛
tion of lockdown in the country due workers was rampant during post- !ÓÙ)ï˛≈ SÈ!Ó Ù)ï≈˛ flø,!ï˛
to outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic COVID-19 period. They lost their
in 2020. The second wave in jobs in institutions like schools, col-
xydç#Ól# ≠
2021too had a tremendous toll on leges, universities which were closed !SÈߨÙ)ˆÏ°Ó˚ !SÈߨ ˛õe
the migrant workers. One popular for more than two years since March §y«˛yÍܲyÓ˚ ≠
theory of spreading the COVID-19 2020. There was the same scenario
across the world is the conspiracy in private institutions as well. More ˆã˛Î˚yÓ˚Ùƒyl àOyˆÏ°yÓ˚ §ˆÏD
of the big business, particularly the or less 1,130 lakh women within §y«˛yÍܲyÓ˚
corporate lobby. After all they have the age group of 25 to 54, having
multiplied their profits enormously six-year-old single child lost job dur- for copies contact
from the COVID-19 crisis. The work- ing the pandemic. During this pe- ARUNSHANKAR DAS
ers of the informal sector continue riod their male partners numbering (9830662802)
to face tremendous hardships; they 130 lakh also lost their jobs. Before
have nowhere else to go in the post- pandemic there was slow increase
COVID-19 period. For one thing in number of women workers hav-

F-14-17(55).P65 # 47
1st proof
48 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

unemployment was 15.6% and the cities like Ahmedabad, Vado- Rs 7,600, in Puducherry Rs 6458;
men's was 12.6% respectively. The dara, Surat and Rajkot (all are in AP, Odisha, and Maharashtra pay
recently published Centre for Moni- Gujarat)—registered fewer projects Rs 3000. Jharkhand pays Rs 2000
toring of Indian Economy (CMIE) with the Gujarat Real Estate Regu- and in Bihar it is Rs 1650 per
report shows that during last 5 years latory Authority in the fiscal year month. Here in Bengal there are
1.25 crore women workers have lost 2020-2021. 2.5 lakh mid-day meal workers. The
their jobs. The situation has not The number of real estate sanitary workers also do not get
been changed much during 2022 projects—residential, commercial, minimum wages which is less than
too. The 'UN Women' survey en- mixed development and plotted what is prevalent in other states.
titled 'The rapid gender assessment' schemes—registered with GRERA Other unorganised workers i.e. work-
has revealed the gradual deteriora- declined by 22.8% to 1,346 in 2020- ers belonging to other informal sec-
tion of women workers' mental 21 from 1,745 projects in 2019-20 tors face the same fate and they
health and sensitivity than the men (data available on the website of are deprived of minimum wages
workers. Twenty two countries re- the state real estate regulator). De- stipulated by the central govern-
veal this feature among the 33 coun- cline in real estate projects due to ment. In agriculture the labourers
tries surveyed by 'UN Women', man- pandemic definitely curtailed the are employed contractually. They
aging domestic work which is a workforce i.e. the number of work- are not absorbed in jobs throughout
thankless job and without pay also. ers (migrant workers in particular). the year; rather they get a lump
Women become mentally upset 1.6 The picture of migrant workers work- sum amount during sowing and
times more than the male who do ing in other states, particularly AP harvesting seasons within a stipu-
not help them in domestic work and Tamil Nadu is no different. lated period. The workers employed
and child care. Inflation and unemployment are in hundred days works i.e.
Workers engaged in informal sec- the two major problems encountered MGNREGS have been deprived of
tor, particularly women workers have by the Indian economy at the mo- their dues for months. As per the
to face domestic violence as well as ment. The report published by CMIE state government's version the cen-
violence in the workplace, physi- is awesome. According to this report tral government's team is visiting
cally and mentally. The respective job loss in the month of June 2022 different districts of Bengal without
state governments and the central is 1.3 crore whereas unemployment informing them. The central team's
government have no policies to look rate increases to 7.8% from May's main allegation in this regard is that
after the interest of the women 7.1%. In the month of June 30 lakh the Bengal government is not sub-
workers. As if to face violence is the became unemployed according to mitting audited accounts of
fait accompli of the women work- this report. MGNREGS. They also allege that
ers. The much vaunted women In West Bengal several thou- bills submitted by West Bengal Gov-
empowerment by the Modi govern- sands mid-day meal workers (Gayatri ernment are fake e.g. money has
ment, Beti bachao Beti Padao (save Chakraborty Spivak told this corre- been sanctioned under MGNREGS
daughter, teach daughter) or gender spondent why Bengal Government without any work done. The central
equality is still a far cry. The present or other governments call it mid- government did not sanction the
central government led by Bharatiya day meal—it is actually lunch- meal proposed Rs 3,000 crore 'labour
Janata Party (BJP) is out and out supplied at noon) get paltry amount budget' this year. As a result the
anti-women. They are patriarchal of Rs 1500/- per month since 2013 rural workers in Bengal are not get-
and feudal in outlook. which is much less than what is ting job. They are demonstrating in
A section of migrant workers paid in other states. In this scheme different districts to receive their le-
who were engaged in construction the centre and the state's share is gitimate dues. The central govern-
work lost their jobs during the post- 75:25 but at present it is 60:40 ment is unwilling to sanction money
COVID-19 period as real estate which is unbearable for the states. on MGNREGS alleging that Bengal
business slowed down. COVID-19 The 45th and 46th workers' confer- Government has been involved in
and the disruption induced by the ence have recommended pay hike, corruption in this scheme. Not only
pandemic hampered the process of social security for these workers. that, the main opposition of the
building construction in different The kitchen employees deserve state BJP is also shouting and com-
parts of the country and the mi- worker status. Mid-day meal work- plaining regularly to the central gov-
grant workers have to face the con- ers of other states are getting much ernment not to sanction money on
sequences. Real estate developers in higher remuneration. In Kerala it is MGNREGS in Bengal. The workers

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of informal sector are really facing fact saying that informal sector The Labour Ministry of Govern-
tough time in this state and they workers have been made formal by ment of India is desperate to cut
survive precariously. It is a matter the Labour Ministry of the Govern- down the figure of informal sector
of pity that there is nobody to voice ment of India. As per the Union workers in a bid to avoid controver-
their agony. Labour Ministry’s e-portal a vast sies which were raised during the
In a recently held (02-08-2022) section of informal sector workers' lockdown period where migrant
round table meeting organised by names have been put in that portal workers had to face deplorable con-
Nagarik Mancha (a Kolkata based to diminish their numbers. Informal dition as they have not been en-
organisation) in Kolkata Prof Biswajit sector workers who constitute 50% listed either in the Government of
Dhar of JNU (Jawaharlal Nehru of the total workers have now come India's Labour department or in the
University) disclosed an interesting down to 20% as told by Prof. Dhar. provinces' labour department. ooo

RECYCLING WAR SCRAP graphic narrative of the author: “Of

these unskilled refugee men recruited,
Indian Labour in Iraqi Kurdistan none had a contract. They were
monthly labourers who lived in tem-
Arup Kumar Sen
porary accommodation and were in

LOBALISATION HAS A new paradigm of capitalism fact constantly moving house like
opened up new frontiers was born in the soil of Iraqi Kurdistan modern hunter-gatherers”.(p.116)
of capitalist exploitation on based on recycling of war scrap: Globalisation also opened up
a world scale. A recent ethnographic “…Iraqi Kurdistan emerged as the opportunities for engaging migrant
study (Umut Kuruuzum, Building new lucrative frontier of scrap recy- labour in the war economy of Iraqi
from Scrap: War, Recycling, and cling for the world’s steel business, Kurdistan, mostly from Indonesia,
Labour in Iraqi Kurdistan, Palgrave providing relative security for indus- Ghana, India, Nepal, Philippines,
Macmillan, 2022) bears testimony trial manufacturing compared to the Georgia, Sierra Leona, Sri Lanka,
to it. To put it in the words of the rest of free-falling Iraq while being and Tanzania. (p.119)
author: “This book is ethnographi- close to abundant scrap metal re- Umut Kuruuzum made an in-
cally rooted in the fragmented land- sources created during the intermit- depth study of labour employed at
scape of Iraq and engaged with the tent wars and destruction over the the Frontier Steel Mill, many of
relationality of capital in the twenty- last 30 years. Unsurprisingly, in this whom were migrant workers from
first century”. (p.7) socio-economic context, the total India: “The Frontier Steel Mill had
Kuruuzum has situated his study production of steel exploded from the highest proportion of the
in the perspective of war-ravaged virtually zero in 2006 to five million workforce engaged in steelwork in
Iraq: “Not only the ruins from the tons per year in 2016, which cre- Iraqi Kurdistan—in total around 750
Iran-Iraq war between 1980 and ated a billion-dollar scrap recycling workers, of whom 650 came from
1988, the Gulf War between 1990 industry…”. (p.5) abroad. Of these 650 workers,
and 1991, and the Iraq War in Kuruuzum located new sources around 400 of them were skilled or
2003 and the subsequent US inva- of cheap labour for industries in the semi-skilled Indian migrant steel
sion and occupation until 2011, but war zone:“…war and violent con- labourers, most of them from the
also the continuing Syrian Civil War flicts in the wider region have up- south and southeast of New Delhi,
and the rise and fall of ISIS be- rooted people from their social and towns such as Agra, Budain,
tween 2012 and 2017 turned the material means of livelihood…, gen- Rampur, Varanasi, Chhapra,
region into a haven for dumping erating a large vulnerable, malleable Mairwa, Gorakpur, Gopalganj, and
various kinds of coveted war scrap, labour reserve for industrial manu- Jaunpur. Due to their skills and
which is rich in copper, such as facturing… In Iraqi Kurdistan, the work experience in the Indian steel
broken down tanks, armoured ve- bulk of the refugee men left their sector, these workers are extremely
hicles, and anti-aircraft shells… Sim- families behind in tent settlements valuable to the global steel industry
ply, the book is about the social and moved to cities and industrial and its subcontracting practices for
after-life of war scrap as a com- districts to pursue employment op- cheap production, which takes ad-
modity highly valued and desired in portunities”. (p.112-13) The precari- vantage of cheap scrap reserves and
the frontier of scrap recycling in ous employment status of refugee recycling in several parts of the
Iraqi Kurdistan”. (pp.4, 20) labour was recorded in the ethno- world”. (p.120)

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The Indian migrant steel workers such as from Turkey or Iran, and The above narrative of capitalist
in Iraqi Kurdistan recruited through contracted to live in the labour development in the war zone of
an Indian subcontracting firm were camps for periods of about two Iraqi Kurdistan testifies that workers
found to be living precarious lives: years. Indeed, keeping an Indian have become footloose and more
“The Indian labourers were em- worker on the shop floor was as vulnerable in the forward march of
ployed for lower wages compared cheap as using unskilled refugee Capital under neoliberalism.
to the regional skilled labour force, labour”. (pp. 120-21) ooo

A GREAT VISIONARY colonial connection of social an-

thropology (Asad 1973: 14-15).
Nirmal Kumar Bose : More than a decade later, an In-
dian social anthropologist and soci-
A Nationalist Anthropologist ologist, Jagannath Pathy, in his ar-
Abhijit Guha ticle published in the Economic and
Political Weekly, critiqued anthropol-

IRMAL KUMAR BOSE development caused displacement ogy, in general, and third world
(1901-1972) was a versa- encountered by the people and the development anthropology, in par-
tile personality in Indian an- policy makers of the new nation in ticular, for serving the colonial and
thropology. His multifaceted interest the post-colonial period did not find imperial powers (Pathy 1981: 623-
ranged from temple architecture and an important place in the anthro- 7). In this context, it would be
prehistory to transformations in tribal pology of this great anthropologist interesting to note that in India the
life under the impact of Hinduism of India, although Bose was a com- critical assessment of the colonial
and modernisation. Bose was a pro- mitted social worker and non-vio- legacy of anthropology by the an-
fessor at the University of Calcutta, lent political activist (he acted as thropologists had an older begin-
Director of the Anthropological Sur- the personal secretary to Mahatma ning than that advanced by Talal
vey of India and Commissioner for Gandhi in the mid-1940s) dedicated Asad and Jagannath Pathy.
Scheduled Castes and Scheduled towards the upliftment of the un- Virtually no discussion is found
Tribes, Government of India, and touchable castes and maintenance on the role of anthropologists in the
he was also a dedicated social of communal harmony(Guha 2022). writings and commentaries of the
worker, a Gandhian political activ- At the end of his career Bose scholars on the rise and develop-
ist, and above all a prolific writer in advocated the crucial importance ment of nationalism and nationalist
Bengali and English on diverse top- of the application of anthropology thought in India. Interestingly, Bose
ics in professional journals, popular in solving the problems of nation wrote an article entitled ‘Social
magazines and newspapers. building and here lies the historical Sciences: Their Role and Scope’
Baidyanath Saraswati viewed Nirmal significance of re-evaluating the published in the Economic Weekly
Kumar Bose as the ‘Gandhian an- works of the other pioneering an- in 1959 in which he just suggested
thropologist’ (Sraswati 2003:1-26) thropologists of India who made that social scientists are well
while R S Negi in his 7th N K Bose solid and inspiring contributions to- equipped not only to provide infor-
memorial lecture at Indira Gandhi ward nation building in the newly mation on the ‘social attitudes’ for
National Centre for the Arts men- independent country. and against planned development
tioned that Raj Mohan Gandhi de- The colonial connection of an- in India but also to evaluate the
scribed Bose as a ‘left leaning an- thropology, particularly British so- success and failures of development
thropologist’ (Negi 2013:1). cial anthropology virtually began programmes (Bose 1959:141-144).
Bose was a Gandhian national- with the publication of the famous In one of his significant articles
ist unlike his predecessor Sarat book, Anthropology & the Colonial published in the ‘Bulletin of the
Chandra Roy and contemporary Encounter, edited by Talal Asad, in Anthropological Survey of India’ in
Tarak Chandra Das. The anthro- 1973. Asad noted that ‘social an- 1962 Bose discussed briefly on some
pologist successors of Bose, like thropology emerged as a distinctive problems and solutions of national
Surajit Chandra Sinha and André discipline at the beginning of the integration without mentioning the
Béteille missed this contradiction in colonial era’, although most of the role and responsibilities of the an-
Bose’s personality. The real chal- professional anthropologists showed thropologists in the task. In the final
lenges like famine, partition and a ‘strange reluctance’ to study the section of the article Bose offered

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the ‘Gandhian formula’ of decentra- projects undertaken by the depart- logical Survey of India bear testi-
lisation through local governments ment of Anthropology, Government mony to putting anthropology to-
as the ideal solution towards achiev- of India (the former name of the wards the service of the nation. His
ing national integration against pro- Anthropological Survey of India) and position was in order to contribute
vincialism and all kinds of sectari- the anthropology departments at towards nation building one has to
anism (Bose 1962b: 57-61). At the Calcutta, Madras, Lucknow, Delhi, know the country first and one should
end of his life N K Bose in his Gauhati and Osmania Universities. realise that the greater part of the
posthumous article spoke out on Bose’s investigation was exhaustive country lived in the villages. Just
the role of anthropologists in nation and based on written replies from after joining the Anthropological
building in unequivocal terms: the heads of the aforementioned in- Survey of India in 1959 as Director
An anthropologist does not stitutions. After reviewing the overall Bose involved all researchers in a
merely play the part of an ob- scenario, he concluded: mega project to collect data on the
server in a game of chess. He There does not seem to be any socio-economic and cultural aspects
has a greater and deeper com- problem which Indian anthropolo- of villages covering 311 districts of
mitment, namely, that in India gists have made peculiarly their India out of 322 and the results of
he has to draw a lesson from own. Anthropologists in our coun- this survey was published in a vol-
what he observes, so that he try have, on the whole, followed ume entitled Peasant life in India: A
can utilise his knowledge in the the tracks beaten by anthropolo- Study in Indian Unity and Diversity
attainment of the egalitarian ideal gists in the more powerful coun- in 1961. The plethora of data on the
which our nation has set before tries of the West. What they do, material and ideological aspects of
itself as its goal. If he also ac- we generally try to repeat on the rural India contained in the book is
cepts this ideal, then, with his Indian soil (Bose 1952: 133) one of the best works done by the
superior analytical apparatus, Bose, however, ended with the posi- anthropologists in the government
and the use of comparisons and tive note that there were exceptions department. This is a book which
synthetic thinking, he can sug- to the above generalisation and, if has tremendous contemporary policy
gest many modifications in the Indian anthropologists could work relevance at least for three important
ways in which the government independently on Indian problems, reasons. First, this book revealed
or leaders of society are trying to there was still sign of hope. Just 10 with empirical information that peas-
bring about justice where injus- years later, N K Bose published ant life in India cannot be improved
tice prevails today. And this is another article, ‘Researches in In- without understanding its material
where anthropology has a very dian anthropology’, in the same diversity. Second, it showed the real
significant role to play and a journal in which he turned the at- value of collecting first hand infor-
heavy responsibility to bear (Bose tention of the readers from applied mation from the peasants, which
1974: iv). to ‘certain fundamental problems in should be the guiding principle be-
Bose wrote an exhaustive article anthropology’ and mentioned about hind planning and policy formula-
entitled ‘Progress of Anthropology the researches done by social an- tion from below, not from the top.
and Archaeology’ published by the thropologists on the persistence of Third, peasant life in India has an
Indian Science Congress Associa- the caste system. Along with this, underlying cultural unity of non-com-
tion in 1963. In his address, Bose Bose mentioned the anthropometric petitive tolerance and peaceful coex-
did not deal with the role of anthro- surveys carried out by physical an- istence, which shaped the ambition
pology in nation building. After re- thropologists at the all-India level as and aspiration of the peasants
viewing the then literature on the another type of fundamental re- throughout the centuries. Can one
three subfields of anthropology he search and he found young anthro- forget these three lessons even today
instead dealt more with the possi- pologists at the Anthropological when the government frames its
bilities of building an analytical and Survey of India to be ‘first-class policies towards the development of
theoretical anthropology in the In- workers’ (Bose 1962a: 179). rural India?
dian context (Bose 1963:1-48). PEASANT LIFE IN INDIA NORTHEAST INDIA
As early as 1952, Nirmal Kumar Although, Bose did not write on the N K Bose’s famous report on the
Bose, in a significant article entitled notable contributions of anthropolo- problems of North-East India, writ-
‘Current research projects in Indian gists in dealing with the challenges of ten as the Commissioner for Sched-
anthropology’, published in Man in nation building in independent In- uled Castes and Scheduled Tribes
India enumerated the research dia, his own works at the Anthropo- was published in 1968-69. After

