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J O U R N A L OF MATERIALS SCIENCE 19 ( 1 9 8 4 ) 3121-3139

The role of alloying elements in the design of
nickel-base superalloys
A. K. J E N A
Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
M. C. C H A T U R V E D I
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba,

The constituents of nickel-base superalloys have been classified into solid solution
formers, precipitate formers, carbide formers and surface stabilizers. The characteristics
of solutes which would make them most suitable in each category have been specified and
appropriate alloying elements have been identified. Nickel-base superalloys are hardened
primarily by the precipitation of Ni3X type compounds. The occurrence and crystal-
lography of precipitation of various kinds of Ni3X type precipitates have been considered.
The role of substitution by alloying elements on mismatch and stability of phases has
been discussed. The free electron model and the EngeI-Brewer model have been applied
for evaluating the stabilities of precipitates, and the role of the alloying elements in deter-
mining the stabilities of external and internal surfaces such as grain boundaries have been
briefly outlined.

l. Introduction a judicious choice of alloying additions and thus

Superalloys are now widely used in a variety of optimize the properties.
applications at temperatures ranging from 923 to A number of reviews have been published on
1373 K in aggressive atmospheres such as the com- the defect structure and precipitate-defect inter-
bustion products of fuel and air, high temperature actions [3], microstructural characteristics [4] and
cataytic reactors etc. [1]. In order to function structure property relations [5] in nickel-base
satisfactorily in such a severe environment super- superalloys. The roles of impurities and trace
alloys must possess properties such as outstanding elements have been reviewed by Holt and Wallace
high temperature strength, creep and fatigue [6]. Since the publication of these reviews a great
resistance, excellent ductility, good impact resis- deal of work has been done and considerable
tance and adequate resistance to hot-corrosion [2]. progress has been made in the understanding of
The unique set of properties required in these the role of various constituents of nickel-base
alloys is obtained by having an f c c matrix which superalloys. In the review presented here, the con-
is hardened by solutes and precipitates. The pre- stituents have been classified into solid solution
cipitates in nickel-based superalloys are primarily formers, precipitate formers, carbide formers and
Ni3(A1TiNb) type intermetaUic compounds and surface stabilizers. The role of each constituent
carbides and are of suitable structure, shape, size element has been critically assessed. The pre-
and distribution so as to give the desired properties cipitate formers have been discussed in greater
and to resist microstructural changes at high tem- detail. The occurrence of NiaX type compounds,
peratures. The functions of alloying constituents their structure, crystallography of their precipi-
in superalloys must be clearly understood to make tation, role of alloying additions on the coherency

0022--2461/84 $03.00 + . 12 9 1984 Chapman and Hall Ltd. 3121

Z 9 FAVOURABLE(Substitutional)
"1- KO
9 FAVOURABLE(Interstitiol]
75 Sr o BaO
h Coo
rr" 50 - Na o La 0 0 Ac
YO "94'9~'49, 0 Pb "qO2,/,,~,/~
MgO ScO ZrO OI%Te ~'/'/,.9 rto OPo
25 -Cio oBi
oCd HfO OHg

o V l) ~ C ~ L Ga~s~ TCII~~uRh" Re'oQOs'r

o os

-25I BO

w I I I I I I I I I
cl 0 I0 20 50 40 50 60 70 80 90


Figure i Atomic size factors of elements for solid solution formation with nickel.

of these precipitates have been considered. The of available data on the solid solubility of elements
free electron concentration approach as well as in nickel [9] shows that all the elements having
the Engel-Brewer approach for predicting the size factor functions (Fig. 1) on the borderline are
stabilities of precipitates and the effects of sub- soluble in nickel except silver and phosphorus.
stitution of alloying elements on their stabilities Thus, the elements beryllium and titanium from
have been critically examined. Groups IIA and IVA, all the elements of Groups
VA t o VIIIA and the elements copper, gold, zinc,
2. Solid solution formers aluminium, gallium, silicon, germanium, tin,
The primary function of solid solution formers is arsenic and antimony from Groups IB to VB may
to impart strength to the matrix. Solutes having have significant solubility in nickel. Indium appears
reasonable solid solubility and high hardening to be the only exception. Its solubility in nickel is
coefficients can result in appreciable solid solution about 15% although the size factor function is not
hardening and should also improve the creep favourable (Fig. 1). If, however, complete ion-
strength of the matrix. ization of indium [8] is assumed, the size factor
The solubility of various elements in nickel can function is near the borderline.
be assessed by plotting a size factor function The solid solution forming elements increase
[dNi[100(di--dNi)/dNi] of an element i, with a the strength of the solution by primarily increasing
diameter di, against its atomic number. In the size the resistance to the movement of dislocations.
factor function expression dNi is the atomic This resistance arises from distortions and shear
diameter Of nickel. Fig. 1 shows such a plot for modulus changes in the lattice due to solute atoms
various elements. The shaded zone in this figure and more difficult cross slipping of dissociated dis-
contains values of the function between + 15 and locations in solid solutions where the stacking
-- 15. If the size factor function of an element falls fault energy has been lowered as a result of alloy-
within this zone, appreciable solid solubility of an ing. The average lattice distortion due to atomic
element in nickel is expected [8]. An examination size difference between nickel and the solute is
TAB L E I Solid solution hardening parameters of elements having significant solubility in nickel
Element Melting % Change in the (di -- dNi) 100" Separation between the Change of flow
i temperature lattice parameter dNi groups for nickel and stress (e = 0.0002)
(K) of nickel per the solute in the per atom % solute,
atom % solute periodic table (MPa at %-1)
W 3650 0.135 10.0 4 16.5
Re 3453 10.0 3
Os 3300 0.027 7.5 2
Ta 3269 14.5 5
Mo 2890 0.116 9.5 4 14.2
Nb 2740 0.169 14.5 5
Ir 2727 9.0 1
Ru 2700 6.5 2
Tc 2490 8.5 3
Rh 2239 8.0 1
V 2190 0.049 5.2 5
Cr 2176 0.032 0.2 4 4.9
Pt 2043 0.157 11.5 0
Ti 1940 0.095 16.0 6 22.7
Pd 1823 0.136 10.5 0
Fe 1809 0.031 1.3 2 3.3
Co 1768 0.005 0.2 1 0.3
Ni 1725
Si 1693 -0.025 -5.5 4
Be 1556 - 10.5
Mn 1517 0.082 4.5 3
Cu 1357 0.025 2.5 1 1.6
Au 1336 0.216 15.5 1
Ge 1232 - 1.5 4
As 1084 0.5 5
A1 932 0.048 15.0 3
Sb 904 0.153 16.5 5
Zn 693 7.0 2
Sn 505 0.246 12.5 4
In 429 18.5 3
Ga 303 0.055 5.3 3
*d = atomic diameter.

