Minimelancia Salinidade

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DOI: 10.5433/1679-0359.2022v43n4p1497

Physiological and biochemical responses of mini

watermelon irrigated with brackish water under two
types of irrigation system

Respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas de minimelancia

irrigada com água salobra sob dois tipos de sistema de

Laís Monique Gomes do Ó1; Alide Mitsue Watanabe Cova2*; André Dias de Azevedo
Neto3; Neilon Duarte da Silva1; Petterson Costa Conceição Silva4; Rogério Ferreira
Ribas5; Andressa Leite Santos6; Hans Raj Gheyi7

Salinity up to 6.5 dS m-1 did not impair the photosynthetic apparatus.
Salinity increases non-regulated non-photochemical excitation dissipation.
Pulse drip irrigation does not attenuate the effects of salinity on mini watermelon.

The use of marginal quality water can be a viable alternative in regions with water scarcity when associated
with an adequate irrigation management strategy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological and
biochemical responses of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon as a function of irrigation management and salinity
of the nutrient solution (ECsol). The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse of the Federal University
of Recôncavo of Bahia, in the municipality of Cruz das Almas - BA, in a completely randomized design, with
four replications. The plants were grown under two types of irrigation management (conventional drip - CD
and pulse - PD) and four saline levels of the fertigation nutrient solution (2.5 - control; 4.5; 5.5; 6.5 dS m-1).

Drs., Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, UFRB, Center of Agricultural, Environmental and Biological
Sciences, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil. E-mail:;
Pos-Doctoral Fellow, Post Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering, Center of Agricultural, Environmental and
Biological Sciences, UFRB, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
Prof. Dr., UFRB, Center of Exact and Technological Sciences, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
Pos-Doctoral Fellow, Post Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering, Center of Technology and Natural Resources,
Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, UFCG, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. E-mail:
Prof. Dr., UFRB, Center of Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil. E-mail:
Agronomy Student, UFRB, Center of Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences, Cruz das Almas, BA, Brazil.
Prof. Dr., Post Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering, Center of Technology and Natural Resources, UFCG,
Campina Grande, PB, Brazil. E-mail:
* Author for correspondence
Received: June 06, 2021 - Approved: Apr. 25, 2022

Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022 1497

Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

At 65 days after cultivation, the following variables were evaluated: chlorophyll a and b content, chlorophyll
a fluorescence, and organic and inorganic solutes content. The treatments did not influence the levels of
chlorophyll a and b. Salinity decreased the quantum yield of photochemical energy conversion due to the
increased quantum yield of unregulated energy loss. Irrigation management and water salinity did not affect
carbohydrate content in mini watermelons leaves. However, soluble proteins were higher in the CD than in
PD and decreased with increasing salinity in both managements. Salinity increased free amino acids in CD
but did not change the content of these solutes in PD. Free proline was only influenced by the management
system and was higher in CD than in PD. Sodium, chloride, and sodium to potassium ratio increased with
ECsol, but these increases were more pronounced in PD. Salinity increased potassium content in PD and
reduced in CD. The CD led to lower absorption of toxic ions, reducing the effects of salinity on the mini
Key words: Citrullus lanatus L. Salt stress. Irrigation management.

A utilização de água da qualidade marginal pode ser uma alternativa viável em regiões com escassez
hídrica, quando associada a estratégias de manejo de irrigação adequadas. O objetivo deste estudo foi
avaliar as respostas fisiológicas e bioquímicas da minimelancia ‘Sugar Baby’ em função dos manejos de
irrigação e da salinidade da solução nutritiva (CEsol). O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação da
Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, no município de Cruz das Almas, BA, Brasil, em delineamento
experimental inteiramente casualizados com quatro repetições. As plantas foram cultivadas sob dois tipos
de manejo de irrigação (gotejamento convencional - GC e por pulsos – GP) e quatro níveis salinos da solução
nutritiva de fertirrigação (2,5 - controle; 4,5; 5,5; 6,5 dS m-1). Aos 65 dias após semeadura, foram avaliadas as
variáveis: teores de clorofilas a e b, fluorescência da clorofila a e teores de solutos orgânicos e inorgânicos.
Os tratamentos não influenciaram os teores de clorofila a e b. A salinidade diminuiu o rendimento quântico
da conversão de energia fotoquímica com aumento na dissipação de energia não regulada, sendo que
ambos são vias competitivas de energia entre si. O tipo de manejo e a salinidade não afetaram os teores
de carboidratos nas folhas de minimelancia. Entretanto, as proteínas solúveis foram maiores no GC que
no GP e diminuíram com o incremento da salinidade em ambos os manejos. A salinidade aumentou os
aminoácidos livres no GC, mas não alterou o conteúdo destes solutos no GP. Os teores de prolina livre só
foram influenciados pelo tipo de manejo, sendo maiores no GC que no GP. Os íons sódio e cloreto e a razão
sódio/potássio aumentaram com a CEsol, sendo esses aumentos mais pronunciados no GP. A salinidade
aumentou os teores de potássio no GP e diminuiu no GC. O GC levou a uma menor absorção de íons
tóxicos, atenuando os efeitos da salinidade sobre a minimelancia..
Palavras-chave: Citrullus lanatus L. Estresse salino. Manejo de irrigação.

1498 Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022

Physiological and biochemical responses of mini watermelon irrigated with brackish...