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reviewing the situation in the north- of Bose in dealing with the prob- instead of driving them into the
east as an anthropologist as well as lems of Northeast India? position of settled cultivators living
a policymaker Bose lucidly formu- TRIBAL WELFARE in a crowded environment, why can
lated the governmental policy for In his sectional Chairman’s speech one not recruit foresters from among
the newly independent nation, which delivered at the Third Annual Ses- those who are in love with the
was summarised by Surajit Sinha in sion of the Indian Conference of forests? (Bose 1953:218)
his 1st N K Bose memorial lecture Social Work on 5th December 1953 A VALIANT BOSE
delivered at IGNCA in 1993. Here Bose did not hesitate to criticise the It is true that Nirmal Kumar Bose
is a quote from Sinha’s paper: higher caste Hindu view of assign- being a great visionary of Indian
(a) The main emphasis should be ing a low status to the Adibasis, anthropology, who held important
on building up an economy of which resulted in the conversion of governmental and university posi-
unexploitative interdependence the latter to Christianity in many tions in post-independent India and
between the hills and the plains. places and thereby gave rise to anti- was a personal secretary to M K
(b) The cultural policy should be national and separatist attitudes. In Gandhi did not narrate the specific
extremely permissive and toler- the same article, Bose also expressed contributions and role of anthro-
ant, providing facilities for au- his scepticism towards the govern- pologists on nation building in inde-
tonomous development from the mental approach of merely giving pendent India in his two important
home base of specific tribes or economic and educational benefits books entitled Problems of National
related cluster of tribes. to the tribals. He stated, Integration (1967) and Problems of
(c) Demand for cessation should The best course would be to try Indian Nationalism (1969) but in
not be negotiable and this should and build up a caste-free new India, these books he treated nation build-
be firmly and unequivocally where no occupation is high and none ing from a brave perspective. For
communicated to those leaders low, and this with the help of those example, in the second book, which
who may be involved in such who are within the caste organisation was originally a lecture delivered by
anti-national demands (Sinha as well as those who stand outside it Bose in the A N Sinha Institute of
1993:15). (Bose 1953: 218). Social Studies at Patna, he spoke
According to Surajit Sinha, Bose with his characteristic way unequivocally against all kinds of
‘...this is perhaps the clearest and of explaining complex problems in separatist tendencies which was
most sensible overall policy guide- a simple and straight forward man- growing in the country. Bose was of
line which has been so far formu- ner questioned the colonial mental- the opinion that the greatest danger
lated about the unique moun- ity towards the management of for- of nation building lurks behind the
tainous tribal regions located at ests in the abovementioned lecture policy of reservation:
the international frontier of North- article, which is relevant till today. ....[T]he administrative machin-
east India’. (Sinha ibid) In the hills of Orissa, there lives ery of many of our States will
For one thing the situation in the a tribe known as the Kharias. There have to be reformed so that
northeast of the country since Bose’s is another who are known as the men of all States can function
formulation of the aforementioned ‘Monkey-eating Kols’ or Birhors. with freedom and equality any-
policy guidelines has not improved These tribes live by collecting honey where in India in order to render
much but that does not mean that and wax or the manufacture of the best services possible to the
those guidelines have lost their rel- ropes, and by selling them to the ‘masses’, in Gandhi’s sense of
evance today. With the entry of the agricultural population who, live the term. The present concern
cash economy and rapid destruc- nearby. The members of these tribes for somehow securing maximum
tion of forests and the increasing have no fear of the jungle; they live benefits to the ‘Sons of the Soil’
pressure of population both in the in the jungle, and are trained to (sometimes nicknamed as the
hills and the plains the economic take care of themselves even when sos) and their protection from
inequality between the hills and the they wander for days on end in the open competition, must be re-
plains have increased and the anti- forest territory. In India there are placed before we can turn the
national activities are also on the large forests, and men have to be corner. Those who are backward
rise. Has the government been able employed in taking care of those may be given every facility for
to formulate any new policy after forests. Why should one not take education, if they have been
Nirmal Kumar Bose? Should one advantage of the acquired aptitudes denied this on account of social
not relook at those policy guidelines of these Birhors and Kharias; and suppression or poverty in the

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past. But while seeking employ- CONCLUSION and Other Essays. Calcutta: Indian
ment they must be encouraged, Nirmal Kumar Bose’s anthropologi- Associated Publishing Company first
not to seek protection but face cal contributions towards nation published in 1929.
Bose, N.K. (1959) Social sciences: Their
competition in the open market building in independent India have
role and scope. Economic Weekly,
(Bose 1969:41). not been adequately explored by
Bose viewed the problems of nation the doyens of Indian anthropology. Bose, N.K. (1961). [Edited with a fore-
building in a critical and constructive Despite his methodological limita- word] Peasant life in India: A study in
manner. While admitting the failures tions in propounding the famous Indian unity and diversity. Delhi: An-
of Five Year Plans he recognised the idea on the assimilation of the thropological Survey of India (mem-
fact that the shortcomings had also Juang tribe of Odisha into the caste oir no.5).
been realised by the planners and he fold Bose made sincere attempts to Bose, N.K. (1962a). Researches in Indian
anthropology. Man in India, 42(3):
came forward with his warnings and put anthropology for the service of
suggestions. While welcoming the the nation from a Gandhian per-
Bose, N.K. (1962b). Problem of national
government’s decision to entrust the spective of going to the grassroots integration. Bulletin of the Anthropo-
community development and putting the poor and the under- logical Survey of India. 11(2):57-61.
programmes to locally elected bod- privileged first in the task of nation Bose, N.K. (1963). Progress of Anthropol-
ies, he cautioned that these bodies building. ooo ogy and Archaeology. In Fifty years of
might also be successful in manipu- [Acknowledgements : This paper is an Science in India. Calcutta: The In-
lating the local organisations to re- outcome of a larger research project on dian Science Congress Association.
main entrenched in power (Bose the nationalist trends in Indian anthropol- Bose, N.K. (1967). Problems of national
ogy completed under a Senior Fellowship integration. Simla: Indian Institute of
1967:71-72). What then is the rem-
Grant (2018-2020) awarded to me by the Advanced Study.
edy? A committed follower of Gandhi Bose, N.K. (1969). Problems of Indian
Indian Council of Social Science Research
and an anthropologist influenced by (ICSSR), New Delhi for which I was at- nationalism. Bombay: Allied Publish-
British and American anthropology, tached to the Institute of Development ers.
Bose at the end of his book Prob- Studies Kolkata (IDSK). I am indebted to Bose, N.K. (1974). Anthropology after fifty
lems of National Integration did not ICSSR and IDSK. I am grateful to Timir years. In D. Sen (Ed.) Indian Anthro-
hesitate to state his recommenda- Basu, Editor, Frontier for inviting me to pology Today (pp. i-iv). Calcutta: De-
tion towards nation building by duly write this article in the Autumn Number, partment of Anthropology, Calcutta
2022. A larger and more detailed version University.
acknowledging the Russian revolu-
of this article was presented online as 11th Guha, A. (2018). Scrutinising the Hindu
tionary Leon Trotsky:
Professor Nirmal Kumar Bose Memorial Method of Tribal Absorption. Eco-
The supreme task is to turn the Lecture on 22 January 2022 at the Indira nomic and Political Weekly.
country’s mind to the promotion Gandhi National Centre for the Arts 53(17):105-110.
of the interests of those who toil (IGNCA), New Delhi. I am particularly Guha, A. (2022). Nation-Building in In-
and produce the nation’s wealth. grateful to Dr.Ramakar Pant, Head of De- dian Anthropology: Beyond the Colo-
All others can and should exist if partment of the Janapada Sampada Divi- nial Encounter. New Delhi: Manohar
they sub-serve the interests of the sion of IGNCA for kindly inviting me to & London: Routledge.
toiling millions. And the begin- deliver the aforesaid Memorial Lecture. I Negi, R.S. (2013). The 7th Nirmal Kumar
am indebted to the Anthropological Survey Bose Memorial Lecture, 2013. New
nings of this adventure will lie in
of India, Govt. of India for allowing me to Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre
little things well done, rather than use the library of its institute at for the Arts.
in great things done in an ineffi- Chowringhee, Kolkata. Last but not the Pathy, J. Imperialism, Anthropology and
cient manner (Bose 1967:73). least, I am greatly indebted to late the Third World. Economic and Po-
Raghabendra Guha, my uncle (Chotokaku) litical Weekly, 1981, pp. 623-7.
For Frontier Contact whose invaluable collection of N K Bose’s Saraswati, B. (2003). Professor Nirmal
Cultural Anthropology and Other Essays Kumar Bose: The Gandhian Anthro-
helped me immensely to write this article.] pologist. In T. Sen (Ed.) Nirmal Kumar
Bibliography Bose: Life, Works and Vision (pp.1-
Asad, T. Ed. (1973). Anthropology & the 26). Kolkata: The Asiatic Society.
Colonial Encounter. New York: Hu- Sinha, S. (1997). The 1st Nirmal Kumar
manity Books. Bose Memorial Lecture, 1993. New
Bose, N.K. (1952). Current research Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre
PATIRAM BOOK STALL projects in Indian anthropology. Man for the Arts.
College Street in India, 32(2): 121-133. Email:abhijitguhavuanthro
Bose, N.K. (1953) Cultural Anthropology

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THE MAKING OF A NATION Such foregrounding of substantive

citizenship of the subordinate social
Tamil Nationalism groups as the principal constitutive
element of the nation place
Solomon Victus
EVRamasamy outside of main-

HE CONCEPT OF THE resolutions favouring ‘communal stream Indian nationalism as well
‘nation’ was propagated by representation’ were disallowed in as the incomplete modernity of the
E V Ramasamy (EVR), later the Kancheepuram Conference of British in the colonial context. In
affectionately called Periyar, a Tamil the Tamil Nadu Congress. There- other words, he was free from the
man who perennially carried the ap- fore, he declared his political agenda need to set the nation in opposition
pellation of an ‘anti-national.’ Freed to be: “no god; no religion; no to the coloniser.
from the mainstream nationalist bi- Gandhi; no Congress; and no Brah- During the course of the anti-
nary of nationalism vs. colonialism, mins.” Within the non-Brahmin Hindi agitation which contested the
anchored in history and nationalism movement of the South, the idea compulsory introduction of Hindi in
as progress, and troubled all the time that nation and nationality meant schools by the Congress government
about citizenship, E V Ramasamy’s comradeship based on equality of in 1937, EV Ramasamy began air-
concept of the nation denied its ori- recognition and acceptance runs ing his demand for a separate Tamil
gin in the classical Indian/Tamil past through as a steady undercurrent. Nadu, which evolved over time into
and envisaged it fully in the anticipa- The most crucial episode in EV a demand for a separate Dravida
tory. Further, it constantly violated Ramasamy’s early public life was Nadu. Till the end of his life, he,
any certitude about boundaries, iden- the Gurukulam untouchability inci- more or less steadfastly, denied le-
tities or agents of change and went dent at Cheranmahadevi and the gitimacy to India as one nation and
beyond the territoriality of the na- controversies surrounding it. The kept his demand alive. In this con-
tion. In tracing the contours of E V general position of the cultural na- text, he did differentiate the Tamil
Ramasamy’s ‘nation’, Aloysius’ at- tionalists–Congress and Gandhi–on past as more equitable compared
tempt is not only to explore the the practice of untouchability in the to the pan-Indian past. Basing his
relationship between the nation and ashram made Periyar turn away arguments on ancient Tamil literary
the past, but also to recover one of from them, and begin a long mili- texts, he claimed that both the caste
the marginalised discourses on the tant career of political nationalism. system which degraded the non-
nation, which has been fossilised in The identity that E V Ramasamy Brahmins and the current marriage
Indian nationalist historiography as established between god, religion, customs which emphasised women’s
belonging to the ‘other’ of the na- Gandhi, Congress and the Brah- subordination were alien to the Tamil
tion, that, is, ‘anti-national’. Such mins was based on his understand- past. Beyond that, his position on
attempts at recovering alternate con- ing that all of them stood in the the Tamil past was not different
cepts of the nation seem pertinent way of different subordinate social from that on the Indian past, that
and urgent as the official ‘nation’ has groups such as the Shudras, the is, he ‘denationalised’ the Tamil past
become one of the most important Dalits, and women, attaining free too. Interestingly, even in contexts
sources of legitimacy for the state in and equal citizenship in the nation- where he favourably referred to the
India as well as for a range of political in-the-making. His political career equitable Tamil past, he simulta-
formations varying from the Hindu then onwards was more or less an neously discounted it and claimed
communalists to the leftists. unwavering journey through the Self- that one would not benefit by harp-
E V Ramasamy’s sojourn in the Respect Movement (founded in ing back to the past.
Indian National Congress was brief, 1925) and the Dravidar Kazhagam In attacking Brahminism and
a mere five years in an active politi- (founded in 1944) in search of sub- Hinduism, he did not show any
cal career spanning over half a cen- stantive, as opposed to formal, citi- mercy and he popularised a ‘golden
tury. After a series of experiments zenship as constitutive of the na-
within the Congress, which may be
termed as experiments on the ques-
tion, and this is more than evident
from the way he assessed and com-
For FRONTIER contact
tion of citizenship in the nation, he bated the nationalist concept of Subscribers are requested
finally broke with the Congress in ‘Swaraj’ and the manner in which to send their Mobile Nos and
November 1925 when two of his he responded to the British Raj. e-mail id (if any)

