Are You Worth A Damn - The Real - How To Build Wealth - Secret

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Are You Worth a Damn?

The Real “How to Build Wealth” Secret

Will D. Harris
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Table of Contents

● Daily Goals and Visualization
● Planning
● Believing in Yourself
● E-Commerce
● Skills-Based Company
● Personally Branded YouTube Channel or Instagram
● Virtual or Personal Assistant
● Content Creation
● Virtual Classes and Tutoring
● Errand Services
● Graphic Designing
● Bookkeeping Services



Everyone has an inner desire to improve themselves and to achieve success in one area or more in their lives. The
results that come from working hard are unquestionable. The joy of looking back at the person you were, as
compared to the person you will ultimately become if you work hard, is comparable to nothing else. The greatest joy
in life is to make good use of your time to utilize your potential to the fullest. You wouldn’t want to look back at
your life and regret the decisions you made and those you didn’t even bother to make.
It is better to live with the knowledge that you have done everything within your power to achieve your desires than
to live with the regret of not having put in enough effort. There are things that you naturally connect within your life.
These are the things that you do without much effort because they speak to your inner being. You should take time
to identify such things and make use of them to enhance your success. When you work hard enough in the things
you are passionate about, success coupled with happiness is definite.
It is important to figure out your lifeline. Your lifeline can be defined as the purpose for which your life is destined.
If you are able to identify it, you will most probably be successful because you are following what is already within
you. You cannot make it in life by following another person’s lifeline. You also cannot live two lives, so the best
you can do is to live your own life. It is not easy to determine the right lifeline for yourself, but if you search for it,
you will surely find it.
Life is what you make it, and whether or not you die a happy man lies in what you do today. The power is in your
hands, and you need to start acting now to make the most of your time. Each day should be a step toward improving
your knowledge, character, and status, which will ultimately lead to success. Cultivate good thoughts, see things
from an optimistic point of view, and you will make yourself a competitive candidate for success.
Success is a mindset. It lies in the way you see things. Whether one sees the glass as half empty or half full is where
the line that differentiates winners and losers is drawn. Commit yourself to see things differently. If you are able to
squeeze out a little good from a bad situation, your mentality is more poised for success. You are most able to
accomplish your purpose if you orient your mind toward positivity. There is a thin line between success and failure,
and which side you stand on lies entirely on your mindset.
Successful people did not make themselves. You have to build yourself up from the scraps of other successful
people. You should be able to draw lessons from the lives of others and use them to your advantage. Failure to learn
means you will not grow or develop. Alvin Toffler once said, “The illiterate of the twenty-first century will not be
those that cannot read or write, but those that cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” Be ready to learn new things,
unlearn the things that you learned wrongly, and repeat the learning process again and again. Derive lessons from
the situations you face in life and from people who have made it. Remember, the road you are walking has been
walked before. The ones who have walked it before know it better than you do. Why not derive counsel from them
whenever you should? You may not meet successful people in person, but if you read around and research, you will
surely learn a lot.
Have you ever realized that making it in life takes a lot of bravery? You need to be able to wake up in the morning
and push yourself to face the day’s work, hard as it might seem. If you do not want to make progress, lie in bed all
day and do not do anything. But if you are like me, with a big thirst for success, wake up every day and positively
affirm that you will be successful, then start working. Only when you start making money and achieving your goals
will you realize that every minute counts. You will not be comfortable letting time go to waste. You will make use
of every day, and every minute will be a build up to your success.
Putting in work toward your success is always the way to go. If you want to achieve, work hard for it. You must
deserve what you want. This statement implies that whatever you deeply desire, work hard enough to deserve it. The
feeling of success is much more rewarding if you have been working hard at it from the word go. Like others who
have motivated you, you need to have a story to tell about how you made it. Dare to do it.
By reading this book, you will realize that your goals, which may seem unrealistic to you, are quite possible to
achieve. Most successful entrepreneurs are people who believe in themselves. It is natural that you may be doubting
if you can make it or if the odds will work for or against you. Do not let negative thoughts and energy sabotage your
potential. The difference between rich and poor people is that the rich know things that the poor do not. They have
some insight into life that the poor do not have. If you knew the things that rich people know, you would be in a
better position right now. Life is a matter of choices. We always have options to do better, but somehow, most of us
end up going the other way round.
This book will, therefore, help you to know what you should know if you are to achieve success. It is my hope that
by the time you get to the end of it, you will have built self-belief, confidence, esteem, and a positive outlook on life.
You should do away with self-doubt and be more confident of yourself, as well as your ideas and goals. Being
optimistic will help you to achieve what you should and be successful in ways you never imagined.
Chapter 1:

Identify Your Purpose

Success is a subconscious need that every one of us has. The desire for it is inborn. No one wants to fail at anything.
We all want to be great in some way, and the sense of accomplishment and achievement is what makes us keep
trying to make it time and again. I say “time and again” because most people with a success mindset fail at some
point but choose to rise up and try again because of the goals that they set for themselves.
Success is a lousy teacher. You will never know how much you were missing out on unless you walk the road.
Everything will seem normal until such a time when you will realize that a lot of time has been wasted. Most people
live their lives and die as if they never existed. There is nothing unique to speak of them. Everyone is born with
potential and an intended lifeline, but those people who never explored the potential are the ones whose names are
buried along with their bodies.
The Three Types of People

There are three types of people that I shall explain as we open this chapter. These people have different attitudes and
approaches toward situations in life. You should understand that everything in life happens for a reason. There
should be a reason for everything, even your actions.
1. “Let me just do it” type: The first group of people are those people who do not know the reasons
why they do what they do. They wake up in the morning and go about their day-to-day business, but
they do not have an ultimate goal. They go about their business as if it is an obligation, not that it is a
build up to their success. If these people are ever successful at anything, it may only be out of sheer
luck. They can never push past their limits or work harder because they are not even willing to open
their eyes to better things. They have a lot of potential that remains unexplored.
2. “I know it works, but I can’t” type: There also are people who know what they should be doing to
make their lives better but choose not to do it. Laziness is one of the worst things you want to have if
success is on your checklist. If you are blessed enough to know what you should do, do it! That
knowledge is what others lack. The ability to identify opportunities and to act upon them leads to
success. The people in this group have open minds and possess innovative abilities but choose to lie
low and do nothing. They can even notice what others are doing wrong but fail to speak up to make
things right. The zeal for success is what they lack.
3. “I am ready to do it, no matter what it takes” type: The third group of people is that which
consists of people who know what they should do and are doing it. These are the people who are
exploring different avenues of life and are willing to do anything it takes to achieve success. These
people have a greater chance at success. It is because they are hard workers and will stop at nothing
to achieve their goals. They are willing to explore new opportunities, take risks, and push themselves
past their limits. People who take action on their ideas are most likely to discover their lifelines and
make it in life (Morin, 2020)
If you want something, you must build it. You must put everything that works for your success on your side. The
first and most important resource that you need is your mind. Everything else can be taken from you, and you can be
willing to give away some of your valuables, but no one can take away what is in your mind unless you allow it.
This is why I always say one has to work hard to create the correct mindset for success. The things that are in your
mind stay in there forever. You even die with them. You, therefore, should make sure that whatever is in your head
is valuable because it is the seed from which your life takes shape.
You Are What It Takes

Making a change to your life is a process that depends entirely on you. You have to decide whether or not you like
the state of your life. If you do not like it, make a commitment to change your situation. Only after you get tired of
your current state can you start to work hard and put in the effort to make a change. You should be able to embark
on your own journey of success. Many successful people evolve out of a crisis, be it midlife crisis or quarter life
crisis. This crisis is a period of insecurity and doubt that many people experience surrounding their finances, careers,
and relationships. At this point, you are wondering what it is that you should do to make your life better. Out of this
anxiety comes a sharp entrepreneur who is willing to do what it takes to change their life.
There are a few things that you should learn to do as you prepare yourself for success. They include the following:
1. Identify Your Passion

In every trade, there are people who are considered to have mastered it and are top of their game. These people’s
names come to your mind every time that trade is mentioned. This is because they have worked their way up to
become leaders in the trade. If you want to be successful, you need to find the trade that you can excel in and work
your way to become one of the people considered to be best at it. That’s ultimately how you get to be successful and
to earn more money for yourself. So yes, you have to figure out what it is that you are good at and work hard at it.
2. Consider Family Lifelines

Discovering your ideal trade may be a daunting task for some people. This is so because some people are born into
family lifelines. If someone, for example, is born into a family of farmers, that is probably the lifeline their life will
take because they have all the resources at hand to sharpen their expertise. They will do so well in that line because
they have taken the time to master it from a very young age. Some people, on the other hand, never have a good
lifeline already set out. They have to start out on their own to discover their strengths and talents, then develop them
into workable and realistic trades. This is more difficult because, in most cases, people are clueless when it comes to
finding a trade to excel in.
3. Be a Master of One Trade

The easiest thing to do to help yourself is to acknowledge that you cannot do everything. Being a jack of all trades
will delay mastery. You will go round in circles, trying this and that. For success to find you, you need to master
something. This is why I advise that you choose a trade and work your way to the top in it. Mastery of a certain
trade is the way to go. Do not lay your hands on everything that comes your way. Of course, trying out new ventures
and ideas is good, but choosing one trade and sticking to it is better to avoid wasting time (Thayer, 2013). At some
point, you should be able to describe what you do in one sentence. If you are asked about your lifeline, you should
be able to put it in simple and understandable terms. This is the point at which you are worth something, and your
chosen trade has given value to your life. If you are still going around having to explain yourself before someone
can really understand what you do, then you have to work harder because it shows that it is not your passion.
4. Discover Your Signature Strength

Another important thing you have to do is to discover your signature strength. I define this as power and ability that
is unique only to you. This is what gives you an edge over the competition and helps you to stand out. Discovering
this strength propels you toward your success. There are different questions that can help you to discover what your
signature strength is.
a. What Did You Grow Up Around?

The environment in which you grew has so much of a bearing on the development of your signature
strength. People tend to conform to the environment in which they grow and develop traits that are
similar to those of other people in the same environment. For instance, you may probably have
observed that children who grow up in families that run successful businesses have a strong business
mentality as compared to those that did not. This is an indication that your personal traits, including
the signature strength, are picked up from the environment in which you grow up. You, therefore,
should take a look at the environment that you grew up in and search within yourself to see what
prominent traits you picked up from it.
b. What Do Strangers Say You Are Good At Doing?

There is no better person to describe your uniqueness for you than someone who has not known you
before. Strangers know nothing else about you, but by interacting with you, they pick up your
characteristics with the most honesty. Pay attention to the comments of strangers. Their perception
about what you are good at is most probably true. It can help you to determine your signature
c. What Have You Been Doing in the Last Ten Years?

Your day-to-day activities can be an indicator of your strength. Looking at the past ten years of your
life, you can filter out the things that took most of your focus. Those things are where your strength
may be. You are naturally drawn to the things that have to do with your strength, especially if you
discover that you enjoy doing those things. Therefore, you should reflect on the past ten years of
your life and figure out those things that you enjoyed doing the most, and place your focus on
without effort.
d. What Can You Talk About Endlessly and Effortlessly?

When you are out with friends or with other people, there are things that you have to think deeply
about if they become part of your conversations. This may be because you are not familiar with these
things, or you are simply not interested in them. Then there are those things you could talk about all
night, without any effort. These things are a part of you. It is like you are just pouring yourself out.
You know them inside and out, and you effortlessly release your knowledge about them. Such things
are also pointers to your signature strength, and they help you to realize where your power can be
well spent.
Answering these questions will help to determine where your strength lies. Having discovered your signature
strength, you should then combine it with a business idea, and that way, you will be most sure of success. Do not
waste time trying to do what others are doing. Their lifeline is totally different from yours. If you are not passionate
about it, you will not work hard enough at it. Allow your passion, ideas, and your strength to flow together. A
business idea that is supported by your most natural abilities will be successful.
Luck or Hard Work?