given by the change in lattice parameter of the well separated from nickel are likely to harden
nickel-rich matrix caused by alloying. Pelloux the matrix. Table I lists these two factors for all
and Grant [10] have shown that for the same the elements likely to be soluble in nickel. Data
magnitude of change in lattice parameter the available [13, 14] on the percentage change of
increase in flow stress of nickel is greater when the the lattice parameter of nickel due to 1at%
separation between the groups for nickel and the solute are also listed in Table I. They correlate
solute in the Periodic Table is greater. Greater well with the size factor function. For some
separation between the groups implies an increase elements the hardening coefficients defined as
of the electron hole number due to solutes like the increase in flow stress per unit percentage
cobalt, iron, manganese, chromium, vanadium increase in solute content, are available [10].
and titanium and an increase in electron to atom These data are incorporated in the table. They
ratio in case of solutes like copper, zinc, and also correlate well with the size factor function
aluminium. The decrease in the stacking fault and the separation between groups of nickel and
energy of nickel due to a solute is also generally the solute.
greater when the separation between the nickel The three important parameters which improve
group and that of the solute in the Periodic Table creep resistance of metals are low diffusivity, low
is greater [11, 12]. Thus, solutes with large atomic stacking fault energy and high elastic modulus
diameters and from groups in the Periodic Table [10]. Fig. 2 is a plot of diffusion coefficients of a

position of the matrix due to precipitation can be
appreciable [17].
i0-12 All elements soluble in nickel do not distribute
0 themselves uniformly in the matrix; some tend to
I.- segregate to the grain boundaries. Segregation of
z Sn
copper, manganese, silicon and antimony to grain
eCu boundaries in nickel-base alloys has been detected
t.t.t.t. I0-I~ eAu eFe oMo
LU eCoQCr by Auger electron spectroscopy and X-ray imaging
r,) eV techniques [18-20]. Segregation of copper may
Z be eliminated by a long diffusion anneal, but
o_ =
03 eW segregation of manganese does not change appre-
,,=I1 tO-IS I i I i I ciably [18]. Segregation of copper, manganese,
N O 2000 4000 silicon and antimony results in a reduction of hot
malleability and creep ductility [18-20] due to
grain-boundary cracking. An increase in inclusion
Figure 2 Change of diffusion coefficients of solutes in content with increase in silicon also reduces hot
nickel at 1000 K with melting temperatures of solutes.
ductility [18]. However, segregation of silicon and
manganese to grain boundaries improves weld-
number of solutes in nickel [ 15 ] at 1000 K against ability [6]. Arsenic also reduces hot malleability
their melting temperatures. It shows that higher [6, 21]. This characteristic is attributed to the
the temperature of melting of the solute, the lower segregation of arsenic to grain boundaries. Loss of
is its diffusivity. The high melting solutes are to be creep ductility due to small percentages of tin in
preferred for better creep resistance. Table I lists superalloys is attributed to the segregation of tin
the solutes in order of decreasing melting tempera- to the grain boundaries [20, 21]. However, a three-
tures. As pointed out above, decrease in stacking fold increase in the stress rupture life of MAR-
fault energy is related to the position of the solute M200 at 1133K has also been attributed to tin
in the Periodic Table. The solutes, however, may [6]. The role of tin needs to be more thoroughly
either increase or decrease the elastic modulus investigated.
[16]. The elements tungsten, molybdenum and
titanium have high melting points and high 3. Precipitate formers
hardening coefficients. They are, therefore, most Solid solution strengthened alloys may be further
suitable solid solution formers, although their strengthened by precipitation hardening. The pre-
solubility in nickel is not very high. Other elements cipitations increase the resistance to dislocation
such as tantalum, niobium, vanadium, rhenium and motion. Dislocations may either bow around the
technetium are high melting, have large atomic precipitates or cut through them [22]. The stress
diameters and are from groups well separated from necessary for the dislocations to bow around pre-
that of nickel. They should also be good solid sol- cipitates is inversely proportional to the inter-
ution formers. However, solid solution hardening particle distance which increases with increase in
coefficients of these elements are not available. particle size in a system which has a fixed volume
The hardening coefficient of an element like fraction of precipitating phase. The stress required
chromium is small. But because of the high solu- to cut the precipitate is proportional to the square
bility of chromium (size factor function 0.2) in root of its size. Hence the optimum strength is
nickel and high chromium contents of superalloys, obtained when the interparticle spacing is just
the contribution of chromium to solid solution small enough to prevent the dislocations from
hardening is appreciable. It has been estimated [5] bowing. The characteristics which determine the
that in an alloy containing 20% Co, 10% Fe, 20% magnitude of stress required to cut the precipitates
Cr, 4% Mo, 4% W, 1.5% V, 6% A1, and 1% Ti, the are: elastic coherency strains around the pre-
contribution of chromium to solid solution cipitate; antiphase boundary energy of ordered
hardening is 19%. The contributions to the solid precipitates; precipitate-matrix interfacial energy;
solution hardening by aluminium and titanium and the differences between the elastic moduli and
are lost when these elements are removed from stacking fault energy of precipitate and matrix.
the matrix by precipitation. Change in com- A number of binary metallic compounds con-
AI 932 Si 1693
NI3lt Ni3Si
1668 1438
V 2190 Cr 2176 Mn 1517 Fe 1809 Co 1768 Ni 1725 !Cu 135i Zn 695 GO 303 3e 1252
N 24 ~ ,2
Ni3TI NI3V Ni3Mn NI3Fe NI3Co Ni 3 Ga Ni 3 Ge
1651 1316
X (P)
1483 1434
Nb274G Mo289( Tr Ru270C Rh2239 Pd 1823 [n 429 Sn 505
~ i(~"x"///, ,5 ,o
Ni3 Nb NI3Mo Ni31n Ni 3 Sn
1703 1183 1113 1447
1"o3269 W 3 6 5 0 Re3453 3s330C [r2727 Pt2043 Aul336
" / I X "~ , z ( / / z

Ni3Ta X X 853 X
1818 OR.

Figure 3 Occurrence of Ni3X type compounds (see text for explanation).

