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The apostle John wants you to appreciate the _______________ of Gods grace when you face the potential of being po.

I. THE POTENTIAL TO BE PO, 1-4 A. Lifes Opportunity, 1-3 1. A Ceremony, 1-2 2. A Crisis, 3 B. Lords Objection, 4 II. THE PLAN TO BE PROSPEROUS, 5-10 A. Gods Orders, 5-7 1. From the Mother, 5 2. From the Messiah, 6-7 B. Our Obedience, 8 C. The Outcome, 9-10

Point 1. The fact that Mary, the parent, came to Jesus, the Son with such a problem, is a reminder to all of us how Jesus is concerned about the ________________ things we face in our lives.

Point 2. The doctrine of providence means nothing happens in the life of the child of God _______________________, and even the accidental, random things are John 15:8 planned by Gods providence to accomplish Herein is my Father gloried, that ye bear Gods purpose.
much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples

Point 3. The ________ of a godly parent in their childs life is to encourage them and equip them to leave the nest and start a godly household of their own. HOW TO KEEP RUNNING WHEN THE WINE RUNS OUT 1. Recognize that sometimes our ________________ deprivation is merely a manifestation of our mental and spiritual immaturity 2. Recognize that God is changing your scene to the ____________ 3. Be willing to ________ the Source, 1-4 4. ______________ Gods instructions, 5-8

career ministry fellowship ...making a career of living for the Lord!

finding your fruitfulness

AN EXPERIENTIAL EXEGESIS OF FEELING BROKEN BY BEING BROKE 1. At a time when there should be laughing and rejoicing, we sink deeper in a t of despair when we sink deeper in a pit of ________ 2. There is no stress like lack-of-success and ________________ stress 3. Sometimes the problem with nding our fruitfulness is not with our can-do but with our ________-to

The Potential of Being Po

John 2:1-10
Message Seven

Point 4. The goal is not to meet your need; meeting your need is an ________________________ activity on the way to the goal of you being used as Gods tool to meet the need of others. Point 5. The problem is never about your condition, but your ________________ is what really counts.

fast facts
New Time! Career Class meets each Sunday at 11:00A.M. in the gym! Next Sunday! Getting Back in Black, Luke 16:1-15

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john 2being broke breaks

Point 6. The will of God will not lead you where the grace of God will not ________ you.

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Point 7. Whatever you dont have, you do have the Holy Spirit inside, but it is your job to face your issue being ____________ with the Holy Spirit!

Rev. W Alan Shelby

findingfruitfulness 04sept2011

FINDING YOUR FRUITFULNESS FRUITFUL FINANCES Sun Sept 11 Getting Back in Black, Luke 16:1-15 FUNCTIONAL FRUITFULNESS Sun Sept 18 Living By Default Vs By Design, Psalm 139:13-16 Sun Sept 25 Facing the Fear of Fear Itself, Psalm 39:4-5

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