Success is a mixture of hard work, luck, and timing. You must commit yourself to work hard. Luck will meet you
working. Think of it, if you sleep in your bed and expect luck to bring you success, you are fooling yourself. You
must be working on something so that when that stroke of success comes, it finds you working. Keep educating and
improving yourself. Formal education will surely make you a living, but self-education will make you a fortune. It is
therefore up to you to choose whether you want a living or a fortune. Having made your choice, you know what to
do to get there.
One way to assess if you are in the correct lifeline is to assess how you feel when you wake up in the morning. Do
you have the energy to face the day? Are you excited about what the day has to offer? Do you have anything you are
looking forward to doing? If you are generally excited about everything, that is, your job, your relationship, your
business, or your career, then you are all good. But if you lack that excitement, you might be on the wrong path
because whatever is meant for you will make you happy.
You might be wondering why l am going on and on about finding your purpose and achieving success within your
lifeline. The reason is because I do not want you to end up living a life of regrets. You should live a good life while
you can. The earlier, the better. This is why you have to work extremely hard right now so that you have the time to
enjoy the fruits of your work. The good life is a life of fulfillment, satisfaction, and happiness. It is a life of massive
wealth. Who doesn’t want that, especially earlier? Combining your personal strength and a business idea will help
you to make it in your lifeline.
Entrepreneurship is the most valued and rewarded profession in society. This is because entrepreneurs are those
people who provide solutions to people’s problems out of their creativity. Think of how long it would take you to
make a million dollars from your nine-to-five job? That would take you a lifetime. But if you were to make the same
amount from entrepreneurship, it would take you much less time. This is because you are able to maneuver and
design your life the way you want it. You are not limited by professionalism. A nine-to-five job will not allow you
enough space to be creative and have some initiative because you have to follow your job description.
Nowadays, good entrepreneurs are able to make passive income streams by setting up online businesses that make
money for them while they rest. Everyone in the world can access your business, and that gives you a healthy lead
over physical retail stores. Starting young is also the best way to go. This is because when you start early, you will
reach your full potential early. Even if you were to die young, you would have lived the full lifetime earnings of
some grown-up people.
People who are poor, complain about life, and are unhappy are those who are not willing to take action in their lives.
You must train yourself to take action. If there is a need to do something, get up and do it. Do not be passive.
Successful people also operate within an internal locus of control. If they want something, they put in the work and
go get it. You must not be comfortable with being middle class. Being middle class is actually poor. You will live
your life with a scarcity mentality and sell your time for money. You are always trying to save every single penny
that you can.
Rich people function out of an abundance mindset. This is a healthy mindset because it helps you believe that there
is more than enough money in this world, and all you have to do is find it for yourself. Rich people are happy, even
in bad times, because even if they lose money, they know that they will get it back. You should, however, not
confuse this with living a life that you do not afford. Live within your means, but ditch the scarcity mentality. There
really is enough money for you out there. Go out and find it.
Taking action is, however, not an easy thing. You have lived your old identity all your life, and you want to change
your identity into a new one. These two identities will always fight. You, however, have to fight hard and quit the
victim mentality where you get to blame everyone for your failures. You have to take responsibility for the way your
life is shaped. The class you are born in is most probably the class you will die in unless you choose to take action to
change it. You have to unplug yourself from the way your life is programmed.
Success is a blend of hard work, luck, and right timing. The question is, how does one get these three to work for
them? You have to let go of your ego and be ready to get dirty if that is what it takes. Pursue self-development and
learn how your life is destined to end up. Make the conscious decision to embark on the journey to reach a good life.
Do not be that person who goes around with their hands stretched out. The success mentality will have you thinking
about what you have to offer to people, not what they have to offer to you.
You must take care to watch how your first year goes on the journey to change your life. The first year is vital. It has
the most drawbacks, yet it is the year in which the change should happen. You are trying to make your lifeline work
for you and to align yourself to your destiny. The picture is most probably not clear. You may even feel lonely on
your lifeline because it takes work, and not many people are willing to walk it with you. That is a good thing,
however, because you cannot expect to achieve anything within a crowd. You have to single yourself out so that you
can follow your personal ideas and dreams. The influence that comes from crowds will interfere with your thinking.
I call it noise, and you really do not need that.
You will come to the point of having to cut yourself out from the rest of the world. There are people who are always
trying to pull you down. It is more of a natural instinct that we have, where we want to stay in the same group, and
we feel that it is safer for us to stay together. You are, however, working to achieve something, and there might be
people who do not believe in you. You should saturate yourself with positive ideas. It is normal for them to do so
because you are just embarking on your personal journey, and they are still linking you to your past.
Be That Self-Made Millionaire

Being a self-made person is a feeling that no one can ever take away from you. It is the greatest feeling ever. People
who have been born millionaires and those who are self-made have a totally different approach to life. The way they
celebrate their success and fortune is different. Self-made millionaires have everything to be grateful for because
they worked their way up inch by inch. If you wake up in the morning and you do not have anything from the
previous day to be thankful for, you need to make better use of your time and put in more work. That way, you will
be able to celebrate yourself for the work you’ve done.
I hope this chapter has helped to stir up the success mindset in you and has made you realize that you have to work
hard to find your personal lifeline. Having found it, you need to work hard enough to climb up the ladder and be one
of the industry leaders in your trade. These and other nuggets shared in this chapter will help you start off on the
journey to make your life better. I wouldn’t want you to end up sulking and wishing you had done something with
your life when it is too late. Gear yourself up and do what it takes. You will realize that it is more worthwhile than
you ever thought.
Chapter 2:

Do you Know Where You Are Going?

Many people believe that they are sure of where they are going, but in actual fact, they are not. Most of the time, we
have a rough picture of what we want, or we may define it in some way, but how to get there remains a mystery. It is
important to break down your goal so that you are able to get to your goal step by step. Not knowing where you are
heading in life is the number one cause of failure. As long as your goals are realistic, you should make a conscious
plan of how you are going to get there and follow it religiously. This section of the book will help you on how to
make a plan for the future you want.
Break Down and Write Your Goals

If, for example, your goal is to earn a certain amount of money in a year, you should be able to break down the year
into components of, say, a month or two. You then should decide how much money you intend to make each year
and how you are going to achieve that. Planning is the best you can do for yourself. It is the guideline by which your
daily activities are governed. Before we go much further, I want to explain the fact that everything is within your
control. It is up to you to confine yourself or to give yourself space to explore your full potential. Therefore, this
means that you need to be careful with the planning process and with how you layout your goals. You should know
where you want to go, and at the same time, you should break the whole journey down reasonably.
The best thing to get you to plan out a dream life is to write things down. What is most important is not the how part
of goal-setting but the what part. In the beginning, focus on knowing what it is you want from life and in a certain
period of time. Put it down on paper. You may not have an idea of how to achieve what you plan, but if you are
serious about it, things will fall into place. Make sure that your goals are believable. Sometimes they may not be
believable but if you are confident, then write them down. Nothing is really impossible as long as you believe it to
be possible.
Always ensure that your journey within your lifeline is planned. The reason why I emphasized on writing down your
goal is that you need something to refer to as you progress. Regular checks on your progress will do you good. You
cannot know if you are making good progress or not unless you have something written down, against which you
keep comparing yourself. Be sure not to overlook this, it is very crucial.
The future is not a simple continuation of past events. The future can be a totally different thing from what you see
today. The people who lived centuries before us never imagined that there would ever be life like we are living
today. This has now become a dynamic place where anything is possible. The best thing to do for you to achieve
success in this fast changing environment is to put all the odds on your side. Make sure that you take note of all the
tips and nuggets that I have been laying down for you in this book.
Walk Through Your Own Lifeline Door

When you know that something is for you, your gut is pulling you, your emotions are pulling you there. Every single
day you wake up, and you’re thinking about it, and you don’t have any bad feelings about it. That is your own door,
and you should walk through it (Reid, 2019). If something is meant for you, you will find no rest until you have
done it. This is how you get to know if you are in the correct freedom lifeline for yourself. Be sensitive enough to
feel what is for you and what is not for you. It is a good trait for entrepreneurs to possess.
If you are constantly thinking about something, but uncertainty keeps creeping up, it probably is not meant for you.
Try to differentiate hype and destiny. Most times, people are hyped about trends or about businesses that are doing
well, but they are not totally motivated about it. If you have any bad feelings about something, it is not for you. If it
really is your door, your destiny, and your freedom lifeline, you will have no bad feelings about it at all.
You know when something is meant for you or not. The most important success principle to understand is that you
need to walk through your own door. So many people have wasted time trying to copy other people. Success
naturally attracts competition. People will want to walk through that door too, but do not be one of them. Everyone
has a unique trajectory to success. You have to think about your own journey, your own door, and your personal
destiny. You will be successful in your own lifeline, not coping or trying to steal someone’s journey.
When you walk through your own door, that is, pursuing your own freedom lifeline, you experience genuine
happiness and fulfillment. It is not about the industry you are in; it always is about walking through your own door.
While you feel good about what you are doing, you also need to ensure that it is making you enough money to
achieve your goals. People are conditioned to chase money. That is how many of us grew up. Society has cultured us
to see certain things as an indicator of wealth. For example, if we see someone driving a luxurious car, we assume
that they have made it in life, and they are happy. It is unfortunate that society is like that, but the actual indicator of
making it in life is if you are in your freedom lifeline and walking through your own door.
You have to escape the prison that society puts you in by conditioning you to conform to certain standards. An
example of such conditioning is if you are brought up to believe that if you get a university education, you will be
able to make more money. If it is not your freedom lifeline, you can go and get all the education you want, but you
will not achieve freedom out of it. Success does not function outside your personal lifeline and destiny.
Having a solid conviction about what you are doing makes walking through your own doorway easier. If you believe
you are meant to be doing what you are doing, things will almost always go as planned, and you will be happier. Be
sure that you are doing what you are called to do. No one can ever know you better than yourself. You know what
you are capable of better than everybody else. You should be sure of what your nature is, and you should be able to
tell what it is that you want out of life. Depending on your level of confidence, what you want out of life can even be
very deep but still achievable.
You need to define what success looks like to you. You should write down your definition of success, and that will
help you to walk through your own door. You then have to do everything in your mind to attract your imagination.
The excitement and motivation that you have toward the success you envision will fade over time. Therefore, it is
important for you to continuously replenish the feeling of excitement and motivation so that you keep working.
Your mind should always be your friend and never your enemy.
Your subconscious mind is very powerful. Be conscious about your belief in money. When you get into high-end
shops, do not get a heart attack. See high priced things as normal. Visualize yourself to be living the life that you
consider a successful life. Normalize it. Be totally comfortable with the good life, like you are just doing any other
normal thing. You should embrace the attributes of success into your comfort zone, and you should learn how it
feels to be the owner of expensive things. Otherwise, you will remain poor even if you find the actual treasure. No
one ever made up the rule that you cannot have expensive things. If you think that you cannot have such things, it is
you who made that rule. Allow yourself success, good things, and a good life.
The people who achieve success are those people who did not deceive themselves by thinking that others are better
than them. You can have everything you allow yourself to have. Do not hold yourself back. As long as you are
walking through your own door, following your own freedom lifeline, you will achieve anything you want to.
Choose your intuition. Always be grateful for everything. Gratefulness attracts more good things. There is more than
enough in the world for everyone. Believe that. All you should do is to decide on your door because you have
freedom of choice, so choose wisely.
There is a difference between living and existing. When you die after merely existing, it is almost like you never
lived at all. You will have lived a lifetime of chasing dreams that are not yours. If you make it a point to live your
own life, you leave a legacy that goes on for generations after you are gone. One other important nugget for success
is that you should never attribute so much importance to anything. This could be a job, a colleague, or a possession.
When you value something too much, your life literally stops when you lose it. You will be devastated.
The best way to beat this is to stop chasing. If you chase something with everything that you have, you
subconsciously attribute so much importance to something (Taylor, 2020). If you attach so much emotion to
something, it will break you when it does not work out. Entrepreneurship and failure go hand in hand. I emphasized
earlier that you will obviously fail a number of times, but you need to have enough energy to pick yourself up. If
you have put all of your heart into something, it will be hard for you to see a continuation in the road after a fall.
When you are starting off in business, the focus should not be on whether you make money or whether you lose it.
The focus should be on starting something and putting all the odds for success on your side. Do your best and let
destiny do its part. Do not be overly attached to the money you invest. It is unhealthy to do so because if you lose
the money, it sucks out all the energy from you, and it may be a lifetime before you want to start again.
When you invest money into something, three things can happen. You can make a profit, which means that the
money will grow, and you end up with a greater amount of money than the initial. You can also break even, in
which case, after your business ventures, you end up in the same place you started off, not having made a profit or a
loss. The third possibility is that you may actually lose money. Your investment can sink, and you end up with
nothing. Bearing all this in mind will help you to accept the outcome of trying. You will be more ready to
comprehend the fact that things may not go the way you plan them.
Many people have missed their doors and freedom lifelines because they have been too attached to their routine
nine-to-five jobs. Every entrepreneur is driven by the desire to earn more than their imagination. They do not want
to live in the confines of a stipulated income with the knowledge that they can do more with their lives. It is harder
for an older person to quit their job because they consider themselves to be too old to be trying out new things. They
cannot try out anything that has a possibility of failure because they have a lot to lose. This kind of attachment to
jobs is what has stopped many people from achieving success within their lifelines. Do not be chasing a job, rather
chase the benefits that come from having a job so that if you find the benefits not to be enough, you are more than
ready to move on.
The Law of Money