taining about 75 at% Ni have an ordered cubic L12 Ni3X type compounds which are stable up to
structure. These ordered compounds are likely to relatively high temperatures. Amongst all these
precipitate coherently and strengthen the nickel- compounds only Ni3V forms by ordering and the
rich matrix. rest are formed by peritectic or peritectoid reac-
tions. The solubilities of these compounds in
3.1. Occurrence of Ni3Xtype compounds nickel decrease rapidly with decrease in tempera-
Fig. 3 shows the occurrence of Ni3X type com- ture. These alloys are, therefore, likely to be
pounds [9] in various Ni-X systems where X suitable for precipitation. All these systems except
represents elements with some solid solubility in the Ni-Mo system do not contain any compound
nickel (Fig. 1). The elements are arranged in Fig. 3 containing greater than 75at% Ni. Ni4Mo is a
according to their position in the Periodic Table. stable compound, but the recently reported com-
Each rectangular space allotted to an element in pound, NisTa, is of uncertain stability [23]. These
this figure contains the symbol of the element and compounds are unlikely to interfere with the pre-
its melting temperature (in K) at the top. The cipitation reaction.
shaded area and the associated number represent
the maximum solubility of the element in nickel in 3.2. Crystal structures of Ni3X type
at %. The compound Ni~ X, if present, is given next compounds
along with the upper temperature of its stability. The crystal structures and lattice parameters o f
The letters OR at the bottom of the rectangular the Ni3X type compounds [13] are listed in
space indicate that the compound is formed by an Table II. The compounds Ni3A1, Ni3Ga, and Ni3Ge
ordering reaction from the solid solution. A cross are ordered cubic. Ni3Ti has an ordered hexagonal
indicates absence of Ni3X phase. structure. Ni3In and Ni3Sn are also ordered hexag-
A number of elements form Ni3X type com- onal but their c-axis is nearly half of that of Ni3Ti.
pounds. The compounds in the systems containing Ni3V and the high temperature modification of
manganese, iron, cobalt and platinum are formed Ni3Ta are ordered tetragonal. The structures of
at low temperatures as a result of an ordering Ni3Nb, the low temperature modification of Ni3Ta
reaction. High temperature strengthening due to and Ni3Mo are ordered orthorhombic. Although
precipitation in these systems is therefore unlikely. the structures of these compounds appear to be
The rest of the elements aluminium, titanium, widely different from each other and from the
vanadium, niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, fc c structure of nickel, the atomic arrangements
gallium, indium, silicon, germanium and tin form in all these structures are quite similar.

TA B L E I I Structural characteristics of Ni 3X type compounds
Element X Designation of Upper temperature Structure Lattice Misfit,
in Ni 3X the compound of stability of the par ameters (Dpp t -- DNi) 100
compound (K) (X 10 -t~ m) DN i
A1 "r' 1668 L12 a = 3.567 1.2
Ti n 1651 DOz4 a = 5.1010 2.4
Ni3Ti c = 8.3067
V 7" 1318 D0~2 a = 3.5424 0.5, 1.2
A13Ti c = 7.1731
Nb # 1703 -- a = 5.11 2.5, 4.6
Cu3Ti b = 4.25
type c = 4.54
Ta # 1593 -- a = 5.115 2.6, 4.9
Cu~Ti b= 4.25
type c= 4.542
"r" 1818 D022 a = 3.627 2.9, 4.4
A13Ti c= 7.455
Mo # 1183 -- a = 5.064 1.6, 2.7
Cu3Ti b = 4.223
type c = 4.449
Ga "r' 1483 L12 a = 3.5823 1.7
In Ni3In 1113 D019 a = 5.331 7.0
Ni3Sn c = 4.251
Si 3" 1313 L12 a = 3.504 -0.6
-- 1438
Ge ~' 1434 L12 a = 3.566 1.2
Sn Ni3Sn 1250 D019 a - 5.293 6.2
Ni3Sn c = 4.244

The arrangement o f atoms in f c c nickel (A1) planes are stacked so as to avoid s o l u t e - s o l u t e

is identical with that in the L12 structure, if contacts. The A B e stacking sequence in the L12
orderin in the latter is ignored (Fig. 4). The close structure is shown in Fig. 5a by indicating the
packed (1 1 1) planes are stacked in b o t h in the positions o f the solute atoms in the A, B, and C
same sequence, ABC. Fig. 5a shows the atomic layers. The hexagonal unit cell o f D024 structure
arrangement in the (1 1 1) plane o f the L12 struc- m a y be considered as four h c p unit cells stacked
ture. A l t e r n a t e positions in alternate rows parallel on four others such that the lattice parameters of
to the [ 1 1 0] directions are occupied by the solute D024 are twice the corresponding lattice par-
atoms which f o r m a triangular network. This kind ameters o f h c p cells. Thus the close-packed (0 0 1)
o f ordering is called triangular. The ordered (1 1 1) plane o f D024 is similar to the (1 1 1) plane o f f c c

axis of the orthorhombic unit cell is perpendicular
to the plane of the paper in Fig. 6 and is parallel
i to the c-axis of the h cp structure. In an ideal
close-packed arrangement the lattice parameters a,
b and c of the orthorhombic cell are in the ratio
2 : (8/3)1/2:31/2. The lattice parameters of Ni3Nb,
Ni3Ta and NiaMo differ only marginally from the
ideal ratios as a contraction of only about 0.7%
(a) along the [00 1] direction and an expansion of
only about 1.8% along the [ 1 0 0] direction would
make the ratios ideal. If the slight distortion is
w ignored the atomic arrangement in the (0 1 0)
(c) plane of the Cu3Ti structures becomes same as
that in the (1 1 1) plane of nickel. Fig. 5e shows
that ordering of atoms in this structure is rectangu-
Ni3X : Ni o
lar like that in D022. The stacking sequence, AB,
X 9 however, is different.
The arrangement of atoms in the (1 1 1), (00 1),
(b) (1 1 2) and (0 1 0) planes of L12, D0~, D019, D022,
and Cu3Ti type structures is the same as that in
Figure 4 Units cells of (a) A1 (fc c), (b) Llz (3") and (c)
D022(~/') structures. the (1 1 1) plane of nickel (Fig. 5f). Similarly
(00 1) planes of nickel are similar to the (00 1)
nickel. The atomic arrangement on the (00 1) planes of L12 and ( 1 0 0 ) and ( 0 0 1 ) planes of
plane of the D024 is shown in Fig. 5b. The ordering D022 (Fig. 4). The ordering is, however, triangular
of atoms is triangular which is similar to that found in the L12, D024, and D019 structures and rectangu-
in the (1 1 1) plane of the L12 structure. However, lar in the D022 and Cu3Ti type structures. The
the stacking sequence of the D0~ structure, close similarity between the atomic arrangements
ABAC, is different (Fig. 5b). The hexagonal unit in various planes is likely to give rise to the for-
cell of D019 structure consists of four h c p unit mation of coherent interfaces between the nickel-
cells placed next to each other such that the lattice rich matrix and the precipitating compounds.
parameter a of DO ~9is twice that of h c p structure.
The planes of atoms parallel to (0 0 1) are similar 3.3. Coherency between precipitate and
to the (1 1 1) planes of f c c and have a perfect matrix
close-packed arrangement in Ni3Sn and a slightly Coherent interfaces between precipitates and
distorted one in Ni3In. The ordering of solutes in matrix may lead to appreciable strengthening.
these planes is again triangular, but the stacking Relatively small coherency strains and low surface
sequences is AB (Fig. 5c). energies associated with coherent precipitates
The D022 unit cell is shown in Fig. 4c. It con- result in uniform distribution of precipitates and
sists of two f c c unit cells stacked one above the high resistance to coarsening. Formation of
other. The (1 1 2) plane of D022 has the same coherent precipitates is encouraged by a small mis-
arrangement of atoms at the (1 1 1) plane of nickel match. The mismatch, ~, between two planes may
(Fig. 5d). Ordering of solute atoms on the (1 1 2) be defined as I(Dp --DM)/DMI where D represents
plane (Fig. 5d) is such that alternate rows of atoms the interatomic distance along the matching direc-
containing solute atoms at alternate sites are dis- tion in the matching planes at the precipitate-
placed relative to each other by one interatomic matrix interface. The planes of the fc c matrix and
distance along the [i 1 0] direction. The resulting the precipitating compounds which have similar
ordering is rectangular. In order to avoid solute- atomic arrangements may form coherent inter-
solute contact the stacking in this structure faces. The D spacings along (1 1 0) directions on
becomes ABCDEF as indicated in Fig. 5d. The the {1 1 1} planes of nickel [21], (1 1 0) directions
orthorhombic unit cell of Cu3Ti type structure on the {1 1 1} planes of L12, [1 00] and [0 1 0]
may be considered as an orthohexagonal unit cell directions on the (0 0 1) planes of D024 and D019,
as outlined in the h c p structure in Fig. 6. The b- [1 1 0] and [20 1] directions on the (1 1 2) plane