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saying’ for the Dravidian Rationalist one another for a livelihood should effigies have been remanded by
Movement: not be there; lazy people should not police”. Condemning Ramayana’s
There is no God. be there; slaves should not be there; ‘racist portrayal’ of ‘Dravidians as
There is no God. untouchables and those who can- demons’, the TPDK said that the
There is no God at all. not walk on public streets should Ravanan Leela was their way of
The inventor of God is a fool. not be there; like these several more protesting against Hindu cultural
The propagator of God is a things should be done”. Periyar cel- hegemony.
scoundrel. ebrated Independence in 1947 with “It does not matter that ‘Ram
The worshipper of God is a a black flag demonstration. Leela’ is not celebrated in Tamil
barbarian. Even after Independence the ten- Nadu. In Delhi, effigies of Ravanan
Coming down heavily on the Con- sion between Hindu nationalism and and his two brothers are burnt; we
gress brand of nationalism which Tamil nationalism to some extent believe they are Dravidians, and that
sought to restore to dominance all has existed in a nuanced way. Ev- burning their effigies is mocking us.
forms of religious superstition, Periyar ery year with the Navaratri coming So to stop that, we have decided to
indicated in his inimitable popular to a close for the year, Hindus look celebrate ‘Ravanan Leela’ in which
style the kind of nationalism he had forward to the culmination of the we will be burning the effigies of
in mind: “If we consider, on what festivities, which is Ravan Dahan Ram, Sita and L aksh-man”. S
must depend the nationalism of a on Dussehra. Vijayadashmi is cel- Kumaran also added that they had
nation, minimally, the people of a ebrated on the 10th day of Navaratri written a letter to the Prime Minister
nation, without having to sell or and marks the victory of good over asking him to stop Ram Leela in
bargain their mind or conscience, evil. While the Ravan Dahan or the Delhi, but they did not get any re-
should be able to eke out their burning of Ravan’s effigy is seen all sponse from his office.
livelihood. More than this there are across India, this festivity is more MT Saju writes that in the 1970s
several other nationalisms: knowl- popularly hosted up in the North too Periyarists conducted Ravanan
edge should grow; education is with grand fervour. The effigies of Leelas. He reminds people that af-
needed; equality is needed; unity is Ravana are burnt on the day of ter Periyar died, his wife Maniya-
needed; self-effort is needed; genu- Dussehra, which is the day after the mmai burnt the effigy of Ram at
ine feelings are needed; cheating end of Navaratri. This burning of Periyar Thidal in 1974. But since
the effigies of Ravana is always then it has not been a popular
Just Published seen as offensive to the Dravidians. event. Emotional discussions on Ram
The followers of EV Periyar, i.e., Leela and Ravanan Leela have not
Periyarists, have long felt that this is yet died out in Tamil Nadu, and
very humiliating, since long time. every year one can find the smoke
Therefore, the Periyarists started from those events. Tamil national-
WITH THE protesting Ramayana’s ‘racist por-
trayal’ of ‘Dravidians as demons.’
ism is shooting up here and there,
not just based on the Tamil lan-
PASSING TIME As announced, about 40 members guage, but as a counter-culture of
of the Thanthai Periyar Dravida the Dravidians to the Aryan-Brah-
by Kazhagam (TPDK) landed at the min-Baniya supremacism.
Farooque Chowdhury Sanskrit College at Mylapore in The past thus was bereft of any-
Chennai on Wednesday to burn ef- thing worth appropriating for the
Published by figies of Ram, Sita and Lakshma- national agenda. The nation could
NGG Books nan. Amidst tight security, and all arrive only after a break from it. In
4, Aati Bazar, Keraniganj, efforts of the police to stall the short, the past stood ‘denationalised’
Dhaka, Bangladesh
event, the members of the fringe in EV Ramasamy’s discourse on the
Website: group did manage to burn a few nation. The nation, freed from the
effigies, including that of Lord Ram. past, located in the anticipatory and
S Kumaran, a member of the framed by notions of ‘modernity
Price: 400tk TPDK, said: “As per our plan we from below’ was a metaphor: one
[300tk for teachers and students, if broke the police chain around us which stood for ever-fluid, free, and
collected from the publisher.] and burned the effigy. Eleven per- equal citizenship. Its success can be
sons who were involved in burning assessed in terms of its continuing

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ability to inspire diverse subordinate ment and its ideology a real threat ‘Nation’ in E.V. Ramasamy’s Political
social groups in present-day Tamil to their growth in Tamil Nadu. ooo Discourse in: Nationalist Movement:
References: A Reader edited by Sekhar Bandyo-
Nadu to question the Indian nation-
G Aloysius: Nationalism without a Nation padhyay. New Delhi: OUP, 2009.
state for its failings, and to imagine Arun Shourie: A Secular Agenda: For
in India. New Delhi: OUP, 2011(c.
nations of equity and freedom lying Saving our Country, for Welding it.
in the future. The Hindutva nation- EJ Hobsbawm: Nations and Nationalism New Delhi: ASA Publications, 1993.
alists have recently been involved in since 1780: Programme, Myth, Real- [This is an extract from the book: “Cul-
vandalising Periyar statues, busts, ity (Second edition). Cambridge: CUP, tural Nationalism: The Making of an In-
pictures, and in scripts, and have 1992. dian Nation” by Solomon Victus. Pub-
Kancha Ilaiah: Buffalo Nationalism: A lished by the Department of Research,
been attacking Periyarist group cam-
Critique of Spiritual Fascism. Kolkata: South Asia Theological Research Institute
paigns. This shows that Hindu na- Samya, 2004. (SATHRI), Senate of Serampore College,
tionalists find the Dravidian move- MSS Pandian: ‘Denationalising’ the Past Serampore, 2021.]

BURMA FOR BURMANS 7th and 9th centuries, who also

intermarried here like on the
Plight of the Rohingya Malabar Coast.
It was the threat from the
Pranjali Bandhu
Bamar, and French competition in

OST-COLONIAL MYANMAR bet who had settled down in the the region, that led the British
political history with long Irrawady Valley around the twelfth colonialists to fight three Anglo-Bur-
years of rule by repressive century. Ahoms were a Shan tribe mese wars over a period of 60 years
and exploitative military ruling re- that originally hailed from ancient (1824-26, 1852-3, and 1885) for
gimes intermittently interspersed with China and travelled through South- the conquest of the territory that
phases of some concessions to lim- east Asia. They had entered the became incorporated as a province
ited electoral democracy has given Brahmaputra Valley and established in British India. It included territo-
rise to a large number of refugees, the Ahom Empire, which Burmans ries of the Kachin and Karen and
who try to find safe havens in under the expansionist Konbaung other ethnic groups who had not
neighbouring countries. Myanmar is dynasty invaded and tried to over- been under direct Burman rule be-
dominated by the Burman national- throw in 1821-22. They also waged fore. Some of these ethnic groups
ity ruling through the military, while campaigns against Manipur and majorly or partially converted to
over 100 other ethnic nationalities Arakan. Arakan was a multi- Christianity under the influence of
are still struggling for equal rights civilisational independent region and Baptist missionaries as the Nagas
and self-determination/autonomy in kingdom (comprising Muslims, Bud- and others in the North-East of
their own territories and for genuine dhists, Christians and Hindus), India. The Civil Services were mostly
federalism or even independence, which later came under the domi- manned by Indians (Bengali Babus
and are against any kind of assimi- nation of the Mughals. It included largely); there was a large Indian
lation process in the interest of the the Chittagong Hill Tracts area and population in Rangoon. The British
dominant group. Fanatic Buddhist Tripura and was inhabited by vari- made no efforts to train Burmese in
majoritarianism is being used to ous ethnic groups including the skilled labour and did not invest
integrate the multi-ethnic, multi-reli- Rakhines and Chakmas. They were properly in their modern education.
gious country and priority is given militarily defeated by invading Bur- In agriculture, migrants had been
to national unity under a proposed man Buddhist troops in 1785. At encouraged to come in from India
“one country, one law” Act, rather that time many fled to East Bengal, by the colonial government to de-
than by means of a pluralistic de- then under the British. The Rohingya velop the rice fields of the Irrawady
mocracy. The majority religion func- (derived from the name Rohang Delta. The country was fast becom-
tions de facto as the state religion. which was the early Muslim name ing an Indian colony with a big
It will be pertinent to provide a for Arakan), an ethnic Muslim ma- presence of Indian bankers, mostly
few details regarding the history of jority group inhabiting the Arakan Tamil Chettiars, who through fore-
the national question in Myanmar. region, claimed a thousand-year closures had bought up most of the
The dominant Bamar/Burmans are inhabitation of the region having fertile rice lands. Marwari and
a fusion of tribes from different been converted from Buddhism to Gujarati traders were present. Dur-
regions of South-East Asia and Ti- Islam by Arab traders between the ing colonialism further migration from

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Bengal Presidency (which included pushed for the creation of Pakistan the Shan States were given the right
Bihar and Odisha) took place en- during the freedom movement and to secede after ten years, if they
couraged by the British who had had wanted to be included in this were not happy with their status
incorporated Arakan into the Ben- state at the time of independence in within the union. The Karen nation-
gal Presidency on gaining this terri- 1947. After Partition, being largely alist leaders not being able to come
tory in 1824 after the first Anglo- Bengali-speaking, they even re- to an agreement regarding bound-
Burmese War, and these people quested Jinnah to annex the State aries with the Rangoon government
settled along with the indigenous of Arakan from Burma.2 took up arms to forcibly create an
Muslim population. They were The Burman nationality formed independent State that might or not
needed there as labour for export- the main component of the Burma join the Union. The Mon and the
oriented intensive rice cultivation Independence Army which was Arakanese, who at that time were
promoted by the British.1 trained by Japan. The Burman- offered full and equal citizenship
Burma became a separate Brit- dominated Burmese Communist under the 1948 Union Citizenship
ish colony in 1937 as a result of the Party founded by Aung San also (Election) Act, also wanted inde-
pressure of Burman nationalism and took Japanese help for military train- pendent states of their own, and
British colonial interests of creating ing. But the Japanese imperialists they organised armed resistance
a wedge between Burmese and In- reneged on their promise of inde- movements too.
dian nationalisms. Indians gener- pendence for Burma and occupied The Bamar nationality asserted
ally, about half of whom were Mus- it in 1942. Aung San then went its dominance in the Army after the
lims, (ethnic Chinese migrants too over to British and allied with them 1948 independence from Britain.
were not exempt) started being tar- to drive the Japanese out. He Burma did not join the British Com-
geted during the 1930s because formed the Anti-Fascist People’s Free- monwealth unlike India and Paki-
many of them, as mentioned, had dom League (AFFL), negotiated in- stan. In 1958, when the time came
come in with the British invaders dependence from the British, and for possible secession of some ethnic
and enjoyed a superior position in an elected interim government saw minorities, the army took over under
the economy and society. In 1938, AFPFL win an overwhelming major- General Ne Win to assert the politi-
there were anti-Muslim riots for sev- ity of assembly seats. In 1947, some cal and economic supremacy of the
eral months throughout the country. of the minority ethnic groups had Bamar ethnic group over others and
Burmese nationalism (demanding been persuaded by General Aung also to purge communists. The mi-
Burma for Burmans – the domi- San to join a multi-ethnic confer- nority states were forced to bow to
nant nationality), strongly linked to ence at Panglong, in the Shan hills, the central government. The Burma
the trend of Buddhist revivalism and to devise a political structure ac- Socialist Programme Party was
its imagined threat perceptions by a ceptable to Burmans and to them. formed and it followed the ‘Burmese
proselytising Islam wanted all these The concept of a secular federal Way to Socialism.’ Nationalisation
‘invaders’ out. union within which each ethnic State of major industries was done and
The Burmese Army under colo- (which had never come under Bur- Indian traders began to be forced
nialism had a preponderance of eth- man domination) would be accorded out. A demonetisation in 1987
nic minorities, who were used against full autonomy over internal admin- robbed most people of their savings.
Burman resistance movements. istration was upheld. ROHINGYA PERSECUTION
Many Rohingya had fought in the The process of drafting a Consti- Systematic persecution of the
British Army during the Anglo-Bur- tution was started, but he and other Rohingya people started in the 1960s
mese Wars in the nineteenth cen- members of his cabinet were assas- following the military coup by Gen-
tury and during World War-II and sinated on instigation of a conser- eral Ne Win after a brief period of
aligned—as did other minority eth- vative politician. The Constitution electoral democracy from 1960-62.
nic groups like the Kachin and detailed the right of the State gov- They were driven out of their land
Karen—with the British who expertly ernments to make laws, run their holdings and replaced by Rakhine
played a divide-and-rule policy here own civil services, and develop their Buddhist peasants. In 1982, the Ne
as elsewhere in its Empire. There own budgets. State heads would be Win government passed an exclu-
were various armed insurrections by part of the Union cabinet and mem- sionary Citizenship Act. This Act
the Rohingya since the 1940s with bers of State legislative councils created three categories of citizens –
the aim of creating an autonomous would serve in Parliament. The national, associate and naturalised.
Muslim zone in Arakan. They Karenni (later renamed Kayah) and Full national citizenship was reserved

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for 135 “national races” (official with the purpose of containing traf- to live in internment camps in so-
indigenous ethnic groups) or those ficking, narcotics smuggling and ter- called “lockdown zones” or “area
who could prove their ancestry in rorist activity. Some refugee camps clearance operation zones,” the sys-
Burma before 1823, that is, before have come up on the no-man’s tematic stoking of generalised
the first Anglo-Burmese war (1824- land after the fence. Islamophobia also through social
26). The term Arakanese was now The pre-colonial Muslim indigenes media by its psychological warfare
replaced by the term Rakhine, and are known as Kaman in Burmese division initiated in the mid-1960s,
the Rohingya were given only a and are a recognised indigenous eth- is a genocidal and divide-and-rule
second class Associate Citizenship nic group with citizenship rights. But policy, whereas actually all
by offering them ‘white cards’ which they are also affected by the anti- smallholders are affected. It is falsely
conferred the right to vote. Those Rohingya ethnic cleansing drives of billed as counter-insurgency or anti-
not conferred full citizenship suf- the Burmese Army and by Buddhist terrorist self-defence measures of a
fered restrictions on their freedom ultra nationalists, who make no dis- state under attack.3
of movement, could not avail of tinction between the two Muslim Over a million have become
state education or apply for civil groups. Already living mostly across stateless and are being forcibly driven
service jobs. They have been sub- Myanmar (50,000) they are being out at the risk of genocide. Ninety
ject to periodic pogroms since 1978. resettled by the authorities outside per cent of Myanmar’s Muslim popu-
In 1991, the Army confiscated Rakhine State, where about 20,000 lation has become displaced. Like
Muslim agricultural land in Rakhine of them lived. They also now face other minority ethnic groups in
State to feed its troops and estab- discrimination in terms of the diffi- Burma (and now also like many in
lish encampments, imposing forced culty of getting national identity cards mainstream society currently) perse-
labour and arbitrary taxes. A quar- for the younger generation, thus ob- cuted Rohingyas have been fleeing
ter million fled to Bangladesh at structing for higher education and the country. The major chunk of
that time. A later repatriation of land ownership registrations. Climate refugees is concentrated in
about 200,000 under oversight of change has also played its part. The Bangladesh. They have been taking
the UNHCR was not always volun- Irrawady Delta is seeing erratic mon- risky sea voyages to South-East
tary. The violence against the soon patterns and above normal Asian countries and to Australia
Rohingya did not abate even under flooding making rice farming here an trying to escape from the difficult
the so-called democratic transition increasingly risky venture. This has conditions in the Cox’s Bazar refu-
in 2015, whereby the military re- led to the phenomenon of internally gee camp in Bangladesh suffering
tained much power. displaced climate refugees, some of severe deprivations, sometimes los-
In fact, now even the ‘white whom migrated to the Rakhine State ing their lives in the process because
cards’ were cancelled and military exacerbating the ethnic conflict situ- of being turned away by nations
repression became particularly se- ation there. and having to drift around in the
vere in the period 2016-18. They There are economic and politi- seas without adequate provisions.
were labelled ‘Bangalis’ and had to cal reasons behind the ethnic cleans- Cases of trafficking via Thailand to
furnish evidence of three genera- ing of the stateless Rohingya from work as bonded labourers are there.
tions of continuous living in Rakhine State, which has massive The UNHCR’s call for neigh-
Myanmar for eligibility as naturalised oil and natural gas reserves. A size- bouring countries to give protection
citizens. Race and Religion laws re- able chunk of land (1,268,077 ha) to anyone coming from Burma is not
strict intermarriage with Muslims was allocated for corporate rural heeded by China, Thailand, India or
because ostensibly this less than 5% development (plantation agriculture, Malaysia. The World Bank initially
of the country’s population presents e.g., timber and oil palm). In 2012, proposed that Bangladesh should in-
a take-over threat through the law governing land was changed tegrate/assimilate this population and
Islamisation. On the one hand, while to permit large corporate acquisi- it will provide funds for the same, and
making it difficult for them to live in tions displacing millions of it will also simultaneously help
Arakan, the Myanmar government smallholders (mostly Buddhists) who Myanmar by funding relevant
is also constructing a chain-link wire became refugees. The burning of projects. But the Bangladeshi govern-
fence with bunkers and military posts Rohingya homes, the bulldozing of ment rejected this proposition and
along its border with Bangladesh. entire villages (a scorched-earth would like them to be eventually re-
Forty out of two hundred miles of policy), wanton destruction of their patriated to their homeland in
border have this fence since 2009 ancient religious sites, forcing them Arakan. It is trying to forcibly resettle