Instead of thinking of how to make money, you should start thinking of what valuable products and services you can
offer to someone. This shifts your mindset from focusing on chasing money. For you to make money, you have to
help others. Attach yourself to that, and you will meet money on the way. Your success will always be measured by
the quality and quantity of service that you render. Success is not the result of making money. Earning money is the
result of success, and success goes in direct proportion to the service that we provide. If you are to make it, you have
to figure out how to earn your success.
As you sow, so shall you reap. You cannot get anything out of somewhere when you do not put in the effort. It
begins with effort and ends with results. If you want the heat from the fire, you have to put in wood first, not the
other way round. You should put in the work to start the business and become a successful entrepreneur (Ballantyne,
2019). View your life in seasons, and when it is the season to work, put in the effort. When the season to reap
comes, you will reap.
Here are some tips that will assist you to understand the law of money better and incorporate it into your everyday
1. Attract Money to Yourself

You should not chase money, but instead, attract it to yourself. There are certain things you can do to attract money.
Money responds to what’s inside you and to what you do. This is why you should maintain a positive attitude
always and a more laid-back approach to the quest for money. Of course, you should work hard, but if you set your
eyes on money only, you will forget the little things that are a build up to money making. Attracting money starts in
your head. You must have an honest understanding of where you stand financially and develop a vision of what it
means to attract money.
2. Be Honest About Your Current Finances

It is important to get your financial facts together. You must spend time getting familiar with your finances.
Determining your net worth will help you to understand where you stand and how much work you have to put in to
get to where you want to end up. Think about the assets you have, the cash you have at hand, and the investments
that you have made. Make use of free online tools like Personal Capital to help assess your financial situation.
Create an area or room, even in your home, where you can focus on your money issues. This is one importance of
having a home office where you can work and condition your mind and life for the things you want to get from the
outside world.
3. Have a Positive Attitude

You must be able to look on the bright side of things. Do not focus on the negative. Do not see the bad things about
your job, but instead, focus on what is good about and make the most out of it. Being positive attracts you to good
things that make your life much better. You attract like-minded people or resources and advice that helps you to
shape your life and your business in such a way that money has no option but to come to you. You should learn to
do positive self-talk. When negative things happen, talk positively to yourself. It will bring out the good in the bad
situation and help you to do better and go forward.
4. Have A Productive Mind

How you think about money or perceive it is your money mindset. You must condition your mind to believe that
you can master your money. Believe that you can make more money and save more of the money that you make.
You should be positive about money, and it will come to you. People who have a lot of money are sometimes
demonized by the media and politicians. They believe that those who have a lot of money did not earn it diligently
but out of unscrupulous dealings. Ditch that mindset and understand that the most successful people are hardworking
and diligent, which is why they attract money.
5. Stop Worrying
Worrying has no value. It should not be one of your best habits. In most cases, people worry and end up in stress
because of money issues. This can break you down and create health issues. Sometimes you end up freezing up and
unable to attract money at home or at work. You should learn to manage stress effectively. Have you ever realized
that most of the things we worry about never happen? You then end up regretting why you wasted your time
worrying about those things. Make it a point the next time you find yourself stressing to remind yourself of your
positive mindset. Move your thoughts to something else that is more positive.
6. Put Yourself Out There

We all have a certain degree of fear of the things that may happen to us if we put ourselves out there in the world.
We believe that the world is dangerous, and we do not want to be harmed. That is why we try to insulate ourselves
from those things. You should not fear failure. When one door closes, another one will open up. Do not protect
yourself from work. You should never hide from that which you do for a living. Always. be on the lookout for the
next opportunity to make money. When it comes, seize it. The main goal is to maximize your earning potential, and
to do that; you need to be out there, facing the risks and all.
7. Add Value, Not Time

I always emphasize the need to focus on the value you create and offer rather than the money you get. Do not do
anything just to pass the time. You really should not trade money for time by doing the things you shouldn’t be
doing when instead you should be making money. Ask yourself how you can help yourself and your business to
succeed. Always look for areas and ways that will help you to make money and add value to those areas. Focus on
giving quality goods and services and making the most out of the time you dedicate to work. You must be better
today than you were yesterday and be better tomorrow than you were today. Keep adding value to yourself and to
your work.
8. Be A Minimalist

You will be better able to attract money to yourself if you minimize your belongings to what you need only. The
reason why people always run out of money is because they buy things that they do not need. Do not buy things just
because others are doing so. You should minimize your finances to maximize your money. However, you should not
be so uptight that you end up forgetting to reward yourself. It is good to thank yourself once in a while. Impress the
body and mind that make money for you.
I am convinced that you now have understood that money is not the main goal. Money will come along as you
follow your lifeline, so be careful not to attach yourself to it too much, but rather focus on putting in the work your
lifeline requires. Never chase anything. It is funny how life has it that if you chase something, it runs away from
you. Besides, you get to put a lot of pressure on yourself, and it becomes unhealthy.
In most cases, you will most probably not get that which you regard with too much importance. Attribute
importance to improving yourself and working on making yourself better. So keep it moderate, walk through your
own door, and you will achieve success.
Chapter 3:

The Biggest Enemy of Success

The best way to make things come together for you is by achieving your lifeline and living your passion. It is
possible to get to that point where there is synergy in your life. You are at peace because everything is in place.
Every single day counts in making you achieve this. If you understand that your life is the way it is because you
want it to be so, you will be able to use your willpower to make positive adjustments to your life. The most
important thing is to have a trade that you focus on and put all your energy into it.
Many people waste their time being a drifter. Being a drifter is the biggest enemy of success. They do this, and they
do that. They consider themselves to be a jack of all trades. This is the greatest enemy of success. When you do not
have a clear purpose, you try everything that comes your way. You drift from job to job, business to business, and
you keep going around in circles (Odogwu, 2016). By the time you realize you are not going anywhere, you will
have wasted a lot of time in your life, and you will not be able to recover it. Drifting is a dangerous thing to do
because you will do it all your life, and you will end up with a random outcome because you allowed life to throw it
at you.
How to Know If You Are a Drifter

The question everyone ends up having is how one can tell that they have the characteristics of a drifter. You cannot
address a problem that you do not know you have. First, you have to be able to identify certain traits in you that give
you a drifter identity. A drifter, in the first place, is someone who never accomplishes anything in life. They try one
thing now, and tomorrow they are trying another. You cannot be chasing too many hares because you will catch
none. As I explained in this chapter’s opening, it is important for one to decide on one trade and focus all their
energy on it. If you become a jack of all trades, you become a master at nothing. It is better to focus on one thing
and become a master at it.
Drifters lack self-confidence, and it destroys them. Self-confidence is important because you have to believe in
yourself before anyone else can believe in you. Confidence is the power that pushes you to pursue things that may
seem impossible. We have earlier discussed the need to single ourselves out from the crowds in order to follow our
personal visions and dreams. If you lack self-confidence, however, you will want to go with the crowd because you
feel safer with them. Being a drifter also causes you to lack enthusiasm for anything, and you will not have the
initiative to do anything. Drifters have little or no imagination. They are not even able to visualize a future for
themselves. This great lack of energy characterizes them.
Mistakes are meant to be lessons. When you encounter mistakes, you should learn from them. This, however, is not
the case for drifters. They do not learn from anything. The setbacks they encounter do not improve them. As a result,
they keep making the same mistakes over and over again and never grow. Unless one learns out of their mistakes,
they will never become better. Make it a point to learn so that the next mistake you make is yet another lesson to
help you climb even higher. That’s how successful minds should be wired.
Another signal to show you that you are a drifter is if you spend all that you earn and you never have enough left.
Your money is never enough. Your payments are always higher than your earnings. In most cases, you have to look
to other sources of income, including credit, so that you can get by. Being a drifter turns the scarcity mentality into
reality. You almost never afford anything, and yet you still buy it, leaving you more in the negative.
If you run your life on credit, you are most probably a drifter. If your own earnings are never enough to pay for
anything, you turn to credit to bail yourself out. You make use of your credit cards more than is necessary, and they
are your next best alternative to cash. Drifters are also not risk takers. They resist risk, and they give up at the first
sign of difficulty. This makes it difficult for them to achieve anything because before they can make it, they have to
pass through tough times. The road to success is never an easy one. The harder something is to do, the greater the
success that comes from pressing on. You, therefore, must keep pushing.
People who think that success is for lucky people can be drifters as well. They have the mentality that rich people
are evil in some way and that they have accumulated wealth out of some shady dealings. Drifters do not believe that
success can come purely out of hard work. They think that if someone was not unscrupulous, then it was out of sheer
luck that they made it. If you think that way, you need to check yourself and turn away from that drifter’s mentality.
Of course, sometimes luck comes into play, but if luck is to take you anywhere, it has to find you working. In most
cases, however, hard work is the key to success.
The world is not stupid enough to award undeserving people. You will never get what you do not deserve. If you
work hard enough for something, you will get it because you deserve it. If you are not willing to put in any effort,
you should also not expect to get what those who work hard are getting. Most times, people admire hard workers but
are not willing to walk the road these people walked to get to where they are. Make sure you deserve what you wish
to get because the world is a fair place. On another note, drifters have a lot of opinions, yet they do not have any
accurate knowledge about anything. As a result, they give inaccurate and shallow advice. They seem to know about
everything, and they have advice for everyone. That is a bad sign.
Pursuing your business idea and perfecting your trade is good for you. Do not be looking sideways and thinking that
other businesses you see are the ones you should be doing. They are doing so well because the owners are following
their lifelines and are doing all it takes to make the businesses work. In reality, you do not have to go as far as doing
anything as long as it promises a chance of making money. Do what is meant for you. So yes, embark on your
personal journey to success. It is the only way you get to learn.
Being drifter means that you are controlled by circumstances outside your own life or mind (Laughlin, 2016).
Sometimes, drifting is even influenced by things within your own mind; for example, if you harbor thoughts about
failure, you most probably will drift toward failure. Drifters move in the direction of circumstances. If circumstances
say they should go down, they most probably will go down along with them. Because of that, they uphold the victim
mentality and blame everything on someone else.
Drifters also take everything that is thrown at them. If life seems sour, they accept it as it is. You need to protest and
reject some things that you do not like in your life. Take it upon yourself to sieve out things you do not want. If you
do not like it, do not accept it. Always be clear about what you want and do not accept anything other than what you
want. Things should go your way, or at least closer to your way, and not any way they want. Be vigilant about it.
The quest to make money is usually more like a selfish desire, but for you to make money, you have to be the most
unselfish person. I explained earlier that you make more money by solving people’s problems with a passion. If you
observe carefully, you will find that rich people are the most unselfish people. For this reason, the rich get richer,
and the poor get poorer. It is how life is configured. Drifters are overshadowed by the selfish desire to make money
and, as a result, do not have a passion for anything that has to do with other people. You must know that your money
is with the other person, and by selflessly solving their problems for them, you get to make money for yourself.
Drifters may tell you that they are happy yet without a major purpose in life. You need to have a purpose. It is
common to be happy while living purposelessly. This is mainly because you are not aware of what you are missing
out on (Ambridge, 2017). This may also be because you have not received enough counsel and influence to get you
to spring up and change your life. You must read as many books as possible and get as much mentorship as possible.
This will help you to get lessons that you cannot get from anywhere else, and these lessons will stay with you for a
How to Overcome Drifting