(a) L Iz (b) DOz4


__~ ,= a/21/e (I 12)

(d) DOez

(c) DOI9



(e) CusTi type

(f) Al(fcc)

Figure 5 Ordering and stacking sequence in Ni3X type compounds and nickel.

of D022 and [l 00] and [1 02] directions on the precipitates of most of the compounds since the
(0 1 0) plane of Cu3Ti type structures have been interatomic spacing in nickel is too low. The solid
used to calculate mismatch. These values are listed solution forming elements with the exception of
in Table II. The mismatches between the (00 1) only silicon, beryllium and germanium are capable
planes of nickel, LI: and D022 structures are the of increasing the lattice parameter of the nickel-
same as those listed in this table. The magnitudes rich matrix (Table II) and reducing the mismatch
of 6 are rather high for the formation of coherent considerably. The most effective elements are

31 28
tation relations are exactly the same as those
expected from crystallographiC considerations.
7" precipitates prefer {0 0 1} planes of the matrix
Cu3Ti) [38] so that their [00 1] directions may remain
parallel to the direction of minimum elastic
modulus of the matrix.
The shapes of precipitates are related to strain
energy. The magnitude of strain energy is deter-
\ , /--{oo,} uo,, Ce,, mined by mismatch, orientation and size of the
precipitates. Spherical precipitates of 7' form
when the mismatch is less than 0.4% [25, 37, 39].
c (C%Ti) 7' is cubical [25, 37, 39] with 1% > 6 > 0.4%. The
Figure 60rthorhombic unit cell of Cu3Ti type structure cubical shape may be considered as spherical with
outlined as an orthohexagonal unit cell in h c p structure. slight perturbation due to elastic anisotropy. Cel-
The b-axis of Cu3Ti is parallel to the c-axis ofh cp which lular precipitation of 7' can occur [39] if the mis-
is perpendicular to the plane of the paper. match exceeds 1%. When the mismatch exceeds
3% plates or rods ofT' may precipitate [25]. For a
niobium, tantalum, tungsten, molybdenum and given mismatch, strain energy increases with size
titanium. Other solutes such as cobalt, iron and of the precipitate. The precipitates are, therefore,
chromium become effective when they are present spherical in the initial stages and change into
in large quantities. Mismatch increases with time cubical or plate-like shapes in the later stages of
due to a reduction in alloy content of the matrix precipitation [27]. The 3'" precipitates are coherent
because of precipitation and differential thermal disc-shaped particles [36, 38, 40, 41] or square
expansion. Chemical analysis of the matrix of a platelets [34]. The thin long laths of t3 and ~ do
number of superalloys [24] suggests that cobalt, not appear to change shape with change in mis-
iron, chromium and molybdenum remain in the match [28, 29, 34-36]. The Ni-Sn alloys con-
martrix during precipitation. These elements have taining up to 10 at% Sn have cellular precipitates
the advantage of maintaining low mismatch during of Ni3Sn [42]. The mismatch in these alloys is
precipitation. greater than 3.7%. Morphologies of precipitates
The 3" precipitates of Ni3A1 form coherently on with large misfits may change significantly due to
{1 0 0} planes of the matrix [25] in a nickel-rich annealing under stress; the magnitude of change
alloy containing 18.7% Cr and 5.4% A1. The mis- depends on the direction and sense of the applied
match in this alloy is only 0.05%. The mismatch stress. Compressive stress anneal develops rods
is a little higher (0.37 to 0.5%) in Ni-A1 alloys but parallel to the stress axis while tensile stress anneal
the precipitates are still coherent [26, 27]. The develops platelets perpendicular to the applied
orientation relationship [28] is { 100}M[I{ 100}~,' stress [43-45].
and (100)M[I(O01)~'. In an N i - 1 2 a t % Ti alloy
the hexagonal Ni3Ti phase, 7, precipitates as thin, 3.4. Formation of precipitates of
needle-like Widmanstattten plates [29-31] with metastable phases
(00 1)n II {1 1 1}M, <1 1 ?.0>n II <1 10>M. The N i - The precipitation of equilibrium phases can
l9 at % V alloy gives rise to coherent, disc-like pre- increase the strength by several hundred per cent
cipitates of 3'" on {1 00} planes of the matrix [35, 46, 47]. However, certain shapes of pre-
[32, 33]. The misfit is about 0.3%. The orientation cipitates such as the laths of/3 and r/, or cellular
relationship [28] is {1 00}M [[ [00 1],r,'. Ortho- precipitates, are not desirable as they reduce
rhombic NiaNb, /3, precipitates from a number of ductility and toughness. Only a controlled amount
niobium-bearing alloys with a considerably reduced of ~ and /3 at the grain boundaries can improve
mismatch [34-36] of about 0.6 to 1.3% and an stress rupture resistance [48]. High silicon content
orientation relationship [34, 36] given by tends to promote formation of/3, while high alu-
(010)~ll {1 1 1}M and [100]~ll(1 10>M. Ni-Si minimum and tantalum contents retard nucleation
alloys also give rise to coherent-precipitates of of/3 [49]. Phases with a more suitable shape, size
cubic Ni3Si with a mismatch of about 0.3% and coherency can become more useful as strength-
[25, 37]. In all these systems the observed orien- eners. Ideally small, coherent and uniformly distri-

Alloy ,,SM, ,

l At v TM,, //
>.. Tu
on,- Alloy .Matrix \ Z/_M,,


(a) CONCENTRATION =- Figure 7 Effect of phase stability and mlStlt on m e pre-
cipitation of metastable phases. S = stable phase. M =
metastable phase. M' = metastable phase with reduce mis-
rs fit. M " = metastable phase with reduced misfit and
increased stability.