Introduction by salinity, when the plant increases the

concentrations of toxic ions (Na+ and Cl-) in the
Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.) is vacuole and alters the ionic balance, reducing
an annual cycle plant species belonging to mineral absorption (Arif et al., 2020). In some
the Cucurbitaceae family, being a vegetable species, high salinity reduces photosynthetic
commercially cultivated worldwide. According levels, total chlorophyll content, activity of
to the yearbook 2018 - 2019, watermelon the photosystem (PSII), potential quantum
cultivation in Brazil has high profitability, with yield of photosystem II, besides degrading
an export of 52,900 tons in 2019, generating the structure of chloroplasts (Xu et al., 2018;
US$ 21.1 million, with the expectation of Wang et al., 2018; Betzen et al., 2019).
more positive seasons, especially with mini
According to Ayers and Westcot
watermelons, which have exceeded export
(1999), watermelon is considered
records (Hortifruitbrasil, 2020).
moderately tolerant to irrigation water
As water is a scarce resource in the salinity, withstanding electrical conductivity
Northeast region of Brazil, the success of of irrigation water (ECw) of up to 2.0 dS m-1.
watermelon production depends on the Under normal growing conditions, the mass
availability of water with proper irrigation of mini watermelon fruits can reach up to
management (Guimarães et al., 2016; Silva 4.2 kg (Dutra et al., 2021). However, in mini
et al., 2017). Thus, a promising alternative watermelon, Sousa et al. (2016) reported that
to meet the water demand of crops is the the use of brackish water (ECw between 1.0
use of marginal-quality water from surface and 5.0 dS m-1) causes reductions in fruit mass
and groundwater sources (wells) with a of approximately 8.71% per unit increment
high concentration of salts (Sá et al., 2019). in ECw. Nonetheless, irrigation with water
However, when plants sensitive to soil salinity above 3.5 dS m-1 is not recommended for the
are subjected to salt stress, ions such as Na+ production of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon
and/or Cl- accumulate in chloroplasts, which seedlings (Ó et al., 2020b).
may show physiological and biochemical
In addition to the direct effects caused
changes due to toxic, osmotic, and nutritional
on plants, salinity also alters the chemical and
effects (Silveira et al., 2016; Bai et al., 2019;
physical properties of the soil, such as pH,
Shoukat et al., 2019).
water infiltration rate, and nutrient availability
An example of biochemical change to plants (Blanco & Folegatti, 2002). Unlike
caused by the high concentration of salts most articles published with the use of
in the soil is the accumulation of organic or brackish water, this study aims not only to
osmotic solutes in the vacuole of plant cells, evaluate the effect caused by salinity on
as a form of acclimatization to salt stress the production of mini watermelon but also
(Slama et al., 2015; Cova et al., 2020; F. D. A. to minimize the negative effect induced by
Silva et al., 2020; Lo’ay & El-ezz, 2021). Another salinity with the use of water management
acclimatization mechanism is the cellular techniques. Thus, searching for alternatives
compartmentalization of inorganic ions in capable of mitigating the effects of salt stress
the vacuole, due to the ionic stress caused on plants is of fundamental importance for

Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022 1499

Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

plant growth and development, ensuring a high with a noticeable scarcity of studies and
yield. Among the alternatives consistent with experimental trials evaluating biochemical
the conditions presented, pulse drip irrigation and physiological responses in watermelon
has shown promising effects (Zamora et al., using this technique with brackish water. In
2019; Arriero et al., 2020). this context, the objective of this study was
to evaluate the biochemical and physiological
As soil salinity affects water dynamics
responses of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon
and reduces its availability to plants, the
plants grown under the management of
hypothesis of this study is that the use of pulse
continuous and pulse drip irrigation with
drip irrigation reduces the negative effects
brackish water.
of salinity on the growth and metabolism of
mini watermelon plants. Pulse drip irrigation is
composed of a series of cycles that may vary
Material and Methods
depending on atmospheric demand, resting
time, irrigation time, and other factors that The study was carried out in a
can be adjusted according to the operator greenhouse in the experimental area of the
(Rank & Vishnu, 2021). Pulse drip irrigation has Graduate Program in Agricultural Engineering
been studied, mainly due to the possibility of of the Federal University of Recôncavo
increasing water use efficiency in agricultural da Bahia, in Cruz das Almas (12°40'19" S,
crops. Some studies with different crops 39°06'23" W, 220 m), BA, Brazil. The climate
showed positive results when using pulse of the study site is classified as Af (hot
drip irrigation, such as increased water use and humid tropical) according to Köppen’s
efficiency in lettuce (Almeida et al., 2015) and classification (Alvares et al., 2013), with annual
bell pepper (Barbosa et al., 2020), which also means of precipitation, air temperature, and
increased yield; increased shoot biomass relative humidity of 1,224 mm, 24.5 °C and
index and decreased root mass in coriander 80%, respectively. During the experiment,
(Zamora et al., 2019); and higher number the minimum and maximum values of air
of marketable fruits in eggplant (Arriero et temperature inside the greenhouse were 19.8
al., 2020). In addition, the use of pulse drip and 36.5 ºC and the average relative humidity
irrigation has contributed to increasing was 51%, respectively.
the level and uniformity of soil moisture
distribution (El-Abedin, 2006). ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelons were
produced under fertigated conditions in a
Increased water availability in the greenhouse (East-West orientation) from
root zone can directly contribute to better October to December 2018 (autumn-winter).
absorption of water and nutrients and to the The greenhouse used had a single-arch
establishment of cell turgor, osmotic and ionic structure, with a ceiling height of 2.8 m,
balance, and maintenance of leaf temperature, width of 7.0 m, and length of 24 m, protected
improving plant growth, especially under salt on the sides by a screen and covered with
stress conditions (Taiz et al., 2017). However, 150-micron polyethylene film.
these studies address only yield and water use
efficiency with respect to pulse drip irrigation, The experiment was carried out using
a completely randomized design in a factorial

1500 Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022

Physiological and biochemical responses of mini watermelon irrigated with brackish...