If you want to achieve success, you need to stop being a drifter, and you need to be a hard person. You must be
willing to put in the work (Adams, 2015). Stop justifying why you are not taking action and be hard as a rock in
standing for your vision. You should work hard and stop at nothing to do whatever is required. The greatest empires
were built out of strong personalities that fought to protect the vision. You should wake up every day and be ready
to face the day’s events. Be ready for whatever the day has to offer. Positively affirm that you can tackle any
challenges and still emerge victoriously.
If you know what you want and are concrete about it and demand it, it will transmute into its physical counterpart.
The things you see physically are a result of a thought and a mindset that somebody had. It all begins with
something as small as a thought, and that thought grows bigger and bigger until it bears physical fruit. You can
never be successful in business unless you have thought about being successful. The most important thing is to think
for yourself. Follow your own opinion, not other people’s opinions. Do not be brainwashed by societal beliefs. You
need to stay away from fear driven opinions. Use your own head to make conclusions about situations. Do not take
advice from someone who is not living the way you want to live.
For you to be a non-drifter, you need to be willing to pay the price, that is, work, effort, and commitment. Nothing
will ever just come to you; you should work for it. Life keeps testing you. Many people are miserable because they
expect things to come to them. An entrepreneur should have more courage than the average person. They train
themselves to do things that the average person would not do. These things are painful for a short time, but they will
bring benefits in the long run. You should burn your bridges. This means you need to go a step further because
success is one step past failure.
You must have the “how hard can it be” mentality. This mentality gives you the courage to try out new things.
Before you get butterflies in your stomach when you want to start out on a new venture, ask yourself how hard it can
possibly be. It surely can’t be that hard. That’s the correct mentality. Nothing can be so hard that it can’t be done.
You may become a couch potato, lying back all day and thinking that there is nothing that can possibly be done to
make your life better. The actual truth of the matter is that those things you believe to be impossible have been done
before, and there are other people after you who will do them while you just sit there. You don’t want someone
enjoying the physical counterpart of a vision that you also had, only because they were willing to put in the work
that you weren’t.
These signs explained here and others will help you to realize whether you are a drifter or not. Having found out
where you stand, this is one of the first steps you should take in the journey to change your life and to make yourself
successful in business. If you felt like you fit into any of these tell-tale signs, then you potentially are a drifter. Like I
alluded to earlier, changing your life is a conscious decision that you have to make. The more work you put in, the
higher your chances are of ending up at the top in your chosen trade. This book is laying bare all the life-changing
information. It is all you need to make it, so go on and make it work for you.
Chapter 4:


We have already covered a number of nuggets that will help you to make it as an entrepreneur. At one point, I
mentioned that failure and entrepreneurship go hand in hand. Entrepreneurship is about taking risks, and because of
that, you are bound to encounter setbacks in your journey. Failure is inevitable. You can never completely avoid it.
What is important is to learn how to cope with failure. Better still, you should learn to learn from failures and use
them for the better. These principles that l have laid down in this book really work. If you work hard enough, your
chances of success are very high. Make sure to grasp these concepts because I strongly feel that they can propel you
toward success.
Is it necessary to fail before you succeed? This question is normally asked by many entrepreneurs because no one
loves to fail. Life is, however, a series of ups and downs. You will succeed in some moments, and you will fail in
other times. Every successful entrepreneur will tell you that they have failed before, but they kept on trying, and
they finally made it. Failure is not really necessary for you to succeed. We cannot speak of failure as a prerequisite
to success.
Failure is only necessary because it moves you closer and closer to your goal. There is no way for you to know how
many times you are going to fail before you can make it. No one has that ability. The only important thing to do is to
persist. Persistence will help you to push past your failures and get to your success. Setbacks will always be there in
your way, you have to accept that, and if you do, you will be able to make it. Many people have started a business
with the hope of making it once off. However, the business environment is unpredictable, and you can never be sure
of what to expect. When these people encountered setbacks, it was hard for them to accept, and they failed to move
You should get into business with the mindset that anything can happen. Do not be over-ambitious to such an extent
that you rule out the possibility of failure. If you look into the lives of the greatest people that ever lived, you will
find that their success is in direct proportion to their failures. Their success is almost equivalent to their failure.
When failure comes, you must be able to just brush it off like it is just another normal thing, especially if you had
prepared your mind for it (Saltzman, 2014).
Sometimes failures can be inflicted on you by other people. There are other people who find absolute joy in bringing
others down. Haters are a sign that you are doing well in life. Most people quit after three or four failures. If you
program your mind to accept that you may fail more than once, you will have the energy to keep trying even after
successive failures. You are most likely to achieve success. Success consists of going from failure to failure without
the loss of enthusiasm.
Another way to achieve success and to overcome failure is to adopt a positive attitude. There are mainly two kinds
of entrepreneurs that you will come across. The first kind is the pessimists, who most probably have given up all
their attempts at making it. They have failed and are convinced that there isn’t much that can be done to better their
situations. The second group is the optimist. These are the entrepreneurs that have a positive attitude. They believe
that the future holds better and are confident that they will make it. These people have a greater chance at success
because as a man thinks, so does he become.
Everything that happens in your life is a direct manifestation of your attitude toward life. The more positive the
attitude, the more positive the results. It starts as easily as telling yourself when you wake up in the morning that you
are going to have a great day and that good things will come your way. Humans are naturally structured to believe
more in things that they can see. However, there is more power in things unseen. It is therefore important for an
entrepreneur to believe in things that are unseen. Convince yourself that these good things are somewhere out there
waiting for you, and one day, you will find them.
You should try as much as possible to avoid self-sabotaging thoughts. Moments of doubt may come, but they should
not take up the bigger room in your mind. Think more of positive things, and they will come true. Control your mind
in such a way that every time doubt comes, you shut it out. Deny failure. Never accept it. Not that I mean you should
not know that failure will come, but that when it happens, you can move past it because you have hope that
tomorrow holds better.
Many people have quit when they are so close to the gold. There are entrepreneurs who were on the verge of making
it, but they just did not have enough energy to move further. I mentioned earlier in this book that success is one step
past failure. But what if you are not willing to take one more step because you have failed, and you do not want to
go through the devastation that comes with it again? Never give up. You can control everything that happens in your
life. You are the master of your own destiny. Don’t let the good things that are meant for you go untapped because
you were not willing to go to them (Bonnel, 2019). Understand that good things will not come to you unless you
deserve them; the only case in which they do is sheer luck.
The people that find it so hard to accept their failures are the people who do not understand that the road to success
is never smooth. It is never going to be that easy. You have to overcome obstacles and difficulties. If you can have a
positive attitude, nothing will stop you from achieving your goals. Any thought you have of not making it is literally
a cage in which you are enclosing yourself. Quit doing that and start thinking more positively so that you can attract
Focus on your freedom lifeline and believe that your life is meant for something good. Find joy in using your gift to
help people. Be happy and face each day with more and more optimism. One other way to help you cope with
failure is to learn from mistakes, especially other people’s mistakes. It is better to learn from them and use them to
avoid making the same mistakes; this will help you to save time if you are a beginner. You will not have to go
through the same pitfalls as others because you’ve learned how to go about your business.
“God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.”
Daily Success Practices

It is well known that habits can either help or hurt your success in life. Bad habits can fester, and they will grow into
a lifestyle. That bad lifestyle takes you away from the things you want to do, and good habits will help you to create
a life that’s full of accomplishment. Your daily success practices determine how your entire life turns out. A person
who wants their life to shape up in a good way should develop a daily habit for learning continuously, reading
books, and prioritizing important things like health. Engaging in daily success practices will help you not to be
distracted from your big goals.
If you want to secure your success, you have to manage your associations. There are people who have made it in life
and are capable of mentoring you to become a better entrepreneur. Everything that you need is out there for you; you
just have to allow yourself to be taught. You have to learn success principles from people who have mastered them.
Success means showing up every single day for the rest of your life. You have to stick on until you start getting
positive feedback for the work that you are putting in. There are two things that can go on in life, it is either you go
up or you go down. You can never be somewhere in-between. When you are not consciously going up, you
definitely are going down (Ward, 2017). You have to put in the work every day in order to push the limits, grow,
and maintain your success.

● Daily Goals and Visualization

This is how you imagine your life to be in a certain time frame. You should create a vision for yourself, and you
should have goals that take you to your vision. If you accomplish your goals, you also accomplish your vision.
When you write these goals down, be sure to write them as if you have already accomplished them. For example,
instead of having a goal written down as, “I will buy myself a brand new car,” you can have it as “I am so happy
now that I have bought myself a brand new car.” The reason why you have to do this is because you are living the
law of manifestation. You are planting your thoughts, and you are attaching your goals to the positive emotion you
feel as you write down your goals. This has a powerful creative ability.
Every single morning, you have to write down these goals. This may sound ridiculous, but it pushes your
subconscious mind to make you take action toward the achievement of those goals. The point is to achieve your
goals much faster. You should be able to describe your goal and be specific about how exactly you want it. If you
have multiple goals, you should make sure that they are not conflicting. Make sure that you are realistic but
optimistic and that your goals are in sync with your lifeline. Look to your two-year vision and create goals that take
you to that two-year vision by default.
You must be able to write down the amount of money that you want in your bank account. When you get into
business, you surely have financial goals set for yourself, and these goals can be quantified. You can translate your
goals into monetary form and be specific about them every single day. You must also write down health goals.
Goals are not only monetary. This is when you write down a goal like, “I am so happy now that I am in the best
shape of my life.”
You can also have friendship and relationship goals. This is when you get to express that you are happy about the
friends that you have made and the relationships that you have. You should close your eyes, listen to amazing music
and visualize your life goal by goal as if your life is already accomplished with those goals. This makes you
experience the law of attraction, where you attract positive things into your life. There is something about sitting
down and writing down your goals and visualizing your day before starting your day.

● Planning
Plan for tomorrow today. You have to sit down and plan out what your day is going to be like tomorrow. You will
waste a lot of time if you do not plan your day. You have to be good at time management. Planning for tomorrow
today means making a plan of your nutrition, lists of major things you need to accomplish, and writing a priority
score on a scale of one to ten. You should put the highly prioritized things first. The first days of trying to conform
to a daily planning routine may be very difficult, but you will get very good over time. For you to be more accurate,
try to plan what time you are going to start a certain activity. Have a timetable for your day and estimate how much
time you will allocate to a certain activity. You must also have daily routines. This could be daily cooking, a fitness
routine, or a religious routine.

