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What do you know about the primitive people?
From what sources can people today find out the information about the past?

The history of mankind begins with the primitive community. The appearance of new tools and new
methods of labor led to the replacement of the human herd by the clan. Several clans, communities, or
related individuals formed a tribe. Both the tribe and the clan were governed by elders who were
chosen for their life experience and knowledge. The human herd and the clan were two consecutive
stages in the development of primitive society.
The related members of the clan jointly owned their hunting grounds and the lands which they
tilled. They lived and worked together, and consumed in common the products of their labor. Since they
lived together in groups, they could provide themselves with food and keep fires burning.
The primitive human herd possesses the simplest tools: a hand-axe, a digging stock and a wooden
club. Thousands of years passed before stone tools were replaced by those made of metal (bronze,
iron). When people invented the harpoon they took up fishing. The invention of bows and arrows
helped to start cattle-breeding, and axes made it possible to go over to farming.
In primitive society there was no private property, therefore there were no classes and no
exploitation that is, appropriation by the rich of the fruits of other men's labor. Since there were no
classes, there was no state system, that is no armed forces, no prisons, no courts, no overseers, no
government bodies.


1. Consult the text and find the English equivalents of the following:
Первобытная община, первобытное общество, человеческое стадо, род, племя, образовать племя,
старейшины, орудия труда (металлические, бронзовые, железные, каменные), дубинка, лук,
топор, стрела, мотыга, управлять, заниматься (охотой, рыбной ловлей, сельским хозяйством,
разведением скота), выбирать, владеть, обеспечивать, изобретать, заменять, еда, огонь,
совместно, сообща.
2. Sum up the contents of the text by answering the following questions.
1. What does the history of mankind begin with?
2. What led to the replacement of the human herd by the clan?
3. Who governed the clan?
4. What tools had the people?
5. What was their main occupation?
6. What was the structure of primitive society?


Shah Ismail Khatai

Shah Ismail Khatai is the founder of Safavids, first shah, classical poet of Azerbaijan. Azerbajani Turkish
was declared state language first time in the history during the reign of Shah Ismail. He wrote his poems
with pseudonym of “Khatai”. Shah Ismail was born on June 23, 1487 in Ardabil in the family of religious-
political figure, head of sect. He is from Safavidsdynasty. His grandfather Sheykh Juneyd and father
Sheykh Heydar were rulers. His mother Alamshahbayim was daughter of Uzun Hasan, ruler of
Aghqoyunlu.His father Sheykh Heydar was killed in 1488 in the war with Shirvanshah, Ismail and his

family were imprisoed. Having spent 4,5 yeras in prison, AghqoyunluRustamBayandurireleased them
from Istakhrfortress and send them to Ardabil. Shortly after, getting scared of the fame of Sheykh
Heydar’s sons and sent troop of 5,000 horsemen after them. Gizilbashadherents were defeated in the
Shamasi battle. Although Aghqoyunlu re-occupied Ardabil, they couldn’t find Ismail and Ibrahim.
Because Gizilbash adherents took them away from Ardabil to Gilan – Lahijan..Ismail stayed in Lahijan
with his brother for 6 years and learned Arabic and Persian and reading “Guran” from ShamsaddinLahiji.
After a number of conquests, Ismail came to Tabriz in 1501 and declared himself shah. In 1503 he
defeated Sultan Murad near Hamadan and put an end to the history of Aghqoyunlu reign. After it, he
gained much greater victories in his military marches. Till 1510 he had conquered Iraq, including whole
Iran and Baghdad. The vast territory between Amu Darya and Euphrate was subjugated to the Safavids.
In general, the Safavids was considered one of the most powerful states in the Near East. Regardless of
his short life and spending much of his time in state affairs, Shah Ismail Khatai left rich and diversified
literary legacy after his death. He wrote in three languages – Turkish, Arabic and Persian, both in Arud
and syllabic verse and in the genres of epic and lyric. The sincere poetry of Khatai appearing as an
answer to claims of his time merged with his public activity in most cases. This poetry either joined the
sword in battle fields, or turned to the sermons of wise elders and sheykhs of sect, or commenter of
heart full of love to the world and human. Khatai’s poems encompass love to heroism, beauty, inner
purity, but hatred to evil, ugliness, faithlessness, apostasy, infidelity and ignominy. Beginning his literary
activity from adolescence, Khatai wrote his first poems under the impact of YunusImra, Gazi
Burhanaddin, Imadaddin Nasimi. His poems in syllabic verse are of qoshma, garayli, varsaghi, bayati
genres, and his poems in Arud verse are of ghazal, gasidah, gitah, murabbe and tarjiband genres. The
literary legacy of the poet consists of “Divan”, didactic poems, “Nasihatnameh” (Book of Advice) and
“Dahnameh” (Book of Ten Letters). The major part of his works is in Azerbaijani Tukish just a few of
them being in Persian and Arabic. Khatai’s poems reached a number of countries of the Near East during
his time. His manuscripts have been preserved up to date in famous manuscript funds and museums of
the world. Shah Ismail Khatai died on May 23, 1524. He was buried in the Sheykh Safi tomb in Ardabil.
He passed away when he was 36 in full swing of his life, creative activity and wishes, but he gained
immortality for his achievements in such a short period. Khatai is accepted as the founder of one of the
most brilliant pages of political and cultural history of Azerbaijan people. K.Marx wrote about Shah
Ismail’s great military talent: "Shah Ismail, the founder of Safavids kingdom was a conqueror. He
conquered 14 provinces during his reign of 14 years."


founder qurucu\bani основатель  the owner or operator of a foundry

to declare elanetmək объявить say something in a solemn and emphatic
reign Hökmranlıq царствование the period of rule of a monarch
pseudony təxəllüs псевдоним a fictitious name, especially one used by
m an author
dynasty sülalə/xanədan династия a line of hereditary rulers of a country
ruler Hökmdar правитель a person exercising government or
to imprison həbsetmək посадить в тюрьму put or keep in prison or a place like a
to release azadetmək выпустить allow or enable to escape from
confinement; set free
to scare Qorxmaq бояться cause great fear or nervousness in;
adherent tərəfdar/mürid приверженец someone who supports a particular
party, person, or set of ideas
conquest fəth/istila завоевание the subjugation and assumption of
control of a place or people by military

military hərbiyürüşlər военныемарши
to conquer fəthetmək завоевывать overcome and take control of (a place or
people) by military force
vast genişərazi обширнаятерритория
to tabeetmək подчинять bring under domination or control
regardless asılıolmayaraq несмотряниначто despitetheprevailingcircumstances
affair Iş дело/связ a matter that is a particular person's
concern or responsibility
diversified çoxşaxəliədəbiirs разнообразноелитерату
literary рноенаследие
sincere səmimi искренний free from pretence or deceit
to claim iddiaetmək требовать/утверждать state or assert that something is the
case, typically without providing
evidence or proof
to merge birləşdirmək объединить combine or cause to combine to form a
single entity
sword Qılınc Меч a weapon with a long metal blade and a
hilt with a hand guard
sermon xütbə проповедь a talk on a religious or moral subject
commente şərhçi комментатор a person who expresses an opinion or
r engages in discussion of an issue or event
to əhatəetmək охватить surround and have or hold within
inner Daxilisaflıq внутренняячистота
apostasy mürtədlik/ отступничество the abandonment or renunciation of a
dönüklük religious or political belief or principle
infidelity xəyanət/ неверность the action or state of being unfaithful to
vəfasızlıq a spouse
ignominy iyrənclik/ayıb позор/низость Publicshameordisgrace
adolescenc yeniyetməlik юность the period following the onset of puberty
e during which a young person develops
from a child into an adult
impact təsir влияние the action of one object coming forcibly
into contact with another
syllabic hecalıayə слоговойстих
genre Janr жанр a style or category of art, music, or
consists of ibarətdir состоитиз
manuscript əlyazma рукопись a book, document, or piece of music
written by hand rather than typed or
to preserve Qorumaq Консервировать, maintain (something) in its original or
сохранять existing state
fund Fond фонд a sum of money saved or made available
for a particular purpose
full swing tam sürət полнымходом
immortaliy Ölümsüzlük бессмертие the ability to live forever; eternal life

sect təriqət/məzhəb секта a group of people with somewhat
different religious beliefs
fortress Qala крепость a military stronghold, especially a
strongly fortified town

1. Comprehension. Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
Who is Shah Ismail Khatai?
When and where was Shah Ismail Khatai born?
Whose daughter was his mother Alamshahbayim?
Where did Gizilbash adherents take them?
When did Ismail come to Tabriz and declared himself shah?
In which languages did he write his poems?
Under whose impact did Khatai write his first poems?
What did the poet’s literary legacy consist of?

