RRS Poster

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RRS - Research

Reflection Space
Reflecting is something we all naturally in life
so you may be wondering why you need a
designated RRS. Is it actually useful?
Well, the answer is yes!


Don´t see it as a space where you simply DESCRIBE what you have
done and learnt - a paper exercise that is eating away at your valuable
When done well it will inform your next actions, help you make
connections with prior learning and give you the opportunity to get a
different perspective on what you are learning which can help you
plan your next steps and become unstuck! Reflection, though the act
of writing and recording helps make sense of the world. It not only
captures our thoughts but helps us to think.

What should it look like ?

This is really up to you! You can use words, images, doodles and mind maps
to capture your learning experiences and keep them in:
* Journals
* Workbooks
* Portfolios
(electronic or physical - the choice is yours)
Remember: You can order the space in lots of ways too, chronologically for
example or according to the function of the reflection. 1. Study/cognitive 2.
Process/procedural or 3. Autobiographical/affective

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