scheme (4 × 2), with five replicates. The mini strength (50% concentration). At 15 days
watermelon plants were subjected to four after sowing (DAS), the seedlings with two true
levels of electrical conductivity of the nutrient leaves were transplanted into 10-L containers
solution used in fertigation (ECsol): T1 - 2.50 filled with a mixture of coconut fiber and
(control, without NaCl), T2 - 4.50, T3 - 5.50, bovine manure (3:1 v/v), whose chemical
and T4 - 6.5 dS m-1, and two types of irrigation analysis showed the following results: pH
management: conventional drip (CD) and (water) = 6.7, P = 204 mg dm-3, K = 5.2 cmolc
pulse drip (PD). dm-3, Ca = 4.1 cmolc dm-3, Mg = 4.7 cmolc dm-3,
Na = 1.78 cmolc dm-3, Al = 0 cmolc dm-3, H+Al =
The nutrient solution used in fertigation
3.57 cmolc dm-3 and OM= 71.5 g kg-1.
(NS) was based on the formulation of Sasaki
(1992) for fruits. The following fertilizers were The plants were grown with two stems
used (g 100L-1): 83 g of calcium nitrate, 50 g and one fruit in the main branch, as described
of potassium nitrate, 15 g of monoammonium by Ó et al. (2020a). The experiment lasted 70
phosphate (MAP), 36 g of magnesium sulfate, days. Harvest was carried out when the tendril
6.7 g of potassium chloride, 0.01 g of copper adjacent to the fruit was dry (65 to 70 DAS).
sulfate, 0.09 g of zinc sulfate, 0.01 g of
The required irrigation depth was
manganese sulfate, 0.12 g of boric acid, 0.015
calculated based on the climatic data acquired
g of sodium molybdate, and 1.6 g of Ferrilene
from a weather station located in the center of
(6% Fe + 40.8% EDDHA).
the study area (greenhouse), composed of a
The NS was prepared using municipal- pyranometer and thermo-hygrometer.
supply water, with ECw of 0.5 dS m-1. The
Evapotranspiration of watermelon
water ECw levels evaluated were: 0.5 (control),
crop (ETc) was calculated according to the
1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 dS m-1. For the other
methodology proposed by Allen et al. (1998)
treatments (ECsol above 2.50 dS m-1), iodine-
(Eq. 2):
free NaCl was added to Evapotranspiration
the nutrient solution of watermelon crop (ETc) was
Evapotranspiration of calculated
watermelonaccording to the
crop (ETc) was methodolo
to achieve the desired ECsol levels, using the
proposed by Allen et al. (1998) (Eq. 2):ETcby= Kc x ETo (2)
proposed Allen et al. (1998) (Eq. 2):
relation between ECw and salt concentration,
according to Eq. 1 (Richards, 1954): Where ETc = crop evapotranspiration (mm
day-1); Kc = watermelon crop coefficient (2)
Q NaCl (mg L ) = 640 x ECw (dS m )
-1 -1
(1) (dimensionless) and ETo = reference
evapotranspiration (mm-1 day-1).
Where Q is the amount of Where
salt toETc = crop evapotranspiration
be dissolved Where ETc (mm = crop day evapotranspiration
); Kc = watermelon (mm crop
); Kc
in the water and(dimensionless)
ECw is the desired electrical To calculate the
-1 daily ETo, an
and ETo = reference evapotranspiration
(dimensionless) ETo(mm
andspreadsheet day ). evapotranspiration (mm day-1).
= reference
conductivity of water. electronic was used, using the
To calculate the daily ETo,method anToelectronic
adapted the for
daily was an
studies used, using the
in electronic
greenhouses method adapted
spreadsheet was us
Sowing was carried out in 200-mL
studies in greenhouses recommended studiesby inPenman-Monteith,
recommended standardized
greenhouses recommended by FAO 56 (Allen et
by Penman-Monteith, al., 1998) wb
plastic cups (perforated at the bottom -1and
the wind speed
on the sides) containing setcoconut
only at 0.5 m s fiber
(Eq. 3).standardized
the wind
by FAO 56 (Allen et al., 1998)
speed set at 0.5 m s -1 (Eq. 3).
with the wind speed set at 0.5 m s-1 (Eq. 3).
and irrigated initially with local-supply water
(ECw=0.5 dS m-1) and, after seven ( - )
days,(with ) ( - )
( - ) ( ) ( - )
nutrient solution of Sasaki (1992) at ( half ) (3)
( )

Where – reference evapotranspiration

Where (mm day-1); evapotranspiration
– reference – radiation balance
(mm(MJ -1 -2 day -1);
daym ); – rad
Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022
soil heat flux (MJ m-2 day -1), Gsoil
= 0heat
in a flux
period 1501 saturation cu
-2 h; -1– declination of the water
day ), G = 0 in a period of 24 vapor
h; – declination
(kPa °C-1); – wind speed at 2(kPa
m height -1
°C-1); (m –s wind
), being foratgreenhouse
speed 2 m heightconditions fixedfor
(m s-1), being 0,5 m s-1;
at greenhouse
98) (Eq. 2):
proposed by Allen et al. (1998) (Eq. 2):
of watermelon crop
(ETc) was calculated
of watermelon
cropto (ETc)
the methodology
was calculated according to the methodology
8) (Eq. 2):
proposed by Allen et al. (1998) (Eq. 2):
(2) (2)
Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