2. Vocabulary Practice. Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

He wrote his poems with pseudonym of … .
His grandfather … and father Sheykh Heydar were rulers.
His father … was killed in 1488 in the war with Shirvanshah.
Although Aghqoyunlure-occupied Ardabil, they couldn’t find … .
His poems in syllabic verse are of… .
When did Shah Ismail Khatai die?

3. Comprehension. Determine whether the statements are True or False.

Ismail and his family were imprisoned.T F
Gizilbashadherents were defeated in the Shamasi battle.T F
Ismail came to Tabriz in 1500and declared himself shah.T F
The major part of his works are in Persian. T F
His manuscripts have been preserved up to date in famous manuscript funds. T F
He conquered 14 provinces during his reign of 19 years. T F

4. Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

Shah Ismail was born on June 23, 1487 in Ardabil in the family of religious-political figure, head of sect.
Having spent 4,5 yeras in prison, AghqoyunluRustamBayandurireleased them from Istakhr fortress and
send them to Ardabil.
Ismail stayed in Lahijan with his brother for 6 years and learned Arabic and Persian and reading “Guran”
from ShamsaddinLahiji.
In general, the Safavids was considered one of the most powerful states in the Near East.
The sincere poetry of Khatai appearing as an answer to claims of his time merged with his public activity
in Beginning his literary activity from adolescence, Khatai wrote his first poems under
the impact of YunusImra, GaziBurhanaddin, ImadaddinNasimi. most cases.
Khatai is accepted as the founder of one of the most brilliant pages of political and cultural history of
Azerbaijan people.

5. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1. religious a. of very great extent or quantity; immense
2. to kill b. literary work in which the expression of feelings is given intensity
3. to defeat c. relating to or believing in a religion
4. vast d. put or hide underground
5. to gain e. win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest
6. poetry f. a person who conquers a place or people
7. to bury g. cause the death of (a person, animal, or other living thing)
8. conqueror h. obtain or secure (something wanted or desirable)


Alexander The Great

Alexander the Great was an ancient Macedonian ruler and one of history’s greatest military
minds who, as King of Macedonia and Persia, established the largest empire the ancient
world had ever seen. By turns charismati c and ruthless, brilliant and power hungry,
diplomati c and bloodthirsty, Alexander inspired such loyalty in his men they’d follow him
anywhere and, if necessary, die in the process. Though Alexander the Great died before
realizing his dream of uniti ng a new realm, his infl uence on Greek and Asian culture was so
profound that it inspired a new historical epoch—the Hellenisti c Period.
Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC. His parents were Philip II of
Macedon and his wife Olympias. Alexander was educated by the philosopher Aristotle. Philip was
assassinated in 336 BC and Alexander inherited a powerful yet volatile kingdom. He quickly dealt with
his enemies at home and reasserted Macedonian power within Greece. He then set out to conquer the
massive Persian Empire.
Against overwhelming odds, he led his army to victories across the Persian territories of Asia Minor,
Syria and Egypt without suffering a single defeat. His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaugamela, in
what is now northern Iraq, in 331 BC. The young king of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, overlord of
Asia Minor and pharaoh of Egypt became 'great king' of Persia at the age of 25.
Over the next eight years, in his capacity as king, commander, politician, scholar and explorer, Alexander
led his army a further 11,000 miles, founding over 70 cities and creating an empire that stretched across
three continents and covered around two million square miles. The entire area from Greece in the west,
north to the Danube, south into Egypt and as far to the east as the Indian Punjab, was linked together in
a vast international network of trade and commerce. This was united by a common Greek language and
culture, while the king himself adopted foreign customs in order to rule his millions of ethnically diverse
Alexander was acknowledged as a military genius who always led by example, although his belief in his
own indestructibility meant he was often reckless with his own life and those of his soldiers. The fact
that his army only refused to follow him once in 13 years of a reign during which there was constant
fighting, indicates the loyalty he inspired.
He died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC.

military minds hərbi zehinlər военныеумы
to establish yaratmaq/təsisetmək установить/создавать set up on a firm or
permanent basis
by turns növbəilə поочереди
Ruthless amansız/qəddar безжалостный/жестокий having or showing
no pity or
compassion for
bloodthirsty qaniçən кровожадный having or showing a
desire to kill and
to inspire Ilham vermək вдохновлять fill (someone) with
the urge or ability to
do or feel
especially to do
something creative
Loyalty sədaqət верность the quality of being
Realm səltənət/krallıq область/королевства a kingdom
Influence təsir влияние the capacity to have
an effect on the
character of
someone or
Profound dərin глубокий Very great or
Hellenistic Yunandövrü Эллинистическийпериод
BC Eramızdan əvvəl Донашейэры
to assassinate öldürmək убить murder (an
important person)
for political or
religious reasons
to inherit mirasalmaq наследовать receive (money,
property, or a title)
as an heir at the
death of the
previous holder
volatile dəyişkən krallıq изменчивоекоролевство
to deal with məşğulolmaq иметьдело с
to reassert yenidəntəsdiqetmək подтвердить assertagain
to conquer fəthetmək покорять overcome and take
control of (a place
or people) by
military force
Massive kütləvi массивный large and heavy or
overwhelming böyüknisbətlər непреодолимыешансы
to suffer əziyyətçəkmək страдать experience or be
subjected to
(something bad or
Overlord Ağa повелитель a ruler, especially a
feudal lord
Pharaoh firon фараон a ruler in ancient
Capacity tutum/həcm вместимость the maximum
amount that
something can
to stretch dartmaq/gərmək растянуть be made or be
capable of being
made longer or
wider without
tearing or breaking
entire area bütünsahə всятерритория
ethnically etnikcəhətdənmüxtəlifmövzular этническиразныепредмет
diverse subjects ы
to acknowledge etirafetmək/tanımaq признавать/подтверждать accept or admit the
existence or truth of
indestructibility sarsılmazlıq несокрушимость the strength to
resist destruction
Reckless ehtiyatsız безрассудный heedless of danger
or the
consequences of
one's actions; rash
or impetuous
to indicate göstərmək указать pointout; show
Fever hərarət высокаятемпература an abnormally high
body temperature

1. Comprehension.Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
Who was Alexander the Great?
What inspired a new historical epoch—the Hellenistic Period?
When and where was Alexander born?
Who were his parents?
Which victory was his greatest victory?
Which areas linked together in a vast international network of trade and commerce during Alexander’s
When and where did he die?

2. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1.military a. the arts of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
2.power b. a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something
3.culture c. an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle or other competition
4.philosopher d. an organized military force equipped for fighting on land
5.enemy e. relating to or characteristic of soldiers or armed forces
6.victory f. the action of buying and selling goods and services g. a person engaged or learned in philosophy h. the ability or capacity to do something or act in a particular way

3.Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

His influence on Greek and Asian culture was so profound that it inspired a new historical epoch—the
Hellenistic Period.
Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC.
He then set out to conquer the massive Persian Empire.
His greatest victory was at the Battle of Gaugamela, in what is now northern Iraq, in 331 BC.
Over 70 cities and creating an empire that stretched across three continents and covered around two
million square miles.
Alexander was acknowledged as a military genius who always led by example.