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unwilling 1 lakh refugees on a recently ROHINGYA IN INDIA treaties demand individual assess-
formed low lying silt island with con- The fact is that the Indian govern- ment of cases and not a blanket
stantly shifting shorelines, Bhasan ment has been more concerned about generalisation of entire populations.
Char, because of the overcrowding normalising diplomatic relations and As of now there are 40,000
(more than 1 million) of the main improving trade and commercial re- Rohingya in India, out of which
(world’s largest) refugee camp in lations between the two countries. 16,500 are registered with the
Cox’s Bazar on hilly forested land. This has been the position of China UNHCR. Because India does not
Already suffering arbitrary internet since long and that of the West and provide them with any relief as refu-
access cuts and susceptible to fre- now of Japan, which have invest- gees they live in abject poverty in
quent fires, difficulties increase due ments in the oil, gas and other sec- slums of Muslim-majority areas of
to it being enclosed by a barbed wire tors. Both the public and private Delhi, Telangana, Jammu, Mewat
fence and watch towers. sector of India are involved in the in Haryana and West Bengal, where
According to a report by Human extraction of these fossil fuels and they are being helped by local Mus-
Rights Watch—which calls Bhasan requisite infrastructure development lims and NGOs. Indian Muslims
Char an Island Jail inaccessible in to bring them to India like building a have conducted protests against the
severe weather conditions—insuffi- petrochemical complex, laying pipe- Myanmar regime for their treatment
cient measures are in place to pro- lines and upgrading the Sittwe port. of the Rohingya. Putting them into
tect against severe cyclones and tidal As there is insurgency in these border the category of illegal infiltrators (as
surges that are predicted to increase areas on the Indian side too, and it has done with the bulk of
in frequency and intensity due to cli- militants take shelter on the Bur- Bangladeshi Muslims) and marking
mate change, putting lives at serious mese side, the government has been all of them as terrorists who pose a
risk. Refugees already resettled report interested in cooperating with the security threat, without any sort of
separation of family members, inad- military juntas to curb the insurgent investigation and verification pro-
equate health care and education, activities. Joint military campaigns cess, the government decided to
severe movement restrictions, food with this purpose have been held. deport 150-160 of them detained in
shortages, unreliable fresh water The Rohingya refugees face dis- Jammu under section 3 of the For-
sources, lack of livelihood opportuni- crimination from the present Indian eigners Act and for not holding
ties and abuses by security forces. Dis- government also due to their reli-
valid passports under the Passports
ruption of the education of the young gious background, which is majorly
Act. Right-wing forces organised a
is a major problem for Rohingyas in Muslim but also includes Hindus
campaign against the Rohingya and
Bangladesh. The Rohingya Youth and Christians. Their fighting force,
Bangladeshi Muslims staying in
Organisation in Cox’s Bazar has sug- the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
Jammu in the name of safeguard-
gested that the international commu- (ARSA), is identified as a jihadist
ing Dogra identity, history and cul-
nity in collaboration with the terrorist group, in the same way as
ture. Similar agitations have been
Bangladesh government can develop the Burmese government does. The
held in some other locations of their
a higher education facility for small number of Hindu refugees
residence also and periodic fires
Rohingya children or reserve quotas among Rohingyas, now in
break out in their makeshift camps
for them at various institutions with Bangladesh, would like to resettle in
due to suspected arson and bad
scholarship facilities. India, but the overall government
urban planning.4 The Supreme
The World Bank has now com- policy towards Rohingya is making
Court did not order the release of
mitted to a grant to help Bangladesh this difficult. The ARSA claims to
in hosting the refugee community till be a nationalist resistance group the detained Rohingya refugees and
their safe and voluntary repatriation. with no links to pan Islamic funda- allowed their deportation by the
But the funds required for looking mentalist forces. And there are other central government on 8 April, 2021,
after the needs of the refugees far organisations fighting for Rohingya classifying them as ‘illegal migrants’
exceeds this amount. Other interna- rights in a non -violent way, such as who present a threat, nay an ag-
tional donors are also not pitching in the Arakan Rohingya Society for gression on the state.
to the extent required as the Afghan Peace and Human Rights. Though But the fact is the Rohingya are
refugee situation has also come up fleeing from extreme persecution stateless; the most persecuted and
and the ravages caused by COVID they are not accorded refugee sta- one of the most neglected people in
19 worldwide has its own demands tus by India and face unkind treat- the world as the UNHCR says, with
on donor funds. ment and deportation. Human rights all the concomitant misery. So it is

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difficult to deport them back. “If terests rather than out of basic hu- in foreign investment and develop-
there were a refugee law in India, the manitarian considerations. ment aid by big powers. ooo
most important protection that refu- In Myanmar the only way to Notes and References :
gees and asylum seekers would re- stop genocide is for the Rohingya to 1. Both Gandhi and Tagore, who visited
Burma several times, spoke against
ceive is from being prosecuted for link up with the Myanmar wide this exploitation of Burmese by Indi-
illegal entry under the Foreigners Act resistance movement against the ans in collaboration with the British.
and for entering India without valid military junta. A new Arakan-based Tagore described it as a double colo-
documents under the Passports Act, community has to be forged: of nialism and Gandhi emphasised the
distinct identity of Burma which never
1920”.5 What happens is instead of Buddhists and Muslims and others
formed part of Bharatvarsha.
being provided basic amenities and fighting for self-determination, for 2. Sam Darymple in “Five Partitions –
rights they are endlessly and arbi- an Arakan Dream, the Way of the The Making of Modern Asia.”
trarily detained. In contrast, minori- Rakhita, for national liberation and HarperCollins, 2022.
ties from Pakistan and Bangladesh the restoration of sovereignty to the 3. Among others, see Saskia Sassen: Is
Rohingya Persecution Caused by Busi-
are exempt from prosecution under people of Arakan, as proclaimed by ness Interests Rather Than Religion?
the Foreigners and Passport Acts. the Arakan Army and its political The Guardian, 4 January, 2017.
The 2019 Citizenship (Amendment) wing, the United League of Arakan. 4. Riya Singh Rathore: Arson?
Act leaves them out of its ambit. This is necessary for liberating Demystifying the Midnight Fires in
India’s Rohingya Refugee Camps. The
This is a discriminatory approach. Arakan from the new colonial mas-
Wire, March 9, 2022.
The government wants to take deci- ters—the majoritarian Buddhist Bur- 5. Meher Ali: An Uncertain Refuge: The
sions regarding refugees according to mese nationalists armed to the teeth Fate of the Rohingya in India. The
geopolitical and internal political in- and financed by billions of dollars Wire, 16 November, 2015.

HYPOCRISY UNLIMITED because due to lack of basic educa-

tion and socio-political awareness,
Politics of Compromise it is easy to exploit the religious
sentiment of one section for inciting
Manas Bakshi
it against another with some appar-

OCIO-POLITICAL DEVE- perspective. When a particular state ently attractive measures. Some-
lopments in Indian polity, es- or the country as a whole is on the times, it is playing the card of dole
pecially in the recent past, precipice of a lopsided economy politics; sometimes it is by raising
have caused concern more than crippled by black money power and hope in the policy of appeasement.
ever before. In the absence of a economic offences, the safest way For the power wielder has to enjoy
fruitful economic policy paving the available to a politician, irrespective the benefit of vote bank politics
way for employment, eradication of of his colour to save his skin from while befooling a larger section of
poverty and illiteracy, security of life the agitators on whatever ground— the illiterate masses with fake prom-
and health, elimination of nepotism political, social or religious—is to ises. But true to say, dole politics or
and corruption from public life, it is deflect the attention of the people, politics of appeasement serves no
but tomfoolery to think of a smooth already ridden with the maladies such purpose as is ultimately ben-
sailing of life at socio-political level. like price hike, unemployment, palm eficial to the minority community or
What is more, people are being assignments and nepotism, towards any other backward class. Sachhar
driven towards a situation that en- politics of polarisation from the main or Mishra committee report has
slaves them into a compromised issues. It needs politics of compro- made it glaringly evident. The need
equation with inconsistencies just to mise with the religious sentiment of is to provide them with proper edu-
scratch out a living. And indubita- either majority or minority section cation, and liberation from un-
bly, in these doldrums, most af- of the people. healthy conditions of living and job-
fected is the mindset of middle and It goes without saying that infu- lessness. But ironically, it has not
lower middle class people. riating people of one section or happened like that; rather people
Now, how far the secular fabric community against the religious sen- are getting attuned to politics of
of India has remained lucent when timent of another is an often-used compromise in more ways than one.
it is about to complete 75 years of tool people are all aware of but First comes criminalisation of
independence is a point to reckon hardly feel the urge to combat unit- politics. Criminalisation of politics
with in the present socio-political edly. Instead, people fall in its trap; and politicisation of religion for cheap

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populism and/or political gains have the TMC candidate there the very allegiance to is in question, loss of
become the order of the day. In next day. This episode was repeated trustworthiness and ideological bank-
India, MPs and MLAs accused of at some other places as well. ruptcy of many a so-called leader
criminal cases are no less in number The question remains was it out have become prominent as day-
today; so much so that the Supreme of devotional urge or religious faith light. While on the one hand, it is
Court is reportedly looking for “ways or just to cause titillation to reli- for a political carrier together with
to end criminalisation of politics”. gious sentiment of a particular com- greed for power and a better posi-
Economic offenders like Vijay Malya, munity to strengthen their individual tion in the ruling force to satisfy
Nirav Modi, Mehul Choksi apart, vote bank on religious basis—clearly oneself and his followers than any-
Mafia dons involved in coal, stone, indicating politics of compromise thing beneficial to the people, it is
sand scandals and the smugglers at with religion? There is another as- also meant for broadening the scope
the border areas are swelling in pect. One wonders whether there is for unbridled defection at the time
number. And this, despite the provi- a ray of hope—in Md Salim’s of election, on the other.
sions in Prevention of Money Laun- ascendency to the post of the sec- And politics of compromise tak-
dering Act while political leaders who retary of West Bengal state commit- ing various shapes and colours is
appear overtly vocal about such is- tee of the CPI(M)—of regaining the not secluded but a ubiquitous phe-
sues hardly turn a hair in the real minority base of political support to nomenon in so far as some leaders
world since they know it for certain the party it is said to have lost even at the national level opt for
who to bank on to come victorious substantially to TMC at the time of taking meal at a Dalit’s house at
in electoral politics. last assembly election. The point the time of election only to forget
Next comes the art of adopting cannot be brushed aside if viewed their miseries afterwards. Politics of
the politics of compromise for po- in the context of the Panchayat compromise sometimes hints at
litical gains using religion as a tool. election in West Bengal to be held politics of opportunism when politi-
It was observed during the assembly in 2023. cal parties raising voice against CAA
election, 2021, in West Bengal that Admittedly, politics of compro- or in support of a Bandh called by
the candidates of the contesting mise is not restricted to religious Sanjukta Kisan Morcha maintain a
parties toed the same line of action emotions only. Sometimes it involves stance of equidistance in the hour
for earning confidence of the elec- ideological standpoint also. For in- of need. Unfortunately, democratic
torate vulnerable to religious senti- stance, the rally of CPI (M) on 23 values too have ebbed away where
ment. Visiting the temple of Lord January 2020 at Kolkata on the dissent is gagged; conscience of the
Shiva or goddess Kali, chanting occasion on Netaji’s birthday was civil society is impaired. Even middle
mantra from Sri Sri Chandi before indicative of a 90 degree U turn on class intelligentsia seems to have
beginning with their election cam- part of the party which once called lost its voice before money and
paign became part of programme him ‘quisling’. Even Tagore was not muscle power. It may be questioned
of the candidates concerned—which- spared the stigma of a bourgeois who are the intellectuals? Those
ever the party. For instance, on 12- poet by some of the extra revolu- who were in a procession in protest
03-2021, a BJP candidate at a Kali tionary forces of West Bengal in the against a misdeed of an earlier re-
temple at Debra in Midnapur of- seventies. Nothing could be more gime were mostly in expectation of
fered puja before starting her elec- astounding. a position in the cultural or aca-
tion campaign. It was followed by Pity is if politics of compro- demic field if the party of their
mise—seemingly a must for a politi- choice came to power. It takes no

NANDIGRAM cal party likely to sweep polls—

reaches such extent that someone
time to switch over setting aside
political or ideological values if it
What Really Happened? has to wear a fez to prove himself happens otherwise. For, they know
Report of the Muslim friendly, then—as a Maulavi how to keep mum when it is their
People’s Tribunal on Nandigram at Park Circus has rightly pointed duty to speak out. When shall people
out—will the person concerned ex- be alert to the hypocrisy of the
copies available at act khatna to display his love or politicians and intellectuals to free
NAGARIK MANCH feeling for Islam? While at the time themselves from the tentacles of
134, Raja Rajendralal Mitra Road
Room No. 7, Block B (2nd Floor)
of crossing side from one party to politics of compromise or politics of
Kolkata 700085, Ph. : 2373-1921 another, one’s credibility in obei- opportunism?
sance to the party he/she owed ooo

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NO IDEOLOGUES... lazy affiliation to the concept of

“Ah! That is good! Or, Ah! That is
Physics, Religion and Dogged Affiliations bad! Knew it would
happen!”Simplistic affiliativeness. It
Rana Bose
becomes a case of archaic intellec-

WILL BEGIN BY SAYING THAT intricacies of economic analyses, tual suicide… and I consider myself
I have not known any of my political power structures, global lucky, that I have passed that stage—
close political friends dramatically capital, reserve currency, geo-poli- where taking sides or simply sup-
switch sides from a left perspective tics, wars and macroeconomic ma- porting a “side” without a detailed
to a right, although quite a few nipulations to stave off economic study of all aspects, is naivety and
have been disillusioned enough to collapses. Nor is this about the his- somewhat akin to supporting your
settle down to an extreme-centre tory of colonisation or post-colonial favourite super league football team.
perspective. Where is this difficult philosophy. This is really about the China Bad! Russia Bad! India
dilemma of being re-energised in growth of a post-Gramscian, post- Great! Ukraine Ok! Putin terrible!
this complex world of in-between- Cold War era of paralysis. Where, a Europe is hypocritical! Modi-ji is
ness taking us? “no-matter-what” argumentativeness, great! The entire history of post-
In this essay I am going to avoid that relies on entrenched affiliations colonial India must be rewritten.
using quotations or refer to stud- based on decades of indoctrination, Jaishankar makes more sense than
ies—philosophical, academic or his- decades of blind affiliation to one Biden! And what a charmer Tharoor
toric documents and complex foot- book by Deutscher, one essay by is! This is such a religious, syco-
notes. This is because, during the Marx, repetitive invocation of the phantic, binary swamp! Everyone is
pandemic and before, there has been impact of inaccurate and false-flag up to tricks, up to games, distrac-
a tendency to discover the words of incidents, or the contemporary ef- tions. In fact, it is not even a roll of
sages, scientists, poets and philoso- fect of paid bots twittering away, the dice. India knows how to play
phers to make a case for opposite have left their mark. Very simply— the game! A card has two sides
sides of the argument based on the uninformed, bigoted yes-but-ers, only. So, what is to be done, really?
both libertarian self-centeredness or from both sides of the left and right There came a period in the six-
hoodlum class-ism and digging up spectrum, have triumphed. And they ties and onwards, of reading it all in
historical situations, as if in the are a large population indeed. books and blogs on science, politi-
debris of history lies the truth. This And can we smash through this cal debates, philosophy and history;
has become infinitely boring. His- imbroglio and re-find our bearings? but things changed, as one neared
tory is debris. You only learn histori- No Temples, No Churches, No retirement. Of course, inherent to
cal snapshots, but you cannot ever Mosques, No Synagogues, No Ideo- that process of acquisition of knowl-
find a replication of a historical logues…. edge there have been physical expe-
moment in the present or into the I have chosen to write about riences, as well—but not like the
future. It is also a vindication of how my own mental processes have apple falling from the tree and
how attempts at winning arguments, evolved and unfolded or changed bonking Newton on the head
even discretely and politely, reflect from the time of my student years straight; and why did it not follow a
existing unconscious partisan affilia- till now, when I am in my seventies. curved path and then there is
tions. Making arguments for one It takes a lot; stumbling is life- Archimedes, the mathematician,
side or the other has become a lazy giving, although the pain and inju- running out of his bath tub, scream-
exercise, especially in this era of ries can be bloody. I am old enough, ing Eureka… when he realised the
social media frenzy and then go on to firmly assert that I have changed theory of buoyancy, displacement
to assume scornful, mocking posi- my mind on certain affiliations and and volume—these are not what I
tions behind a one-hundred-year- have realised how my conscienti- am sticking to as necessary encoun-
and fifty-year-old quote from Karl sation process was unfortunately ters that we must all have to be-
Marx, two statistical curves and three always based on binary dichoto- come knowledgeable. With great
irrelevant quotes from Sagan, mies. Many things have come up respect to all physicists from the era
Tagore, Luxemburg, Martov or lately, in discussions with friends of Newton, General theory of Rela-
Brecht. and they all point to an unfortunate tivity and Quantum theory, I am
This is also not an essay on the sense of binarisation or a somewhat not going to practise walking into a

