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Need of Quantum Mechanics

Need of Quantum Mechanics

1 Rutherford Experiment/ Stability
of Atom
2 Hydrogen atom spectrum
3 Black Body radiation
4 Speicifc heat
Stability of Atom could not be
explained by Rutherford Model
Four bands in visible region
Balmer Band In Ultraviolet and Infrared five

One type of material should give one band only as per classic mechanics
1. Dispersive Medium (Vg<u)
2. Non-Dispersive medium (Vg=u)
3. Anomalous dispersion (Vg>u)
Relation between group velocity and particle velocity
Study of particle motion through the motion of the wave packet associated with it is
called wave mechanical treatment.

Sound waves-propagation is possible by change in pressure of air

Light waves-propagation is possible due to variation of electric and magnetic field

Wave packet – propagation quantity which changes w.r.t. space and time is called wave
function denoted by ᴪ

The equation of motion of a wave packet associated with a particle is called

Schrodinger Equation.
Acceptable and Well Behaved Wave Function
1. Wave function and it partial derivatives must be finite everywhere
2. Wave function and it partial derivatives must be single valued
3. Wave function and it partial derivatives must be continuous everywhere except
where potential V(x) is infinite.
4. Wave function must vanish at infinity

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