4. Vocabulary Practice. Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

… was an ancient Macedonian ruler and one of history’s greatest military minds.
Alexander inspired such loyalty in his men … .
Alexander was born in …, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 356 BC.
He quickly dealt with his enemies at home and reasserted … within Greece.
The young king of Macedonia, leader of the Greeks, overlord of Asia Minor and pharaoh of Egypt
became … of Persia at the age of 25.

5. Comprehension.Determine whether the statements are True or False.

Alexander the Great was an ancient Greek ruler. T F
His infl uence on Greek and Asian culture was profound. T F
Alexander was born in Pella, the ancient capital of Macedonia in July 376 BC.T F
Alexander became 'great king' of Persia at the age of 25.T F
He died of a fever in Babylon in June 323 BC.T F



A period of unrest and civil wars in the 1st century BC marked the transition of Rome from a republic to
an empire. This period encompassed the career of Julius Caesar, who eventually took full power over
Rome as its unrest. After his assassination in 44 BCE, the triumvirate of Mark Antony, Lepidus, and
Octavian, Caesar’s nephew, ruled. It was not long before Octavian went to war against Antony in
northern Africa, and after his victory at Actium (31 BCE) he was crowned Rome’s
first emperor, Augustus. His reign, from 27 BCE to 14 CE, was distinguished by stability and peace.
Augustus established a form of government known as a principate, which combined some elements
from the republic with the traditional powers of a monarchy. The Senate still functioned, though
Augustus, as princeps, or first citizen, remained in control of the government. Under Augustus, Rome
began to prosper once again, and the emperor came to be looked upon as a god. Thereafter, all good
emperors were worshiped as gods after death. Among the beloved rulers of Rome were Trajan (reigned
98–117), Hadrian (117–138), Antoninus Pius (138–161), and Marcus Aurelius (161–180). Decadent, cruel
men also rose to power: Caligula (37–41) and Nero (54–68) were so loathed that their reigns were
struck from the official Roman records.
The West was severely shaken in 410, when the city of Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, a wandering
nation of Germanic peoples from the northeast. The fall of Rome was completed in 476, when the
German chieftain Odoacer deposed the last Roman emperor of the West, Romulus Augustulus. The East,
always richer and stronger, continued as the Byzantine Empire through the European Middle
Ages.Statue of the Roman emperor Augustus
During the later republic and most of the empire, Rome was the dominant power in the entire
Mediterranean basin, most of western Europe, and large areas of northern Africa. The Romans
possessed a powerful army and were gifted in the applied arts of law, government, city planning, and
statecraft, but they also acknowledged and adopted contributions of other ancient peoples—most
notably, those of the Greeks, much of whose culture was thereby preserved.
The Roman Empire was distinguished not only for its outstanding army—the foundation upon which the
whole empire rested—but also for its accomplishments in intellectual endeavours. Roman law, for
example, was a considered and complex body of precedents and comments, which were all finally
codified in the 6th century. Rome’s roads were without match in the ancient world, designed for
comparatively fast transportation and adapted to a wide variety of functions: commerce, agriculture,
mail delivery, pedestrian traffic, and military movements. Roman city planners achieved unprecedented
standards of hygiene with their plumbing, sewage disposal, dams, and aqueducts. Roman architecture,
though often imitative of Greek styles, was boldly planned and lavishly executed. Triumphal
arches commemorated important state occasions, and the famous Roman baths were built to stir the
senses as well as to cleanse the body.
Rome must be considered one of the most successful imperial powers in history. In the course of
centuries Rome grew from a small town on the Tiber River in central Italy into a vast empire that
ultimately embraced England, all of continental Europe west of the Rhine and south of the Danube,
most of Asia west of the Euphrates, northern Africa, and the islands of the Mediterranean. The Romans
achieved greatness in their military, political, and social institutions. Roman society, during the republic,
was governed by a strong military ethos. Unlike Greek city-states, which excluded foreigners and
subjected peoples from political participation, Rome from its beginning incorporated conquered peoples
into its social and political system. Allies and subjects who adopted Roman ways were eventually

granted Roman citizenship. During the principate, the seats in the Senate and even the imperial throne
were occupied by persons from the Mediterranean realm outside Italy. The lasting effects of Roman rule
in Europe can be seen in the geographic distribution of the Romance languages (Italian, French, Spanish,
Portuguese, and Romanian), all of which evolved from Latin, the language of the Romans. The Western
alphabet of 26 letters and the calendar of 12 months and 365.25 days are only two simple examples of
the cultural legacy which Rome has bequeathed Western civilization.

unrest and iğtişaşlar və vətəndaş беспорядки и
civil wars müharibələri гражданские войны
BC (before E.ə. (bizim eradan До н.э. (до нашей before Christ (used to indicate
Christ) əvvəl) эры) that a date is before the Christian
transition Keçid переход the process or a period of
changing from one state or
condition to another
to encompass əhatə etmək охватить/окружать surround and have or hold within
eventually sonda/nəhayət в конце концов in the end, especially after a long
delay, dispute, or series of
assassination sui-qəsd/qətl убийство an act of causing death,
especially deliberately
BCE(before E.ə (Eramızdan əvvəl) До н.э. (до нашей before the Common Era (used of
the Common эры) dates before the Christian era,
Era) especially by non-Christians)
triumvirate üçlü idarəetmə триумвират (in ancient Rome) a group of
three men holding power
nephew qardaşı oğlu племянник a son of one's brother or sister, or
of one's brother-in-law or sister-
reign səltənət/padşahlıq царствовать the period of rule of a monarch
CE(CommonE B.e (bizim erada) В н.э (наша эра)
to distinguish fərqləndirmək/ отличить/различать recognize or treat (someone or
ayırmaq something) as different
to establish yaratmaq/təsis etmək установить/создавать set up on a firm or permanent
principate Müdir принципат/директор the rule of the early Roman
emperors, during which some
features of republican
government were retained
to worship sitayiş etmək поклоняться show reverence and adoration
for (a deity)
to loathe nifrət etmək ненавидеть feel intense dislike or disgust for
to strike Vurmaq бить hit forcibly and deliberately with
one's hand or a weapon or other
to sack çuvallamaq/ уволить/класть в put into a sack or dismiss from
qovalamaq мешок employment
severely ciddi şəkildə строго/жестоко Strictlyorharshly
wandering gəzən/sərgərdan блуждающий/ travelling aimlessly from place to
мигрирующий place; itinerant
chieftain başçı/dəstəbaşı вождь/атаман the leader of a people or clan
to depose devirmək низложить/свергать remove from office suddenly and
dominant hakim güc доминирующая сила
entire bütün Aralıq dənizi весь
Mediterranea hövzəsi средиземноморский
n basin бассейн
to possess sahib olmaq обладать have as belonging to one; own
applied arts of tətbiqi hüquq sənəti прикладное
law искусство права
statecraft dövlət sənəti государственное the skilful management of state
управление affairs; statesmanship
to etiraf etmək/tanımaq признавать accept or admit the existence or
acknowledge truth of
contribution töhfə вклад a gift or payment to a common
fund or collection
endeavour cəhd/səy стремление/попытка an attempt to achieve a goal
to codify Kodlaşdırmaq кодифицировать arrange (laws or rules) into a
systematic code
match tayı-bərabəri достойный a person or thing that is equal to
противник another in quality or strength
comparatively nisbi olaraq/nisbətən сравнительно to a moderate degree as
compared to something else
pedestrian piyada hərəkəti пешеходное
traffic движение
unprecedente görünməmiş gigiyena беспрецедентные
d standards of standartları стандарты гигиены
plumbing santexnika/su kəməri водопроводная the system of pipes, tanks,
система/сантехника fittings, and other apparatus
required for the water supply,
heating, and sanitation in a
sewage kanalizasiya tullantıları канализацонная
disposal утилизация
dam bənd/sədd/damba плотина/дамба a barrier constructed to hold back
water and raise its level
aqueduct su kəməri водопровод/канал/ an artificial channel for conveying
water, typically in the form of a
bridge across a valley or other
imitative təqlid/oxşatma неоригинальный/ copying or following a model or
поддельный example
boldly planned cəsarətlə смело
planlaşdırılmış спланированный
lavishly təmtəraqla icra щедро исполненный
executed edilmiş
Triumphal Zəfər tağları Триумфальные арки
state dövlət günləri государственные
occasions мероприятия
vast empire geniş imperiya огромная империя
ultimately son olaraq tərkibinə в конечном итоге
embraced aldı (qucaqladı) обнял
military ethos hərbi ruh военный дух
excluded xaric edilmiş исключенный removedfromconsideration