O. energy-composition diagram (Fig. ?a) shows that
I-- at a given temperature the solubility of the meta-
stable phase, which is obtained by common
(c) TIME =
tangent construction is higher than that of the
stable phase. Therefore, the solvus of the meta-
buted precipates are required. The 7' (L12) and stable phase in Fig. 7b is to the right of that of the
3'" (D022) precipitates meet these requirements. stable phase and for a given alloy composition the
Inducing precipitation of metastable 3'' and 3'" in equilibrium solution temperature (Ts) of the
systems in which these phases are not stable is stable phase is greater than that (T~) of the meta-
desirable. stable phase. Fig. 7c shows the time required for
Precipitates of metastable 3'' and 3" may be the initiation of precipitation of the two phases.
expected to appear when the misfit is small. Some Since the time required for the initiation of pre-
of the niobium-bearing alloys give metastable 3'' cipitation of the metastable phase is much longer
and 3'" precipitates with misfit less than 1% for than that of the stable phase, the metastable phase
3'" [28, 34, 35] and 1.3% for 3'' [28, 40, 41, 50]. is suppressed. When the misfit of the metastable
Nickel containing 12.5% Ti gives rise to 3' pre- phase is reduced, its surface energy is considerably
cipitates in the early stages of precipitation with a decreased and the rate of precipitation of this
mismatch of only about 0.6% [51]. A number of metastable phase, M', with reduced misfit is
other alloys behave in this manner [29, 30, appreciably increased as shown by the dotted
46, 52]. Molybdenum encourages formation of 3'' curve in Fig. 7c. The equilibrium solution tempera-
and suppresses precipitation of 77 by lowering the ture, TM', of the phase M' may also be increased a
mismatch [53]. However, a number of alloys with little because of decreased strain energy. If, how-
the mismatch reduced to very low values do not ever, substitution results in a considerably reduced
give rise to the precipitation of metastable 7' or 3'" misfit as well as increased stability, the metastable
[28, 35]. Such behaviour is attributable to the phase with low misfit and high stability, M", may
change in the stability of the precipitates. have a free energy composition curve and a solvus
Formation of a metastable phase is determined line as shown by the dashed line in Figs. 7a and b.
by both its low mismatch and high stability. The correponding curve for initiation of pre-
The role of these two factors in the precipitation cipitation is shown in Fig. 7c. It is clear that pre-
of a phase is schematically illustrated in Fig. 7 cipitation of the metastable phase with reduced
through free energy-compositi0n, temperature- misfit and increased stability (M") would be
composition and temperature-time-transforma- dominant'. Substitution of alloying elements in
tion diagrams of two competing phases; stable Ni3X may result in appreciable increase in the
phase, S, and metastable phase, M. The free stability and decrease of the mismatch of Ni3X.
5O increasing the lattice parameter of the matrix
(Table I). Since these elements are mostly present
in the matrix their effect in reducing the mismatch
by increasing the lattice parameter of the matrix
would predominate. Chromium, iron, molyb-
denum and tungsten substitute for X in Ni3X to a
minor extent. Therefore, their effect on the mis-
match due to change in the lattice parameter of
Ni3X would not be appreciable. Change in the
lattice parameter of Ni3X due to substitution of
X by aluminium, titanium, vanadium, tantalum,
niobium, gallium, indium, germanium, silicon and
tin would depend upon their relative atomic diam-
Ni eters. The percentage difference between atomic
50 40 50 20 Io
diameters of X and the element substituting for X
X (ctt % ) in Ni3X is obtainable from Table I.
Substitution of aluminium in Ni3A1 by titanium
Figure 8 Semischematic solid solution fields of NiaA1in a
number of Ni-A1-X type ternary systems at about or niobium leads to an increase in the lattice par-
1400K [5, 60, 61]. ameter of 3" [57-59]. Substitution of vanadium
and silicon for aluminium leads to a decrease in
the lattice parameter of Ni3A1 [54]. The elements
3.4. 1. E f f e c t o f alloy substitution on decreasing the lattice parameter of Ni3X would
mismatch generally reduce the mismatch. For example, sub-
The alloying elements substitute for both nickel stitution of niobium in Ni3Nb by aluminum,
and X in Ni3X. On the basis of chemical analysis vanadium, gallium, silicon and germanium should
of the matrix and extracted 3" precipitates it lead to a decrease in the lattice parameter of
has been suggested that cobalt and iron substitute Ni3Nb and a reduction in misfit.
for nickel; chromium substitutes for nickel and alu-
minium; titanium, niobium, vanadium, tantalum, 3,4.2, Effect o f alloy substitution on
tungsten and molybdenum substitute for alu- stability o f phases
minium [24]. However, most of the iron, chro- Substitution of alloying elements leads to a change
mium, cobalt and molybdenum remains in the in the stability of alloy phases. When niobium is
matrix [24]. Superimposed semi-schematic iso- substituted for aluminium in Ni3A1 the degree of
thermal sections of Ni3X fields of ternary systems long-range order increases by 25% [59]. The
Ni-A1-X (X = Cu, Co, Fe, Cr, Ti, Nb, V, Mo, Si, changes in relative stabilities of phases may be
Mn, Ta) at about 1400K are shown in Fig. 8 [5, evaluated in terms of models based on free elec-
54, 55]. It follows from this figure that titanium, tron concentration or (s + p) electron concen-
niobium, tantalum, vanadium, manganese and trations as proposed by Brewer.
silicon substitute for aluminium. Iron, chromium
and molybdenum substitute for both aluminium Approach based on free electron concen-
and nickel; cobalt and copper substitute for nickel. tration. A survey of A3B type compounds has
On the other hand, very little molybdenum goes shown that the atomic size effect is not very
into solution into Ni3A1 and r/ and /3 take very important in determining the stability of these
little aluminium into solution [55-57]. In general, compounds, But the ratio of average total elec-
all the Ni3X forming solute elements may be trons outside the inert gas shell to the number of
expected to substitute for X, the extent of sub- atoms is the controlling factor [60]. The A3B type
stitution being dependent on the relative atomic compounds with L12 structure (3") are found at
diameters and the crystal structures of Ni3X. electron to atom ratios (e/a) less than 8.65,
Substitution of nickel in NiaX by cobalt, iron, whereas the compound with D022 structure (7")
chromium, molybdenum and tungsten results in an is found at (e/a) > 8.65.
increase in the lattice parameter of Ni3X cancelling The electron concentration in Ni3X type com-
partly their effect in reducing the mismatch by pounds and their components are listed in Table
TABLE III Ratios of average total electrons outside the consistent with the experimental observations.
inert gas shell to the number of atoms, (e/a), in Ni3X type Addition of 3% Fe to Ni-12.5% Nb alloy induces
precipitation [28] of 7". This behaviour cannot be
Component (e/a)in Structure Average attributed to mismatch as it is already very low in
component of the (e/a) in the the Ni-12.5% Nb alloy. Iron substitutes for both
Ni3X type compound
compound nickel and niobium in Ni3Nb. Substitution of
niobium by iron would only increase the (e/a)
AI 3 LI~ 8.25
ratio and would not stabilize 3`". However, sub-
Ti 4 D0~4 8.5
V 5 D02~ 8.75 stitution of nickel and iron would decrease the
Nb 5 Cu~Ti 8.75 electron concentration and stabilize 7". Since the
type electron concentration in chromium is lower than
Ta 5 Cu~Ti 8.75 that in iron, chromium would be more effective as
type a 3"' stabilizer. However, addition of 17% Cr to
Mo 6 CusTi 9.0
type N i - C o - N b alloys [35] does not induce precipi-
Ga 3 L12 8.25 tation of 3`". According to Table III addition of
In 3 D019 8.25 vanadium to Ni-Nb alloys should not have any
Si 4 L12 8.5 effect. But 3`" is known to precipitate from N i -
Ge 4 L12 8.5
Sn 4 N b - V alloys [33]. Thus the above procedure,
D019 8.5
Cr 6 which is based on assigning characteristic free elec-
W 6 tron concentrations to each phase, fails to predict
Fe 8 the change in stability of phases in some alloys.
Co 9
Ni 10 Engel-Brewer approach. According to the
principles advanced by Brewer [61] each crystal
III. This information can be used for predicting structure is characterized by a definite (s + p)
relative stabilities of precipitates. In the N i - N b electron to atom ratio. Bcc, h c p , D022, L12, and
system precipitates of only t3 are found [28]. How- fc c structures have characteristic ranges of(s + p)
ever, the C u - N i - N b system yields precipitates electron to atom ratio of 1 to 1.5, 1.75 to 2.25,
of t3 and 3'" [34]. Partial substitution of nickel by 2.5 to 2162, 2.75 to 3.00 and 3.00 respectively
copper in NiaNb reduces its (e/a) ratio, stabilizes [28, 60, 61 ]. The energy of a crystal structure is
3`" and induces its precipitation. In the presence determined by the promotion energies of electrons
of aluminium in the C u - N i - N b alloy, aluminium to the appropriate (s + p) configuration and the
substitutes for niobium in Ni~Nb and reduces its bonding energies of all the (s + p) and unpaired d
(e/a) ratio as the corresponding ratio in aluminium electrons. The structure with minimum energy
is only 3 compared with 5 in niobium (Table III). represents the stable phase.
When the percentage of aluminium is low, 3`" is The change in the stabilities of crystal struc-
stabilized. With increase in the percentage of alu- tures with increase in the (s + p) electron concen-
minium the (e/a) ratio is further reduced and 3`' tration is illustrated in Fig. 9. It was shown in
is stabilized. When the amount of aluminium in Section 3.2 that Cu3Ti type structure of Ni3Nb,
the C u - N i - N b system is small,/3, 3'" and 3`' pre- Ni3Ta and Ni3Mo is really a slightly distorted h c p
cipitate at high, intermediate and low ageing tem- structure with rectangular ordering. Therefore, it
peratures, respectively [40, 41]. Increase in the would be reasonable to assume that the electron
aluminium content causes precipitation of/3 and 3`' concentration in/3 is close to those of h c p and
at high and low ageing temperatures and precipi- D022. The electron concentration in D024 and
tation of 3`" is suppressed. These experimental D019 structures which have triangular ordering are
observations are in accord with the theoretical pre- likely to be close to that of the L12 structure. The
dictions. Precipitation of 3`" in N i - F e - C o - T a probable positions of 13, D024 and D019 in the elec-
alloys [52] and 3`' in N i - C r - F e - N b - T i and N i - tron concentration scale in Fig. 9 have been indi-
C o - C r - N b - A I alloys [38, 52] may be interpreted cated.
in a similar manner. Iron in the Ni-12.5% Nb alloy behaves as fc c
This approach can, in principle, be extended to iron since it is part of an fc c lattice. Substitution
other systems. However, predictions are not always of nickel by iron in Ni3Nb should not change the

