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Water is an increasingly scarce resource in the world due to the terrible practices to manage

this element so that, its availability, it is an important factor for the development of humanity,
as evidenced by the history of the different settlements of civilizations near this valuable

The growing increase in the population, accompanied by the increase in its infrastructures,
leads to a replacement of natural spaces by permeable surfaces with materials, so that it
causes an alteration in the water processes of rainwater (evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, infiltration, runoff) increasing multiple problems related to conventional
drainage systems and stormwater management that arise in the Ave. Fray Vicente Solano in
the city of Cuenca. So, cause an increase in the flows and volumes of runoff, causing flooding,
waterlogging so that, vehicular and pedestrian accidents occur.

In recent years, systems have been developed to better manage rainwater through sustainable
urban drainage systems (SUDS) so, that they allow to take advantage of the resource, of
rainwater to reuse it and not alter, its natural hydrological process. This research seeks to offer
solutions to the different problems generated when managing rainwater, in order to propose
strategies for stormwater management, adding green spaces to the urban landscape.

The thesis proposes in character of design a model of rain garden using sustainable urban
drainage systems (SUDS), in an urban environment. Which is located in the green space of the
party wall of Ave. Fray Vicente Solano delimited by Ave. Remigio Crespo Toral and February 27,
corresponding to an area of 10393.74 m2, through a road and pre-existence análisis.The
distribution of the rain gardens, was determined the rain gardens along the different sections
of study and at certain points such as the statues, added value to the green area creating
spaces of stay and transition of manea that forces to occupy this space since. It is proposed to
prevent unwanted steps with vegetation in the center of the party wall with the aim of
potentiating the use of the already established land.

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