to incorporate daxil etmək включить take in or contain (something) as
part of a whole; include
allies and müttəfiqlər və союзники и граждане
subjects vətəndaşlar
imperial imperatorluq taxtı императорский трон
realm səltənət/krallıq область a kingdom
to evolve inkişaf etmək развиваться Developgradually
cultural legacy mədəni irs культурное наследие
to bequeath vəsiyyət etmək завещать leave (property) to a person or
other beneficiary by a will
to yad etmək почтить память recall and show respect for
commemorate (someone or something)
conquered fəth edilmiş xalqlar покоренные народы

1. Comprehension.Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
What marked the transition of Rome from a republic to an empire?
After Julius Caesar’s assassination in 44 BCE, whose triumvirate ruled?
Who established a form of government known as a principate?
When was the West severely shaken?
Where was Rome the dominant powerduring the later republic and most of the empire?
Can you describe the Rome’s roads?
Which occasions did Triumphal arches commemorate?
In which areas did the Romans achieve greatness?
What did Rome do unlike Greek city-states?
Can you say two simple examples of the cultural legacy which Rome has bequeathed Western

2. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1.unrest a. the action or fact of dying or being killed
2.dictator b. of very great extent or quantity; immense
3.victory c. waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers
4.death d. a state of dissatisfactionand agitation, typically involving public
demonstrations or disorder
5.sewage e. a particular event, or the time at which it takes place
6.occasion f. a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained
control by force
7.throne g. a ceremonial chair for a sovereign, bishop, or similar figure
8.vast h. an act of defeating an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other

3.Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

This period encompassed the career of Julius Caesar, who eventually took full power over Rome as
its unrest.
Under Augustus, Rome began to prosper once again, and the emperor came to be looked upon as a god.
The West was severely shaken in 410, when the city of Rome was sacked by the Visigoths.
Roman city planners achieved unprecedented standards of hygiene with their plumbing, sewage
disposal, dams, and aqueducts.
Rome must be considered one of the most successful imperial powers in history.
The Romans achieved greatness in their military, political, and social institutions.

4. Vocabulary Practice. Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

His reign, from 27 BCE to 14 CE, was distinguished by … .
… still functioned, though Augustus, as princeps, or first citizen, remained in control of the government.
The fall of Rome was completed in … .
Roman law, for example, was … of precedents and comments.
In the course of centuries Rome grew from a small town … in central Italy into a vast empire.
… achieved greatness in their military, political, and social institutions.
The lasting effects of Roman rule in … can be seen in the geographic distribution of the Romance

5. Comprehension.Determine whether the statements are True or False.

His reign, from 27 BCE to 14 CE, was distinguished by wars. T F
Roman law, for example, was a considered and complex body of precedents and comments, which were
all finally codified in the 14th century.T F
And the famous Roman baths were built to stir the senses as well as to cleanse the body.T F
Roman society, during the republic, was governed by a strong military ethos.T F
Allies and subjects who adopted Greek ways were eventually granted Roman citizenship.T



The Persian Empire is the name given to a series of dynasti es centered in modern-day Iran
that spanned several centuries—from the sixth century B.C. to the twenti eth century A.D.
The fi rst Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C., became one of the
largest empires in history, stretching from Europe’s Balkan Peninsula in the West to India’s
Indus Valley in the East. This Iron Age dynasty, someti mes called the Achaemenid Empire,
was a global hub of culture, religion, science, art and technology for more than 200 years
before it fell to the invading armies of Alexander the Great.
The Persian Empire started as a collecti on of semi-nomadic tribes who raised sheep, goats
and catt le on the Iranian plateau.
Cyrus the Great—the leader of one such tribe—began to defeat nearby kingdoms, including
Media, Lydia and Babylon, joining them under one rule. He founded the fi rst Persian
Empire, also known as the Achaemenid Empire, in 550 B.C.The fi rst Persian Empire under
Cyrus the Great soon became the world’s fi rst superpower. It united under one government
three important sites of early human civilizati on in the ancient world:  Mesopotamia, Egypt’s
Nile Valley and India’s Indus Valley.
Darius the Great, the fourth king of the Achaemenid Empire, ruled over the Persian Empire
when it was at its largest, stretching from The Caucasus and West Asia to what was then
Macedonia (today’s Balkans), the Black Sea, Central Asia, and even into Africa including
parts of Libya and Egypt. He unifi ed the empire through introducing standard currency and
weights and measures; making Aramaic the offi cial language and building roads.  At its
height under Darius the Great, the Persian Empire stretched from Europe’s Balkan Peninsula
—in parts of what is present day Bulgaria, Romania, and Ukraine—to the Indus River Valley
in northwest India and south to Egypt.
The Persians were the fi rst people to establish regular routes of communicati on between
three conti nents—Africa, Asia and Europe. They built many new roads and developed the
world’s fi rst postal service. The ancient Persians of the Achaemenid Empire created art in
many forms, including metalwork, rock carvings, weaving and architecture. The arti facts
included a small golden chariot, coins and bracelets decorated in a griff on moti f. Briti sh
diplomats and members of the military serving in Pakistan brought roughly
180 of these gold and silver pieces—known as the Oxus Treasure—to London where they are
now housed at the British Museum.
The ancient Persian capital city of Persepolis, situated in southern Iran, ranks among the
world’s greatest archeological sites. It was named a  UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1979.
The Achaemenian palaces of Persepolis were built upon massive terraces. They were
decorated with ornamental facades that included the long rock relief carvings for which the
ancient Persians were famous.
Many people think of Persia as synonymous with  Islam, though Islam only became the
dominant religion in the Persian Empire aft er the Arab conquests of the seventh century.
The fi rst Persian Empire was shaped by a diff erent religion:  Zoroastrianism.
Named aft er the Persian prophet Zoroaster (also known as Zarathustra), Zoroastrianism is
one of the world's oldest monotheisti c religions. It’s sti ll practi ced today as a minority
religion in parts of Iran and India..
The Persian Empire entered a period of decline aft er a failed invasion of  Greece by Xerxes I
in 480 BC. The costly defense of Persia’s lands depleted the empire’s funds, leading to
heavier taxati on among Persia’s subjects.
The Achaemenid dynasty fi nally fell to the invading armies of  Alexander the Great of
Macedon in 330 B.C. Subsequent rulerssought to restore the Persian Empire to its
Achaemenianboundaries, though the empire never quite regained the enormous size it had
achieved under Cyrus the Great.