● Believing in Yourself

You must believe that you are capable of creating the life of your dreams. You may not be the most gifted or
talented person in your field, but if you choose to believe that anything is possible, you will be successful. Make it a
daily habit to positively affirm your ability. Tell yourself all the great things you can do and believe in yourself to be
able to accomplish them. Live your dream as you go about your day. Keep trusting yourself to make things happen
and keep assuming things in favor of yourself.
The Good Habits of Successful People

The most successful people in the world did not become successful by accident. Their success can either be because
they have made a lot of money or have found their life purpose. One can work tirelessly at becoming successful until
they burn out, but if they do not develop success habits, they will not make it. The habits that I will explain here will
complement the daily success practices and enhance your chance of making it.
● Going the Extra Mile

Successful people have a habit of giving more than is expected. They find joy in going the extra mile and doing
more than what it takes to excel. Everyone else is average, and to be successful, you have to push yourself extra.
Besides exceeding expectations, successful people pay extra attention to detail and provide quality work without
focusing on whether or not they will be compensated or recognized (DesMarais, 2017).
● Being Appreciative

Successful people understand that by showing gratitude to people such as their employees, colleagues, and loved
ones, they will not only make those people feel better, but they will feel better too. It is a very big factor in how
people achieve success. Being appreciative makes people want to help you more to achieve your goals. Employees
will work harder at what you have complimented them for. Appreciation will not cost you anything, and no one ever
complains about being appreciated. There is no downside to this.
● Taking Action

Be stoic, not epicurean. Stoics are those people that always make sure they are putting in the work and are getting
out of their comfort zones. Stay hard about your goals. The opposite people are epicurean. They indulge. They
believe in eating, enjoying, and being merry. That is not the right way to go about life. You should enjoy the present,
but that should not stop you from working toward the future. Successful people act. Even if they do not feel ready,
they still start. Successful people take that all important step to act, while others come up with reasons for not acting
(Probasco 2020).
● Networking

People with a success mindset know the value of surrounding themselves with successful people. Networking helps
you to exchange ideas. Successful people also understand the value of teamwork and collaboration. You are likely to
create better teams and collaborations for yourself if you network. This is, therefore, something not to be
overlooked. Creating good networks helps you to get the good mentorship you want. Always be sure to network
with people who challenge you to be a better version of yourself.
● Rising Early

Sleep is good, but too much of it can be detrimental. You should devote as much time as is possible to be successful.
You must spend a greater part of your day doing the work that makes you successful. If you are an early riser, you
have more than enough time to accomplish things on your day. Teach yourself to be an early bird. Most people are
at their best in the mornings and tend to wear out as the day progresses. Be sure to make use of your mornings. The
more time you have to work, the better the chances you have of being successful.
● Being Organized

One of the most common habits of those who are successful in life is organization. That is inclusive of good
planning and setting out goals and priorities. Nothing should ever be done unplanned in the life of an organized
person. The future should be planned for. Nothing happens by accident. There are events that cannot be timed but
are most likely to happen, for example, illness, accidents, and death. Organized people do not have to deal with the
pressure that comes from dealing with such unfortunate events. It should be evident in day-to-day life that a person
is organized. This can be seen by how timely you are in attending to your day-to-day activities and how ready you
are for each task.
● Self-Education

While you can read for pleasure, you must also make use of your reading habit to gain insight and knowledge. As
you get more and more successful, make sure you do not lose focus. You should also engage in self-education. It is
helpful to train yourself to read every day. Educating yourself will help you to learn new things and to improve
yourself. Read as much as you possibly can. Nothing will help you as much as reading.
Engaging in these and more successful practices will help you to reduce your chances of failure. How things turn out
is always a result of what you believe in, how you see yourself, and the activities you engage in. It is up to you to
succeed or fail. All the power lies with you. If you do your best, you will most likely succeed, and even if you don’t,
the joy of having tried hard enough is comparable to nothing. To close off this chapter, I will give you a rundown of
five good habits of successful people that may help you to keep failure at bay.
Why You Should Accept Failure

To close off this chapter, I will give you reasons why one should learn to accept failure:
● It Makes Success Much Sweeter

You can never know the sweet taste of success if you never felt the sting of failure. You can experience repeated
failures, but there is no better feeling than finally succeeding. You must understand that every time you try, it is
worth it. The success that comes after having failed several times is usually of a greater magnitude. What is,
therefore, important is to persist in the sting of failure because sweeter times will come.
● It Makes You Fearless

People who believe in playing it safe usually do not achieve much. On the other hand, those who are not afraid of
failure will take insane risks (Alexandra 2013). Achieving goals, financial or other things, usually takes risks. People
who protect themselves from the pain of failure are less likely to achieve great things. They stay cocooned in the
environment they are used to, and they never step out of the box to experience new things. Giving yourself room to
explore your potential and encounter failure makes life more enjoyable.
The ability to take failure separates the weak from the strong. Many people give up on their goals after they fail.
Others will also gain invincible strength after failure. These people have the drive to bounce back up after they fail
at something. That is a good attribute to have. Failure should not break you but should make you. You must emerge
a better person from a failed trial. You should push even harder to achieve your goals. Always encourage yourself
with the knowledge that if you survive the current failure, you can survive anything.
● It Keeps You Humble

In a life without failures, everything would be so perfect in such a way that we would have no drive to seek
knowledge or to improve ourselves. Failure is the constant reminder that there is no perfect person in this world and
that there is always something new to learn. Those people you admire, who appear to be living perfect lives, have
their own failures that you might be surprised by if you were to be aware of them. While walking your own path, be
humble and stay hungry for improvement. Keep learning from the failures and build yourself into a better person.
Chapter 5:

How to Make Money

We have so far discussed a number of attributes that every entrepreneur should possess to make it. The book has
covered the things you need to know and the practices you should grow in to build yourself into a successful
entrepreneur. How successful you become depends entirely on your attitude toward life. Humans were created with
a creative power within them. What you believe in, what you think of, and what you confess will always manifest
itself physically. You must, therefore, by now have learned how to condition your mindset in such a way that you
have all the odds for success on your side.
Anybody who is committed to achieving a good life will get it. The commitment is seen in your dedication to getting
the success mindset, your desire to learn, and your thirst for continuous improvement. Anybody will achieve
greatness. The only difference lies in that our personal destinies differ. Having learned about what it takes to
condition your life for success, this chapter will guide you to the gold. It will teach and align you toward making real
money. Learning and shifting your mindset toward success is a good thing, but at the end of the day, it should
convert to monetary form. The more you put in the effort, the more you make. It should work that way.
A good life is about many things, other than money. Many people are scared to venture into entrepreneurship
because they are not sure if it is part of their destiny and lifeline. People associate entrepreneurship with great risk;
they assume that starting a business enterprise carries more prospects of loss, of which the opposite is actually true.
Entrepreneurship is actually the least risky of careers because you have the odds on your side. You can take it upon
yourself to do what it takes to increase your chances of success. In a nine-to-five job, in comparison, you do not
have much control over your work, your income, or your ambition. You may dream as much as you want to, but if
the venture and the idea are not yours, your dreaming will not take you anywhere.
Entrepreneurship is the ability to remake the world in your own image. It is the ability to paint your vision and to
make it come true. You are able to create your own reality. Everyone in the world would be an entrepreneur in their
lifeline if only they knew it. Entrepreneurs are becoming a rare breed. You would expect that in this fast changing
environment, and with the advancements that have happened in every sphere, there would be more entrepreneurs.
The opposite is actually true. This is because people have literally stopped dreaming and have become attached to
the nine-to-five prison.
When you are an entrepreneur, you operate on a different level from anybody else. Many businesses are started by
people who are above the age of thirty-five (Haden, 2018). This is because the younger generation has lost the
business mentality. When these young people graduate from college, all they think of is joining a large company.
They will be happy that way until they are in middle life, and they begin to realize how much time they have wasted
making other people’s dreams come true at the expense of theirs.
People who do not venture into business always have reasons to give. They claim not to have enough money, skills,
and ideas. There are businesses that you could start that do not need a lot of capital to kick off. It is only because one
is not willing to explore these, but it is really possible to start off with little money and grow into a multi-millionaire
empire. For you to start a small business, you do not need a lot of capital. You can start within your means and work
your way up by reinvesting your proceeds until you make it.
Depending on your signature strength, it is sometimes better to start a service-based business than a product
business. This is because the process of creating a quality product from scratch up to the time it reaches the customer
is an expensive process. It is capital intensive. You can, however, consider providing services because they have
lower overheads. The easiest way to figure out the way to go is to consider turning your hobbies, passion, or skills
into your business.
What Business Is the Most Ideal for You?

The biggest tragedy of life is getting good at the wrong things. Awareness of your strength is key to success. This
question is where we always end up no matter how much we talk about other things surrounding starting off as an
entrepreneur. Everyone needs to know if they are doing the right thing. You wouldn’t want to waste time doing what
is not meant for you or something in which your money will obviously sink. First, you need to find out your
signature strength, as l have explained earlier in the book. Consider what strangers say you are good at, and lastly,
figure out what you have spent most of your time on in the past ten years. A combination of these will help you to
figure out your lifeline and will align you toward the best business for you.
A good business has inherent value, you’re selling real products and services, and you’re creating an automated
system. It is possible to start without any prior knowledge of entrepreneurship, but you can always invest in your
education. You can also get good advice from many other business people until you find a solid footing. So right
now, I am hoping that you have come up with the idea of what business you want to start. There are so many
businesses that can start with little or no funding, especially if you are dedicated and willing to put in hard work.
Most of such businesses are online.
An online business is much more powerful because it has a separation between your time and your money. Starting
a physical business requires you to be there, consuming much of your time. It requires you to invest a lot of money
to get things to shape up (Johnston, 2021). An online business, on the contrary, does not require you to sell your
time. You can get a lot of money from an online business without having to invest much. You have to be able to
make money in your sleep, or you will be poor forever. Online business is the most efficient of all.
When people talk of online business, many opinions are aired about how many of them are scams. Nowadays, it is
easy to make money through the internet. Long ago, one had to crack codes and pay large sums of money, but of
late, there are even online shop platforms that allow you to make free trials. So if you are thinking of an online shop,
you can make it one that resells existing or slightly modified products so that the cost is low for you.
Here are a few ideas that come with very low startup costs that you can consider:

● E-Commerce

Any e-commerce business, regardless of how small and where they start, can always grow to attract and retain more
customers. One good e-commerce business to learn from is Amazon. The growth of Amazon took years, partly
because of its strategic growth approach. You should be able to meet the needs of your customers as much as
possible. Personal referrals hold more weight than brand marketing. Be sure to provide good services to your current
customers in order to get more referral customers. You must also get to know your customers. Relate with most of
them on a personal basis and also build a community for them where they get to feel like a family. You can even
think of ways to incentivize your customers and keep them engaged in business with you. Besides being low in
startup costs, you get to plan out your way forward without the pressure of being on-site.

● Skills-Based Company

This is more like a marketing agency. This is where you get to learn about Facebook advertisements and how to get
more clients for businesses. You can offer your clients more customers by actively engaging in social media
advertising for them. For this, you get to charge a certain fee. The more customers you have, the more you make.
You, therefore, have to make sure that you provide good quality services. You have to make sure that every day you
are making new clients, especially through referrals.
● Personally Branded YouTube Channel or Instagram

If you have a topic to talk about or a niche to build a channel in, you can do so and make money out of it. All you
need to do is research into your topic and ensure that you create content that will attract the interest of your
customers. Remember, the most important thing is to be unique enough to withstand the tough competition that you
may face.

● Virtual or Personal Assistant

This business involves performing secretarial and front-desk tasks without being on the site. This involves keeping
track of calendars, doing clerical work, and making flight or accommodation arrangements. You have the
opportunity to work from home for a number of clients. You can also go on and be a professional reviewer.
Companies, both small and large, cannot ignore the need for good reviews. Many companies provide goods and
services so that they can get reviews. This is a low cost avenue you could explore because all you need is the ability
to give an honest review. Besides the business part of it, you can get to read new books, try new products and
services as well as experiment with the latest technology while getting paid for it.

● Content Creation

Many individuals on social media are getting paid large sums of money through writing, graphic designing, and
using their talent and skills to create shareable and high quality content for businesses. It is wise to market yourself
as a professional service provider in those areas and build up from your first client. Besides content creation through
the use of social media, you can become a consultant. Large companies sometimes hire full time employees to run
their Facebook and Twitter accounts. Business owners may be too caught up in the daily running around that is
involved in their businesses, such that they are not able to attend to their social media accounts. Therefore, you can
seize the opportunity to be a consultant, helping them post schedules and content for their audiences. Your business
will grow in direct proportion to the growth in the company’s social media following.

● Virtual Classes and Tutoring

The first thing you should do is to search for your passion. What is it that you love and do so well that you are
capable of teaching others? What skills do you have that you can pass onto others for a fee? You can help people
enrich their lives while at the same time making money. You should ensure that you know at least ten percent more
than your target audience. Create downloadable videos and instructional packets. You can also organize Skype or
Zoom classes with your clients. This service provider can be home based because all you need is the internet and the
skill that you can teach others.

● Errand Services

Many people nowadays are so caught up in their jobs and in their other responsibilities that they end up not having
time for very important things in their lives. You can imagine parents who work so hard that they hardly ever have
time to spend with their children and families. They also may not find the time to attend to personal errands like
grocery shopping. Do you see a business opportunity there? You can take care of these time-consuming tasks for
clients to free up their time for the important things they want to do. You can charge hourly for the time you are
working on the task or charge per task. If you account for other expenses like telephone and transport when you
charge, you will be able to make good money for yourself.

● Graphic Designing

In order to attract customers, companies need virtual assets that help with their branding. These assets include logos,
flyers, videos, tutorials, and themes that are unique to the company. This is an opportunity for one to become a
freelance graphic designer, taking care of companies’ virtual content. All you need to do this is an extensive graphic
designing portfolio of your work, a computer, and a design application. If you cannot fit in graphic designing, you
can offer niche services like logos, Instagram graphics, flyers, brochures, and display advertisements.

