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Rev3 – 10/19/22

Arc Flash Exercise 1

Arc Flash
Example 1

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ETAP Workshop Notes ©1996-2022 ETAP/Operation Technology, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 8
Rev3 – 10/19/22

Arc Flash Exercise 1

Purpose & Description
To add enclosures for medium-voltage (MV) switchgear. Also, to add transformer primary side protection to
systems 1 and 2 and try to coordinate it with the secondary side protection. The settings of the transformer primary
side protection should limit the incident energy (IE) to 8 cal/cm² for a fault anywhere below the transformer
secondary bus and the line side of the main secondary circuit breakers.

System1 and System2 are identical, each without transformer primary-side protection. There are four TCC views
included in the project, which allow you to see the current protective device settings for the secondary protective

Add the primary protective devices to the one-line diagram and after to the corresponding TCCs. After adding the
devices, compare and adjust their settings with respect to the 4.16 kV secondary side PDs. Adjust the settings as
necessary to reduce the incident energy. You may also plot the primary protection by itself if needed, or you can
use the TCC 2nd axis feature to show a second axis plotted on the primary side base kV (plot kV = 12).

What you will learn

The use of the enclosure editor for a medium-voltage switchgear and how to specify details for faults at different
locations within the equipment. Also, how to use the C-area constant incident energy area (region) to evaluate the
arc flash incident energy during the overcurrent protective device coordination stage.

• Load the project file named “AF-Example1”. (The solution to this example is located in a directory called
“Solution1”. Open the solution project only to compare against your exercise once completed.)
• Utilize the library from ETAP xxx\lib (xxx= ETAP version currently being used)
• Load “Example1.rul” provided in the example1 folder.

Add the enclosures for “BusA” and “Bus2”. Table 1 below shows the data to be entered for the switchgears. Use
the “Add bus and protective devices” option.

914 mm
(36 inch)

Fig 1: Front view of MV switchgear

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Arc Flash Exercise 1

The bus compartment in the back of the switchgear should be configured differently than the front-end
compartments. Figure 2 shows a couple of the compartments where the bus is exposed. One compartment shows
only access to the cable current transformer while the compartment on the lower left-hand corner shows access to
the one of the load breakers.

914 mm
(36 inch)

Fig 2: Rear view of the MV switchgear showing exposed conductors and cable lugs

In addition to the switchgear compartments, it is required to evaluate the arc-flash incident energy at the load
terminals. Add a load terminal type of enclosure to both buses. These two load terminal enclosures are separate
locations and should have their own dimensions and working distances.

Table 1: Enclosure Editor Data for Switchgears “Bus A” and “Bus2”

Height Width Depth Gap WD
Bus ID Enclosure ID E1 E2 E 3 EC1 EC2
(in) (in) (in) (mm) (in)
Bus A Rear Bus A VCB 36 30 35 104 24
Bus A-Main Main CBA VCB 36 30 35 104 36
Bus A
Feeder CBB CBB VCB 36 30 35 104 36
Mtr3 Ld. Term Mtr3 VCB 24 24 22 75 18
Bus2 Rear Bus2 VCB 36 30 35 104 24
Bus2 - Main MainCB1 VCB 36 30 35 104 36
Feeder CB2 CB2 VCB 36 30 35 104 36
Mtr1 Ld. Term Mtr1 VCB 24 24 22 75 18
E1, E2, E3, = Element1, Element 2, Element 3
EC1. EC2 = Electrode Configuration 1, Electrode Configuration 2
WD = Working Distance

NOTE: There are other compartments or enclosures in Fig 1; however, only a couple are used for this example.
The remaining fields in the enclosure editor should be left with default settings.

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Rev3 – 10/19/22

Arc Flash Exercise 1

In Arc Flash Mode, open study case “AF MV”. Look at the Info page and the Method pages.

1.1 Why has the option “Symm. 1.5 to 4 Cycle” been selected? (Clue: Look at the bus nominal kV)


1.2 What is the incident energy limit for Level B based on NFPA 70E 2021/Z462 2021/ User-defined? (Clue: Go
to the AF Study Case/Parameters page/ “Edit/Approve PPE” button under the PPE Requirements section.)