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Gyproc wall to convince myself that intermediate complexities and even about minimum living wages! Why
it exists. That is done with! It is of chaos that is not resting on Carte- did welfare capitalism start failing,
applied value. But one does have sian coordinates but on cloudy in- some ask? These questions need to
close physical encounters and knowl- termediate possibilities that hover be discussed. As in the period of
edge does get enhanced; but the for a while and then change as the Slavery and the Settler Colonial
question is, does one change one’s social reality changes, are a chal- economy—the Reagan-Thatcher era
mind as a result? Does one change lenge to certain European over-de- spawned the Globalisation period,
one’s affiliations? Because chang- ductive reasoning systems. It is a introduced Slave labour elsewhere—
ing one’s mind and then changing separate subject, but it should not bringing direct labour costs to near
one’s affiliations is really a quan- raise alarms bells. zero! Pretty profound impact I would
tum leap of consciousness. Do physi- I remember, as a child, I de- say and the basis of the creation of
cal encounters change our conscious- cided to stand up on a rocking a wannabe class between the haves
ness? chair, leaning on the back rest and and the have -nots. And if that
So, the starting point for more the chair toppled over. I landed on population is verging towards 250
and more of my friends has been to my forehead and for months I had million, at least in India, it is defi-
acquire basic knowledge, most of- two bumps on my forehead. It nitely a physical and mental ob-
ten through conscious study. From taught me many things and I had stacle to enabling democracy for
childhood till now. And that knowl- not yet been introduced to physics the 90% who do not see it and do
edge has not been acquired in and when I grew up to learn phys- not experience it—as far as living
temples, in churches or anywhere ics, I did learn about mass, weight, wages, housing, education and food
else where religion is offered as the centre of gravity and of course gravi- go. Commodity fetishism and con-
basis of knowledge. That I am done tation. So, Experience? Knowledge? sumerism has taken a firm root in
with. Not Temples, not Churches, Conscientisation. Not only did I stop the conscientisation process, no
not Mosques, not Synagogues. Reli- standing up on a rocking chair, I doubt. But the business of compen-
gious texts could be another matter. chose to sit down firmly on it, when sation by a neo-liberal state has
They have to do with a hodge- I could. But I still had not realised also been taken up with substantial
podge of conjecture, combined even that conscientisation is not inter- effect. What exactly is this causing,
with enormous study of materialist changeable with Conscience! for those who believe only in the
phenomena, cosmology, astronomy When the Police happen to beat inevitability of class struggle?
and the introduction of estrange- you up, arrest you, charge you on So, one must explore where we
ment from materialism and some false cases …as has been the case get our affiliations from and where
kind of hibernation and physical/ with many of my friends… perhaps do we get our Conscience? Is it a
mental isolation. To me formal reli- when you are at a demonstration sense of justice, ethics, morality—
gious practice is a massive con- for the killing of Indigenous people that is inborn? Is it a sense of
struct to explain and codify or jus- and the judge or jury cherry-pick the taking sides based on what one has
tify the need to structure society evidence and your lawyer is unable acquired as knowledge? Or, have
into the good, the bad, the ugly, the to fight back always—then you learn we all succumbed to a sense of
stupid, the useless, the wise, the about the police, the legal system, “common prosperity,” when the level
foolish, the underclass, the upper the prosecutor, the judge or the of absolute property hovers around
class, the natural leader, the pro- jury—you are Conscientised about 30 to 60% in most countries!
ducers, the middlemen, the reapers the System and systemicity—and Could knowledge be influenced
and the rulers and the ruled. Every you do develop a Conscience about by inter-generational conflicts and
religion has carried out this task, the Origins of the State, the scions rebellious hand me downs? In the
with singular mendacity. This does who run it, how did they get there sixties and for that matter several
not mean that every religious leader and the nature of property and the generations back as well, this was
or person is evil. In fact, some origins of the Money or Capital and clearly demonstrated. Breaking out
religious edicts and religious leaders how it is extracted from the produc- of parental conservatism had been
have provided the most extraordi- ers who produce value and also the quite prevalent. In this day and age
nary insights for human liberation. changing realities of neo-liberalism. pure conservativism has been re-
The emergence of thrall and tran- Even neo-liberalism has evolved and placed by a libertarian sense of
scendentalism was not always meant is sweet talking about social democ- freedom and knowledge is increas-
to be ignored; the possibilities of racy, now! Neo-liberalism is talking ingly in the realm of warped hand-

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me-downs—worshipped by wanna- ones to like to read and what one change—invariably evolved out of
bes—based on misinformation, con- feels comfortable with. the deductive reasoning of Francis
trived and repeated; the basis of That is one reason why we have Bacon or Charles Darwin—must it-
knowledge, the basis of developing reached a point where the concept self evolve. Not everything has been
affiliations, the basis of taking bi- of multipolarity, although ver y written in the classic volumes we
nary positions is handed down. And quickly identified as a Russian/Chi- have devoured for so long. It is
increasingly it develops into a nese geopolitical chess move, is unwritten in the contemporary so-
mindset that cannot be changed. actually rooted in a non-binary, non- cial media context. Chaotic slivers
Self-doubt is suppressed and the orthodox and non-tribal affiliation of brilliant ideas float around and
capability to question oneself as to to history. That is why our past mobilise new broad alliances for
the authenticity of the news is be- affiliations to a single correct line, a social change. ooo
coming too difficult and one starts single leading organisation, a single [Rana Bose is a retired professional
following and reading only what definition of the stages of social engineer and author.]

NERO AGAIN peror was so enraged that he had

called the LegatusLegionis and or-
Further News From The dered six crack legions to be imme-
diately despatched to attack Ruskiya.
Imperial Capital The military commander was so non-
Pareto Chamelon plussed by this peremptory order that
he sent word to Seneca who, in his

ERO CLAUDIUS CAESAR if he fails to reverse his unacceptable inimitably gentle way, had explained
was livid. He flung the bunch policies towards Ruskiya. We expect to the emperor that this was a com-
of grapes on which he had an answer from Hindia in the next mand that could not possibly be
been absentmindedly nibbling at the few days.’ executed.
startled minister Seneca and shouted, ‘Tell him we’ll take away the Seneca had a tough time trying
‘Catch him and bring him here. I’ll flying chariots we gave him. And no to explain to an impatient Caesar
feed him to the lions!’ more fancy cannons for his army. the intricate subtleties of nuclear strat-
Unfortunately, the aged Seneca Let the diabolical Ping overrun his egy. ‘Oh, why can’t we go back to
was not quick enough to dodge the country. We won’t bat an eyelid. The the days of the Cold War,’ the impe-
fruity projectile which smashed into ungrateful wretch.’ Nero Claudius rial advisor kept muttering to him-
his face, bursting into a soggy mess Caesar’s words revealed his utter self. Then, not only emperors but
that began to drip onto his ceremo- frustration at the sudden turn of even senators, scroll writers, teachers
nial toga. Gingerly wiping the muck events in his empire. and housewives understood that war
from below his eyes, he stammered Indeed, news from the empire between superpowers had to be
out a response: ‘But Modicum Rex had not been happy in recent weeks. avoided at all costs. But ever since
has pledged eternal allegiance to your It all started a few months ago when Rome had established a universal
majesty.’ Putinov of Ruskiya decided to in- empire some three decades ago,
‘Eternal allegiance my left toe! vade tiny Ukrania. Nero had not people had forgotten the lessons of
He is a traitor!’ The emperor’s fury heard of Ukrania before and was not nuclear deterrence. Seneca’s effort
was undiminished. ‘We must bring much enlightened when Seneca had was futile. Nero could not be made
him to Rome and teach him a lesson tried to point it out on a map. It was to understand why such colossal
he will never forget.’ all barbarian country anyway. But amounts of money had been spent
As he made a futile attempt to Putinov’s audacity had crossed all on these expensive rockets only for
stroke away the juice stains on his limits. Nero was outraged to hear them to be kept for ever in their silos.
toga, the wise Seneca realised that (even though Seneca had tried his Somebody, the emperor thought, was
Nero’s anger would only be stoked best to prevent the news from reach- trying to fool him. Finally, Seneca
by assurances of Modicum’s loyalty. ing the emperor’s ears) that Putinov declared that the weapons had been
He decided to change his line. ‘Your had even started calling himself the trained not to fly off unless they
majesty, we have conveyed to Modi- czar of Ruskiya which, Nero had themselves perceived an imminent
cum Rex your great displeasure and been told, was a rendering of Caesar threat of attack; without that, not
warned him of serious consequences in the barbarian tongue. The em- even the emperor’s screams would

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release them from their stations. Ever reasserted Rome’s authority over the political fortunes of the country and
since then, Nero’s mood had be- fractious nations of Europe. Scared did not consider a profitable deal to
come sullen. by Putinov’s threats, they had all have any moral significance that
Seneca had devised a compli- meekly gathered under the empire’s might affect their relations with fam-
cated set of sanctions to squeeze protective umbrella. Of course, they ily and friends. It was a different
Putinov’s revenues. It involved a great would have to pay for the expenses. culture – somewhat lower in the
deal of wheeling and dealing to get Seneca had also coaxed them to scale of civilisation, perhaps –but
the argumentative Gauls and the surly send weapons and medicines to nonetheless different. Hence, one
Franks to come on board. The na- Ukrania. Needless to say, they were shouldn’t attach too much signifi-
tions of Europe dreaded the prospect grumbling among themselves, but as cance to Modicum’s truancy. He
of having to weather the winter with- far as public demonstrations were was, the advisor reasoned, not inher-
out piped gas from Ruskiya. There concerned, there was a show of unity ently untrustworthy.
was no guarantee that the sanctions not seen in many decades. Not that Nero, as we have noted, had not
would hold. Besides, Putinov’s navy Emperor Nero was hugely impressed. been placated by this complicated
was blockading Ukrania’s seaports He didn’t care much for the Franks explanation. The aged advisor had
to prevent wheat being shipped out and the Gauls, and as for the others, left the imperial chambers in a de-
from the empire’s biggest granary, considered them below the standard jected mood and a soiled toga. Back
causing massive shortages all over of civilised humans. Nevertheless, he in his villa in the Palatino hill, Sen-
the world. Even more alarmingly, fuel didn’t protest when Seneca made an eca plotted an elaborate scheme to
prices had risen everywhere, even in elaborate presentation of the grand restore the emperor’s faith in his
the imperial capital, and Roman citi- success of the new imperial diplo- advisor’s abilities. A visit would be
zens were beginning to complain. matic effort. arranged of the High Priestess Pelucia
Soon, the emperor would hear of all That is when the news reached of the Pantheon temple to the
this and demand explanations from Rome that Modicum Rex had cut a breakaway island of Formosia. That
his advisor. secret deal with Putinov to buy crude would be certain to send the diaboli-
As it is, the last couple of years oil from Ruskiya. This was totally cal Ping of Sina into a frenzy of hot
had gone badly in the empire. A against the sanctions announced by words and hotter but ineffectual
strange fever had broken out, begin- Rome to punish Putinov which every military threats.
ning in that secretive country called imperial underling was obliged to Sure enough, as soon as Seneca’s
Sina but soon spreading everywhere respect. True, Modicum did have a plans were carried out, Ping vowed
else, killing thousands. No one knew problem. Even though his rule was revenge by invading Formosia. Ev-
how to prevent it. The best advice virtually unchallenged in his country, eryone in the region got alarmed and
Seneca could give was for people to the economy was not doing well and sought reassurance from Rome that
avoid physical contact with other his subjects were becoming restive they would be protected. Most inter-
humans. The recommendation was because of rising prices. The sanc- estingly, Modicum sent word to both
not popular. Dinner parties and or- tions had sent the prices of fuel sky Nero and Seneca that he was firmly,
gies had to be prohibited. Senators high. Modicum did the smart thing. and for ever, loyal to the empire and
and plutocrats began to invent new He instructed his officials to covertly that the minor infraction of the
pleasures with non-humans. The buy oil from Ruskiya without trans- Ruskiya sanctions would soon be
emperor claimed sovereign privilege acting the business through imperial rectified. Not only that, he would
and continued with his daily enter- banks. But soon the intelligence soon visit Rome personally to pledge
tainments until he too was struck by made its way to Seneca’s parlour. his allegiance at Caesar’s feet.
the fever. Fortunately, his physicians One thing led to the next. Ergo, the Clearly, Modicum was terrified by
managed to cure him in a few days. smashed grapes on Seneca’s face. the prospect of an aggressive Sina
And then, just when the dreaded The wise advisor had tried to give on his borders.
disease seemed to have receded and his emperor a cultural explanation of Seneca heaved a sigh of relief
cultural life was returning to its vo- Modicum’s betrayal. The ruler of and ordered a new toga for himself.
luptuous normal, the wily Putinov Hindia, he said, came from a region As for Ukrania and Formosia, he
had struck. whose merchants had for centuries knew from long experience that they
Seneca was actually quite happy perfected the intricate art of buying were mere pawns in the great game
with the way his diplomacy, combin- cheap and selling dear. They had of empire, unworthy of even a tear
ing carrots with a big stick, had done so regardless of the military or drop. ooo

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“TRYST WITH DESTINY” be state owned, while ‘key indus-

tries’ would be state controlled.
The Modis are Reversing Gains ‘Such control of these industries,
however, had to be rigid.’ The Con-
of Freedom Struggle gress manifesto for the elections of
Sankar Ray December 1945 advocated ‘social
control of the mineral resources,

HE FOUNDERS OF INDIAN waterways, shipping and other means means of transport and the princi-
Republic had a foresight dur- of public transport’, wrote David pal methods of production and dis-
ing the freedom struggle on Lockwood in his “The Indian Bour- tribution in land, industry and in
how to manage Independent India geoisie: A Political History of the other departments of national activ-
that India’s first Prime Minister Indian Capitalist Class in the Early ity’, as well as ‘large state farms’.
Jawaharlal Nehru encapsulated in Twentieth Century”. The resolution From the wee hours of day one,
three words together—‘tryst with des- adopted, stated, ‘‘This Congress is the new government of India ‘was
tiny’ at the moment India woke of opinion that in order to end the committed to a democratic and civil-
into freedom. Nehru spent nearly exploitation of the masses, political libertarian political order and a rep-
ten years in jail—the longest among freedom must include real economic resentative system of government
the freedom fighters excepting freedom of the starving millions. In based on free and fair elections to
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. order therefore, that the masses may be conducted on the basis of uni-
That farsightedness and grit made appreciate what Swaraj as conceived versal adult franchise’, succinctly
Nehru and the new government he by the Congress will mean to them, wrote Bipan Chandra, Mridula and
led in attempting with at least par- it is desirable to state the position of Aditya Mukherjee in their book, “In-
tial success to achieve ‘an eco- the Congress in a manner easily dia Since Independence”. The sov-
nomic take-off or an early industrial understood by them”. The Congress ereign-in-the-making state came into
and agricultural break-through’—es- outlined the future constitution of being at the midnight of 15 August
sentials for constructing an ‘effec- Independent India. 1947 is now threatened by the
tive democracy’ to be caressed by Nehru wrote later that the Karachi present ruling government of Na-
the working people. resolution took a very short step in tional Democratic Alliance (NDA),
The Indian National Congress a socialist direction by advocating led by the hegemonic Bharatiya
(INC) which represented the ‘national nationalisation of key industries and Janata Party (BJP) which is subor-
bourgeoisie’ (the Naxalites’ services, and various other measures dinated to the Rashtriya Swayam-
characterisation of them as to lessen the burden on the poor and sevak Sangh (RSS) which not only
‘comprador bourgeoisie’ was increase it on the rich. Gandhi him- dissociated from the freedom struggle
parroting of what the Communist self endorsed state intervention to ever since its birth in 1925 but
Party of China–actually Mao Zedong the extent that it was needed to obediently served the British colo-
–formulated without going in-depth, protect Indian industries: ‘I am an nial rule. While the freedom move-
somewhat cavalierly) first scripted out-and-out protectionist’, he de- ment opposed and exposed the
the path of development once it clared, endorsing protection for the mischievous ‘divide and rule’ policy
would become free at the Karachi cotton industry and the reservation and instead waged a protracted
Congress in 1931. Had the Govern- of coastal shipping for Indians. battle for a secular and democratic
ment of India been ruled by the Under the auspices of Nehru and India. Directly opposed to the free-
comprador bourgeoisie, it hadn’t lib- the other leaders of the Congress dom struggle and its ideology by
erated Goa from the Portuguese Left, Subhas Chandra Bose, the working for the ‘divide and rule’
colonial rule nor helped the Libera- Congress set up a National Plan- conspiracy, Vinayak Deodars
tion Struggle of Bangladesh achieve ning Committee in 1938. ‘The very Savarkar theorised ‘Hindutva for
success. It started to envisage firmer essence of this planning’, Nehru that’. Today, the NDA government
control of the Indian economy. In its wrote, ‘was a large measure of regu- with Narendra Damodardas Modi,
programme for an Indian govern- lation and co-ordination. Thus while a hardcore RSS product, as the
ment, it declared, ‘The State shall free enterprise was not ruled out as Prime Minister has been pampering
own or control key industries and such, its scope was severely re- the RSS-BJP’s dream of converting
services, mineral resources, railways, stricted’. Defence industries were to the secular democratic India into a

