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Graphic Era Hill University,Dehradun

Uttrakhand, 248002

Business Ethics and Values

Assignment Number-1
Role of CEO & It’s impact on Business Culture

Name : Khushboo Karki

Course : BBA
Specialization : Logistics
University Roll Number 2026162
Student ID 20032041
Semester : VIth
Submitted to : Pooja Mam

I, Ms. Khushboo Karki D/o Mr. Pratap Singh Karki solemnly affirms and
declares the following.
• I certify that the information furnished by me in this assignment is true to the best
of my knowledge and belief.
• I understand and agree that any false or misleading information will justify a
denial of my project work.
• I certify that I have carefully read all the information and then put it here.
• I certify that there is no plagiarism in this assignment work.
The CEO is in charge of all responsibilities within the company, including investment decisions,
decisions involving stakeholders, shareholders, and decisions involving how the corporate culture is run.
I discussed ethics and values in this project since it is crucial for us to comprehend why we are studying
the particular subject.Then I talked about the role and its effects. You might be astonished to learn that
the majority of MNCs and top firms in the globe have CEOs who are from India, as it may seem
unreasonable for one person to run the entire organization. Here are a few examples:

Name of the Person Company Name

Tim Cook Apple Inc.

Satya Nadella Microsoft

Arvind Krishna IBM

Punit Renjen Deloitte

Laxman Narasimhan Starbucks

And a lot more...
So let's get to our subject without further ado.
Business Ethics
& Values
Business Ethics
"Ethics has to do with what my feelings tell me is right or wrong", "The ethics of business is the
ethics of responsibility. The business man must promise that he will not harm knowingly.
In simple words, we can say business ethics is the study of what is right and wrong for any type
of big MNCs, organization’s, businesses, and many more.
Let’s take an example to understand it more clear-
Let’s assume Nikhil just have completed his Bachelor’s and looking for 1 year practical
experience. He applied in many companies and one day he got a call for an Interview. During
the process the HR told that they will give many benefits, have great compensation, great
environment and many more things. After that Nikhil searched there arises 2 cases-
He cross checked all the reviews all the employees in the app like glassdoor, then take firmly
decision, If all the things were true than, he can join as there is no transparency in the
organization and they value their employees.
If he finds some negative reviews, then there arises a question that they are not ethical.

Business Values
In layman words values, that guide us to do something ethical. It’s an informal term used in an

Let’s take basic example that we all have some values taught by our parents since our
childhood and we follow them also happily like we have to greet our elders as well as our
younger, be polite to everyone, and so on.

Who is the CEO?

A CEO is the person in the top most level in any organization who perform functions like
implement strategies, contact with Board of Directors, Give direction and leadership to all the
employees working in an organization
For example : If you get a job with a high pay but toxic environment then at the end of the day
you will end up being depressed and vice-versa…The toxic or healthy work environment
comes from the CEO of the organization

Role of CEO
In these following words we all know the meaning so without getting into deep let just
understand with an example which will make it clear and easy to understand:
Visionary = The CEO should have to look the future and then take the drastic steps accordingly
We all know Mr. Mukesh Ambani, he is the visionary person as he understand that in upcoming
future what will rule the nation
CSR = Corporate Social Responsibility = A CEO should have to look upon this as this plays a
very important role as it is Giving back to the Society.
Ethical = We have already discussed this, In short when we understand the difference between
good or bad and then follow the acceptable behavior in the eyes of law and society as well.
Legal = CEO have to look upon the legal activities as if there are no illegal activities there in an
organization which lead them a huge loss of money and reputation in the market.
In an Logistics Company, should check upon if there is no illegal goods supplied in the name of
their brand ,If we talk about statistics than around 32% goods are misused or illegally
transported throughout the country.

Economic = Not only decision making, ethical behavior, leadership, etc. Company works on
funds…So the CEO have to look upon their stakeholders and shareholders
Inspire others = Let's take an example There is a Company A and B
Company A: CEO always look frustated,put his blame on others, rude behavior, and so on
…this all lead to lack of connectivity, information flow disturbed which in overall lead to
disbalance in the organization whereas Company B : CEO daily comes with fresh mind, ideas,
creative things, respect and talk politely to all…this have impact in healthy discussion and lead
to tremendous growth of the organization
Organization culture = e. Recently, TCS launched 5 Minute dance to all the employees in
morning to freshn'up.
Communication = e. suppose you have any problem whom you will share than the role of
CEO is also to ensure proper grievances centers.
Encouragement = e. Sneha does not perform well in the task, but all done the work
perfectly…Instead of layoff or judging, he/she can encourage Sneha to do better and guide her
to do the best possible outcome for the company.
Accessibililty = All things to be accessible through Internet as well as in the office.

Business Culture
If we talk about what is business culture, In Lamen words, it's how well a organization
performs like their dresscode,working pattern, breaks,shifts,etc.
It differ from organization to organization

Is there Impact of CEO On Business Culture?

We have clearly understand the role of CEO & Business Culture…So now there is a question
arise that how CEO have impact on business culture or In real CEO have impact on it or not

According to me, Yes definitely CEO have a huge impact on business culture. In the contrary to
proof my words these are the following-
• The culture of any type of industry, organization is formed by the CEO
• CEO promote the entire organization, that is the main reason why only CEO's are being
• What will the CEO does, entire organization automatically adopt it.
• Sometimes, CEO don't listen to anyone, it affect it's culture adversely.
• They having the cultural talk and even celebrate all the functions and take care all of their
• Some fun business activities, where employees feel valued, respected than the employees too
give their 200% in the growth of the organization. As a saying that Everyone deserves it
• Proper Cab facilities, food, accommodation
• Ensure Safety checkup, stand for their rights as well if any mishappening happens
• When there is new hires, there should be a proper welcoming. Instead of pressuring try to
understand them calmly.
• Proper rest should be given in between to ensure effective work
Google have the sleeping, game zone for the employees…

As we all know in India we don't have proper work life balance but if we try then definitely
change will come one day.
That's all what I understood from the given topic Hope it makes clear

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