the energy per unit area of the interface between
5.0 fcc matrix and precipitate, Ce is the solubility in the
matrix and D is the volume diffusion coefficient.
oo ~ The results of a number of investigations suggest
2I-- D022 that the above volume diffusion-controlled
n~ coarsening equation is apphcable to the coarsening
of 3'' and 3"" precipitates in an fc c matrix [26, 27,
2.0 ~ hcp 32, 36, 46, 50, 63].
0 It follows from this equation that the coarsen-
g ing rate may be decreased by reducing interfacial
1.5 energy, solubility and diffusion coefficients.

1,0~ bcc
Reduced misfit increases coherency of the matrix-
precipitate interface and reduces the interfacial
energy. Solubility is also lowered by the decrease
in strain energy due to lowering of misfit. Further
reduction in solubility is obtainable through
Figure 9 Characteristic (s + p) electron concentrations for
the. stability of a number of structures. increase in stability of the precipitate. Suitable
alloying elements can be substituted in order to
improve stability of precipitates. The diffusion
precipitate stability. But substitution of fc c iron coefficients of a number of solutes in nickel at
with (s + p) electron concentration of 3 for b c c 1000K which have been plotted in Fig. 2 against
niobium having (s + p) electron concentration of the melting temperature of the solutes show that
about 1 results in increase in the (s + p) electron high melting elements have low diffusion coeffi-
concentration in Ni3Nb. Therefore, the stability cients. Thus minimum mismatch and use of high
of 3'" relative to ~ would be increased. Addition of melting solutes for maximization of stability of
iron does induce precipitation of 3'" [28, 36, 38]. the precipitates should result in minimum rate of
Chromium being b c c, would not encourage pre- coarsening.
cipitation of 3" [41]. Presence of f c c aluminium The coarsening rate is reduced by the sub-
stabilizes both 3`" and 3" [28, 40, 50]. Similarly stitution of aluminium by high-melting titanium in
3'" and 3" in F e - N i - T a [52] and N i - C r - F e - N b - Ni3A1 [58]. Chromium and cobalt can reduce the
Ti [38] alloys are stabilized. (s + p) electron con- coarsening rate by decreasing solubility and misfit.
centration in vanadium is about 1.5 compared Similarly molybdenum and tungsten can reduce
with one in niobium. Vanadium, therefore, induces the coarsening rate by decreasing misfit and dif-
precipitation of 3'" in niobium-bearing alloys [47]. fusion coefficient. Niobium reduces solubility and
Brewer's approach predicts the stability of the diffusion coefficient [64] and, therefore,
Ni3X type compounds more effectively. However, lowers the rate of coarsening. Increased coherency
the free electron concentration model is simple strains due to increased misfit may also increase
and easier to apply. coarsening rate [65]. However, coarsening kinetics
do not appear to be significantly influenced by
3.5. Stab il ity o f m icrostru ctu re volume fraction of precipitates [66].
The microstructure of a precipitation hardened Instability in microstructure may also be caused
system consists of precipitates of different sizes by the destabflization of the fc c matrix of nickel-
distributed in the matrix. The larger precipitates base superalloys due to the presence of an excess
in these systems grow at the expense of smaller of b c c stabilizing solutes such as chromium, iron,
ones. It can be shown that when this occurs by molybdenum, tantalum, niobium and tungsten.
volume diffusion-controlled coarsening process the The chromium content of superalloys is therefore
average particle size, f, is related to the time, t, limited to 15 to 30~. Destabilization of 3' may
by the following relation [62]: result in the formation of intermetallic compounds
like the topographically close packed phases (t c p).
/ sv ~
These phases precipitate as platelets along grain
boundaries. They reduce ductility, decrease stress
Here V is the molar volume of the precipitate, o is rupture life and induce brittleness [67, 68]. They

