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oCHLal NO. 03
RoWNO. 14 13hombe palan

Aum Calcutate Color deviaton (Dettg -E) on giuen priot OStDy

ApPasatusSpecmophotameer Sample of HO pOlchesof
ColoUr Pinkec by 0FFset pa n4ing psbreas eye glaS>

Delta-E 15 detined as hee Shraght line diskonce
bekaeen tNO ColoS ecpressed with db-ee-e¥-
Coorli nate,
a i s Colour Space model is he FoundaHOn
of the Delta-E.
ab S Simpy a Co-endinaho System fos ColoY
ond it has thice qxe
The Laxis idenre) tHo Nghtness had ReetGaon
oF the Color
Fhe A axis donFie ho Red /Gnon Hhe colos
1S and
The B axis denhes ho BIue/ yello he
Colou 1S.

Renoving he Contusidn of Saying he Colo is'too biye

o too dask blue Fo exomple, LaB prouide
a ccunates Colo ommnicl tion twh meCaSurcable to-
qets Gnd numbeTS.
Fox eXample

Tamge t Somple

60. S 5812 AL 2: A5
Aa 2-8
24 6
36g3 AE 66
b 357. 22
Ss67 C 56.oG AC .6
3s. LH2' Ah

Follouingis he Formuld USed to colculate the ColoY
differene DelFq-E


AFab AL Aa2 Ab*2

In he fovmula , . gnd b ane a j La (oodinote m

Hhe Firs (olor L2,9L and b are the Coordi nge oF
he 5econd Colos.
The equoHon A0ults in One number depreSentiq He
diffesence in the o ColoS.
The ower Hhe oelta-E he uoser Hhe Colors o7e to
ech OHhe
A Delt9 E of 2ero ndicote hat Ahere is 2e3o diff-
nTene bektocen he o cotors.
Fhe highe he Dalta E, the moTe Color diHerence S
pecieV ed.
A Deltg E Of es han one is
iS not perceptible by Hhe
human e ye tith Superto Celos. discoimnatHon.
A Del4a E ot to AuO 1S percepHbie. close
Close obr
esvaH 00 Ond
A Dela E oF w d 0O eight is perceptHble a t q

in DsinHing DeltoE of is accephoble as col?


. pla Ce he Sam ple of tuwo Simila pgtcheJ pointed by he

ofFset pslotng pYOcesS on the flot 5unface

. Select the funcHon CIE Lab onder the i n d o u of e
- E in the X oite densitometes eqwpmet ,
SeleetHhe Fncion
. Dlace he Spechobmeer t r he psi nked Sample
efome mea Sung he Eallgpg Volue of psi tned
PSi ed

tnt it fs re commoa nded to mea Suse he paper Coapr

whie) Fos accusate seading
5. place He Spectsomek phtomeler OUeY he First POteb
Ond ecord he a'b uoluo by pressing boh He
buttonS Cbiack aneas) Simuleniously located at ther Sid
of he Spechuphoto meker.

6. Then lace he Spetrophotometer OueYhe Second paeh

ond ecoTd he tdB values of hat poch,
Ater Hhat he deuice tain Show tGB u olue of
bo4h the ateh on its disploy and it oi asio Shods
Ahe Colo deviston. Ahe Dolta-E ualue of, +he Some
. Oelta e volue fs s Hhen Hhe epoou Ced
cclo is nder ocrept able limitif i ts beycnd 3 hen
he ewducHon needs CecHOn
9C n his Woyhe Colo deviavon e Dolt -E is al

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