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‘Hindu Rashtra’. Gandhiji wrote in democracy, and that, in any case, and Afghanistan citizenship of India
Young India in the year of founding democracy was useless to them if it but has been purposively using it
of RSS, “Real Swaraj will come not could not guarantee them adequate against the Muslims who are perse-
by the acquisition of authority by a food, clothing and shelter”, asserted cuted as never before—a proof that
few but by the acquisition of the Chandra and Mukherjees. the saffron regime makes religion a
capacity by all to resist authority Although there had been default criterion for citizenship trample the
when it is abused. In other words, in the needed social transformation basics of the Constitution of India.
Swaraj is to be obtained by em- eliminating gross economic, caste The citizenship laws are a mismatch
powering the masses to a sense of and gender inequalities attacking the with Constitution of India, the core
their capacity to regulate and con- massive poverty, a hangover of the of which is secularism, fitting into
trol authority”. Raj, Nehru was virtually isolated its republican identity with secular
The three authors envisioned the amidst conservative and anti-social- conditionalities.
motto of Sangh Parivar that in- ist group in his own party Indian Contextually in the reverse sense,
cludes Viswa Hindu Parishad, National Congress. But Nehru too the saffron intimidation against mi-
Bajrang Dal and others, apart from was to be blamed, albeit partially. norities—not always the Muslims,
RSS and BJP to demolish India, He was at times in two minds continues unabated. Father Stan
born out of freedom struggle. They perhaps fearing that any hard deci- Swamy who embraced martyrdom
apprehended the concerted endeav- sion might lead to a split in the in custody against suppression of
our to encroach civil sources of INC, as happened during the tenure dissent was a Christian missionary
power such as universities, the Press, of Purushottamdas Tandon as the who dedicated himself in the battle
trade unions, peasant organisations Rashtrapati. He had a pro-Hindutva against exploitation of subalterns
and professional associations. The mindset. (mostly Dalits). The role of journal-
many social, economic and politi- The Nehruvian India is now un- ists (not all) was no less than nefari-
cal challenges that the country was der an unprecedented attack. ous. Almost everything that people
to face were to be dealt with in a Privatisation of profit-making cen- know about how Indians vote comes
democratic manner, under demo- tral public sector undertakings one either from political journalists ‘on
cratic conditions. after another (initiated during the the field’ or from opinion polling.
Nehru who warned against the first NDA government when Atal The way they ask questions, the
dangerous possibility of poisonous Behari Vajpayee was Prime Minis- data from these surveys and selec-
emergence of majoritarian commu- ter) is going on with full speed. tive reporting have created false
nalism (Hindutva, not Hinduism) as VSNL, Balco and Modern Foods narratives around the Indian voter
the path of rise of fascism. He was were sold off. Equity shares in highly that comes in the way of an honest
prophetic. He did not sit idle. In- profitable government organisations understanding of democracy in In-
stead he almost single-handedly took such as the Life Insurance Corpora- dia. How do the nuts and bolts of
upon himself the principal political tion of India were sold out at throw Indian democracy work? Newspa-
task of furthering the democratic away prices. And the attackers are pers and nightly TV shows are full
consciousness among the people, those that stabbed the freedom of experts explaining what Indians
sprouted during the freedom struggle. struggle at the back. Apparently, think, feel and do; one can hardly
“The leadership completely rejected secular democratic India has been take an Uber pool or an overnight
the different versions of the ‘rice- defeated by ballots (read manipula- train without someone reeling off
bowl theory, that the poor in an tion by Electronic Voting Machines their pet theory about what Indians
underdeveloped country were more and Voter verifiable paper audit trail, are really like. The problem is most
interested in a bowl of rice than in to a considerable extent). In a sense, of these established “narratives are
Subscribe to Sangh Parivar hatches a conspiracy pure fiction masquerading as fact”,
LAW ANIMATED WORLD to reverse the saga of success sto- inferred Rukmini Sen in her path-
ries of Indian freedom struggle. breaking study. This shows how free-
I Mallikarjuna Sharma Modi government’s policies fre- dom of the Press is mischievously
For Details, Please Contact : quently prioritise creed over the coun- misused. It started much before the
1 Balamani 6-3-1243/156 try. The Citizenship Amendment Act, BJP came to power. However, the
M S Makta, Opposite Raj Bhavan
Hyderabad 500082 2019 is a case in point. It grants Indian democratic polity is under
E-mail : Hindu, Christian, Buddhist and Jain attack in a concerted way from
Editorial Office : 91-040-23300284
refugees from Pakistan, Bangladesh various sides. ooo

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CLIMATE CHANGE considering gas extraction from un-

der the mud flats of the North
Ukraine War Brings an Ecological Sea—formerly, for ecological rea-
sons, a prohibited zone for such
Paradox and its Explanation purposes.
Saral Sarkar As for nuclear power—opposed
by all kinds of ecologists and Green

NY MODERN-DAY WAR IN ing the handshake—one could see parties since 1974, it is enjoying a
and between rich industrial that in the TV-Report—Habeck made new lease of life. At present, eight
countries has bad ecological a low bow in the style of a humble European countries are building new
impacts. The amount of destroyed supplicant, while the Emir stood reactors, or are seriously planning to
built-up material is a wastage that with his head held high in the style build new ones. France has decided
has to be replaced, which entails of a patron. to keep all its nuclear power plants
negative ecological impacts through The next scene: the former for- running. And the EU has decided to
mining and smelting of non-renew- eign minister Sigmar Gabriel of the change its energy taxonomy, hence-
able resources. Same is the case SPD, now a political has-been, de- forth calling natural gas and nuclear
with used up metals and other rided the present coalition with the energy green energy.
materials contained in equipment words: “It is really a change of Similar things are happening all
of war and munitions. All this is times when the economy minister over the world. China has recently
known since long and applies also Habeck of the Green Party breathes been building more and more new
to the war in Ukraine. What, how- new life into CO2-emitting coal-fired coal-fired power plants. The tempo
ever, is especially remarkable in the power plants, and the champion of is increasing. For instance, in March
case of the Ukraine War, is the an austerity policy finance minister 2020 alone, the authorities gave
clarity it brings to some dodgy eco- Lindner of the FDP (Free Demo- permission for building of more coal-
logical issues. cratic Party) incurs hundreds of power capacity (7,960 Megawatt)
Facts are nearly always the best millions of Euro new debt. than in the whole year 2019 (6,310
proof of the correctness or other- Fact is also that many other Megawatt). India is pursuing a simi-
wise of political, economic, and states are taking several retro-steps lar policy. This is manifested in the
ecological opinions and theories. like building new coal-fired and data on permission for opening new
Selection of recent facts is very nuclear power plants. They are do- coal mines. Recently, some 40 such
important. Here are two scenes from ing this because they are anxious to permissions have been given.
German TV broadcasts. keep their industries and infrastruc- All over the world, at present,
After the beginning of the tures, and their whole industrial or also about 55 new nuclear power
Ukraine war, many Europeans, but half-industrial mode of living sup- plants (NPP) are being built. The
especially the Germans, who since plied with sufficient and sufficiently German Angst of nuclear power
long have been importing huge quan- cheap energy. Worldwide, at present, does not appear to be too great
tities of relatively cheap Russian 200 new coal-fired power plants are anywhere else, not even in the un-
natural gas for domestic heating being built. In Germany, of course, derdeveloped world. In India, e.g.
and many industrial purposes, be- they are not building any new coal- at present, two NPPs are being built,
came panicky over whether the fired power plants after Datteln 4 in Bangladesh one.
Russians would continue to deliver (completed in 2019), but they are This worldwide trend has natu-
gas in terms of the contract in spite now repealing the earlier decision to rally led to very bad results for the
of the various economic sanctions close down all lignite-fired power climate. Instead of going down, total
imposed on them by the EU. In the plants soon. Moreover, they are CO2 emission is continually increas-
course of his frantic search for alter- planning to import from the USA ing. According to International En-
native sources of natural gas, Rob- large quantities of LNG extracted ergy Agency (IEA), in 2021, glo-
ert Habeck, the Green economy by the fracking method which was bally, 36.3 billion tons of CO2–
minister in the current “traffic-Light” earlier much reviled by ecologists equivalents of green-house gases
coalition government went to Qatar and the Greens for its evil polluting were emitted. That is two billion
and met the equally young Emir of effects. Together with the Nether- tons more than the figure for 2020.
the small but gas-rich country. Dur- lands government, they are also In Ger many, after going down

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70 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

steadily since 1990, total CO2 emis- year 15,000 times more energy concrete “solutions” like their radi-
sion is again rising. Whereas in 2020 than what the world population cal elder brothers do: “shut down
it was 644 million tons, in 2021 it commercially consumes...” all coal mines immediately”, “let all
was 675 million tons. In 1999, this euphoria was a bit too fossil fuels remain in the ground”,
In view of the above-mentioned far away from the then reality. Pho- “all energy supply must come from
facts and figures, Antonio Gutierrez, tovoltaic and other “renewable” and renewable sources only” etc. etc.
General Secretary of the United “clean” energy technologies were And now, in 2022, this mad
Nations, said in despair: “We are actually still too costly. But in 2014 rush for alternative sources of natu-
committing collective suicide”. Many came good news. OttmarEdenhofer, ral gas—a fossil fuel, mind you—
Germans are thinking that the ambi- economist and one of the three co- and the US President Biden eating
tious goal of energy transition has chairs of the third working group of his words of making Saudi Crown
failed—among them are many lead- the IPCC, said something that made Prince Salman a pariah and going
ing politicians, such as Michael concerned people sit up and take to him with the request to increase
Kretschmer, Chief Minister of the notice. He said: “It would not cost oil supply on the world market.
province of Saxony. Chancellor us the world to save the planet”. Inevitably, the question comes to
Scholz and leading Green politicians The cost of limiting global warming mind: Why couldn’t the renewable
however think that, despite the obvi- to 2 degrees Celsius would, he said, energy technologies long ago replace
ous setbacks, the energy transition be only 0.06 percent less yearly the fossil fuels and nuclear energy?
can still be achieved. In their despair, economic growth than what would How does one explain this about-
many other European politicians— otherwise be possible. And Paul turn in energy policy?
particularly the French President Krugman, Nobel Laureate in Eco- This euphoria, which had begun
Macron—have recently declared nomics, wrote a few weeks later in much earlier than 1999, was all along
nuclear power and natural gas to be New York Times an article entitled baseless. For the sake of brevity, this
“green energy”. The German Green ‘Climate Change: Salvation Gets writer here presents only the main
Party, but also those of Europe as a Cheap’. Referring to the glad tidings points of the arguments and won’t go
whole, the main pillar of whose on the cost of saving the planet into details, which the interested
founding ideology was opposition to coming from the IPCC, Krugman reader can find in theoretical book 2
nuclear power, are of course resist- wrote the [problem of] climate threat and many articles in blog. 2:
ing. But they may soon buckle. is solved. He even wrote: “…there’s (1) India e.g. is a tropical sunbathed
Obviously, it is a paradox. The no reason we can’t become richer country. The sun nearly uninter-
din of the Ukraine War, the em- while reducing our impact on the ruptedly shines nine months a
bargo on Russian oil etc and the environment”. The reason behind year. Even in the rainy season
fear of Russia turning off the gas this euphoria was that prices of the sky is not clouded all the
taps are only four and a half months photovoltaic panels were tumbling. time and everywhere. And the
old, whereas the euphoric assertions And now a more recent example: South-West and Nor th-East
of low costs and all round efficacy Greta Thunberg founder-leader of monsoon winds plus long coast
and adaptability of the renewable the teenager climate protection group line can provide ample suitable
energies are quite old. Here are Fridays for Future, that is simply sites for setting up wind-power
three examples: demanding that the politicians fi- facilities. Highly qualified engi-
The late Herman Scheer, the nally do something decisive about neers and technicians are also
then President of Eurosolar, and the problem, was once asked, what not scarce. Similar are the con-
high priest of solar energy, wrote in then the politicians should do. She ditions in China. So why don’t
1999: is reported to have replied: ‘Why do the Indian and Chinese capital-
“For an inconceivably long time you ask me? I am only a schoolgirl. ists ditch much reviled fossil fu-
the sun will donate its energy to Ask the scientists’ (as if all that the els, coal in particular, as the
humans, animals, and plants. scientists advise were so easy to main source of power and invest
And it will do that so lavishly that do!). She once wrote, all the tech- heavily in solar and wind-energy
it could satisfy even the most nologies needed for the solution of industries? Can’t they calculate
sumptuous energy needs of the the problem were already there. They chances of making profit? Of
worlds of humans, animals and only needed to be used. This was course, they can.
plants experiencing drastic nothing concrete, though many other (2) The reason why capitalists do
growth: The sun supplies us every young people are glibly mouthing not want to give up fossil fuels,

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particularly the super versatile many variable and volatile factors: cheaper than coal-fired energy? One
petroleum, is that they are the wages, taxes, subsidies, distances brief reply: in Germany, electricity
most profitable sources of en- etc. But, given that technologies production in coal-fired power plants
ergy. That is mainly because used for the manufacture of solar is almost entirely done with lignite
their energy density is much panels, wind turbines etc are more excavated in Germany with equip-
higher than that of the renew- or less the same everywhere, the ment made in Germany by high-
able sources sun and wind. amount of energy required to be wage German workers. The solar
Since for capitalists the eco- invested, from A to Z, for manufac- panels e.g. used in Germany are
logical and social costs of fossil turing them (the EI of the term however all made in China, by us-
fuels are mere externalities, they, EROEI) must be roughly the same ing coal-fired electricity and the
not being idealists and fashion- everywhere, and hence they can be labour of low-wage Chinese work-
conscious, naturally prefer the compared. The ER of the term (en- ers. State subsidies, tax benefits etc
fossil fuels. ergy return) varies from place to also play a role.
Moreover, ordinary people are not place, depending on availability of The atmosphere of the earth is a
willing to pay higher prices for en- sunshine and blowing wind. global affair. It does not matter at
ergy, not even in rich industrial coun- To measure the ER of any energy all where the green-house gases are
tries. This was demonstrated in technology is easy. It is necessary to emitted; they are distributed by the
France by the yellow vests move- attach a meter to the end point of winds in the whole atmosphere. And
ment, the participants in which even the system. But to measure its EI is the whole earth warms up as a
violently, and successfully, resisted difficult. The equipment needed to result.
the increase in prices of fossil fuels produce e.g. solar panels have first The truth of the matter has been
for automobiles. to be produced themselves—begin- sufficiently revealed in the months
No large scale use of liquid hy- ning with all the mining machinery following the beginning of the Ukraine
drogen made by using “renewable” (excavators e.g.) for mining the nec- War. Industrial society is basically
energy (so-called “green hydrogen”) essary minerals all the way upwards and mainly a product of fossil fuels.
is yet being tried. Through any con- to the metal frame on which the A whole industrial society cannot
version of energy from one state solar panels are mounted. be run without these fuels. And,
form to another, a lot of the origi- Of course, an excavator e.g. is moreover, the global ecology prob-
nal amount of energy gets lost. So not used for producing just one lem, the various kinds of global
“green hydrogen” is much costlier solar panel. But the prorata energy pollution, cannot be reduced to the
and much less profitable than any consumption of any equipment used issue of climate change and green-
original form of energy. The greater in any serially produced object can house gas emissions. It is also and
part of the batteries of e-cars of the be estimated. In this estimating pro- mainly a question of growing amount
world are for this reason still loaded cess many mistakes can be and of resources that a growing number
up with electricity made by using indeed are made, many steps in the humans consume in an industrial
conventional fuels, not with solar or production line are ignored. This way. Global warming and its conse-
wind electricity. explains why different researchers quences are just symptoms of too
(3) Krugman and all others of that can and do present very different, much consumption of fossil fuels
ilk always look at the market often exaggeratedly optimistic esti- and other resources.
price of solar panels (and wind mates of the EROEI (aka net en- As per Greta Thunberg’s belief
turbines), which indeed tumbled ergy) of renewable energy technolo- all the technologies needed for the
in the recent past. But serious gies. This is why many false hopes solution of the climate change prob-
energy scientists, when they try of 100 percent renewable energies, lem were already there. That they
to judge the basic cost and total energy transition etc could be only needed to be used. Below the
efficacy of energy technologies, circulated—particularly by the Green article of Thunberg was a comment
compare mainly their EROEI Parties. How controversial the mat- made by a reader. It read: “The
(Energy return on energy in- ter still is can be seen in a recent greatest minds in the Western world
vested) figures. paper. Well, the proof of the pud- are working on this. They have pro-
The market price of any commodity ding is in the eating. duced no solution, because there is
is in principle a very uncertain thing. One may now ask: why do none.”
It can vary from time to time and people then hear (e.g. in Germany) This comment is convincing, but
place to place, and it depends on that today renewable energies are only partly. There is no solution

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72 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

because nobody is prepared to ditch tion, then the problems could be 2. Eco-Socialism or Eco-Capitalism. A
the industrial society that has made solved: with a steady state economy critical Analysis of Humanity’s Fun-
life so comfortable for so many at a much lower level with just two damental Choices. 1999, London (Zed
people. “The greatest minds” have billion humans living on the earth.o
My blog:
failed to find a solution because References:
they all want to have their cake and 1. Hermann Scheer (1999: 66) Solare 3. “Renewables K.0.-ed by EROEI?” By
eat it too. If they were prepared to Weltwirtschaft: Strategie für die Craig Morris
give up their addiction to the indus- okologische Moderne.Munich: Antje
trial society and their self-sanctifica- Kunstmann. renewables-ko-by-eroi/