crop evapotranspiration
Where (mm = -1crop
ETc day = watermelon (2)
); Kcevapotranspiration day-1); Kc = watermelon (2)
(mm coefficient
crop crop coefficient
eference evapotranspiration
Where ET and o
ETo day
= reference
– reference evapotranspiration (mm day-1). Conventional drip (CD) and pulse drip
rop evapotranspiration
aily ETo, (mmWhere
To day
an electronic (mm
calculate =– -1
R the
spreadsheet crop evapotranspiration
daily = balance
used, watermelon
using the(MJ
electronic (mm
crop day -1
m-2 adapted
method (PD)
spreadsheet );wasKcused,
= using
for watermelon
the method coefficient
adapted for
-1 -1
eference evapotranspiration
mmended (dimensionless)
day-1); G and
by Penman-Monteith,
in greenhouses
– (mmETo
soil day
= reference
recommended ). flux by (MJevapotranspiration
m-2 day-1), G (mm
= day
1998) ).with by FAO 56 (Allen et al., 1998) with
56 (Allen et al.,standardized
daily. In the conventional drip irrigation
aily ETo, 0 inToa calculate
period of 24daily h; ΔETo, – declination of spreadsheet
the adapted management, water theapplication was for carried
(Eq. 3).theanwind
speed spreadsheet
set at 0.5 them s was
water vapor saturation curve (kPa °C ); u2 – (Eq. used,
3). an
the method
wasfor used, using method adapted
out uninterruptedly from 10 a.m., and in the
mended by studies
in greenhousesstandardized recommended byby FAOPenman-Monteith,
56 (Allen et al., standardized
1998) with by FAO 56 (Allen et al., 1998) with
wind speed at 2 m height (m s ), being for -1
pulse drip irrigation management, water
(Eq. 3).the wind greenhouse 0.5 m s -1 (Eq.fixed
speed set at conditions 3). at 0,5 m s-1; T application was split throughout the day as a
( ) ( - ) ( - ) ( ) ( - ) a

) – average air temperature ( ) (°C); es – saturation

(3) function of atmospheric (3) demand according to
pressure of water vapor in the atmosphere Ó et al. (2020a).
( ) ( - ) ( - ) ( ) ( - )
(kPa); ea – current pressure of water vapor
-1( )
(3) in-2 -1 -1 At 65 days after (3) sowing (DAS), the
ence evapotranspirationtheWhere (mm day
atmosphere – reference
(kPa) –and radiation
balance (MJ
γ – psychometric (mm mday day); ); ––radiation balance (MJ m-2 day -1); –
variables of chlorophyll a fluorescence,
), G = 0 in soila period
constantof (MJ
flux h;m-2kg
24 (MJ –day -1 -1
). ), G = 0ofinthe a period
water of vapor24 h; saturation
– declination
curve of the waterb) vapor saturation curve
-1 -2 -1chlorophyll (a and concentration indices,
ence evapotranspiration Where(mm day – reference
); – radiation
balance -1 (MJ (mm m dayday);-1); –– radiation balance (MJ m-2 day -1
); –
(kPa °C
at 2 m height (m-1);s-1), Thebeing
– wind for
crop speed
greenhouseat 2 m height
coefficients conditions (m sfixed
recommended ), being
at 0,5 formgreenhouse
s ; – conditions
contents of organic 0,5 m s-1; (soluble
fixed at solutes –
-2 -1
, G = 0 in soila period
byair of
Silva 24
(MJ h; m –
(2015) ), Gwere= 0 ofinthe
useda period
water vapor
in pressure 24
the study: h;
– declination
curve of the water vapor saturation curve
); – saturation
average pressure
temperature (°C);vapor –insaturation
the atmosphere (kPa);
of water –carbohydrates
vapor in the atmosphere (CH), free (kPa);proline (FP), free
– current
at 2 m height
(kPa °C an );sinitial
(m -1 -1
– Kc
), being wind of 0.51
forspeedgreenhouse for2 nine
at days,
m conditions
height (mvegetative
-1), being amino
s ; –acids
at 0,5formgreenhouse (AA), and
conditions fixedsoluble
at 0,5 mproteins
s ; – (SP))
e atmosphere pressure(kPa) ofand
water–vapor psychometric
in the atmosphere constant (MJ (kPa) kgand ). – psychometric constant (MJ kg-1).
Kc of 0.52 for 15 days, Kc flowering of 1.23 and inorganic solutes (sodium, potassium,
; – saturation
average pressure
air temperatureof water(°C); vapor in – saturation
the atmosphere pressure (kPa);
of water – current
vapor in the atmosphere (kPa); – current
nts recommended forby The
R. Silva
andetKc al.of(2015)
maturationwere used ofbyin R.the
1.13 R.forstudy:
Silva et an
chloride)were in used
the inleaftheadjacent
study: an toinitial
the mini
-1 -1
e atmosphere pressure
(kPa) ofand
water – vapor
psychometricin the atmosphere
constant (MJ(kPa)kg ).
and – psychometric constant (MJ kg ).
egetative Kc Kc ofof100.51
for nine
15 days,
days,Kc vegetative
flowering Kcofof1.23 0.52for for2615days days, andwatermelon
KcKc flowering
of fruit,
of 1.23located
for 26between
days and theKc of 8th and
ys. recommended
maturation by
R. Silva
for (2015)recommendedwere usedbyinR.the
Silva anet10al.
node were theusedbase.
in theBefore
study: antheinitial
Thus, with the knowledge of all the
egetative the leaves were washed
for 26 with distilled water
wledge ofKc Kcallof
the 0.51
data, for
Thus, the
the nine
with days,
the Kc vegetative
knowledge flowering
irrigation ofKc
depth ofthe
all of1.23
was 0.52
the 15days
by and
Eq. Kc
irrigationof depth ofwas
1.23calculated days and
by Eq. 4:Kc of
and dried with paper towels.
s. maturationcalculated
of 1.13 by for Eq. 4:
10 days.
Chlorophyll a and b concentration
wledge of all the data, Thus, thewith
the knowledge
irrigation depth of all wasthe data,
the required
by Eq. irrigation
4: depth was calculated by Eq. 4:
(4) indices were determined using (4) the electronic
chlorophyll meter ClorofiLOG CFL1030 (Falker
Where RID – required irrigation depth (mm) (4) Automação Agrícola Ltda.,(4)Porto Alegre, RS)
quired irrigation depth Where (mm) RID –andrequired Kp - dimensionless
irrigation depthlocation (mm) coefficient
andandKp the- values
dimensionless location coefficient
were expressed in FCI (Falker
and Kp - dimensionless location coefficient
ency of water application
(considered1); Eaof–the 1); system,
Ea – of adopting
efficiency the of
water application value waterobtained by the adopting
of the Chlorophyll
system, Index). the value obtained by the
quired irrigation
uniformity depth
application (mm)
test (0.95).RIDof the and
– requiredKp - dimensionless
system, irrigation
adoptingdepth thelocation(mm) coefficient
value and Kp - dimensionless location coefficient
Chlorophyll a fluorescence variables
ncy of water(considered
obtained 1); Ea byof the
–the efficiency
system, of
uniformity adopting
test application
the value obtained of the were system,
by themeasuredadopting theusingvalue obtained
the OS5p by thepulse-