• Select study case called “AF MV”, configuration “Normal” run AF and name the report “AF MV”.
• Observe the arc flash results displayed on the one-line diagram (OLD)
• Double click on Bus A and then Bus2. Navigate to the Arc Flash page of each.
• Open the Arc Flash Analysis report as well, and answer the following questions:

2.1 What is the total arcing current for a fault at Bus A?

2.2 What is the total incident energy for a fault at Bus A?
2.3 What is the arcing current contribution passing through Main CBA?
2.4 What is the ID of the source protective device? What is the FCT?
2.5 What is the arcing current contribution seen on transformer T2’s primary winding?

Add a fuse for transformer “T2” (primary winding protective device) in System1.

Add Fuse here

Fig 3: One-line showing where to add a Fuse on transformer primary side

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Rev3 – 10/19/22

Arc Flash Exercise 1

The fuse can be of any type within the ETAP library, and it is strongly suggested that you try different types. Run
the AF calculation and check the TCCs to see if your solution is acceptable.

Suggested Solution for System1:

Insert a fuse into the transformer primary with the following ratings.

1. Standard = ANSI
2. Manufacturer = Southern States
3. Model = BPA-PF
4. Slow Speed
5. Interrupting current = 10 kA
6. Size = 200A (200 Amp continuous current)

3.1 What is the Incident energy released for a fault at line side of Main CBA?
(Clue: Go to the AF Mode Display Options \ Arc fault location and select Source PDs)

3.2 What is the Fault Clearing Time for a fault at line side of Main CBA?
(Clue: Go to the AF Mode Display Options \ Arc fault location and select FCT)

• Select study case called “AF MV_Min”, configuration called “Gen.Only”, run AF and name the report
“AF MV_Min”.
• Observe the arc flash results displayed on the one-line diagram (OLD)
• Double click on Bus A and then Bus2. Navigate to the Protection page of each.
• Open the Arc Flash Analysis report as well, and answer the following questions:

4.1 What are the maximum and minimum 3-phase fault currents on BusA (Clue: See the bus protection page)

4.2 What is the I.E released for a fault at line side of Main CBA based on “AF MV_Min”?
(Clue: Go to the AF Mode Display Options \ Arc fault location and select Source PDs)

4.3 How can the incident energy be displayed in TCC for Bus side, line side and load side respectively?

4.4 Why are the constant incident energy values different for Bus side, Line side and Load side?

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Arc Flash Exercise 1

Fig 4: TCC for BusA – C-area shown for BusA @ 8 cal/cm2

• Switch to STAR mode (Protective device and co-ordination)
• Select study case called “SM”, select “AF-Rules” from Star Auto page

• Highlight “BusA” and run Auto Star evaluation , and name the report as “SM”. Go to Arc flash tab
in the Star Auto-Evaluation analysis viewer and answer the following questions:

5.1 Did the evaluation pass for all the locations flagged in the Star Auto-Evaluation viewer? If not, what are the
failed locations?

5.2 Select the fuse continuous amp rating which can reduce the line side incident energy below 8 cal/cm²?

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Arc Flash Exercise 1

Add a high-voltage circuit breaker to transformer “T1” (primary winding protective device) in System2.

Add Relay,
CT and

Fig 5: One-line showing where to add a CT, relay and breaker

Suggested Solution for System2:

Add a HVCB, Current transformer and Overcurrent Relay into the transformer primary. Enter the CT turn ratio and
interlock the relay and HVCB.

1. CT turn ratio = 200/5

2. 5 cycle HVCB cycle breaker with CPT = 3 cycles.
3. OCR device manufacturer, model and settings see image below:

Fig 6: Relay settings (suggested)

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Arc Flash Exercise 1

4.1 What is the Incident energy released for a fault at line side of Main CB1?

4.2 What is the Fault Clearing Time for a fault at line side of Main CB1?

Fig 7: TCC for Bus2 – C-Area shown for Bus2 @ 8 cal/cm2

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