REVIEW ARTICLE the book concludes that ‘the street

is politics in as much as politics is
*Streets in Motion the production of space’. This is
easier said than done. The author
Anuj B
sustains this argument over nearly

powerful book. It studies the MAKING OF INFRASTRUCTURE, Streets in Motion studies when,
complex relation between the PROPERTY AND POLITICAL why, and how protests fail/succeed
spatial and the political in twenti- in the urban streets, and what one
eth-century Calcutta. The street is a By Ritayoti Bandyopadhyay learns from their successes and fail-
‘framing device’ of this story. Cambridge University Press, 2022 ures. It closely observes the actors
Sophisticated academic social ISBN: 978-1-009-10011-3 who can participate in protests, who
science of present times does often unionists, politicians, refugees, com- all are excluded, and who fails to
tell: ‘how things work and why re- munal mobilisers, and so on. Spa- make an ‘impact’. Thus, this book
sistance ultimately fails’. Rarely does tial mobilisation has both intended can be read as a historical manual
it go beyond problematisation and and united implications in society. for urban activism. It shows what
critique of power, and work towards It excludes many in order to include happens when academics keenly
a new imaginary of politics. Only a a few. This selection is political, learn from the activists and become
few academic books can attain the and it elicits social responses which one of them.
good fortune of exceeding their aca- often exceed the anticipated out- The idea of ‘obstructionism’,
demic purpose. This is one of those comes. This excess is also political. which is at the core of the book’s
few books that go beyond the con- By ‘political mobilisation’, the formulation of the space-politics
fines of the university. author refers to a range of collective dialectic, comes from the streets.
Streets in Motion studies the actions—from anti-government pro- This is a concept that people live
connection between spatial mobilisa- tests to communal riots. These through and frequently deploy to
tion and political mobilisation in a mobilisations require spaces to ap- punctuate, re-form and re-direct the
capitalist urban milieu. It shows that pear, thrive and dissolve. They act iron will of capitalist motion. Look
spatial mobilisations are deeply po- upon the physical space by at any municipal law or the Penal
litical and political mobilisations are territorialising and repurposing it. Code—obstruction is vilified as de-
deeply spatial in nature. By ‘spatial Thus, mass encroachment of foot- linquency everywhere. Eliminating
mobilisation’, the author means the paths by the hawkers re-mobilises a obstructions is the prime purpose of
circulation of space as property in public space—designed for the pe- the urban police and the civic au-
the market and its historical meta- destrian movement—into a shared thority. The author studies this re-
morphoses into private, public, and resource for the sake of livelihood. pression and weaponises it as a
common resource via diverse hu- But such a mobilisation of space positive concept to understand how
man practice. The author talks about (collective encroachment) may not people make history under struc-
a range of actors involved in this be possible under authoritarian co- tural limitations. The author shows
process—governmental agencies, lonial rule. It must wait for a regime how capitalist motion acquires its
urban planners, engineers, specula- that at the very least claims its historical specificities when it seeks
tors, petty property owners, con- legitimacy from the people. By es- to overcome obstructions. Under-
tractors, soil raiders, street hawkers, tablishing the complex co-constitu- stood in this manner, obstruction is
transport workers, pedestrians, trade tion of the spatial and the political, the domain of human subjectivity

F-14-17(55).P65 # 72
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and agency which may take an porary urban studies. Its optimism class’). But at the same time, it
organised form in certain historical emanates from an analysis of the expelled minority Muslims from vari-
junctures and subjugate motion. changing material condition of ous neighbourhoods and quaran-
Studying urban motion through its Calcutta in the twentieth century. tined them in ghettos (the author
dialectical opposite (obstruction) Hence, its optimism is not idealist calls it ‘encroachment-as-commu-
becomes inevitable when one ac- or romantic. There is no nostalgic nity’). In the 1950s, these two forms
cepts activists and trade unionists longing for the twentieth-century of encroachment manifested simul-
as knowledge producers. This is their version of mass politics. Radical taneously.
way of looking at the capitalist city. protests and progressive encroach- Is the twentieth-century version
The book may be read as a ments constituted only one part of of street politics over? Yes. Thus,
treatise on urban activism, trade the twentieth-century urban political the author ends the book in this
unionism, and social movements. It culture. The other part of it was manner, paraphrasing Hobsbawm:
is not an academic book. It is a framed by mass communalism, bru- ‘The twenty-first-century street
deeply political reading of twenti- tal riots, and spatial zoning of cities requires a new political vocabu-
eth-century Calcutta. The theoreti- according to the sectarian logic. The lary. Vocabulary is imminent in
cal framework and the strategy to author shows how these two as- struggles. It will emerge from its
study the city from below (i.e., from pects of the twentieth-century politi- lived contradictions. The twenti-
its streets and in this sense, it is cal culture inflected each other and eth-century’s owl of Minerva that
below both in physical and meta- inhabited the same urban milieu. brought wisdom has flown out
phoric sense) can be tried and tested Jabardakhal movement (forceful and at dusk. The twentieth-century
in different urban contexts. collective encroachment) enabled the street is dead. Long live the
This book is an optimistic his- refugees to reclaim property from street!’(P. 267) ooo
tory of the urban process—argu- the whirlwind of real estate (the [Anuj B is a human rights lawyer and
ably, a very rare breed in contem- author calls it ‘encroachment-as- social activist based in Lucknow]

A TRAGIC COMMUNIST HERO spirit in thousands of students and

youth to rebel against feudal autoc-
50th Death Anniversary of Charu Mazumdar racy and an authoritarian social
Harsh Thakor order. Young rebels thronged the
villages to organise the peasantry.

N 28TH JULY THIS YEAR missed by the High Court and Su- Students and youth at the very core
Naxalites commemorated preme Court. revolted against the semi-colonial
the 50th death anniversary Charu Mazumdar must be cred- and casteist education system. Work-
of Charu Mazumdar, who was tor- ited for igniting the spark of ers’ rage reached a boiling point
tured to death in police custody. It ‘Naxalbari’ by giving it a political over their economic exploitation.
ranks amongst the worst abuse of shape, through his eight documents. Peasants sprung out like a spark
human rights of a political prisoner He planted the seeds of the Indian turning into prairie fire, to confront
or leader in India or the world. Communist Movement demarcation the landlords—jotedars. An upsurge
Today history is repeating itself with from revisionism and Naxalbari was created within Bengali Society,
custodial deaths being a routine Movement by formulating path of with poets, musicians and painters
occurrence in jails. Charu Mazum- New Democratic Revolution. What- plunging into fire.
der’s assassination illustrated the ever serious errors or dogmatic think- In his lifetime Charu Mazumdar
neo-fascist nature of the Congress ing, Charu Mazumdar formulated a was one of the most popular Com-
regime in West Bengal. The Civil path of agrarian revolution based munist leaders worldwide. CPI(ML)
Rights groups undertook extensive on teachings of the Chinese Revolu- sprouted an upsurge nationwide.
research on the fascist nature of the tion. He stitched the base for re- Tribals in Srikakaulam were also
execution of not only Mazumdar building an All-India Revolutionary inspired to combat police and land-
but thousands of cadres of CPI Party by delivering a striking blow to lords heroically as well as peasants
(ML). In 1997 a judicial inquiry was revisionism and parliamentary op- in Terai and Bhojpur or Punjab.
initiated 25 years after the murder portunism. Naxalbari and Charu Thousands were victims of police
by son Abhijit Mazumdar and other Mazumdar are inseparable. bullets, fluttering the red flag of
activists, but the petition was dis- Charu Mazumdar infused the liberation.

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5 years ago Mazumdar’s son and he spent the next three years in mittee of Revolutionaries (AICCR)
Abhijit Mazumdar gave a heart- jail. He tied the nuptial knot with a in Kolkata on Nov 12-13, 1967. It
touching interview on his experi- fellow CPI member from Jalpaiguri was later renamed as All India
ences. He narrated how people were —Lila Mazumdar Sengupta in Janu- Coordination Committee of Com-
obstructed from entering the crema- ary 1954. munist Revolutionaries, which
torium where his father’s dead body CM's escalating ideological rift launched CPI(ML) on April 22, 1969
lay, to pay tributes, with the area with CPI came alive after the party's with Charu Mazumdar as its Gen-
packed with policemen. Still some Palghat Congress in 1956. The eral Secretary.
people daringly paid homage. Charu 'Great Debate' across the commu- Unfortunately Charu Mazumdar
Mazumdar’s wife was so devastated nist world in the late 50s had a committed serious mistakes letting
that she fell into the morass of telling effect on Charu Mazumdar, the movement veer towards left
oblivion, remaining in absolute po- inspiring him to devise a revolution- adventurism or terroristic path. His
litical silence from media till death ary line for the Indian situation. He calling for ‘China’s path as India’s
in 1995. His father was praised as was again jailed during 1962 Indo- path’, ‘Chairman Mao as India’s
being very loving and caring. He China war as part of curbs on all party chairman’ etc was not in con-
also recounted how his mother as a Left activities in India. sonance with a Marxist Line. The
life Insurance agent, was the sole After the CPI split in 1964 CM national bourgeoisie was charac-
bread winner of the family. joined the breakaway CPI(M) but terised as an enemy as well as the
CM rebelled against social in- failed to abide by its decision to rich peasant class. Mass organisa-
equalities even as a teenager. Later, participate in polls postponing 'armed tions were disbanded being described
impressed by "petty-bourgeois" na- struggle' at a time when revolution- as revisionist. Line of ‘Individual
tional revolutionaries, he joined All ary situation prevailed in India. annihilation of class enemies ‘was
Bengal Students Association affili- He kept a bad health during adopted as the sole form of
ated to Anusilan group. 1964-65 and was advised rest. But struggle’. ‘Boycott of Elections was
Dropping out of college in 1937- he devoted this time, even in jail, to propagated as a strategic path’. It
38 he joined Congress and tried to study and write about Mao's was predicted that the evolution
organise bidi workers. He later thoughts. The exercise crystallised would be completed by 1975. The
crossed over to CPI to work in its his vision and ideas of a mass CPI(ML) too displayed authoritar-
peasant front and soon won adula- struggle, which were recorded in his ian or bureaucratic tendencies, which
tion of the poor of Jalpaiguri re- writings and speeches of 1965-67. led to its eventual disintegration. It
gion. These were later called 'Historic Eight failed to properly knit or converge
Soon an arrest-warrant forced Documents' and subsequently all party forces around it. Most
him to go underground for the first formed the basis of Naxalbari. undemocratically it expelled com-
time as a Left activist. Although The CPM formed a coalition munist veterans like T Nagi Reddy
CPI was banned at the outbreak of United Front government with Bangla and D V Rao in 1968 from the Al
World War II, he continued CPI Congress in West Bengal in 1967 India Coordination Committee. In
activities among peasants and was but CM and other 'purist' elements 1971 in an interview with Premier
made a member of CPI Jalpaiguri in the party charged the party with Chou En Lai Souren Bose received
district committee in 1942. betraying the revolution. strong criticisms of the CPI(ML), on
This move motivated him to On May 25 the same year, the all these questions.
organise a 'seizure of crops' cam- CM-led "rebels" lit the first spark to Quoting Sankar Ray in Frontier
paign in Jalpaiguri during the Great the historic peasant uprising at weekly in 2011 “There is no deny-
Famine of 1943, more or less suc- Naxalbari in Darjeeling district of ing that Mazumdar had inspired
cessfully. West Bengal. It was "brutally" sup- thousands to plunge into the
In 1946, he joined Tebhaga pressed by the CPM-led state gov- Naxalbari armed struggle. However
movement and organised a militant ernment but the ideology of after few years after the formation
peasant struggle in North Bengal. "naxalbari" spread like wildfire. of CPI(ML), Charu Mazumdar failed
The stir designed his perspective of With the upsurge of Naxalbari, to create an impulse among hun-
a revolutionary struggle. Later he communist revolutionaries from dreds of youths to plunge into armed
worked among tea garden workers Tamil Nadu, Kerala, UP, Bihar, revolutionary path unlike in the end-
in Darjeeling. Karnataka, Orissa and West Bengal 1960s. The adventurist essence of
The CPI was banned in 1948 set up All India Coordination Com- Naxalbari came into the open. None-

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theless, the CPI (Maoist) and most Naxalbari struggle would have sim- Today right opportunism is pre-
of the variants of over-ground CPI ply been reduced to a quagmire of dominant in the Indian Communist
(ML) indulge in personality cult of economism? Revolutionary camp .Some groups
CM. Portrait of Mazumdar is placed Intellectuals like Bernard De Mello like CPI (ML) Liberation or CPI(ML)
aside Marx, Lenin and Mao at ev- feel that Charu Mazumdar failed to Red Star have abandoned the path
ery state party conference and con- distinguish the Indian path of revo- of protracted People’s War and em-
gress of the CPI (ML) Liberation lution or the nature of the Indian braced parliamentarism. Other
but no ideological debate on CM is bourgeoisie, from the Chinese one, groups like Communist League of
encouraged.” but still credits achievement of Charu India are propagating Socialist Revo-
It must be remembered that Mazumdar and CPI (ML) in inspir- lution as the path of Indian revolu-
Mazumdar did not play the exclu- ing peasant uprising nationwide. tion and labelling Charu Mazumdar
sive role in Naxalbari. Charu Earlier late Mohan Ram made an as a terrorist. On the other hand
Mazumdar himself admitted in his incisive analysis in ‘Maoism in In- CPI (Maoist) has not completely
speech in the rally at Shaheed Minar dia’ on why CPI (ML) formation extricated the erroneous line of ‘an-
on 11 November 1967 that the was incorrect in 1969. nihilation of class enemy’; propa-
leader of Naxalbari was not him In truth the Revolutionary Move- gated by CM. Very few sections
but the local organisers including ment today has not yet completely adopt balanced view of Charu
Kanu Sanyal, Jangal Santhal, extricated itself from line of ‘annihi- Mazumdar’s contribution. Maoists
Kadam Mallik and Khokan lation of class enemy’ which glorifies still eulogise CM, but fail to recognise
Mazumdar etc. individual heroism of squads. Earlier contribution of mass-line by Com-
Though it is incorrect to say that ‘annihilation line’ had a telling im- munist Revolutionaries like Tarimela
Charu Mazumdar was the leader pact on the practice of erstwhile CPI Nagi Reddy or DV Rao.
and architect of the Naxalbari peas- (ML) People’s War and Party Unity Today Marxist historians have to
ant uprising, it must be stated that Groups who persisted with it in spite probe into the phenomena of the
he created the breeding ground for of initiating self-criticism. In spite of Charu Mazumdar era, in light of re-
its ideological basis. Charu self-critical documents by the COC organising the Communist Move-
Mazumdar was instrumental in es- of CPI (ML) in 1975 and Andhra ment in India, chalking a path con-
tablishing a radical rupture from Pradesh State Committee in 1977, ducive towards the Indian revolu-
CPM politics. Had it not been for infections of past line still vitiated tion and confronting neo-fascism.
Charu Mazumdar, perhaps the political practice. ooo

THEORY AND PRACTICE also one of the most famous and

powerful texts ever written.
A Guide to Reading Karl Marx Building on drafts put together
by his lifelong collaborator and friend
Michael Lazarus
Friedrich Engels, Marx wrote the

ITH INEQUALITY AND tory, and political economy. His text in a matter of weeks. It was
class struggle on the interests in literature, linguistics, sci- intended as a declaration of the
rise, there is more interest ence, mathematics, and anthropol- views of the Communist League, a
in Karl Marx’s thought now than ogy fed into his major ideas and small working-class party that
there has been for decades. enrich his writing. counted Marx and Engels among
Reading Marx, however, is a joy, Many German workers prior to their members. Despite its brevity,
and not just because his critique of World War I demanded to be buried the text is densely layered. It con-
capitalism is unsurpassed. His with The Communist Manifesto. This veys a sense of the revolutions that
thought is fundamentally concerned commitment is a testament to the swept Europe in 1848 and contains
with human freedom, and his writ- profound importance that text held some of the most famous lines Marx
ings go well beyond the detail of for the early twentieth-century work- ever wrote, including this passage
economic exploitation under capi- ers’ movement. For this reason alone, from the famous opening chapter,
talism—they challenge all forms of The Communist Manifesto, first “Bourgeois and Proletarians”:
social domination. He was a bril- published in 1848, is probably the The history of all hitherto exist-
liant stylist whose oeuvre spans best starting point for readers who ing society is the history of class
political journalism, philosophy, his- are new to Marx. It helps that it is struggles. Freeman and slave, pa-