erating time uniformity

(Ti), the Totest (0.95).
calculate of the
the irrigation
operating depth time (Ti),required from Eq.5.
the values
modulated portable fluorometer (Opti-
of the irrigation depth required from Eq.5.
Sciences, Hudson, USA). Leaves pre-
To calculate the operating time (Ti), the
adapted to a flow density of 1,000 μmol m-2
erating time (Ti), the
of the of thethe irrigation
irrigation depth
time (Ti),
requiredthe values
required fromfrom Eq.5.
of the irrigation depth required from Eq.5.
(5) s-1 for 30 minutes in the dark (5) were evaluated
for minimum fluorescence (F0), maximum
(5) fluorescence (Fm), and potential (5) quantum
ion time for each Where treatment Ti -(h); irrigation
A - area time of forcontainers,
each treatment(m2); e (h); A - area
- number
yield of of containers, II(m
of photosystem - 2PSII
); e (F
- vnumber of
/Fm) according
average flowemittersrateper of the
plant dripper
(1) and (4.0q -Laverageh-1). flow rate of the dripper (4.0 to Lpulseh-1). saturation method (Schreiber et
Where Ti - irrigation time for each treatment al.,
on time for each Where treatment Ti (h);
- irrigation
A - area timeof forcontainers,
each treatment 2
(m ); e (h); A - 1995).
- number of of Leaves
area containers,adapted
(m2); eto the light
- number of were
(h); A - area of containers, (m2); e - number of evaluated for the yields of the competitive
-1 -1
(CD) and flow
pulserate per
drip the
(PD) (1) and
irrigation q(1)
drip -Lmanagement
(CD) q -flow
). and ratedrip
pulsewere ofperformed
(PD) dripper
rate (4.0 In
daily. Lmanagement
pathways of were performed daily.
de-excitation of the In theenergy
of the dripper (4.0 L h-1).
(CD) and pulse drip
(PD) irrigation
drip management
(CD) and pulse
(PD) irrigation
daily. Inmanagement
the were performed daily. In the
1502 Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022
Physiological and biochemical responses of mini watermelon irrigated with brackish...

absorbed in PSII were evaluated: the effective minor modifications. Na+ and K+ contents were
quantum yield of the photochemical energy determined by flame photometry according
conversion of PSII (YII) and quantum yields to Faithfull (2002) and Cl- contents were
of regulated (YNPQ) and non-regulated (YNO) determined according to Gaines et al. (1984).
dissipation of non-photochemical energy in Na+ and K+ data were then used to calculate
PSII, according to Kramer et al. (2004) and the sodium/potassium ratio (Na+/K+) in leaves.
Klughammer and Schreiber (2008).
The Shapiro-Wilk test was applied to
After the analyses of chlorophyll a the obtained data to check the distribution
fluorescence and chlorophyll concentration normality of the sample. Then, the data were
indices (a and b), the leaves were collected subjected to analysis of variance by the F
and divided into two, removing the central test. In the case of significant effect, the
rib. Half of the leaf was packed with aluminum salinity levels, of quantitative nature, were
foil and immediately frozen and freeze-dried, subjected to linear and quadratic regression
while the other half was placed in a paper bag analysis. The types of irrigation management,
and dried in the oven at 65 ºC. of qualitative nature, when significant,
were compared by the Tukey test at a 0.05
For the preparation of crude
probability level. Statistical analysis was
extracts of organic solutes, 0.1 g of freeze-
performed using SISVAR statistical software,
dried leaf tissues were weighed and then
version 5.6 (Ferreira, 2019).
macerated. After maceration, the samples
were homogenized in phosphate buffer
solution, distributed in Eppendorf tubes, and
Results and Discussion
centrifuged with rotation of 12000 × g, for
00h:15 at 4 ºC. The supernatants were stored According to the F test results (Table
in a freezer for further analysis. Contents of 1), there was a significant simple effect
soluble carbohydrates (Dubois et al., 1956), (p<0.05) of ECsol for YII and YNO and, the type
soluble proteins (Bradford, 1976), free proline of management on YNO and FP in leaves. There
(Bates et al., 1973), and free amino acids was a significant effect of the interaction
(Yemm & Cocking, 1955) were quantified. between the factors (salinity × irrigation
For determining sodium (Na+), management) on the variables: SP and AA
potassium (K+), and chloride (Cl-) contents content in leaves, contents of Na+, K+ and Cl-
in leaves, the crude aqueous extracts were and Na+/K+ ratio in leaves.
prepared as described by Jones (2001), with

Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022 1503

Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

Table 1
Summary of Fisher's test (F) and observed means for chlorophyll a fluorescence and biochemical
variables in mini watermelon leaves