I ; ~ I I I
TiC I VC/M.C. IirTC~N.G.X~//~ re 3 ///W//C'o.C//////~/Ni3CI//l
L . . . . . ..
ZrC IIINbC/ Nb4Ct M~ ! 1 ' Icubic ("ac' Type'
I !- TaC- H WHexagonal
I ~0rthorhombic

Figure 10 Relationship between structures of carbides and the positions of metals in the Periodic Table (after
Goldschmidt [ 103]).

are the source of crack initiation and propagation strengthened by intermetallic compounds. The
in brittle failure. High temperature rupture also presence of a network of uniformly distributed
occurs along t cp plates [5, 67]. Factors influ- discrete carbide particles along the grain boun-
encing the formation of these phases have been daries of a superalloy is desirable as it prevents
discussed extensively in the literature [69]. Con- grain-boundary sliding and migration [73]. The
sidering electron concentration as the prime factor optimum effect on properties, however, depends
in determining the stability of t c p phases a com- upon the structure and morphologies of carbides.
putational method, PHACOMP has been developed The structure and morphology of carbides are
to predict t cp-free alloy compositions. In this influenced by the alloying elements present in a
method the average electron vacancy number,-~v, superalloy. In this section influence of various
of the alloy is calculated by the relation alloying elements on carbide formation in super-
alloys is discussed.
= E X Nv,, The structures of various transition metal car-
bides are listed in Fig. 10. The cubic MC carbides
where Xi is the atomic fraction of the solute, i, in are most stable and the orthorhombic ones are
solid solution in the matrix and N v is the electron least stable. Titanium, tantalum, niobium and
vacancy number of the solute element. A critical vanadium stabilize MC type carbides. Other
value of average electron vacancy number, -Nv*, elements destabilize them. Carbides of metals
below which t c p phases do not form is estab- belonging to the same class show considerable
lished. In order to predict the absence of t cp intersolubility [8]. The hexagonal carbides of
phases the calculated value of Nv of an alloy is chromium, molybdenum and tungsten are soluble
compared with Nv*. Several methods based on this to some extent in cubic carbides, but the ortho-
principle have been extensively used [70, 71]. A rhombic carbides show no solubility in cubic ones
decrease in chromium content generally suppresses because of large differences in the atomic sizes of
the formation of sigma and Laves phases. Iron metal atoms. Orthorhombic carbides show some
promotes formation of a, #, x, rl, and/3 phases and solubility in hexagonal and complex cubic carbides
aluminium, titanium, niobium and silicon promote (M23C6). Increasing addition of strong carbide
Laves phases [72]. formers results in the formation of carbides in the
following general order:
4. Carbide formers
M7C3 -~ M23C6 --> M6C -+ MC
Carbide-containing nickel-base superallloys have
superior creep properties compared with those The carbide MeC in this sequence has a structure

similar to that of M23C6. It is f c c with a lattice written [6] as (Ni, Co, Cr)4(Mo, W)2C. The M6C
parameter of about 1.1 nm. carbides may appear as blocky particles or take the
The presence of strong carbide forming elements Widmanstatten morphology [4]. The latter is not
results in the formation of MC carbides during desirable as it degrades mechanical properties. A
solidification. In some alloys a little MC carbide high solubility of silicon in MoC encourages the
may also precipitate in the solid state where M formation of this carbide [72, 77]. Silicon in the
in MC is titanium, tantalum, niobium, vanadium, Ni-15Cr-6W-3Mo-2A1-2Ti alloy containing
molybdenum, tungsten or chromium. None of the less than 0.4% Si is uniformly distributed. The
orthorhombic carbide forming elements is a part main carbide in this alloy is M2aC6. When the
of M. Although hafnium is insoluble in nickel, MC silicon content in the alloy is greater than 0.4%,
carbides rich in hafnium have been reported in silicon segregates to the grain boundaries and gives
hafnium-containing alloys [80]. The MC carbides rise to a continuous grain-boundary film of M6C
are generally angular, cubic- or diamond-shaped [771.
blocky particles present at grain boundaries and in The simple Ni-Cr-A1-Ti type of alloys con-
the matrix. They have a Chinese script-morphology tain CrvC3 carbides as blocky intergranular par-
in some cast alloys [4]. ticles which are generally metastable [4]. They
Moderate and high chromium contents (E 18%) transform to Cr23Ce. The morphlogies of various
[75] lead to the formation of M23C6 carbides types of carbides and the heat treatment required
during solidification, ageing at low temperature or to evolve those in many commercial alloys have
in use. The following reaction leads to the for- been described in the literature [4, 5, 78].
mation of M23C6 carbides at the grain boundaries
during ageing: 5. Surface stabilizers
The performance of any engineering materials
MC + 7 ~ M23C6 + 7'
depends upon the stability of its external and
MC carbide stabilizing elements can retard internal interfaces. In this section the influence of
decomposition of MC. 0.4% niobium decreases various alloying element on the stability of both
the percentage of M23C6 carbides appreciably in external as well as internal surfaces of nickel-base
Waspaloy [76]. Both cubic and orthorhombic superalloys will be briefly reviewed.
carbide forn~ng elements may become part of M
in Mz~C6 which may be written as (Ni, Co, Fe, 5.1. External interface
Cr)21(MoW)2C6. M23C6 carbides at the grain boun- Instability of external surfaces of nickel-base
daries enveloped within layers of 7' is the ideal superalloys in chemically reactive environments
morphology for inhibiting grain-boundary sliding leads to degradation of material. Degradation of
and improving creep resistance [5]. The presence material can be caused by oxidation at high tem-
of M23C6 carbides as films, plates or discontinuous peratures in oxidizing atmospheres. When surface
irregular particles at the grain boundaries results reaction occurs in the presence of oxygen, sulphur,
in poor ductility and an increased cracking ten- sodium, vanadium and other contaminants present
dency. Grain-boundary carbides associated with in the environment, it is termed hot corrosion.
precipitate-free zones due to increased solubility The reaction products of hot corrosion consist of
of precipitates as a result of chromium depletion, compounds such as molten Na2SO4 which dissolve
are also not desirable. Cellular morphology or the protective oxide layer of the alloy. The
eutectic colonies reduce ductility, strength and eutectic Ni3S2-Ni may also be active during hot
notch rupture strength. Boron is effective in corrosion. The mechanisms of oxidation [79, 80]
retarding nucleation of cells [5]. and hot corrosion [81, 82] of superalloys have
The presence of refractory metals such as been discussed elsewhere in the literature and
molybdenum and tungsten over about 8 at % leads therefore, will not be discussed here.
to the formation of M6C type carbides by the The presence of chromium in the alloys results
reaction [73]: in the formation of an oxide layer which reduces
further oxidation and hot corrosion. For a good
MC+')' ~ MEG+')" protective layer against oxidation about 20% Cr
Since both orthorhombic and cubic carbide is required [83]. Optimum nickel content for
forming elements could be part of MeC it may be maximum oxidation resistance is 40 to 50%.