to span uzanmaq/qarşılamaq охватывать the full extent of something
from end to end
Hub qovşaq центр the central part of a wheel,
rotating on or with the axle
invading işğalçıordu вторгшиесяа
armies рмии
semi-nomadic yarıköçəritayfalar полукочевые
tribes племена
Plateau yayla плато an area of fairly level high
early human erkəninsansivilizasiyası ранняячелов
civilizati on еческаяциви
to unify birləşdirmək объединить make or become united,
uniform, or whole
standard standartvalyuta стандартнаяв
currency алюта
postal service poçtservisi Почтоваяслу
Metalwork metal işləri металлоконс the skill of making things from
трукции metal
rock carving qayaoyma наскальнаяр
Weaving toxuculuq ткачество/ the craft or action of forming
плетение fabric by interlacing threads
arti fact artefakt артефакт an object made by a human
being, typically one of cultural
or historical interest
Chariot araba колесница a two-wheeled vehicle drawn
by horses, used in ancient
racing and warfare
griff on moti f griff on moti vi грифон
military hərbixidmət военнаяслуж
serving ба
Roughly təxminən приблизител approximately
Rank rütbə/dərəcə звание/ a position in the hierarchy of
разряд the armed forces
UNESCO(Unite BirləşmişMillətlərTəşkilatı nınT Организация
d Nations əhsil, Elm Объединенн
Educational, vəMədəniyyətTəşkilatı ых Наций по
Scientific and вопросам
Cultural образования,
Organization) науки и
World Dünyairsi Всемирногон
Heritage аследия
palace saray дворец a large and impressive
building forming the official
residence of a ruler, pope,
archbishop, etc
massive böyükterras Массивная
terrace терраса
ornamental dekorati vfasad Декоративны
façade й фасад
rock relief qayarelyefi oyma наскальнаяр
carving ельефнаярез
to shape formalaşdırmaq формировать give a particular shape or
form to
Zoroastrianis Zərdüştlük Зороастризм
monotheisti c təkallahlı монотеистич relating to or characterized by
еский the belief that there is only
one God
minority diniazlıq религиямень
religion шинства
to decline tənəzzületmək снижаться  become smaller, fewer, or
less; decrease
failed uğursuzişğal неудавшееся
invasion вторжение
to deplete tükəndirmək истощать use up the supply or
resources of
Taxati on vergitutma налогооблож thelevyingoftax
subsequent sonrakı последующи coming after something in
й time; following
to sought güdmək искать attempttofind (something)
Boundary sərhəd граница a line which marks the limits
of an area; a dividing line
to regain yenidənqazanmaq вернуть obtain possession or use of
again after losing it

1. Comprehension.Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
By whom was the fi rst Persian Empire founded?
How did The Persian Empire start?
Which areas did Cyrus The Great begin to defeat?
When did he found the fi rst Persian Empire?
Which areas did Darius the Great rule over?
Who unified the empire through introducing standard currency and weights and measures?
Between which three continents did The Persians establish regular routes of communication?
In which forms did The ancient Persians of the Achaemenid Empire create art?
Where did the ancient Persian capital city of Persepolis situate?
When did the Persian Empire entered a period of decline?
2. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1. science a.a system of money in general use in a particular country

2. tribe b. a person appointed by a state or an intergovernmental institution
3. superpower c.very large in size, quantity, or extent
4. currency d.a systematically organized body of knowledge on a particular subject
5. route e.having power and influence over others
6. dipolmat f.a distinctive or close-knit group
7. dominant g.a way or course taken in getting from a starting point to a destination
8. enormous h. an exceptional or extraordinary power or ability

3.Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

The fi rst Persian Empire, founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C.
The Persian Empire started as a collection of semi-nomadic tribes.
They built many new roads and developed the world’s first postal service.
The ancient Persians of the Achaemenid Empire created art in many forms.
The Achaemenian palaces of Persepolis were built upon massive terraces.
Many people think of Persia as synonymous with Islam.
It’s still practiced today as a minority religion in parts of Iran and India.
The Persian Empire entered a period of decline after a failed invasion of Greece by Xerxes I in 480 BC.

4. Vocabulary Practice. Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

The first Persian Empire, founded by … around 550 B.C.
This Iron Age dynasty, sometimes called … .
… under Cyrus the Great soon became the world’s first superpower.
They built many new roads and developed the world’s first … .
The ancient Persian capital city of …, situated in southern Iran.
The empire never quite regained the enormous size it had achieved under … .

5. Comprehension.Determine whether the statements are True or False.

This Iron Age dynasty, sometimes called the Achaemenid Empire. T F
The first Persian Empire under Darius soon became the world’s first superpower.T F
The Achaemenian palaces of Persepolis were built upon massive terraces.T F
Many people think of Persia as synonymous with Zoroastrianism.T F
The Persian Empire entered a period of decline after a failed invasion of Greece. T F



The Ott oman Empire was one of the mighti est and longest-lasti ng dynasti es in world
history. This Islamic-run superpower ruled large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe
and North Africa for more than 600 years. The chief leader, known as the Sultan, was given
absolute religious and politi cal authority over his people. While Western Europeans
generally viewed them as a threat, many historians regard the Ott oman Empire as a source
of great regional stability and security, as well as important achievements in the arts,
science, religion and culture.
The Ottoman Empire was a statethat controlled much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia,
and Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries. It was founded at the end of the 13th
century in northwestern Anatolia in the town of Söğüt (modern-day Bilecik Province) by
the Turkoman triballeader Osman I. After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into Europe and with the
conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into a transcontinental empire. The
Ottomans ended the Byzantine Empire with the 1453 conquest of Constantinople by Mehmed the
Under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire marked the peak of its power and
prosperity as well as the highest development of its government, social, and economic systems. At the
beginning of the 17th century, the empire contained 32 provinces and numerous vassal states.Suleiman
became a prominent monarch of 16th-century Europe, presiding over the apex of the Ottoman Empire's
economic, military and political power. He annexed much of the Middle East in his conflict with
the Safavids and large areas of North Africa as far west as Algeria. Under his rule, the Ottoman
fleet dominated the seas from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea and through the Persian Gulf.
Breaking with Ottoman tradition, Suleiman married Hürrem Sultan, a woman from his harem,
an Orthodox Christian of Ruthenian origin who converted to Islam, and who became famous in the West
by the name Roxelana, due to her red hair. Their son, Selim II, succeeded Suleiman following his death
in 1566 after 46 years of rule. Suleiman's other potential heirs, Mehmed and Mustafa, had died;
Mehmed had died in 1543 from smallpox, and Mustafa had been strangled to death in 1553 at the
sultan's order. His other son Bayezid was executed in 1561 on Suleiman's orders, along with Bayezid's
four sons, after a rebellion.
Although scholars prefer "crisis and adaptation" rather than decline after his death, the end of
Suleiman's reign was a watershed in Ottoman history. In the decades after Suleiman, the empire began
to experience significant political, institutional, and economic changes, a phenomenon often referred to
as the Transformation of the Ottoman Empire.
The Ott omans were known for their achievements in art, science and medicine. Istanbul
and other major citi es throughout the empire were recognized as arti sti c hubs, especially
during the reign of Suleiman the Magnifi cent.
Ott oman architecture also helped defi ne the culture of the ti me. Elaborate mosques and
public buildings were constructed during this period.
Science was regarded as an important fi eld of study. The Ott omans learned and practi ced
advanced mathemati cs, astronomy, philosophy, physics, geography and chemistry.
Additi onally, some of the greatest advances in medicine were made by the Ott omans.
They invented several surgical instruments that are sti ll used today, such as forceps,
catheters, scalpels, pincers and lancets.

