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Structural organisation in animals

Summary By se e p Pah u ja
Epithelial tissue Exocrine

1 Compound
V ↑ Presence of ducts
Secret ce! products like
mucus ,saliva ,oil ,milk ,digestive

Types of glands
Single layer of ce!s Two or more layer of ce!s Example salivary gland , mammary
lining for body cavities Protective function glands, sebaceous glands, etc
ducts and tubes
example : alveolar ce! Examples :cheek ce!s Endocrine
Squamous stratified Ductless
Cuboidal Secret hormones

Columnar cell Transitional ↳ Example : testis ,pancreas ,

pituitary gland,ovaries.etc
Pseudo stratified

By Seep Pahuj a Intercellular junction

Adhering Gap

Tight L

( zonula ( macula
occludens ) adherens)
Types of connective tissues
By s e e p Pah u
Loose connective tissue Dense connective tissue Specialised
(Loosely arranged) ( compactly arranged) connective tissue
Areolar tissue Cartilage
Regular tissue
( support framework for ( "exible connectivity tissue)
( para!el bundle)
Irregular tissue ( hard and non-pliable)
Adipose tissue Blood
( oriented irregularly

( helps in storage of fat) ( "uid connective tissue)
found in skin )

Bone Cartilage
Composed of tough in"exible material Composed of #rm but "exible material ca!ed
ca!ed ossein chondrin
Matrix occur in concentric Lame!ae Matrix occur in homogeneous mass
Osteoblast produce new osteocytes Chondroblast produce new chondrocytes
Provide support and "exibility to Chondrocytes are present in the lacunae
body parts Provide structural framework to body and
protection to organ
Neural tissue

1. Neurons Basic structure and axon
7 function on unit of synaptic knob
neural tissue

2. Neuroglial Glial ce!s provide Schwann ce!
cell 7 support around brain
cord ,ganglions.

Skeletal muscle Smooth-muscle Cardiac muscle

Occurs in the limbs ,body Occurs in the wa!s of heart
Occurs in the posterior part of
wa! ,face ,neck .etc Cylindrical in shape
oesophagus urogenital tract, iris etc
Cylindrical in shape Uni nucleated
Spindle shape
Multi nucleated In voluntary in nature
Uni nucleated
Voluntary in nature Intercalated discs are present
In voluntary in nature
Intercalated discs are Unstriated
Intercalated discs are absent

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