F-14-17(55).P65 # 75
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76 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

trician and plebeian, lord and worker’s organisations could collec- unlimited and vary from individual
serf, guild-master and journey- tively and democratically constitute to individual—should come first.
man, in a word, oppressor and their political power. The Civil War Prior to 1848, most of Marx’s
oppressed, stood in constant in France is a testament to Marx’s works were concerned with philoso-
opposition to one another, car- radical idea of democratic phy. As a young man, Marx was
ried on an uninterrupted, now organisation and vision of social part of an intellectual milieu de-
hidden, now open fight, a fight emancipation. fined primarily by the ideas of Ger-
that each time ended, either in a He saw communism as a radi- man philosopher GWF Hegel. Fa-
revolutionary reconstitution of so- cally different system in which mously, following his death in 1831,
ciety at large, or in the common people’s needs—which are both Hegel’s followers in Germany di-
ruin of the contending classes. potentially unlimited and vary from vided into two currents, each of
As well as eloquently denouncing individual to individual—should which claimed his legacy. The “right
capitalism, The Communist Mani- come first. Hegelians” typified a conservative
festo explains some of the most If The Civil War in France was and religious philosophy and sup-
essential parts of Marx’s theory, in- aimed at the public, Marx’s 1875 ported the antidemocratic Prussian
cluding his analysis of class struggle Critique of the Gotha Programme state. The “left Hegelians,” by con-
and historical change and his argu- was intended as a polemic within trast, favoured an anti-religious ver-
ment for working-class political the socialist movement, directed sion of Hegel’s philosophy and ad-
organisation. Marx aims to grasp mainly at the newly formed Social vocated for radical political and
the political present and make ex- Democratic Party of Germany. In social reforms. Although Marx is
plicit the social dynamics of the this short text, Marx is acerbic in often considered a left Hegelian
modern world. This is why it is also criticising socialists who considered because he affirmed a radical cri-
worth returning to—each new read- themselves Marxists but who misun- tique of religion and politics, he was
ing reveals new layers to Marx’s derstood key aspects of his theory. never strictly in this camp. Cru-
thinking. Indeed, one finds in the Critique of cially, he did read Hegel with depth
In 1872, Marx and Engels gave the Gotha Programme a number of and devotion.
The Communist Manifesto a new crucial ideas that Marx does not As a result of this influence,
preface in which they made one address elsewhere to the same ex- Marx’s “early” writings—generally
major addition. Having carefully tent. Most famously, he discusses said to span from 1839 to 1845—
observed the Paris Commune—an the transition from capitalism to are very much marked by Hegel’s
1871 uprising that held France’s communism, noting that socialism distinctive and difficult terminology.
capital for nearly three months— and communism should not be seen On top of this, Marx extensively
they became convinced that it would as two distinct stages. Rather, Marx polemicises against many now-ob-
be impossible for the working class envisions socialism and communism scure contemporaries. For this rea-
to merely take hold of the state and as different “phases” in the devel- son, they can be hard to approach.
use it against capitalism. As a re- opment of a new form of society Perhaps the best early text to
sult, in The Civil War in France, after capitalism. start with is On the Jewish Ques-
written shortly after the commune This helps one understand his tion, written in 1843. It is among
was suppressed, Marx argued that famous slogan describing commu- the most important of Marx’s early
only institutions created and con- nism: “from each according to their writings since in it he outlines a
trolled by the working class could abilities, to each according to their critique of modern politics that is
embody a democratic, political al- needs.” Marx proposes a form of still powerful today. In this short
ternative to capitalism. life beyond the “limited horizon of article, Marx analyses the variety of
Drafted in London, where Marx bourgeois right,” where production liberalism that focuses on human
spent most of his life in exile, The is reorganised based on rational and rights and became dominant after
Civil War in France was originally collective decision-making. Marx is the French Revolution in 1789. He
intended as a public statement on a critic of any view, socialist or argues that the liberal approach to
behalf of the First International, a otherwise, that argues for equality political citizenship defends equal
network of socialist groups and merely in the form of wealth redis- rights but ignores the concrete in-
unions from many countries. As a tribution. He saw communism as a equality produced by the modern
result, it went on to inspire socialists radically different system in which market. In Marx’s account, there is
the world over, demonstrating that needs—which are both potentially a dichotomy between the political

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With Best


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life of citizens and the private life of from, he attentively read early econo- thanks to various drafts and manu-
the economy. Although political life mists like Adam Smith and David scripts Marx left behind, Engels ed-
appears to be free, rational, and Ricardo. In the course of these stud- ited and published the second two
equal, the power of the market and ies, Marx wrote notebooks to help volumes of Capital after Marx’s
private property undermines this by him clarify his thinking. After being death. His manuscripts intended for
giving real-world power to owners of rediscovered in the 1930s, these a fourth volume, a critical history of
capital. Marx argues that political notebooks became known as the economic theory, were published
rights are needed but must be ex- 1844 Manuscripts. later as Theories of Surplus Value.
panded and made universal as hu- Marx’s 1844 writings contain his Far from containing all the answers,
man freedom. first great confrontation with bour- like Marxism as a whole, Capital
Without theory, practice is blind, geois political economy. Marx is try- remains unfinished.
and without practice, theory is im- ing to work out the nature of human Despite its undeserved reputa-
potent. being under capitalism, which he sees tion as a dull work of economics,
After coming to this insight, Marx here as “alienated” and “estranged.” Marx’s prose in Capital is often
increasingly turned his attention to- Not only does capitalism take away exciting (at least in Volume 1), and
ward understanding how capitalism control over productive and conscious his argument is both polished and
organises production and labour. As activity, Marx argues it also denies the carefully structured. More impor-
well as taking inspiration from rewards of individual and collective tantly, Capital is an achievement
Hegel’s idea of alienation, in order labour capacities. When workers sell because it contains an account of
to understand where wealth comes their labour to an employer for a the concepts that are necessary to
wage, they lose control of what they start to understand capitalism as a
LAND REFORMS do, what they produce, and the so- social form of life and a historical
IN LEFT REGIME cial and environmental context of set of social relationships. While
A Probe into West Bengal's Socio- their labour. these social relationships structure
Economic Perspective 1977-2011 Marx’s early writings are often people’s lives, they are not natural
seen to be bookended by his 1845 but are the product of a specific
Theses on Feuerbach. This short historic and economic system.
Price: Rs 195
llll text includes the widely cited elev- In the first chapters of Capital,
"Land Reforms in Left Regime" by Manas enth thesis: “Philosophers have only Marx argues that capitalism is fun-
Bakshi takes a long hard look at the interpreted the world in various ways; damentally defined by commodity
scenario which prevailed in the state for
more than three decades. The book finds the point is to change it.” It is production and exchange. Com-
that the fruits of land reforms had been probably the single most famous modities, as he explains, have a
frittered awaw. —The Statesman sentence to flow from Marx’s pen, “use-value,” which is to say, for
...a well-researched volume. To his credit. and it encapsulates the contradic- something to be a commodity, some-
Bakshi has conducted his research tion between theory and practice one must find it useful in meeting
objectively, without being influenced by that Marx was dedicated to over- some need. Yet commodities are
the multitude of propaganda on the
subject. It is difficult to accuse the writer
coming. Marx’s point in the elev- not defined or valued by their use
of bais. —The Telegraph enth thesis is that theory and prac- alone but by their sale on the mar-
llll tice need each other. Without theory, ket as commodities. For example, a
...starts with Operation Barga, give
detailes about the minimum wage-related practice is blind, and without prac- meal cooked for friends certainly
issues and focues on the land reforms' tice, theory is impotent. meets a human need—but it is not
impact in the Panchayat System. Approaching Capital, Marx’s a commodity. Rather, commodities
—The Asian Age magnum opus, can be daunting— possess “exchange value,” which
There is little doubt that this book will be but it is well worth the effort. While names their worth in prices.
immensely useful to all thouse interested Marx wrote The Communist Mani- To understand this, Marx asks
in the subject, simply because the author
festo very quickly, Capital became why wealth appears under capital-
has tried to be as objective as possible in
his judgement, and pressed into service his life project. At first, he planned ism in the form of value, a social
a great deal of information. —Frontier six volumes, although as he grew relationship expressed as money,
ALLIED PUBLISHERS PVT LTD older and his health declined, he and how this value is constituted.
Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, revised the plan to encompass four Part of his answer is that capitalism
Chennai, Bangalore, Nagpur, volumes. Only the first appeared in depends on treating human labour
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Lucknow
his lifetime, in 1867. However, power as a commodity. The ex-

F-14-17(55).P65 # 78
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October 2-29, 2022 FRONTIER 79

change value of labour power is Marx gives an account of how domination, impersonal and omni-
measured in wages. Meanwhile, the commodities, money, and capital present under capitalism.
use value of labour is consumed serve as distinct moments in the It is also important to stress that
during the working day to produce constitution of value. These eco- Capital is a critique of economic
commodities for sale on the mar- nomic forms are all social relation- theory in toto. Marx’s achievement
ket. This is a crucial insight and ships that are, for Marx, dependent is to show that value itself is a
contains the key to Marx’s theory of on labouring activity that has been historical form of life and as a
exploitation. alienated from the people who sell result can be transformed. By show-
Capitalism depends on treating their work for a wage. As a result, ing that capitalist social relations
human labour power as a commodity. the products of human labour stand are not natural but a product of
Crucial to Marx’s argument is that over the people who made them, history, he demonstrates that capi-
talism is prone to crisis and rupture.
value does not arise distinctly from appearing as separate and indepen-
This means that social change is
every act of physiological labour but dent from people. The market re-
both possible and necessary.
from a social process that equates duces human beings to a purely
Thanks to Marx’s lifelong com-
human labour as “socially necessary economic function as buyers and
mitment to freedom and human
labour time” and renders labouring sellers of commodities. Marx’s term
flourishing, his vision illuminates the
activity abstract and commodities for this phenomenon in Capital is path to changing it. ooo
uniform as values. This process ne- “fetishism” and it applies to his [Michael Lazarus teaches politics and phi-
cessitates exchange, since it is only analysis of commodities, money, and losophy at Monash University. He works
the sale of commodities that validates capital. These social forms have on normative ethics and the critique of
their social value. incredible power as relations of political economy.] [Source: Jacobin]

GLOBALISATION-4 pose of preserving Germany’s glo-

bal manufacturing dominance well
The Fourth Industrial Revolution into the 21st century.
However, this factory-centric un-
T Vijayendra
derstanding of new technologies

ITH EVERY CRISIS dustry agendas." obscure their true significance, says
CAPITAL tries to restruc The Forum dogmatically argues Schwab, who describes this shift as
ture itself. Many old in- that a globalised world should be an Industrial Revolution in its own
dustries collapse and new ones with governed by a self-selected coalition right. According to this view, the
newer technology replace them. The of multinational corporations, gov- First Industrial Revolution, starting
latest avatar of capitalism calls itself ernments and civil society from the 1750s, used steam power
the Fourth Industrial Revolution. organisations (CSOs), which it ex- to mechanise production; the Sec-
This time it has not happened in presses through its initiatives like the ond advanced this by using electric
one big capitalist country. It is "Great Reset" and the "Global Rede- power to scale up production in the
transnational and is being promoted sign". beginning of the 20th century; while
at the highest levels of the global But, what exactly is the ‘Fourth the Third deployed electronics and
capitalist elite. Leading the charge Industrial Revolution’? The follow- IT to automate production. Now,
is the World Economic Forum ing is taken from an article by Sajai he says, a Fourth Industrial Revolu-
(WEF), a club of the world’s richest Jose, titled ‘When the Fourth Indus- tion is building on the Third, the
businessmen and investors. The trial Revolution Comes Knocking.’ information revolution that has been
WEF, based in Switzerland, is an “The origin of the term itself can occurring since the last century”.
international NGO, founded in 1971 be traced back to a 2013 initiative Schwab describes it as being
by the economist Klaus Schwab. by the German government known “characterised by a fusion of tech-
Mostly funded by its 1,000 member as ‘Industrie 4.0’. It was a strategic nologies that is blurring the lines
companies as well as public subsi- policy bid to harness the rapid con- between the physical, digital, and
dies, it views its own mission as vergence of digital technologies, biological spheres.” However, unlike
"improving the state of the world by manufacturing processes, logistics previous industrial revolutions, it is
engaging business, political, aca- and human systems to build ‘smart evolving at an exponential rather
demic, and other leaders of society factories’ or ‘cyber-physical produc- than a linear pace. “The speed of
to shape global, regional, and in- tion systems,’ with the stated pur- current breakthroughs has no his-

F-14-17(55).P65 # 79
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80 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

torical precedent,” writes Schwab, as “Globalization 4.0: Shaping a control over rare earths. In 2017,
and it is leading to “a technological New Architecture in the Age of the the WEF conclave in Davos at-
revolution that will fundamentally Four th Industrial Revolution”, tracted considerable attention when,
alter the way we live, work, and Schwab declared, “Ready or not, a for the first time, a head of state
relate to one another. In its scale, new world is upon us.” from the People's Republic of China
scope, and complexity, the transfor- On 10 October 2016, the WEF was present at the alpine resort.
mation will be unlike anything hu- announced the opening of its new The current pandemic is a trigger
mankind has experienced before.” Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revo- for the launch of the Fourth Indus-
Schwab identifies a set of emerg- lution in San Francisco. In October trial Revolution, which has been on
ing technologies that are driving this 2018, the World Economic Forum the cards since the 2008 meltdown.
change, including Artificial Intelli- (WEF) opened its ‘Centre for the The medical-industrial complex has
gence, robotics, Internet of Things, Fourth Industrial Revolution in In- earned billions of dollars in a short
autonomous vehicles, 3-D printing, dia’ to work in collaboration with span of two years, making a killing
nanotechnology, biotechnology, ma- the Government of India. Part of a from selling protective gear, medi-
terials science, energy storage, and network of such centres being set cines, vaccines etc. The lockdown
quantum computing. up across the world, it is located in has also killed a lot of the present
Since this technological shift in Navi Mumbai, and was unveiled by industries, paving the way for newer
production is “disrupting almost none other than Prime Minister Fourth Industrial Revolution technolo-
every industry in every country,” it Narendra Modi. The WEF has of- gies. Working from home has in-
also entails a paradigm shift in terms fices in New York, Tokyo and Beijing. creased the sale of smart phones
of logistics, trade and exchange, WEF has roped in the UN for its and computers enormously. Millions
which Schwab calls ‘Globalisation project. It engages with national of school children are using smart
4.0’. It refers to new frameworks for governments by asking them to pro- phones for online learning. E-com-
international cooperation that he says mote public-private initiatives. It tries merce and home deliveries have come
are needed to manage and adapt to to use the world’s scientific and of age. People are buying furniture,
the unprecedented pace and breadth engineering knowledge to promote refrigerators and even cars online!
of technological change unleashed its agenda. China will play a major Meanwhile, millions of people have
by Industry 4.0. Announcing the role in this shift because of its lost jobs and hunger is looming on
theme of the WEF’s 2019 meeting manufacturing capacities and its the horizon.

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While climate change is the mega and 49 per cent of women have
crisis facing humanity, in the present
moment, it is the growing hunger
BMI less than 18.5. By implication,
it means large areas of India are
44, Balaram Dey Street, Kolkata-700006
crisis triggered by the lockdowns that famine affected. Not only is there a
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is the most immediate challenge. deficit in consumption of food grains Mail:
Malnutrition and famine are but also that the deficit is increas-
closely related. During a famine ing. This state of widespread ongo- Site:
those people die who are already ing famine coexists with an abun-
suffering from malnutrition. If food dance of food with national grana- (W.e.f January, 2022)
is available then malnutrition can ries overflowing.” India [Annual] Rs. 500
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food available. It was so even dur- change of mindset from individual- Make payment by Cheque/Draft
ing the 1943 Bengal famine when a in favour of FRONTIER or
ism of capitalist society to a collec- GERMINAL PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD.
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So why do people die in a famine? cult project. FRONTIER [GERMINAL PUBLICTIONS
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malnutrition and famine. Here is tries which are strong centres of Draft in favour of
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“People need to be conscious of make only cosmetic changes but GERMINAL PUBLICATIONS PVT. LTD.
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82 FRONTIER October 2-29, 2022

DRC LETTER must be placed on the records that,

during my penitentiary days, it was
‘I Confess’ the party, who first introduced and
offered me the role of playing
Dipanjan Rai Chaudhuri
‘Shaitaan’ to Adam. It was a party
[Dipanjan Rai Chaudhuri, a long-time associate of Frontier and a renowned Naxalite
activist passed away in Kolkata on October 24, 2020. Before his death he wrote a letter project. As we had decoded that, old
to his friends explaining some points, particularly in relation to his journey to London man would be kept out of the coun-
after release from jail in 1971. This is said to be the last letter of Dipanjan. Two of his cil hall, I drop the audacity of offer-
fellow-travellers gave this letter to 12 persons, including Ashim Chatterjee (Kaka), as per ing suggestions for the tactical line. I
Dipanjan’s wish to deliver it only after his death. Kaka apart, notable recipients of the say only that all said and done the
letter were Tania, Muzaffar, Babu, Kumaresh, Tapas Bose and six others. We publish little momentum that remains at this
below this letter under the caption—‘I Confess’.] moment may be harnessed by our
My friends, be living separated for eternity. I find friend and guide Kaka, with his cri-

ORONA VIRUS PREVENTS that, there are still friends, who wish tique of the pro-China line without
me from taking your hands. to define me by my passage to En- falling into the Indonesian or the
Who knows this is the last of gland. For them, I say that, it was a Filipino errors.
plagues perhaps and so we might bad move and not adequate com- No woman to shed tears, not an
meet in the anti-room of pensation can be arranged, as I have ideal Dasvidaniya, or what say you?
Mephistopheles? Of course, if you also tried to explain this, in the From
cross the plague successfully, we will ‘India’ book by Naipaul. However, it Dipanjan Rai Chaudhuri

F-14-17(55).P65 # 82
1st proof

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