● Bookkeeping Services

Do you know that with practical knowledge of basic accounting tasks and a knack for numbers, you can work as a
freelance bookkeeper? You do not need to be a certified public accountant, but if you have an associate degree in
accounting or the equivalent, you can start. You could offer financial statements, create balance sheets, process the
payroll, and maintain accounting software and filing systems.
These are just ideas of what kind of businesses you can start with very low capital. Sometimes all you need is the
ability to reach out to clients with a service that you can provide for them. Perfecting your skill and acquiring as
much knowledge as possible about your desired business idea is very helpful. What is important is to work very hard
to build a name for yourself through excellent, efficient, and quality service provision. If you do good for one client,
they will make repeated purchases of your service, and they will also tell others. That is how you grow.
The elite have a habit of pushing the poor around poor society, making money in the process. Think of credit-
offering companies. Like I explained earlier, when you are poor, you tend to resort more to the use of credit cards
for you to be able to get by. These companies charge exorbitant interest rates, and you literally cannot get away from
them because you keep telling yourself that if I let go of this, then what? This gives birth to the common social ill,
where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. You should work hard so that you don’t get harassed for debt and
become a slave of your own making. In the end, you may even fall for other scams like payday loans, which will dig
you even deeper into debt.
If you want to live the absolute best life and to liberate yourself from these scams and the hidden social prisons like
the nine-five job, you definitely have to become an entrepreneur. There are no two ways about it. You are only able
to escape from these prisons that life can put you into if you are able to live within your own dictatorship (Robinson,
2019). In entrepreneurship, you are able to be your own boss, and you do things your way.
One indicator that should get you thinking of starting on your own is that salaries have not risen in a very long time.
If you are to calculate the percentage by which salaries have increased over the past ten years, you will realize that it
is a very small percentage. Long back, people could get rich and live a comfortable life by fully committing to their
nine-to-five jobs, at the end of which they would retire and continue to live well. Jobs are not paying that much
anymore. This should get you thinking of burning your nine-to-five bridge and starting your own thing where you
get to call the shots.
Entrepreneurship helps you to rely on yourself. It entirely depends upon you to increase your income. As you work
your way up the ladder and increase your income, you also gain financial confidence. If you lose the money that you
earn through entrepreneurship, you can regenerate it because you have walked the road before. You probably will do
much better in the second trial because you have so much reference experience (Gaille, 2018). You will not have a
fear of going broke because you can redo whatever you did to earn your money. On the contrary, think of if you are
to lose your job. You will be broke and stuck because that is all you have.
The main purpose I have structured this chapter like this is to try to incite you to dump the “job” mentality. Many
people believe in acquiring jobs and positions that are structured and created by others. They are not cognizant of
the fact that they can start something for themselves. Even if they have enough money to start off, they will not
because they do not believe that they can make it. If you want to start a business, choose a business that can rise with
the tide.
You may want to have a number of businesses, but it is always better to start with one and get it up and running
before you can focus on another one. Having so many businesses to deal with, especially in the early days of
entrepreneurship, will be brutal. You will abandon even your main idea if things appear hard and draining for you.
Therefore, you should figure out what business to start and focus all your energy on it. Your chances of making it
are very high.
All you need to do to become a business person is to start. The best time to start is now. You cannot wait until all
things fall into place before you can start because they will not unless you make them. How will you do that? By
starting and learning through the process, as I explained earlier in the book, you will make mistakes, and they will be
part of your learning process. The greatest thing you need to do is to commit to making it work. I hope that you will
be able to act on your business idea and keep yourself in the running to be a multi-million-dollar entrepreneur. It is
possible. It is not only meant for certain people. Anyone can do it, provided they are willing to work hard. Do not
waste any more time. Start working!
Chapter 6:

The Shortness of Life

Our time on this earth moves so fast, and we are increasingly aware of this fact as we grow older. People will try to
maximize the time they have when they realize they may not have much left. The fact that life is short should not
hinder one’s pursuit of success and happiness. Some people would approach life in a more laid-back manner
because they think they do not have many days left anyways. Fact, however, is that life is never too short that you
cannot make it worthwhile. Have you ever asked yourself how much longer the lives of successful people are than
those of poor people? It is not about how lengthy your life is, but about what you do with it.
If you realize this, you will waste no time in doing what it takes to make your life a remarkable one. Sometimes
things may not go as planned, but each day is a second chance to make a change for the better. Do what you love to
do and always give it your best. If you do not love what you are doing, and you find that you cannot give it your
best, then you must quit. You will be old before you realize it and the last thing you want to experience is having
your time run out while you do the wrong things. If you cannot derive a deep sense of purpose from your life, then
you are wasting your life. It is rather better to wait for what is meant for you than to just take whatever life throws at
To achieve success quicker and to make the most of your life, you should focus on one business. This is why I
strongly emphasized the need to find out what exactly it is that goes along well with your lifeline. Everyone has an
unseen death clock. Imagine if you could see it. You would not be making excuses, but you would be working very
hard to achieve whatever you want to in the time you have left. Life is going away second by second, and you need
to use your time wisely. The younger you start to live your life, the better you will live the rest of your life.
Facts to Bear in Mind as You Live Your Life

Life is never one whole unit. That is why we have our time divided into as little as seconds, or minutes, or even
days. What the whole of your life as a unit looks like depends on how you approach your days. Each new day is the
beginning of the rest of your life. Here are few facts that you should always bear in mind:
● Money Is Renewable, Time Is Not

The only moment anyone has is the present, and the best thing you can actually do is control the present and then
use the present to attract a better future for yourself. You cannot physically perceive the past or the future, but in the
present, you can. The best thing you can do is to make good use of the present. Money is renewable, but time is not.
If you lose money, you can make some more. It is not the same when you lose time. Time is manmade. It is an
illusion. It is what we use to explain the change of events and seasons. Time helps us to live life in a sequence of
events. Once one part of the sequence is lived, it’s done. You cannot go back and relive it to correct the things you
did wrong.

● Invest Today for a Better Tomorrow

The work you put in today is a lead up to a better future. How you invest time is a big indicator of what your
tomorrow is going to be like. Be focused enough to invest enough time in every one of your days. When it is time to
work, work. When it’s time to play, play. There is no in-between or mix-up. You cannot work and play at the same
time. You should, however, remember to take time to enjoy today. Do not be so uptight to work endlessly in a quest
to build your tomorrow. Work, and enjoy it. Do not wait until later to be happy because you do not even know how
much longer you have.
● Do Not Squander Your Time

I mentioned earlier in this book that the earlier you start, the better. Time is a valuable resource, and you don’t want
to squander it. Planning on how you use your time is very important. Make sure every minute of your life is either a
lead up to your dream or is spent living the dream. Do not give much time to negative things like regrets, depression,
recklessness, and laziness. Every single moment leads to another moment because life is a sequence of events. Time
is much more valuable than money. You cannot remake it. You can never travel back to the past. You live in the
present, yet you also hold the power to paint your desired future. What has gone past cannot be recovered. So yes,
do not squander your time. Use it wisely. The greatest feeling in the world is the feeling of time well spent.

● Life Is Long Enough If You Know How to Use It

We do not have little time, but much of it we lose. A life has been given long enough and generously enough for the
accomplishment of very great things. No one should ever claim that they did not have enough time. You should not
let your life flow away in luxury and disengagement because it is not spent for any good purpose. When there is a
compelling and extreme necessity, at last, we find that life has passed away, and we did not realize it was going
away. It is so: we do not receive life briefly, but we render it, and we are not poor in it, but prodigal. Ask yourself
every day if you are investing enough into your success.
Life is divided into three moments: past, present, future. Of these, the moment we are living is short. What we have
yet to live is not certain; what we have already lived is certain. Extremely short and troubled is the life of those who
forget the past, neglect the present, fear the future. Having reached the extreme moment, they realize late that they
have been occupied for so long without concluding anything.

● There’s a Difference Between Living and Existing

Can there be anything more foolish than the way of thinking of certain people, who boast of their ability to foresee
things and to arrange them as they please? In this way, they have loaded themselves with a great burden. In order to
live better, they spend their lives organizing life. They arrange their projects in a long perspective, but is not this
programmatic deferment the worst evil of life? It makes us throw away one day after another as it arrives, and,
promising us the future, it robs us of the present. Here lies the greatest obstacle of life: waiting, which depends on
tomorrow, loses today. You want to dispose of what is in the hands of fate, and in the meantime, you let slip what is
already in your hands. And why is that? What do you think you are doing? Since everything that is yet to come lies
in uncertainty, try, then, to live in the present.

● Today Is the Youngest You’ll Ever Be

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living
with the results of other people’s thinking” (Steve Jobs). Usually, people fail to focus on their inner voice because
they let the noise of others’ opinions disturb them. Develop the art to acknowledge your inner voice and to act upon
it. Your inner voice is your intuition, and it determines what you truly want to become. Everything else is a second
opinion to the one that is given by your intuition.
Every new day means you are older than you were the previous day. The older you become, the less you can do. It is
needless to say that when you are young, your brains are sharp enough to comprehend a lot of things. You are more
likely to accomplish what you want to do. The power of youth does not last forever. This is why it is always best to
wake up very early and not to waste any day because what you can do today, you may not be able to do tomorrow.
Having said all this, you must remember that it is better to die with memories than dreams. I believe the notion that
you should live every day like it is your last. You should make the best of the present moment, and here are a few
pointers to how you can do it:
● Do Not Compare Yourself

It is unfortunate how the turn of events brought about by evolutions in technology has brought us into the habit of
comparing ourselves to other people. We have come to see the good things in other people’s lives, but not in ours.
We end up giving ourselves a lot of pressure and spend the better part of our lives trying to level up. To live your
life better, stop concerning yourself with what other people are doing and focus on your goals. This kind of
selfishness is harmless. It helps you to focus on yourself. I do not see why not because life is yours after all. You
must remember that you are inferior to no other person. If you find yourself feeling inferior, get over it quickly.
Their brains are not as powerful as yours, and you are all it takes to make the most of your life.

● The Ten Years Mirror

Ask yourself if you would like to be living the life that you are living now in the next ten years. View the next ten
years as a mirror through which you can decide if you want the same person to stare back at you in the next decade.
Having a picture about a certain time frame in the future will help you not to lose the concept of time. If you are not
happy with the thought of being in the same place that you are right now in the next decade, do something about it.
Find out what it is about your current life that you would like to improve and work on it. The earlier you do so, the

● Challenge Yourself

You must challenge yourself to do something that is completely unheard of and prove yourself. The world will not
give you the chance to explore your potential. You have to create the chance yourself by creating challenges for
yourself that will help you to push past your limits. You can challenge yourself according to your own ideas or draw
inspiration from someone you adore. What is important is not to put yourself under comparative pressure. Your role
model has made it, and you will make it too in your own way.

● Learn to Live Every Moment

Most people have been so caught up in the race to make the most out of life that they have forgotten to live in the
moment (Wallen, 2013). They are always in a hurry. Do you realize that life still goes on after standing in line at the
grocery store or that if you drive within the speed limit, you will still get to your destination? Take your time to live
and enjoy life in the present. Take a break from the hustle and pressure of life. Life is a precious resource, and the
most of it, you should enjoy it and simply be yourself.
You must also stay true to your authentic self. Do not treat your life like it is a theatrical performance. It is very
exhausting to mask your life according to every situation. Stop feeling like you have to put up a face. In every
situation, be free enough to share your unique thoughts, ideas, and personal traits without the slightest of shame.
You are great as you are. Never believe otherwise.

● Take Up Challenges

Instead of focusing on the amount of work you have to put in to achieve something, it is better to focus on the results
that you will get after the hard work. It does not mean that if something is difficult and challenging, it is not worth
doing. When the going gets tough, focus on the end. Never be scared of challenges. Fall in love with the adrenaline
rush that comes with having to do something more challenging. The things that prove to be most rewarding are those
things that are most challenging.
When you face a challenge, tell yourself that you have to do it or not do it. That is a choice you have to make. There
is no trying, and there is no in-between. When you express that you will ‘try’ to do something, you are accepting
failure even before you start. You must believe in yourself. If you want it, then do it. Otherwise, just don’t do it at
all. Do not give failure a chance.

