Order of Probation

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_____ Court Programs “TRUE AND CORRECT copy” N ‘Southern Court Services IN THE JUSTICE COURT FORREST COUNTY, MISSISSIPPI ORDER OF PROBATION STATE OF MISSISSIPPI PLAINTIFF vs. % \ DEFENDANT ‘This\yase having come on this date before this court with the defepgant now in the presence ofthe judge has entered a: Gully} Ne Contest Or have been ed on foun git) Abas Waste ‘The above-listed defendant has been placed on probation for_l6_ Months for the following offenses) and will be ‘monitored for the length above with the probation company; unless otherwise specified by the judge. \v_defendant may early terminate ifall probation requirements have been met. caset) LOTT B47 Y fineamount VS 2S charges we _| ST CINon Adj CaseHt2) 26312 _B4 BO Fine Amount ET3.S© charge: “Dring wrong Stde Poors cases) LOTR BS AVGine Amount LRS-TS charge: Distarhry Penge ONnon ads carats) CEL S479 fine amount CRIAS Charger OD Ssorecba gy Non Aa Suspended Sentence for the above Offense(s) Days/Months None "COURT As onOKRED TE COMPLETON OF THEFODUNNG CONDENS masiee \¢ obtain Valid Orver'sticense \ Victim impact Rene MADD Course 2X allvehides in yourname shallbe impounded immobilized \_ equipped with ignition interlock device. The cost \ alle bore by you 2A titanate te oth bres Hoge arte Prohibited to frequent any establishment whose primar business isto sel alcholic beverages i ‘Submit to random drug sereen at your exnense_Z_-times per month for (J _ months 6)___ Serve ___days house atest supervised bythe probation company. 2) Serve days/month incarceration nthe Forrest County a Suspended ___nctantar___ Credit forme served__days/months. '8)___substance Abuse Assessment, andor Treatment if rendered by thecencd clinician, 9)___Aitend AA/NA Meetings, Total 10)__Anger Managernent Domestic Violence A/M4 11)__No NO ioLENT contact with Victim of Domestic Violence / simple Assault 11)__shopliting Program ___ Letter of epology____ Bare rom Store__ No Trespassog 12)__ Remit estution to Vici tothe Justice Court. Amounts. Furnish Poot of obtaining Sustaining Employment ach Month. 16)\ obtain 6e0 15)_ Payal Fines forthe above sted ctationsin the total amount of $18.0. =Sro be psd directly to the Courtin the amount of SES each monthweek/biareely inthe form of cashiers check or money oder. 161 Pov apn fasta f§ 7)_Y Not commit any other (traffc/crimina) violations of state law. 18)___ Hours of Community Service within. days/ months wonsordered byihe pout DM LUE OR p a eA O40 Silt ade te tal [otal ry Scere ou rom are pen ns tps ena be cso our noon yaevbe ences cout ‘may revoke your probation, adjudge you guilty and impore any rentance which tmay have Imposed beter placing you Cn probation Is urther ordered atte Geof Coun lethisordrdinhiheroferrcord the seh nts fn our net al oa nh tape and anyotte condition of my probation, | may be wrested on conterpt of cor charges aor the cour _SO.ORDERED this the LS dayof Pam . DEFENDANT SIGNAT\ nue (cour YetLow (oeFeNDA Pin (robation Ca)

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