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MATSEC Examinations Board University of Malta SYSTEMS OF KNOWLEDGE PROJECT BOOKLET ‘Sumame & Name of Candidate: entity Card No: — Scholastic Year: Home Tel No: Mobile No: Home Address: comail Address: ‘GIOVANNI CURMI HIGHER SECO? [New Street in Main DARY SCHOOL P= NXR 12 [Name of School Tutor: ‘Tis is to confirm that the shove mentioned student is @ registered student at the above SchoolCollege and has to present a Systems of Knowledge project for the completion of the “Matriculation Cerificate couse. Your cooperation willbe greatly appreciated. (Head of SOK Dept) School's Rubber Stamp SOK Project Area of Experience ‘Tick one (X) where applicable Responsible Citizenship el Acstheties [ ‘The Environment Guidelines and Genera Instructions Candidates are to preset a projet ‘The Project involves an exercise that cfs a concrete application of atleast one ofthe fst tree ‘modules, An aspect ofthe expericoce neds tobe related to a Seieaific principle Care mst be taken to move beyond dveibing «parla proceso explaining he underlying selene pope. ‘The Project involves a hands-on tsk which should span over a substantial period of tine aot the task should comprise a minim of 2 hours. ‘The Projet should include ‘duly fled project booklet ‘ eetve journal shout the ctiviyies caro out which should ince a miimsmaf’S ene and {maxima of 10 (250-300 words each) 3, ementy (1000 words +-100) 4, concise seca researc 400 words 100) 5 PP ‘general ibliogaphy and ceridence which may elu an ac “The writen component ofthe Projet ha tobe an individual efor. Ii the cate of School Candidate: 1 The Projets tebe approved by the Head of Soho 2, Systems of Kncwledge tors wil assess the pe (jet booklet and wil reo the ras 3, Sipervinircf he ps by the Systm of Anode anata 1, Fist meeting discussion of objectives end propoas aks. 1. Second mesg: monitoring and review of proes. , Thid meeting final preseason ofthe roe. ‘Candas ys eter English or Mase fo thei projects Tis igh revarmended thet choos cay est ster ssevtion ‘School tase projets many be moderated bythe MATSEC Bocid of Examiners The Bosrd nay ella ends for an nerve in orto moderate the ult the Prost. 1. Reopy ofthe Sytem of Knowledge tates consnus athe mass wil be pasted on to MATSEC 25 inated by MATSEC. 18, Tho nek willbe Haze afer moderation by the MATS Private candidates are to fellow the same procedures and regulations 8s Sehool candidates, except for the fooming LL Prior approvals no requies 2. private candidates are to lave a tur who is knowles. able in the subject andi air with the repiements of the syllabus to guide thr nthe proces. Private candidates and ther ore fil in ‘authentication frm which canbe obtained fom the MATSBC website 3, Project aretobepreseaedin the folder approved by MATSEC which canbe obtind from MATSEC, Univesity of Mala, or the Examinations Deparment, Victoria, G00. 4, Allpetvte candidates reo present be project ab instucied by MATSEC on ts official wetite 55. Prix willbe graded by the MATSEC Board of Paar, {6 Allpivate canines ar itor an tere. Bean of eines For father information, kindly refer to the Intermediate Systems of Knowledge syllabus which can be accessed through the following ink: FIRST MEETING ~ Discussion of objectives and proposed tasks with tutor. 1. What do you intend odo to aehieve he objectives of this projec? 