Introduction To Management

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Introduction to Management

Name: Ahmad Ali
Class: BCS(2-C)
Reg no: FA22-BCS-144
Section: 2-C
Fayol’s Fourteen Principles of Management:
 Division of work: Division of work means to divide work between managers and workers.
Everyone must know his or her responsibility and no duplication of work.
 Authority: Every organization should have someone who decides anything and it should be
considered as final.
 Discipline: Every organization should be disciplined. Example coming and leaving the
organization on time and properly doing your work.
 Unity of command: Unity of command means that there should be only one boss for you
in an organization. Example if you want to report someone you should know who is your boss.
 Unity of direction: unity of direction means that direction must be specified and your focus
should be on the task which is assigned to you.
 Subordination of individual interest to general interest: Individual interest of
person should be aligned with general interest of organization. You should give priority to both.
 Remuneration: Remuneration means payment which is against the services which you
rendered. In simple words it means “Providing compensation for services rendered”.
 Centralization: In every organization authority should be centralized. You cannot make
decisions at your own. Decision making is centralized in every organization.
 Scalar chain: Scalar chain means there must be some hierarchy or chain. Chain consist of
peoples and tasks are assigned to them.
 Order: Order means ways of doing things. According to Henry Fayol there are two types of
orders social and physical order. Physical order means everything should be kept neatly and
social order means everyone should do his own work and do not interfere in other’s work.
 Equity: Equity means rules and regulations are to be done in such a way that is suitable for all.
There must be equity in every organization. It comes in promotion also.
 Stability of tenure of personnel: Stability of tenure of personnel means to give
confidence to workers in organization. This basically means to secure your workers.
 Initiative: Initiative means that you must look that what can I do extra in this work so this
work will be done more effectively. You should be ready to take initiative.
 Esprit de corps: Corps means group and Esprit means spirit. Esprit de corps means that your
corps must be motivated. Whole organization must be motivated and when they are motivated
then they will work with full spirit and confidence.

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