At the start of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was already in decline. The Ott oman
army entered the war in 1914 on the side of the Central Powers (including Germany and
Austria-Hungary) and were defeated in October 1918. Following the Armisti ce of Mudros,
most Ott oman territories were divided between Britain, France, Greece and Russia.
The Ott oman empire offi cially ended in 1922 when the ti tle of Ott oman Sultan was
eliminated. Turkey was declared a republic on October 29, 1923, when  Mustafa Kemal
Atatürk (1881-1938), an army offi cer, founded the independent Republic of Turkey. He then
served as Turkey’s fi rst president from 1923 unti l his death in 1938, implementi ng reforms
that rapidly secularized and westernized the country.


mighti est ən güclü мощный/ possessing great and impressive

могущественнейший power or strength
dynasty xanədan/sülalə династия/царство a line of hereditary rulers of a
religious dini религиозный/ relating to or believing in a
верующий religion
authority hakimiyyət/ власть/авторитет the power or right to give
səlahiyyət orders, make decisions, and
enforce obedience
threat hədə/təhdid/ Угроза a statement of an intention to
təhlükə inflict pain, injury, damage
to found əsasınıqoymaq основывать/создваать establish or originate (an
institution or organization)
tribal qəbilə Племенной of or characteristic of a tribe or
conquest fəth/isti la Завоевание the subjugation and assumption
of control of a place or people
by military force
transconti ne qitələrarasıimper Трансконтинентальная
ntal empire iya империя
reign hökmdarlıq царствовать/царить hold royal office; rule as
peak zirvə вершина/пик the pointed top of a mountain
prosperity tərəqqi/ процветание/успех the state of being prosperous
fi rəvanlıq
province vilayət/əyalət губерния/область a principal administrative
division of a country or empire
vassal state asılı вассальное(зависимое)
prominent görkəmlihökmda выдающийсямонарх
monarch r
apex zirvə Вершина the top or highest part of
something, especially one
forming a point
fl eet donanma Флот a group of ships sailing together,
engaged in the same activity
to convert çevirmək/ Превращать change the form, character, or
yönətmək function of something
smallpox çiçək(xəstəlik) Оспа an acute contagious viral
disease, with fever and pustules
that usually leave permanent
to strangle boğmaq Задушить squeeze or constrict the neck of
(a person or animal), especially
so as to cause death
to execute edam etmək убивать по put (a plan, order, or course of
политическим мотивам action) into effect
rebellion üsyan/qiyam Восстание an act of armed resistance to an
established government or
to watershed dönüşnöqtəsi Переломный an event or period marking a
turning point in a situation
decade onillik/dekada Десятилетие a period of ten years
phenomenon fenomen феномен/явление a remarkable person or thing
arti sti c hubs bədiimərkəzlər Художественныецентр
carpet xalçaçılıq Ковроткачество
elaborate təkmilləşmiş выработанный мечеть
mosque məscid
surgical cərrahialətlər Хирургическиеинструм
instruments енты
forceps cərrahmaşası хирургические щипцы a pair of pincers or tweezers

used in surgery or in a
catheters kateter катетеры/зонд a flexible tube inserted through
a narrow opening into a body
cavity, particularly the bladder,
for removing fluid
scalpels neştər Скальпели a knife with a small, sharp,
sometimes detachable blade, as
used by a surgeon
pincers kəlbəti n Клешни a tool made of two pieces of
metal with blunt concave jaws
that are arranged like the blades
of scissors, used for gripping and
pulling things
lancets lanset/neştər Ланцеты a small, broad two-edged
surgical knife or blade with a
sharp point
decline tənəzzül/batı ş падение/конец a gradual and continuous loss of
strength, numbers, quality, or
to defeat məğlubetmək Поражение win a victory over (someone) in
a battle or other contest
to eliminate aradanqaldırmaq устранить/уничтожать completely remove or get rid of
to declare elanetmək объявлять/заявлять formally announce the
beginning of (a state or
rapidly sürətlədünyəvilə Быстросекуляризованн
secularized şdirildi ый

1. Comprehension. Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
Which areas did the Ott oman empire rule for more than 600 years?
Which authority was sultan given over his people?
When was the Ottoman Empire founded?
With which conquest wasthe Ottoman beylik transformed into a transcontinental empire?
When did the Ottoman Empire mark the peak of its power and prosperity?
Whom did Suleiman marry breaking with Ottoman traditions?
For which achievements were Ottomans known?
When was the Ottoman Empire already in decline?
When did the Ott oman empire offi cially end?
Who founded the independent Republic of Turkey?

2.Vocabulary Practice.Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

After 1354, the Ottomans crossed into … .
At the beginning of the 17th century, the empire contained … and numerous vassal states.
Their son, … , succeeded Suleiman following his death in 1566 after 46 years of rule.
Ott oman … also helped defi ne the culture of the ti me.
The Ottomans learned and practiced advanced … .
They invented several surgical instruments that are still used today, such as … .
The Ottoman empire officially ended in 1922 when … .

3. Comprehension.Determine whether the statements are True or False.

It was founded at the end of the 13th century in northwestern Anatolia. T F
With the conquest of the Balkans, the Ottoman beylik was transformed into a republic. T F
At the beginning of the 17th century, the empire contained 32 provinces.T F
M.K.Ataturk became a prominent monarch of 16th-century Europe. TF
At the start of World War I, the Ottoman Empire was already in decline.T F

4.Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

1.This Islamic-run superpower ruled large areas of the Middle East, Eastern Europe and
North Africa for more than 600 years.
2.The Ottoman Empire was a state that controlled much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia, and
Northern Africa between the 14th and early 20th centuries.
3.He annexed much of the Middle East in his conflict with the Safavids and large areas of North Africa.
4.His other son Bayezid was executed in 1561 on Suleiman's orders, along with Bayezid's four sons, after
a rebellion.
5.The Ott oman army entered the war in 1914 on the side of the Central Powers (including
Germany and Austria-Hungary) and were defeated in October 1918.

5.Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1. superpower a. important, serious, or significant
2. social b. move forwards in a purposeful way
3. order c. a very powerful and influential nation
4. to contain d.the branch of science concerned with the substances of which matter is
5. major e. the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation
6. advance f.relating to society or its organization
7. tradition g.have or hold (someone or something) within
8. chemistry h.give an authoritative instruction to do something


The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

An ancient land of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan is one of the first human settlements to give birth to life on
Earth. Here the people of Azerbaijan created an ancient and rich culture. At the same time, Nakhchivan
is one of the ancient centers of world culture. Nakhchivan is closely linked with Ancient Eastern
civilizations like the other districts of Azerbaijan, and has left a deep trace on the course of historical
development. A rich historical, scientific and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people has emerged
Scientists explain the origin of the word «Nakhchivan» in different ways. According to Azerbaijani
etymology and authoritative historical sources, «Nakhchivan» was developed from the words «Nagshi -
jahan», that is, «ornament of the world», or «adornment of the world». Another story widely spread
among people says the geographical name «Nakhchivan» is linked with the prophet Noah, or more
exactly, with the «global flood» and means «Nuhchuvan» - «the land of Noah’s followers», or «Noah’s
land». Indeed, the «Gamigaya» ancient settlement located at 3725 m. above sea-level and a very
ancient cemetery named «NabiYurdu» («Land of the Prophet») situated in the settlement has been
discovered near Nakhchivan. And the Prophet Noah’s tomb is in the city of Nakhchivan. In general, the
phrase «Left from the prophet Noah» is very popular among the people of Azerbaijan, as well as the
population of Nakhchivan, when referring to ancient monuments and antique items.
The land of Nakhchivan is one of the earliest urban locations in the world. The main city of the territory,
Nakhchivan, is considered one of the ancient cities of the East and the entire world. Over 3500 years old,
Nakhchivan city later became one of the economic, political and cultural centers of Azerbaijan. At the
same time, Nakhchivan played an essential role in the formation and development of Azerbaijani state-
In the III century AD, the Iranian State of Sassani began to strengthen. Destructive wars broke out
among the Sassani, Roman and Byzantine Empires for regional dominance. This struck hard blows upon
Nakhchivan. However, its military-strategic position and location on the trade routes soon delivered a