2. Explain he connection between your post and your chosen reals 3. What evidence do you intend to produce in suppor of your werk? 4. What do you intend to accomplish through this prject™ 8) Ona personal lve: 1) Ona community evel (where aplicabl) 5. Deseribe brety the seemtife principle you intend to ace in your Project. : Candidate's Signature: ‘Tutors Signature: Dae: Project Task Record (Tobe completed by the tsk overseer who cannot bea slave of candidat) ‘Name of Orgmnistion, NGO othe (f appliabl) Address of Organisation, NGO ote (7 ‘pplcabe) Tel No.of Orsization, NGO othe (f epplicadle) ‘Name ad Surname of peron overeing tk ‘Telephone muabe of person overseeing tsk poo (Candidates are to make extra copies as required. [mma —_Dae_ Joana Esty, __ Date: Drestion f Activity: Duration of Activity: verses Signtoe: Oversee’ Signatare 4 Soul Eniy:__Date: Jour Esty: __Date:_ Dueain of Activity: Danton of Acti: veneers Sgaae:_ Overee' Sigatare Sours Etey:_Date Jounal Enty, _Date: Darton of Activity: Darnton of Activity: veneers Signe: Overseers Sigpatre: _ Jornal Entry: _Date: Sou Entry: _Date: Duration of Activity: aantion of Activity: venous Signe verse Signtme: Condit’ Signature Date Oversees Signature Date ‘SECOND MEETING ~ Monitoring and reviewing of progress. ‘Suggestions for improvement by tu: (Candidate's Signature: Date ‘Tutors Signature: ‘THIRD MEETING - Final presentation ofthe Project. Candidate's Signatce Date ‘Tuor’s Signature: Date ‘STUDENT PROFILE ~ SCHOOLIMATSEC COPY (IN CASE OF PRIVATE CANDIDATES) Please Tick where applicable: ‘Shoot Candidate PrivateCanaizate [7] (Candidates not presented bythe schoo wil be treated as private candidates) [Name & Sumame of Candidate Ne. ‘Adress “Telephone Numbers: (ome); Aooile) Emil adess — The ijt ese on cone pplosion ofa estos of (Pens ek axe: Responsible Chizethip Acsthetles ‘The Environment nd the elationship scenic principe Tie of Project — Description: _ ‘Candis Sane Date Schoo! Rubber Stamp (epi) STUDENT PROFILE STUDENT COPY Please Tick wher applicable School Candidate Private Candidate (Candidates not presented by the soho wil be weated x private candidates) [Name & Sumame of Caniite:__ Ne. “The Projet focuser on conte »ivaion oft es one of (ease tik seni) Responsbte Ciizensnip cata Ci ‘The Environment ad the elationship ten scene principle “Tite of Projet Description, ‘Candidate's Sigatare Taos Teane Daw. ‘Schoo! Rubber Stamp (epliabe) ita ark | — An ma Fea aig nial scoring | Frans Tabsmamaucuiyor [trace mn ph wih whch Be | Sai Soccer Tame oe belts we | od ec ‘tomy Sans Sms Sessa aa TS BOE OTIEE | — Yo mae Retin Joureal nomi (Max, 20 marks) ‘Analysis and reflection 1Omarks | Tian te rw Be Vanes [imac nnd tee poet| Snake (Max. 20 marks) a — Dept Same iis ray aa Ta TCE as) comgesnce = | Lora cops fia Sonia | | BeBe Panioeny a Tape f cps a scene Research fosestipmars Creme) i [iSke bine tnd Gacy +] 10m (ax 10 marks) ‘particular process to explaining the _underiying scientific principle. - 4 ‘Bvidence! Omarks ] Vary oper ‘mats Gard renin oe ~ Submitted Project Sous _ “otal Mark 100 marks Moderated Mark 100 marks School Examines Modesto: "tthe word mit isnot especie mar lke dure allows: 2k be deducted fr 19 orcs ‘st tbe deducted fr) 300 words 2 Te evidence presented (ech x tgrap, icte, eurdgs, DVDs nd quetonaie) med be elevast Teenie tothe a ofthe projet ade toe adage expaie,aaljed and fiend as necesy ‘Tint covet fie prj All eine oes be nine with aa rtecton regains whee ee, Unwed tbe clear andot pod ua. 2 Macs reared forth vast fetta experiences tha seinen he into projec

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