F Test
Source of variation
Chl a Chl b F0 Fm Fv/Fm YII YNPQ YNO
Management (M) ns ns ns ns ns ns ns **
Salinity (S) ns ns ns ns ns ** ns **
MxS ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
Mean 40.82 20.63 238.75 1254.57 0.8 0.27 0.55 0.18
CV (%) 4.36 10.56 8.35 4.17 1.8 13.94 7.36 8.93
Cl -
Na+/ K+
Management (M) ns * ns ns ** ** ** **
Salinity (S) ns ns ** ** ** ** ns **
MxS ns ns ** * ** ** * **
Mean 626.22 0.46 41.03 134.85 33.75 66.50 109.26 0.32
CV (%) 10.76 16.92 14.33 9.88 23.19 9.90 19.97 16.38
*, ** - significant at 0.05 and 0.01 probability levels, respectively; ns - not significant; CV - coefficient of variation; SV-
source of variation; Chl a - chlorophyll a content; Chl b - chlorophyll b content; F0 - minimal fluorescence; Fm - maximum
fluorescence; Fv/Fm - potential quantum yield of photosystem II in oxidized state; YII - effective quantum yield of PSII
photochemical energy conversion; YNPQ - regulated dissipation quantum yields; YNO - quantum yields of unregulated
dissipation of non-photochemical energy in FSII; CH - soluble carbohydrates (µmol g-1 DM); FP - free proline (µmol g-1 DM);
AA - free amino acids (µmol g-1 DM); SP - soluble protein (mg g-1 DM); Na+ - sodium content in the leaf (mmol g-1 DM); K+ -
leaf potassium content (mmol g-1 DM); Na+/K+ - sodium and potassium ratio and Cl- - leaf chloride content (mmol g-1 DM).

Effect of salt stress and irrigation management changes in the characteristics of fluorescence
on chlorophyll a and b concentration indices signals, which can be quantified in the leaves
and chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters in (Wang et al., 2018; Xu et al., 2018).
leaves of mini watermelon plants
The increase in the number of
chloroplasts caused by salinity can also affect
No significant differences were found
photosynthetic pigments (Cova et al., 2020).
in chlorophyll a and b concentration indices,
However, in mini watermelon the salt stress
values of F0, Fm, Fv/Fm and YNPQ between the
may not induce synthesis or degradation, not
treatments. The mean values observed were
being able to impair the transfer of energy
40.82 FCI (Chl a), 20.62 FCI (Chl b), 238.75 (F0),
from the antenna to the PSII reaction center
1254.57 (Fm), 0.809 (Fv/Fm), and 0.553 (YNPQ)
and cause damage to the photosynthetic
(Table 1).
apparatus (Ribeiro et al., 2020; Ó et al., 2021).
When plants were exposed to high
According to Figure 1A, it was
salinity, alterations or abnormalities occurred
estimated that the highest yield (0.2980) of YII
in the functional state of the thylakoid
in mini watermelon plants was observed at the
membranes of the chloroplasts, causing
salinity of 3.8 dS m-1, with a reduction from this

1504 Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022

degradation, not being able to impair the transfer of energy from the antenna to the PSII reaction center and
cause damage to the photosynthetic apparatus (Ribeiro et al., 2020; Ó et al., 2021).
Physiological and biochemical responses of mini watermelon irrigated with brackish...
According to Figure 1A, it was estimated that the highest yield (0.2980) of YII in mini watermelon
plants was observed at the salinity of 3.8 dS m-1, with a reduction from this point on. These YII values are
point the range
on. These observed
YII values areinwithin
mini watermelon
the range cv.respectively
‘Sugar Baby’(Ó
cultivated in a floating
et al., 2021). hydroponic
Regarding YNO, system,
in whichinYmini watermelon cv. ‘Sugar Baby’ plants irrigated with water of 6.5 dS m had
-1 -1
II varied from 0.3065 to 0.2421 between ECsol levels of 2.5 and 6.5 dS m , respectively (Ó et al.,
cultivated in a floating hydroponic system, an increase of-1 13.88% compared to plants
2021). Regarding
in which YII varied Y NO, plants irrigated with water of 6.5 dS m had an increase-1of 13.88% compared to
from 0.3065 to 0.2421 irrigated with water of 2.5 dS m (Figure 1B).
plants irrigated
between with water
ECsol levels of 2.5ofand
2.5 dS
m , 1B).

Figure 1. Quantum
Figure 1. Quantumyieldyield
of photochemical
of photochemicalenergy conversion
energy of PSII
conversion of -PSII
YII (A)- and quantum
YII (A) yield of yield of
and quantum
unregulated energy loss -
unregulated energy loss - NOY YNO (B and C) in leaves of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon plants after6565 days of
(B and C) in leaves of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon plants after
days of cultivation
cultivation in a greenhouse,
in a greenhouse, as a function
as a function of the electrical
of the electrical conductivities
conductivities of the
of the nutrient nutrient
solution (ECsol) and
solution (ECsol) and the irrigation management used (CD - conventional drip; PD-
the irrigation management used (CD - conventional drip; PD- pulse drip). Vertical bars represent pulse drip). standard
Vertical bars represent standard errors (n = 4). Means followed by the same letters do not differ by
errors (n = 4). Means followed by the same letters do not differ by Tukey's test at 0.05 significance. *, ** -
Tukey's test at 0.05 significance. *, ** - significant, respectively, at 0.05 and 0.01 probability, by the
significant, respectively, at 0.05 and 0.01 probability, by the F test.
F test.