strong push to the development of Nakhchivan. According to some sources, in the Middle Ages there
were about 30,000 houses in Nakhchivan and its population numbered 150,000. The weakening of the
power of the Sassanis and the restoration of Azerbaijani statehood positively affected Nakhchivan. Coins
of this period, a statuette of the Albanian ruler Javanshir , a statue of agriffon (Julfa district), the Bilav
Castle and other extensive archeological materials found in Damirlar, Kharabagilan (Ordubad
district), Dalma (Shahbuz district) and other settlements speak about this progress.
During the period of Arabian invasions (VII-VIII centuries), Nakhchivan, as well as the other lands of
Azerbaijan, were annexed to the Arabian Caliphate. When occupying the city of Nakhchivan, the Arabian
warlord Habib ibn Maslame signed a special agreement about his obligations with the city population.
The spread of the Islamic religion and the expansion of mutual links with the countries within the
Arabian Caliphate positively affected the development of Azerbaijan, including Nakhchivan.
Nevertheless, refusing to accept alien bondage, the people of Azerbaijan stood up in a struggle for
freedom against Arabian servitude. One of the main centers of the war for freedom, led by Babak, was
Nakhchivan. Arabian sources started to provide more information about Azerbaijan in general, as well as
Nakhchivan. Al-Belazuri, Ibn Khordadbeh, al-Mugaddasi, al-Istekhri, al-Biruni, YagutHamavi and other
distinguished historians and geographers would describe Nakhchivancomprehensively.
One of the convincing facts of Nakhchivan’sprominence in the entire Islamic world is that the
ancient As-habi-Kahf («Cave Holders») monument located here and belonging to the Tanrichilig sect is
mentioned in ayas(verses) 9-26 of the 18th surah of the Guran (Quran, Koran) - the Al-Kahf («The Cave»)
Azerbaijan’s achievement of independence once again was a valuable attainment of the people. Unlike
Baku, where disputes for power and political anarchy had no limits, Nakhchivan, led by Heydar Aliyev,
was at the forefront of the struggle for liberty and the process of building a new life. Like in the times of
national leader Heydar Aliyev, President IlhamAliyev also keeps the all-around development of the
country, as well as the Nakhchivan AR, in his permanent focus of attention.
Thus, the Nakhchivan AR has shared in the historic life of the Azerbaijan Republic as an integral part
and keeps on sharing. The isolation of Nakhchivan from other Azerbaijani lands due to the Armenian
invasions and the 15 year blockading of the Autonomous Republic by Armenians have largely aggravated
its state. Nevertheless, all of these failed to break the will of Nakhchivan and the Nakhchivanis, making
them, in contrast, more steadfast. Exactly the resolute measures taken in Nakhchivan did not allow
Armenians to realize their aggressive policy, regarding Garabagh, there also. The brief outline of the
ancient and long path of historic development we have reviewed proves once again that Nakhchivan has
belonged to Azerbaijan from ancient times as a Turkish land, and is an integral part and one of the most
ancient cultural center of Azerbaijan.
A land of Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan today is a very important district progressing dynamically and
integrating successfully into the world community as part of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Nowadays the
region covers 5,502.75 km2  with a population of 459,600bordering Armenia to the east and north, Iran
to the south and west, and Turkey to the northwest.

civilizations sivilizasiyalar цивилизации the stage of human social and cultural
trace iz/əsər след/отпечаток a mark, object, or other indication of
the existence of something
heritage Miras наследство property that is or may be inherited
to emerge ortayaçıxmaq появиться move out of or away from something
and become visible
origin mənşə/mənbə источник/начало the point or place where something
begins, arises, or is derived
authoritative səlahiyyətli авторитетный able to be trusted as being accurate or
true; reliable
adornment bəzək/yaraşıq украшение a thing which adorns or decorates; an
prophet peyğəmbər пророк a person regarded as an inspired
teacher or proclaimer of the will of
global flood qlobaldaşqın глобальноенаводне
indeed həqiqətən верно/ used to emphasize a statement or
действительно response confirming something
already suggested
cemetery qəbiristanlıq кладбище a large burial ground
tomb türbə могила a large vault, typically an underground
one, for burying the dead
phrase ifadə/fraza фраза/выражение a small group of words standing
together as a conceptual unit
to refer istinadetmək ссылаться Mentionoralludeto
urban şəhər городской  relating to, or characteristic of a town
or city
essential əsas/vacib основной/ absolutelynecessary;
необходимый extremelyimportant
statehood dövlətçilik государственность the status of being a recognized
independent nation
to strengthen gücləndirmək укрепить makeorbecomestronger
destructive dağıdıcımüharibələ Разрушительныево
wars r йны
regional regional региональноедоми
dominance hökmranlıq нирование
military- hərbi- военно-
strategic stratejimövqe стратегическаяпози
position ция
trade routes ticarətyolları торговыепути
restoration bərpa восстановление the action of returning something to a
former owner, place, or condition
statuette heykəlcik статуэтка a small statue or figurine, especially
one that is smaller than life-size
griffon Qrafon грифон a mythical creature with the head and
wings of an eagle and the body of a
extensive geniş/müfəssəl обширный/ covering or affecting a large area
to annex əlavəetmək/ присоединить add as an extra or subordinate part
warlord sərkərdə военачальник a military commander, especially an
aggressive regional commander with
individual autonomy
obligation öhdəlik/ обязательство a debt of gratitude for a service or
mükəlləfiyyət favour
alien bondage yadəsarət чужой рабство
servitude qulluq/köləlik рабство the state of being a slave
to distinguish ayırmaq отличить recognize or treat (someone or
something) as different
comprehensiv hərtərəfli всесторонне in a very clear or convincing manner
convincing inandırıcıfaktlar убедительныефакт
facts ы
prominence önəm/qabarıqlıq известность the state of being important, famous,
or noticeable
attainment nailiyyət достижение the action or fact of achieving a goal

towards which one has worked
dispute münaqişə спор/разногласия a disagreementorargument
forefront cəbhəninönxətti передовая линия the leading or most important
position or place
struggle for azadlıquğrundamü борьбазасвободу
liberty barizə
permanent daimi/sabit постоянный lasting or intended to last or remain
unchanged indefinitely
integral part tərkibhissəsi неотъемлемаячасть
isolation izolyasiya/təcrid изоляция/ the process or fact of isolating or
уединение being isolated
to aggravate ağırlaşdırmaq усугублять/ make (a problem, injury, or offence)
ухудшать worse or more serious
nevertheless bunabaxmayaraq темнеменее Inspiteofthat
to fail uğursuzolmaq терпетьнеудачу be unsuccessful in achieving one's
will iradə/ixtiyar/əzm воля/сила воли the thing that one desires or ordains
steadfast sadiq/dönməz стойкий/ resolutely or dutifully firm and
устойчивый unwavering
resolute qətiyyətlitədbirlər решительныемеры

1. Comprehension.Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
Where did the people of Azerbaijan createan ancient and rich culture?
What has emerged in Nakhchivan?
According to Azerbaijani etymology from which words was “Nakhchivan” developed?
In what did Nakhchivan play an essential role?
How many houses were there in Nakhchivanin the Middle Ages?
Who signed a special agreement about his obligationswith the city population?
What has largely aggravated Nakhchivan’s state?
Describe nowadays’ state of Nakhchivan.

2. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1. etymology a. belonging to a foreign country
2. population b. the state of being free
3.destructive c. the study of the origin of words
4. alien d.absenceofgovernment
5. anarchy e. a standard unit used to express the size, amount, or degree of something
6.liberty f. causing great and irreparable damage
7. measure g. behaving or done in a determined and forceful way
8. aggressive h. all the inhabitants of a particular place

3.Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

Here the people of Azerbaijan created an ancient and rich culture.
A rich historical, scientific and cultural heritage of the Azerbaijani people has emerged here.
The land of Nakhchivan is one of the earliest urban locations in the world.
In the III century AD, the Iranian State of Sassani began to strengthen.
Azerbaijan’s achievement of independence once again was a valuable attainment of the people.
Nevertheless, all of these failed to break the will of Nakhchivan and the Nakhchivanis, making them, in
contrast, more steadfast.

4. Vocabulary Practice. Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

At the same time, Nakhchivan is one of the … centers of world culture.
Scientists explain the … of the word «Nakhchivan» in different ways.
Over 3500 years old, Nakhchivan city later became … .
During the period of Arabian invasions, Nakhchivan, as well as the other lands of Azerbaijan, were
annexed to … .
Exactly the resolute measures taken in Nakhchivan did not allow … to realize their aggressive policy,
regarding Garabagh, there also.