● Act Upon Your Knowledge

Have you realized that employers are more impressed with experience than education? Education is good, but it
must be accompanied by a high-level performance. If you want to be better at anything, add action to it. Action is
always better. If you want to become a great football player, do you think you will get better at it by watching other
people play or by taking your position on the football field and swing into action? Whatever you know and aspire to
do, take action for it. Many people have died with their knowledge and education, having done very little with it. Do
not be one of those; whatever knowledge you acquire, act upon it and make your life better.
What’s in It for You?

If you are able to do some or all of the things mentioned above, you are able to live your life to the fullest. Life is
precious, and it holds a lot of good things for us. The optimistic mindset believes that after one good thing, there is
more yet to come. You must always be able to draw the good out of life. Tony Robbins once said, “Remember that
life does not happen to you, it happens for you.”
● Living Life to the Fullest

Live the kind of life where you are in tune with yourself. There is a difference between going through your life and
claiming your life. I always emphasize the need to claim what is good from life, not just accepting everything that
life gives you. It is an important virtue to be possessed by a person who has a drive for success. The advantages of
taking the most out of life include happiness, self-contentment, and more opportunities. As you close each day of
your life, you must ensure that you have taken all that you could out of it. Here is an explanation of some advantages
of living your life to the fullest.
● Improved Confidence

If you have been living your life anyhow, try to adopt the mentality of living your life to the fullest. You will feel
like you can overcome anything. You see opportunity every day and any situation, and you have a big drive to go
and get it. That positivity works wonders on your entire outlook. You become a much better person in your own
eyes and the eyes of the community. Confident people are usually achievers. The reason why they achieve their
goals is not necessarily because they have what it takes, but they have an inner energy that attracts good things to
them. Want the best out of situations? Try confidence.
● You’ll Make Conscious Decisions

When you live your life to the fullest, you are able to make conscious decisions that directly affect you. If you live
your life in a manner where you just go through the motions, you will not be able to do what is best for you. You,
therefore, should be the director of your own life. You hold the power to decide how you want your life to go, and
you are conscious of all the events in your life, present, and future. This helps you to be a better person because you
are proactive in the things you do.
● You Attract Like-Minded People

As the old saying goes, show me your friend, and I will tell you who you are. If you attract bad people to yourself,
you are probably bad yourself too. The opposite is also true. If you are living your life to the fullest, you will most
probably attract people who have the same mindset. Birds of a feather flock together. The happier you are with your
life, the higher your chances of meeting other people who are as happy as you are. One important thing you should
always bear in mind is that you need to have motivators around you. Surround yourself with people who have the
same drive as you, who believe in the goodness of life, and like you, are willing to make the most out of life.
● You Experience Less Regret

Doubt and anxiety are the order of the day for people who have not made the conscious decision to live their lives to
the fullest (Vaughn-Hall, 2018). Because they do not make the most of each day, their lives are characterized by
regret. The knowledge that you did not do your best to seize the day is an everlasting punishment. Imagine if you
have such days in sequence, such that it becomes your life. It wouldn’t be a good life. Learn to take chances as they
come and embrace new opportunities.
Taking chances as they come will help you not miss out on many opportunities to grow. A full life is never by the
book. Your life is never a ready-made script. You are writing your history every single day. By living your life to
the fullest, you are able to embrace change. If you do not accept change, you are probably missing out on many
opportunities to grow. Soak up in the good vibes, be game to try out new things, and you will eventually open up to
so many opportunities to grow.
Do Not Compromise Your Values

Everyone has an internal code of ethics, which they should never compromise. Neither should they be compromised
by other people. If something does not feel right, do not do it. You should always trust your instincts. You have the
right to approve and disapprove of some things. Never compromise your personal code of ethics, or you will live in
regret. As long as you can look back at what you have done or at yourself in the mirror with appreciation and love,
you have lived to the fullest in the situation.
Learning to live life to the fullest is one great step in discovering the road to your lifeline. People who do not live
their lives to the fullest are less likely to find their freedom lifeline. This is because they do not give opportunities a
chance to work in their lives. Opportunity is missed by many because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
You must commit yourself to find a path that leads you to happiness and accomplishment. However, you do not just
find it if you are a couch potato and do not want to get up and live your life. You should stumble upon your path as
you try out new things and experience life. Whatever makes your life meaningful, go after it.
Chapter 7:

Be Bold

Especially if you are young, you cannot afford to put the best years of your life to waste. Your young years are the
best you have, and you have to make the best use of them. By the time you get to the end of this book, you must be
able to clearly understand how you will make money within the confines of your freedom lifeline. The potential that
is in you is like a seed, all you need is a good place to plant it, and it will surely grow into something big. You,
therefore, should never afford to sow your early years in the wrong place.
There are many things that you could do, but that would not lead you anywhere. Sometimes you may enjoy doing
some things today, but you wouldn’t want to do them for the rest of your life. For example, if you are young, you
may enjoy being outdoors with your friends. You may draw so much joy from it right now, but not when you are
fifty. You, therefore, need to invest your time in things that would give you joy for the rest of your life. Do
something that would become a part of your life’s purpose.
You cannot succeed by avoiding the cost of success. You need to pay the price. You should go out into the world
and become independent. Try to move out of your comfort zone. This involves moving out of your parents’ house or
your hometown. A new environment allows you to focus and to work hard on your success (Meis, 2017). You
should not avoid such risks. It’s not a coincidence if you are not succeeding. It is an accurate reflection of how you
are avoiding paying the price.
You have to be worth a damn. Find joy in facing and overcoming difficulties. If you develop a habit of giving up
and refuse to go around the problem you face, you deny yourself success. That is when you end up stuck in the nine-
to-five prison. This is why you have to develop a thick skin and be tough enough to withstand challenges. If you are
hesitant and passive, you run the risk of leading a boring life. Life should never be a routine. Instead, you should
give yourself the chance to explore as many things as possible.
Be Worth a Damn!

To make progress in life, you have to be bold. Most progress in the world has been led by people who were bold.
Think of the world’s greatest scientists, artists, or political leaders. These people did not wait for opportunities. They
created them. There are a number of things that you can do to help yourself to toughen up in the harsh environment
where everyone is fighting hard to make it and where those who do not make it will find joy in bringing others
● Expect Criticism

You must understand that you will always be criticized for anything. If you do good, you will be criticized. You will
be criticized too if you do badly. There is no way to evade that. If you try to please everyone, you will please no one.
The best is to focus on the things that you want. You may even face hate. Some people are roadblocks in your
lifeline. The best way to overcome this is to become hard. Criticism is a sign that you are doing something right and
you have gone a step further than the rest (Edberg, 2008).
● Convince Yourself That You Are the Greatest

The reason why people are soft is because they grew up in comfort zones. They never got the chance to face
obstacles, to figure out ways to overcome them, and because of that, they are not succeeding. You should open
yourself up to the world, and whatever obstacles and criticism you face, tell yourself that you are the greatest. You
must be able to build a name for yourself in your mind, despite the fact that society thinks otherwise. People will
judge you based on what you think of yourself.
If you do not praise yourself inwardly, society will have the chance to impose negativity on you. Have you ever seen
a pretty girl who thinks she is ugly? Many people have gone through plastic surgery for problems that they thought
they had, but in reality, did not have. It is because they paid attention to criticism and did not speak positively to
themselves. If they had developed a thick skin, they would be feeling good about themselves without having to go
through any painful procedures. Shut out negativity and have good self-esteem. Society will always give back to you
what you have within you.
● Ask for What You Want

Sometimes you need to step up and have your efforts recognized because people are too busy with their own lives to
notice you by themselves. Sometimes you may work so hard, and it all ends up in vain because of the people you
expect to reward you are turning a blind eye. If you want something to happen through someone, bring it right up to
the plate and ask. That boldness and toughness help you to get what you deserve. Some people may be greedy and
selfish enough to withhold something that you have rightfully earned. Remind them of what they are depriving you
of because you deserve it. Besides, there is no harm in asking because even if you are denied, life goes on.
● Pretend You Are Already Bold

If you find that you are not making progress at having thick skin, try to pretend you are. Pretending to be something
is a good way to psychologically condition yourself to believe in the things that you would otherwise doubt. Try to
pretend that you are a strong, confident, and bold person. When you encounter situations, approach them with the
pretense that you are a very bold person, and it will work wonders. Think of one very bold and confident person that
you know. Imagine what they would do in your shoes if you were to switch lives. While you would potentially mess
up theirs, they would drastically upgrade yours. Now take action, and do the upgrading yourself.
● Make the First Move

We often miss opportunities because we are hesitant, especially in the presence of others. There are times when you
need to swallow your pride and make the first move. If your intuition is beckoning you toward something, do not let
fear, hesitation, and uncertainty stop you. Swallow your pride and make that first move. If something needs to be
done, and everyone else is hesitant, be the one to make the first move. If you were in a disagreement with someone,
apologize first. It is such little things that build up to making you a bold person in the future. When it comes to
business, the same applies. Everyone else may be hesitant to try out a new venture that looks promising. Be the one
to start it. Be the leader of the pack and be known for being a game changer. That is a powerful attitude to have.
● Learn to Say No

The ability to say no to things that you do not want invigorates your individuality. It will help you feel bold,
ensuring that you are able to go out and get what you want. You should not be apologetic about not wanting
something. Being able to refuse that which does not go along with your goals and lifeline will help you to ensure
that you are ready and willing to go out and get exactly what you want. If you always uphold honesty and boldness,
people will learn to respect you, and you will get what you want. People’s respect for you will grow just as much as
your self-respect does. Do not compromise that by taking whatever is on the table.
Society will trick you into working endlessly without realizing that you are not progressing. It makes you think that
the nine-to-five job is the best thing that ever happened to you and that you are operating at your best. You will be
suppressed without knowing. If, however, you have a taste of the fresh air out there, you will realize how much you
were missing out on all this while. That is when you will realize how much potential to climb higher you have.
Unless a little bird is let out of the nest, it will never know what it can do with its wings. Some of us, like the little
bird, talking of them learning how to use their wings is senseless because they do not even know that they have the
People who are on their path to success will never criticize you. You will only be given problems by those people
who do not know what their lives are meant for, how to make their lives better, or how to achieve success. People
who are complete failures in life will want to bring you down too so that they can justify their failure by numbers.
They want you to accompany them in their failure so that they can find consolation in the knowledge that there are
many of you in the same predicament.
This is why you need to develop a tough skin, so in any situation, you come out better. Being a softie is alright, but
it will not get you far. The things that make life a good one have to be taken forcefully. You have to work extremely
hard and go through trials and tests before you taste the sweetness of success. You might be wondering why I am
exerting so much power and emphasis on why you need to develop a tough skin. Especially financially, you can’t be
a cry baby and be able to make money. You have to be bold enough to do all the dirty work. I will give you a
rundown on the advantages of being tough:
● Being Bold Is Exciting

It is a rare feeling to be able to wake up in the morning and be excited about going to work. Have you ever come to a
point where you can’t wait for the day to dawn so that you can go to work? This will only happen if you are very
passionate about the work you do. Many of us drag ourselves through life without really enjoying it. When you
choose to be a bold person, you put your feelings out there, and you enjoy life to its full potential. This will progress
your business as an entrepreneur beyond what you ever imagined.
● It Gives You a Voice

It is not a common thing to come across people who are confident and bold. Bold people have a fascinating nature,
and because of that, people tend to be interested in whatever they have to say. To say something and be heard is a
good thing for an entrepreneur. You need to communicate, and action should be taken. No matter how far-fetched
your goals and ambitions seem, you need to be bold. Put it all out there for people to hear, and you are most likely to
have your way because of the confidence you exude.
Being bold makes a huge contribution to building your brand as an entrepreneur. When you have a goal, a plan, or a
business idea, make it big. You can even make it sound a little bit crazy. Put it out there and make your voice
become the loudest. People will be of the opinion that the kind of boldness that pushes you to go that far in planning
will probably have a big part in how likely your plan is to succeed. When you set a goal and say it out loud, it
becomes real. The more you talk about your goals, the more they become real. You will start to believe in yourself
more. This will be seen by a change in your lifestyle as your brain begins to believe more and more of what you
keep saying (Burgoyne 2017).
● You Attract More Bold People