Cobalt is not necessary for adequate oxidation Phosphorus also causes cracking and hot tearing
resistance [84, 85]. However, cobalt improves hot [21, 95]. Sulphur segregates to the grain boun-
corrosion resistance as the diffusivity of sulphur in daries [26, 102] and its concentration at the boun-
cobalt is nearly one hundredth of that in nickel daries can go up to 12at% in alloys containing
and the melting temperature (l150K) of the only 0.006at% S [96]. Sulphur causes loss of
Co4S3-Co eutectic is higher than that (918 K) of ductility due to the presence of a low melting
the Ni3S2-Ni eutectic [86]. Aluminium additions eutectic at the grain boundaries.
improve oxidation resistance [87] and resistance to It was pointed out in Section 3 that some of
oxide spalling [84]. Above 1223K aluminium is the solid solution forming elements, arsenic,
better than chromium, as ChO3 tends to form antimony, copper, manganese and silicon also
gaseous CrO3 at these temperatures [88]. Alloys segregate [18-20] to the grain boundaries and
with about 15at% Cr and 10at% A1 form good cause grain-boundary cracking [18-21]. Man-
protective layers [87]. However, A1203 provides ganese is useful in counteracting sulphur: it gives
poor hot corrosion resistance. Compared with alu- rise to globular particles of MnS at the grain boun-
minium, titanium imparts poor oxidation resis- daries. Excess manganese (:> 1%) improves oxi-
tance. Titanium also increases the tendency for dation resistance [90] and weldability [8]. How-
intergranular oxidation. However, it does improve ever, because of loss of ductility, excess manganese
hot corrosion resistance. The corrosion rate tends is restricted to 0.2 to 1%. Silicon improves oxi-
to increase linearly [82] with [A1]/[Ti] [Cr] 1/2. The dation resistance [90], but, because of its
refractory metals molybdenum and tungsten embrittling effect [18] and its influence on pro-
improve resistance to both oxidation and spalling moting M6C carbides [77] and Laves phases [72]
in some alloys [88, 89]. The effect of the presence at the grain boundaries, it is restricted to 0.2 to
of molybdenum, tungsten, niobium and tantalum 1%.
on hot corrosion resistance is dependent on test A few elements tend to impart beneficial
conditions [82]. Silicon and manganese, when properties to the alloy by segregating to the grain
present up to 1 to 3%, improve oxidation resis- boundaries. These elements stabilize the grain
tance [90]. However, silicon in the presence of alu- boundary against premature cracking. The effect
minium, tantalum and yttrium tends to promote of small additions of boron (~ 0.009%) is to
oxide spalling [84]. Addition of rare earths improve hot ductility and rupture life [97]. Boron
increases the adherency of oxide scales with the segregates to the grain boundaries [98] and pre-
metal and improve oxidation [80] and hot cor- vents rapid agglomeration of M23C6 carbides
rosion [91, 92] resistance. Rare earths also form possibly due to reduced grain-boundary diffusivity
low melting Ni-NisR eutectics which give low [6]. Excess boron forms complex borides with
rupture strength. This may be avoided by adding molybdenum, titanium, chromium and nickel. A
rare earth oxides [91]. Rare earth oxides also small percentage of zirconium ("~ 0.01%) improves
improve hot corrosion resistance by reacting with hot ductility and rupture life [97]. Zirconium
sulphur [92]. Minor additions of reactive elements segregates to the grain boundaries, combines with
such as yttrium, lanthanum and caesium improve carbon and sulphur to form carbides and carbo-
oxidation resistance [80, 84]. sulphides [20, 99] and reduces the detrimental
effects of sulphur. Like boron, zirconium reduces
5.2. Internal interfaces the agglomeration rate of M23C6 possibly by
These are primarily grain boundaries. It has been reducing grain-boundary diffusivity. Magnesium
observed that the presence of discrete particles improves the stress rupture life [100] by reacting
of M23C6 at the grain boundary can stabilize the with interstitial impurities, oxygen, nitrogen and
grain boundaries against grain-boundary sliding sulphur and nulifying their harmful effects. Mag-
and migration during application at elevated tem- nesium also gives rise to finely dispersed intra-
peratures. However, a number of elements have a granular particles of sulphide. Hafnium improves
tendency to segregate to the grain boundary, rupture life and ductility [101] by acting as a
weaken it and initiate cracks along it. Elements getter [99] to prevent grain-boundary embrittle-
insoluble in nickel such as lead, bismuth, thallium ment caused by sulphur. It enters carbides and 7'
and tellurium present as impurities in trace particles [74]. Rare earths improve the ductility
amounts cause such embrittlement [93, 94]. and stress rupture life by reducing the sulphur

content of the alloy [102]. Most of the beneficial number of solutes are not known. Data on pre-
elements improve properties by eliminating cipitation in tantalum, molybdenum, gallium,
sulphur. However, the role of boron is not yet well indium, germanium and tin bearing nickel-base sys-
understood. tems are scanty. Very little information is available
on the extent of substitution of elements such as
6. Conclusions aluminium, titanium, vanadium, niobium, tan-
The constituents of nickel-base superalloys may be talum, molybdenum, gallium, indium, silicon,
classified into matrix formers, solid solution germanium and tin for each other in Ni3X and
formers, precipitate formers, carbide formers and their effect on lattice mismatch, precipitate
surface stabilizers. Elements with face centred stability and coarsening rate. The role of minor
cubic structures, and having high melting points additions in improving carbide morphology and
and significant solubility for a number of elements surface stability should be further explored.
are suitable as matrix formers. Nickel is one such
element. Out of thirty elements which have signifi- Acknowledgements
cant solubility in nickel, the solutes tungsten, The authors would like to thank the Natural
molybdenum, titanium, tantalum, niobium, vana- Science and Engineering Research Council of
dium, rhenium and technetium have favourable Canada and the University of Manitoba Research
characteristics for hardening the nickel-rich matrix Board for the financial support. Thanks are also
by solid solution formation. due to Dr J. R. Cahoon of the University of
The solutes aluminium, titanium, vanadium, Manitoba, Mechanical Engineering Department
niobium, tantalum, molybdenum, gallium, indium, for many useful discussions.
silicon, germanium and tin form Ni3X type com-
pounds. These compounds have widely different References
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M.O. Speidel (Applied Science, London, 1978)
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