5. Comprehension. Determine whether the statements are True or False.

Nakhchivan is closely linked with Ancient Eastern civilizations. T F
And the Prophet Noah’s tomb is in the city of Nakhchivan.T F
Nakhchivan, is considered one of the ancient cities of the West and the entire world.T F
The measures taken in Baku did not allow Armenians to realize their aggressive policy. T F
Nakhchivan has belonged to Azerbaijan from ancient times as a Turkish land. T F



Azerbaijan has played a significant role in the development of today’s global oilindustry. The world’s first
paraffin factory opened in Azerbaijan in 1823, and the first oil field was drilled in the country in 1846.
Azerbaijan was also the site of the first offshore oil field and platform in the world–the Neft Dashlary–
which was completed in 1951 in the shallow water of the Caspian Sea. The oil field still produces
today.Azerbaijan has three crude oil export pipelines. The Baku-Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline is the main route
for transporting Azerbaijan's oil to world markets.
The Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is a 1,768 kilometres long oil pipeline from the Azeri–Chirag–
Gunashli oil field in the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean Sea. It connects Baku, the capital
of Azerbaijan and Ceyhan, a port on the south-eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey, via Tbilisi, the
capital of Georgia. It is the second-longest oil pipeline in the former Soviet Union. The first oil that was
pumped from the Baku end of the pipeline reached Ceyhan on 28 May 2006.
The pipeline, which is buried along its entire length, is 1768km in total length: 443km in Azerbaijan,
249km in Georgia, and 1,076km in Turkey. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company is responsible for
the construction and operation of the whole pipeline. It was established in London on 1 August
2002. The ceremonylaunching construction of the pipeline was held on 18 September
2002. Construction began in April 2003 and was completed in 2005. The pipeline cost 3.9 billion
dollars. The construction created 10,000 short-term jobs and the operation of the pipeline requires
1,000long-term employees.
On 25 May 2005, the pipeline was inaugurated at the Sangachal Terminal by President Ilham Aliyev of
the Azerbaijan Republic, President Mikhail Saakashvili of Georgia and President Ahmet Sezer of Turkey,
joined by President Nursultan Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan and United States Secretary of Energy Samuel
Bodman.The inauguration of the Georgian section was hosted by President Mikheil Saakashvili at
thepumping station near Gardabani on 12 October 2005.  The inauguration ceremony at Ceyhan
terminal was held on 13 July 2006.
Our national leader Heydar Aliyev’s role in The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline is great. The oil strategy
authored by Heydar Aliyev resulted in the integration of the Azerbaijani economy into the world
economy. This contract is a symbol of establishment of a highly developed, strong and democratic
Azerbaijani state. That’s why Heydar Aliyev called it “The Contract Of The Century”.
“The foundation we have laid with the contract of the century creates great opportunities for the
development of the Azerbaijani people, prosperous life, further strengthening the sovereignty of the
independent Azerbaijani state in the XXI century, and I believe that the XXI century will be the happiest
period for the independent Azerbaijani state”. Heydar Aliyev


Significant əhəmiyyətli/vacib значительный/ having a particular and important

важный meaning
global oil industry qlobal neft мировая нефтяная
sənayesi промышленность
to drill qazmaq сверлить to make a hole in or through
offshore oil field dəniz neft yatağı морской экспорт
Shallow dayaz неглубокий an area of a sea, a lake or a river
where water isn’t deep
crude oil export xam neft ixrac экспортный
pipeline boru kəməri трубопровод сырой
Route marşrut маршрут a way taken in getting from a
starting point to a destination
to pump nasoslamaq накачать to force liquid, gas, etc. to move or
raise by pressure
to bury basdırmaq закопать put or hide underground
entire length tam uzunluq всядлина
Responsible məsuliyyətli ответственный having control over or care for
someone or something
to establish qurmaq установить to set up on a firm or permanent
ceremony launching inşaatın başlanma церемония начала
construction mərasimi строительства
short-term qısa müddətli временный occuring over or relating to a short
period of time
long-term uzun müddətli долгосрочный occuring over or relating to a long
period of time
Employee işçi работник a person employed for wages or
to inaugurate açılış etmək открывать mark the beginning of an
organisation or project with a
special event or ceremony
Section bölmə Раздел a relatively distinct part of
Integration inteqrasiya / интеграция/ the action or process of
birləşmə обьединение integrations
to create yaratmaq создавать to bring into existance
Opportunity fürsət / imkan возможность a time or a circumstance that
makes it possible to do something
Prosperous firavan / процветающий successful in material things or
çiçəklənən bringing wealth and success
Sovereignty suverenlik суверенитет the authority of a state to govern
itself or another state
Period dövr / müddət / период / время a length or portion of time

1. Comprehension.Read the text and write down full answers on the following questions.
When was the first oil field drilled in Azerbaijan?

Where is The Neft Dashlary situated?
How many crude oil export pipelines does Azerbaijan have?
Which cities does Thr Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline connect?
When was the first oil pumped from Baku?
What is The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company responsible for?
By whom was the pipeline inaugurated?
Why did Heydar Aliyev call this contract “ The Contract Of The Century”?
What does this contract symbolize?
When was the pipeline inaugurated at the Sangachal Terminal?

2. Vocabulary Practice. Match the words with their definitions.

1. field a. a written or spoken agreement
2. pipeline b. a town or city with an access to navigable water where ships load or unload
3. contract c. relating to or supporting social equality
4. ceremony d. an open area used for a particular purpose
5. port e. a long channel for conveying oil, gas, etc. over long distances
6. crude f. situated at sea some distance from the shore
7. democratic g. in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined
8. offshore h. a formal public accasion, especially one celebrating a particular event
9. developed i. the city or town that functions as the seat of government and administrative
centre of a country or region
10. capital j. advanced or elaborated to a specified degree

3.Translate the sentences into Azerbaijani\Russian.

Azerbaijan has played a significant role in the development of today’s global oil industry.
The first oil field was drilled in the country in 1846.
Azerbaijan has three crude oil export pipelines.
The Baku-Tbilisi–Ceyhan pipeline is the main route for transporting Azerbaijan's oil to world markets.
The first oil that was pumped from the Baku end of the pipeline reached Ceyhan on 28 May 2006.
The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline Company is responsible for the construction and operation of the
whole pipeline.
The construction created 10,000 short-term jobs and the operation of the pipeline requires 1,000 long-
term employees.
The inauguration ceremony at Ceyhan terminal was held on 13 July 2006.
Our national leader Heydar Aliyev’s role in The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline is great.
This contract is a symbol of establishment of a highly developed, strong and democratic Azerbaijani

4. Vocabulary Practice.Fill in gaps with appropriate words.

The world’s first … opened in Azerbaijan in 1823.
Azerbaijan was also the site of the first … oil field.
The Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is a … kilometres long oil pipeline.
The first oil that was pumped from the Baku end of the pipeline reached … on 28 May 2006.
It was established in … on 1 August 2002.
This contract is a … of establishment of a highly developed, strong and democratic Azerbaijani state.

5. Comprehension.Determine whether the statements are True or False.

The first oil field was drilledin the country in 1946.T F
The Neft Dashlary was completed in 1951 in the shallow water of the Black Sea. T F
The BTC pipeline is the main route for transporting Azerbaijan's oil to world markets.T F
The Baku–Tbilisi–Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline is a 1,768 kilometres long oil pipeline. T F
It connects Baku and Ceyhan via London. T F
It is the first-longest oil pipeline in the former Soviet Union.T F
The ceremony launching construction of the pipeline was held on 18 October 2002. T F
The inauguration ceremony at Ceyhan terminal was held on 13 July 2016.T F
Our national leader Heydar Aliyev’s role in The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline is great. T F
That’s why Heydar Aliyev called it “The Contract Of The Century”. T


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