As a new entrepreneur, it can be very hard for you to have connections with leaders and game-changers in your
trade. Being bold out there is more like a newfound confidence that will attract those individuals that will help you
take your newbie business from a mere startup to a full-fledged business. People who are bold are inspiring because
they have accomplished big things, and they initiate growth and progress not only for themselves but even for
● You Build Momentum

When you are bold, you have an understanding that a single victory is not enough. You will work hard to achieve a
series of victories that help you to gain more power and stability. A bold person will ensure that each action is a
build up from the previous success. The magnitude of their success increases day by day. You must cultivate
relationships, build a buzz around yourself and always make a big show of confidence.
I hope that by now, you have mastered the need for being bold if you are to make it in business. Always have the
boldness to follow through on your plans. If you think and plan on something, be sure to do it in the physical. Never
let things die in your imagination, but let them manifest in the physical. Even in business, you must follow through
with your word with action because people will trust you more and think of you as a reliable, bold, and sophisticated
person. Who doesn’t want to do business with such a person?
Chapter 8:

Entrepreneurial Nuggets for Worth Knowing

So far, the book has been a build up to enhancing a money mindset in you. It has been a great way to incite life-
changing excitement about your business. The best thing to do is to put everything you have learned to good use.
Some people have set goals and have put together all the resources that they need to make it in business. That alone
is never enough. You need to develop certain traits that give you an edge in the harsh entrepreneurial environment.
If your mind and lifestyle are not trained, you will not progress at all. This chapter will go on to look at a few
entrepreneurial nuggets that are worth knowing.
Tips to Consider

If you develop yourself into a competent entrepreneur, you will enjoy the process of making money. You learn to
focus on the good things, let go of things that derail progress, and create value without effort. You can never know
everything about the business. All you can do is learn as much as possible and make use of that to better yourself
and your business. Capital is not everything. How you run your business affairs and interact with the business
environment is a greater factor in determining how much money you will make out of your venture.
● Be Different

People who have significantly changed the world are the people who took the step of setting themselves apart from
the rest. That is how they managed to do what was not done by everyone else. By choosing to be different from the
rest, you give your mind space to be creative and innovative. You have to pave new frontiers for your business by
going beyond the edges of conformity. Most entrepreneurs do not grow much because they follow suit (Gregory
2019). They do what everyone else is doing, and their chances to beat competition become very low.
You will work long hours until you decide to fire your boss. This is funny, isn’t it? Everyone believes that having a
good job is the definition of success. In reality, there is more to that. The belief that having a job is the best thing
that could happen has stopped many young people and graduates from finding their lifeline. Do you know that there
are people who have dropped out of college so that they can start out on their own? They obviously have faced
criticism for it, but by daring to be different, they have made it in life. You do not belong with the crowds. You
belong with your own self, and differentiating yourself is the best way to get yourself to listen to the inner being
● Work with A Good Team

No matter how big your dreams are and how much investment you have made, you cannot go far if you do not have
a good team around you. You need to be very picky about who to allow into your team. You need people who have
a similar mindset to yours, who love what they do, and are creative and innovative enough to come up with ideas
that push your business to become better. It is important for an entrepreneur to understand that having a winning
team stretches far beyond hiring. It involves installing the mindset, attitude, and zeal in the people that you have. If
you do not take the time to let them know your mission and vision are, they may act against it unknowingly. Share
your vision with them, lay out your strategy for achieving it, and constantly remind them of it.
Hiring the most qualified people for the tasks you have is very good, but the way you handle your team has a
bearing on how much of your goal you are able to achieve. Give them room to be innovative. You should allow
open-minded discussions that will help to bring multiple viewpoints and perspectives to the table in a productive
way. Ensure that your workers can work together well. Give them responsibilities and challenges to tackle. Make
sure your team is happy to be working with you. Remunerate them well, incentivize them if need be, spend time
with them outside work, and involve them in major decision making in the business, for example, the hiring of new
employees. If they feel that you value them, they will input more into making the business successful.
● Acquire Skills

Learning should be a continuous process. There never should be a time when you stop learning. The more you learn,
the better you become at decision making and money making. Sharpen your expertise in your interactions with
stakeholders like suppliers and customers. In some cases, people even start businesses that they know very little
about and build from there by acquiring the necessary education and knowledge. Do not leave all the knowledge
about your business in the hands of someone else. Understand your own business and be competent enough to know
the daily undertakings of your business.
● Avoid Reckless Spending

The building of wealth depends much on how you are able to manage the existing wealth. Most entrepreneurs make
the mistake of believing that they have made it after their first big sale. You do not afford to spend as if you have
been at it for a long time when you are just starting out. Put controls on the use of money. The trick to amass wealth
is to keep what you have and to add on all else you get until you have accumulated big sums.
Spending sprees will ground you. Always remember to live within your means. Do not entangle yourself in credit in
the hope that you will be able to make money and repay. Businesses are unpredictable. They will boom when you
expect them to recede and vice versa. Therefore, you should stay away from things that cost you money
unnecessarily, for example, designer clothes and luxury cars. The time will come when you will afford them without
stretching yourself. Build first.
● Do It With Passion

A good entrepreneur should possess a strong drive to transform an idea into a profitable venture. You should be
passionate about the products you create or the service you give. I mentioned earlier that entrepreneurship involves
identifying an opportunity in a problem and solving it for a profit. You should be passionate about the problem that
you feel your business solves and have a strong desire to improve your customers’ lives. You are most likely to
succeed if you look at things in that way. Do not focus more on the money making part, but focus more on the value
you are offering (Burgoyne, 2017).
● Maintain Integrity

Integrity is better capital than money. When you invest in integrity, you reap loyalty. Integrity is the ability to be
honest in your activities and to be consistent in what you do. This usually stems from the moral value you have. You
should establish a solid reputation by keeping your word and delivering your promises. Surround yourself with
honest people, take responsibility for everything that happens within your business, and respect your employees. I
like this saying: "If you do good to one person, they will tell one other person. If you do bad to someone, they will
tell ten other people who will tell ten other people." This makes you realize how much harder it is for you to build
integrity than it is to ruin it.
● Keep Up With Trends

Make it a daily routine to upgrade yourself and your team. Trends are changing very fast in today’s environment.
Your business must change along with them. Send your team on training and refresher courses. An employer who is
interested in constantly upgrading the business and his team is likely to be rewarded with loyalty from the team. If
they feel that you value their relevance, they will stay. Employees who move in and out of jobs do so because they
are seeking a place where they can continuously upgrade and develop themselves. Give them that.
Be Smart With Your Money

Now that the book has discussed how you can develop yourself into a good entrepreneur and instilled money
making traits into you, we will go on to discuss how to be smart with your money. No matter how much money you
make, if you are not smart with it, it will never show. Development comes from allocating uses to your money with
wisdom. If you spend money on the wrong things, you steal from yourself, and you will think that you are not
making enough when you actually are.
1. Budget

If you are to use your money wisely, you must have a workable budget that stops you from wasting money. A
budget is a guideline that tells you what you have planned to spend your money on and what you expect to have.
Unless you have a good budget and you commit yourself to follow it, you will perform badly financially. You must
always ensure that your budget is within the confines of your earning. I always encourage that your budget should
always have a surplus, not a deficit. That is how you know if you are managing yourself well or not.
2. Pay Off Debts

Debts have this habit of outweighing your income in such a way that at the end of the day, your budget is upset, and
you end up looking at more debt in order to survive. If you do not manage your debt well, you will dig deeper into
debt and end up bankrupt. Make it a point once you start making money to pay off all your debts and be a free spirit.
You must know the total of money you owe and devise a strategy to offset it. Clear it as fast as possible. Some
interest rates for debts can really drain your pocket and make it harder and harder to get out of it. Make a conscious
decision to free yourself. Act upon it and be in total control of your finances.
3. Rent Assets Out

Sometimes it is hard to make ends meet with your monthly income, and you have to supplement it with income from
other sources. Having multiple income streams is very beneficial. If you have some assets lying idle that you can
rent out, do so. Of course, you lose nothing by keeping them lying around the house, but you can make something
out of it.
4. Invest for the Long-Term

You must remember that you will not be young forever, and saving for retirement is one good thing you can do for
yourself. You must know that there will come a time when you cannot work as much as you can still do today. Time
will run out, so start saving as much as you can and as early as you can. This will maximize the compound interest
you can make and will multiply your money more. You might also want to consider investing in something that is
long-term rather than just lodging money in a standard savings account.
For the short term, you should save, and for the long-term, invest. Whenever unexpected expenses crop up, you
should not rely on credit. Building an emergency fund should be one of your top financial priorities. Whenever you
plan on making large purchases, have a separate savings account for that. It will help you to better manage your
money. You will realize that being smart with your finances will ultimately make you a happier person.
5. Treat Yourself

Of course, you have to be wise with your money, but you should be careful enough to see to it that you do not
become too strict. You can be strict to the point of denying yourself the things that you love. While you are saving,
you must leave room for indulgence. Why not treat the body that works to something good? It is a good way to
refresh and restart your mind, especially if you are the type that works very hard. You can throw in a vacation or a
simple date night here and there. When you achieve a setout goal, reward yourself. Without knowing, you will be
motivating yourself to work even harder.

Writing this book has been wonderful. It has been more of a learning process than a teaching process. The things I
have laid down in this book have also been an eye-opener to me. I have come to understand that life has so much to
offer if only we are willing to take it. I am honestly proud of you for having taken the time to go through this
powerful book. Everything in this book will always melt down to one thing; making money. So yes, it is the perfect
guide for you if making money is one of your greatest desires.
It is important to find out your life purpose, as is alluded to in the first chapter. Understanding why you are on this
earth will help you not to waste time doing things that are not meant for you. The quest to find your life is not an
easy one. You have to get out of your comfort zone and grab the bull by the horns. Success will meet you while you
are in the process of working. If you sit around thinking that your life purpose will find you, you are lying to
yourself. The opposite is actually true. You have to find it yourself.
You must be sure to make a name for yourself. This depends on what actions you take today. What you do today is a
determinant of the future you will have. You must have a clear picture of where you want to go. Having a vision will
guide your day-to-day activities. The practice of goal writing should be upheld. When you have your goals and
visions written down, you are less likely to get lost because that is what will guide you.
Everyone has a unique path for which they are destined. In this book, we called it a lifeline door, and we emphasized
how one should walk through their own door. Learn to isolate yourself from the crowd so that you can focus on
what is meant for you. Being in a crowd is most likely to confuse you. You will experience peer pressure and
negative energy. If you are one who flows with the tide, you will not be able to walk through your own lifeline door.
Instead, that is when you will waste your time following someone else’s path. Isolate yourself, be yourself and work
toward achieving your own goals within your lifeline.
The book has also explained the biggest enemy of success, drifting. I define being a drifter as being all over the
place. A drifter cannot be identified with any particular trade. Instead, they tend to try everything they see. They hop
onto trends and keep doing so until they realize they have run out of time. You must avoid being a jack of all trades
at all costs. Focus on one thing and become a master at it. Focusing your energy on one thing helps you to master the
craft and become a leader in the trade.
However hard you work, you should realize that failure is an inevitable part of the process. When you do something,
do not be so keen on succeeding that you end up forgetting that you can still fail at it. Leave room for failure, and
when it comes, you will not be devastated. Have an acceptance that there are two outcomes to everything; success or
failure. On the other end, you should train your mind not to accept failure so easily. Do not give up without a fight.
Put in all the effort you can to keep failure at bay, and you will most likely succeed. If you never give up, you can’t
possibly fail. There can be temporary failures during the path, but as long as you brush them away and get back on
track, you will achieve success sooner or later.
If you make it in your lifeline and make money, you would be wise with it. You need to be in full control of your
finances and ensure that everything you do is adding value to yourself, not to subtract from it. You must also
develop a thick skin for you to be able to survive the harsh and fast changing environment. The world is a better
place with people who are bold enough to face life with no fear. Life will give back to you whatever you exude to it.
See yourself as great, and the world will see you likewise. So there you are. Nothing in this world can stop you from
making it in life and being happy. This book is your greatest companion in the quest to find your life purpose and to
make money out of it.

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