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Planning Wireless Network using Graph Theory

Made By : πoneers

Mohamed Alaa Elden Atfat

Mahmoud Mohamed Abdul-Hamid
Mostafa Khaled Khalifa
Mostafa Amr Mohamed
Mostafa Magdy Ibrahim
Mostafa Mohamed Rabie
Yousef Tamer Salah-Eldin
Yousef Essam Abobakr

Presented to:
Prof. Samah El-Shafiey El-Tantawy
Problem description :
Today, autonomous vehicles industry is a main field of research and development.
This trend is going to increase due to high demand. But high ambitions come with
hard challenge. All these vehicles need to get connected together in a harmonious
system. Decentralized Ad-hoc1 networks wireless communication is the key.
Wireless Ad-hoc networks witnessed rapid development through the past few years,
and it is expected that this development is ongoing due to their prevalence in
different domains and applications. There are many issues and challenges that this
technology faces during its implementations.
The system needs to be efficient on multiple grounds:
1. Connectivity: This criterion is concerned with the cost associated with
transmitting the data from device A to device B in the network. Devices A
and B may be connected by intermediate devices.
The cost includes the latency between receiving and transmitting the data and
the economic cost of operating the connection. If the distance increase
between two connected devices, more power will be required as power varies
quadratically with distance.
2. Interference: the devices should have low interference between each other. By
increasing the number of devices in the network, the vehicles sharing the same
frequency will experience high interference.
To face these challenges and solve the underlying issues, it is of utmost
importance to find a suitable model to describe this kind of networking systems and
find the best methods and protocols of implementation.

Many wireless networks are implemented in the centralized manner where the
communication is established through centralized access point routing devices. This
limitation of centralized services and a managing central point can be vulnerable to
various situations which may interrupt the persistent communication between the
network devices (e.g.: Emergency situations and natural disasters which are bound
to happen). This is an infrastructure model that for some reason when failure occurs

Ad-hoc: It comes from Latin which literally means “For this situation”. In English, it is used to describe something
that has been formed for a special and immediate purpose, without previous planning.
in the connection with the central point, no device can connect to the internet. For
this reason, a decentralized model (Ad-hoc model) for wireless communications
have found many interests and applications. In addition, centralized systems are
impractical in case of constantly changing congestion.

Many kinds of interconnected devices find the need of decentralized connections
important. In particular, the kind of devices that have no need for a centralized
routing system which themselves can act as routers and networking devices. Moving
further to applications that involve dynamic mobile “non-static” devices. This
creates another kind of model for decentralized Ad-hoc systems which are Mobile
Ad-hoc NETworks “aka: MANET”. Many systems can utilize these kinds of
devices, such as smart devices and vehicles. As a subcategory of MANET systems,
Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork “aka: VANET” models, in which vehicles shape the
main interconnected devices of the network, can be introduced. This model can be
thought of as a sub-category of the MANET model, but it introduces many
challenges and many unique features
Myriad systems find the need of VANET. Such systems can be:
1. Traffic management systems and sensor networks.
2. Vehicles used in commercial distributions and advertisement purposes can be
grouped into interconnected communities, amazon delivery drones are
3. Self-driving cars, Tesla is example.
4. Emergency handling services where the use of central devices can be
interrupted in case of destructive emergencies.
5. Military applications.
6. Factories and automated storage, amazon warehouse is example.
But what is Graph Theory?
Graph Theory: A branch of Discrete Mathematics that is mainly concerned with the
study of mathematical objects called Graphs. A graph in the domain of computer
science is a data structure that in its simplest form consist of two components: A
node or a vertex V and an edge E which is an ordered or unordered pair that
represents the connection between two nodes. The concepts of Graph theory are used
in this research to model the Ad-hoc networks where devices can be modeled as
nodes and the established connection between them can be modeled as the edges. A
detailed explanation of the models used with Graph Theory will be revisited later.

1. Wattenhofer, R. (2004). Wireless Networking: Graph Theory
unplugged. Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 20–32.
2. Lee, M., & Atkison, T. (2021). VANET applications: Past, present,
and future. Vehicular Communications, 28, 100310.
3. Abendroth, Benedikt & Hutchinson, Michael & McKnight, Lee.
(2015). Emergency Ad-hoc Networking Innovation and Policy.

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