As observed, the reduction in YII values at the highest salinity levels was accompanied by increased
Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022 1505
YNO, since these are energy dissipation mechanisms that compete with each other (Eskling et al1997). This
Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

As observed, the reduction in YII values Effect of salt stress and irrigation management
at the highest salinity levels was accompanied on the contents of organic solutes in leaves of
by increased YNO, since these are energy mini watermelon plants
dissipation mechanisms that compete with
each other (Eskling et al., 1997). This decrease
in YII results in an energy surplus in the reaction CH contents were not influenced
center, increasing the dissipation of energy by water salinity (ECsol) or irrigation
inside the antenna, in the form of heat or management, showing an average value of
fluorescence emission (Oliveira et al., 2018). 626.22 μmol g-1 DM (Table 1). Understanding
the response of plants to some stress is
In general, plants respond to stress
extremely complex since the efficiency of
conditions by activating mechanisms of
physiological and biochemical mechanisms
acclimatization to the new environment
depends on the species, genotype, and
(Dias et al., 2021). When stress is strong or
concentration and composition of salts in
prolonged enough, an inhibition occurs in
irrigation water or soil solution (Rodrigues
the electron transport chain, observed by
et al., 2019). Under high salinity, some plants
the decrease in YII. This inhibition of light-
tend to accumulate soluble carbohydrates as
dependent reactions may be accompanied by
a defense mechanism against stress (Slama
an increase in YNO (Pérez-Bueno et al., 2019).
et al., 2015; D’Amelia et al., 2018), but this
Additionally, Mathobo et al. (2017) state that
response may not happen in some species,
the increase in YNO may have been caused by
as observed in this study (Mastrogiannidou et
the large proportion of light energy that is not
al., 2016).
being used by plants in the photosynthetic
process. When analyzing the FP contents in the
leaves, it was noted that in the CD they were
The type of management also
19.57% higher than the values found in plants
significantly influenced the YNO variable,
under PD plants (Figure 2A). Thus, considering
therefore, the value under PD was 5.59%
that the proline contents decrease with
higher than under CD (Figure 1C). Ó et al.
salinity and the observation that the FP under
(2020a) emphasize that water application by
PD was lower than under CD, the hypothesis
pulse drip irrigation (PD) can result in a greater
that water application by CD may have
accumulation of salts on the substrate surface.
attenuated the effects of salinity on mini
In contrast, the uninterrupted application
watermelon plants is supported. Therefore,
of water in CD can increase the transport
it is believed that in mini watermelon, the
of salts to the lower layers of the substrate.
reduction of FP can be a response to salinity
Thus, PD may have increased salt stress and,
and not the accumulation of this solute. As
consequently, the need to dissipate excess
observed in this study, Ó et al. (2021) reported
a reduction in FP content in hydroponic mini
watermelon plants under high salinity (6.5 dS
m-1), suggesting that FP may not have played
a key role in the osmoregulation mechanism.

1506 Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022

Physiological and biochemical responses of mini watermelon irrigated with brackish...

Regarding the SP content, an analysis Effect of salt stress and irrigation management
of the interaction between the factors (Figure on the contents of inorganic solutes in leaves
2B) showed that, among the types of irrigation of mini watermelon plants
management, the contents were higher in PD.
Regarding salinity, there were reductions of The Cl- contents in the leaves
10.07% under CD and 9.40% under PD per increased quadratically, and this increase was
unit increment in ECsol. It is believed that more pronounced under PD than under CD
under high salinity some plants may reduce (Figure 3A). When comparing the treatment
the content of soluble proteins (Gondim et of highest salinity of the nutrient solution (6.5
al., 2011; Ó et al., 2021). Thus, the reductions dS m-1) with the control (ECsol = 2.5 dS m-1),
observed in the SP contents in both systems increases of 121 and 205% were observed
(PD and CD) demonstrate that this type of under CD and PD systems, respectively.
management may have increased stress, Salinity linearly increased Na+
reducing protein synthesis, or increasing contents under both management systems
the production of secondary metabolites and, as observed for Cl-, the increase was
(Batista-Silva et al., 2019). Therefore, it is clear more visible under PD (562%) than under CD
that these biochemical responses in mini (342%) when comparing the values estimated
watermelon showed a behavior similar to that in the treatment of 6.5 dS m-1 with that of
observed in FP. 2.5 dS m-1 (Figure 3B). Contrary to what was
AA contents were not influenced by observed for Na+ and Cl-, the K+ content under
salinity under PD, but the data were described CD decreased by 6.41% per unit increase in
by the linear model under CD, with an increase salinity and increased by 6.41% under PD
of 10.96% per unit increment in ECsol. Thus, it (Figure 3C).
can be observed that in the treatment of the Figure 3 also shows that the contents
highest salinity (6.5 dS m-1) the AA content of inorganic solutes (Cl-, Na+, and K+) under
under CD was 14% higher than under PD PD were higher than under CD, except in the
(Figure 2C). This accumulation of amino acids treatment of 2.5 dS m-1, in which there was
in the leaves due to the increase in nutrient no significant difference between irrigation
solution salinity may be the result of increased management. Thus, in the treatment of
activity of proteolytic enzymes, increasing highest salinity (6.5 dS m-1), the contents of
the availability of this solute to protect plant Cl-, Na+, and K+ under PD were, respectively,
tissues, in this specific case, the leaf, against 22.47, 77.66, and 117.94% higher than those
stress (Galdino et al., 2018). In addition, observed under CD.
there may also be an increase in the rates
of biosynthesis of amino acids under stress The Na+/K+ ratio increased linearly with
conditions (Batista-Silva et al., 2019). the increase in nutrient solution salinity under
both management systems. Mathematical
simulation in treatments 2.5 and 6.5 dS m-1
predicts an increase in the Na+/K+ ratio from
0.094 to 0.556 (494%) under CD and from
0.096 to 0.438 (358%) under PD (Figure 3D).

Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022 1507

may be the result of increased activity of proteolytic enzymes, increasing the availability of this solute to
protect plant tissues, in this specific case, the leaf, against stress (Galdino et al., 2018). In addition, there may
also be an increase in the rates of biosynthesis of amino acids under stress conditions (Batista-Silva et al.,
Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

Figure 2. Contents of free proline - FP (A), soluble protein - SP (B), and free amino acids - AA (C) in
leaves of2. ‘Sugar
Contents of free
Baby’ miniproline - FL (A),
watermelon plantssoluble
after protein
65 days- of
(B), and freein aamino acids - AA
greenhouse, as a(C) in leaves
of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon plants after 65 days of cultivation in a greenhouse,
function of electrical conductivities of the nutrient solution (ECsol) and the irrigation management as a function of
used (CD - conductivities of PD
Conventional drip; the- Pulse
drip).solution (ECsol)
Vertical bars and the
represent irrigation
standard errorsmanagement
(n = 4). Meansused (CD -
followed by the drip; PDletters
same - Pulsedodrip). Vertical
not differ bars represent
by Tukey's standard
test at 0.05 errors (n *,=**4).= Means
significance. followed by the
same letters do
respectively, not differ
at 0.05 by probability,
and 0.01 Tukey's testbyatthe 0.05 significance. *, ** = significant, respectively, at 0.05 and
F test.
0.01 probability, by the F test.

Effect of salt stress and irrigation management on the contents of inorganic solutes in leaves of mini

1508 Semina: Ciênc. Agrár. Londrina, v. 43, n. 4, p. 1497-1516, jul./ago. 2022

The Cl contents in the leaves increased quadratically, and this increase was more pronounced
under PD than under CD (Figure 3A). When comparing the treatment of highest salinity of the nutrient
solution (6.5 dS m-1) with the control (ECsol = 2.5 dS m-1), increases of 121 and 205% were observed under
Physiological and biochemical responses of mini watermelon irrigated with brackish...
CD and PD systems, respectively.

Figure 3. Chloride - Cl- (A), sodium – Na+ (B), potassium- K+ (C), and Na+/K+ ratio (D) contents in leaves
Figure 3. Chloride - Cl- (A), sodium – Na+ (B), potassium- K+ (C), and Na+/K+ ratio (D) contents in leaves of
of ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon plants after 65 days of cultivation in a greenhouse, as a function
‘Sugar Baby’
of the mini watermelon
electrical plants
conductivities of after 65 dayssolution
the nutrient of cultivation
(ECsol)inanda greenhouse,
the irrigationasmanagement
a function of the
used (CD - continuous drip; PD - pulse drip). Vertical bars represent standard errors (n = 4). used
conductivities of the nutrient solution (ECsol) and the irrigation management Means (CD -
followed drip; PDsame
by the - pulse drip).
letters doVertical
not differbars
fromrepresent standard
each other by the errors (n = at
Tukey test, 4).0.05
Means followed by the
of significance.
same*, letters do not differ from each other by the Tukey test, at 0.05 of
** = significant, respectively, at 0.05 and 0.01 probability, by the F test. significance. *, ** = significant,
respectively, at 0.05 and 0.01 probability, by the F test.

Salinity linearly increased Na+ contents under both management systems and, as observed for Cl-,
the increase was more visible under PD (562%) than under CD (342%) when comparing the values estimated
in the treatment of 6.5 dS m-1 with that of 2.5 dS m-1 (Figure 3B). Contrary to what was observed for Na+ and
Cl-, the K+ content under CD decreased
Semina: Ciê 6.41%
Agrár. per
Londrina, unit
v. 43, increase
n. 4, p. 1497-1516,in salinity
jul./ago. 2022 and increased by 6.41%
PD (Figure 3C).
Gomes do Ó, L. M. et al.

The accumulation of Na+ and Cl- Zamora et al., 2021). The observation that the
ions in plants subjected to salinity is widely Cl-, Na+, and K+ contents were significantly
reported in the literature (Menezes et al., higher under PD supports this hypothesis.
2017; Bai et al., 2019; Arif et al., 2020). Plants
commonly accumulate these ions in the
vacuole, which contributes to the osmotic Conclusions
adjustment mechanism (Taiz et al., 2017).
This accumulation of Na+ and Cl- ions as a An increase in salinity under both types
mechanism of salinity tolerance has also been of irrigation management, conventional drip
reported in watermelon crop by E. G. Silva et or pulse drip, does not alter the concentration
al. (2017) and Ó et al. (2021). indices of chlorophylls a and b in leaves of mini
watermelon plants, but reduces the ability to
The Na+/K+ ratio is an important convert the energy of photons into chemical
variable in the assessment of the risk of energy, verified through the results observed
ionic toxicity due to exposure to salt stress, in YII.
and values equal to or lower than 1.0 are
considered adequate for optimal metabolic In mini watermelon, the reduction in
efficiency in non-halophytes (Greenway & proline and soluble protein contents may be
Munns, 1980). In this work, the maximum a response to salinity. Pulse drip management
estimated values for the Na+/K+ ratio under (PD) facilitates the absorption of ions,
both irrigation management systems suggest whether toxic or not, but conventional drip
that, even under a high salinity of irrigation management (CD) attenuates the effects of
water (ECsol = 6.5 dS m-1), cell metabolism was salinity on inorganic solute contents.
not affected by salt-induced ionic imbalance.
Similar results were reported by Ó et al. (2021)
in ‘Sugar Baby’ mini watermelon cultivated in a
floating hydroponic system. Authors thank the Coordination for the
When comparing the effect of the types Improvement of Higher Education Personnel
of irrigation management on inorganic solutes (CAPES), the National Council for Scientific
(Cl-, Na+, and K+), it is interesting to note that and Technological Development (CNPq), Bahia
the highest concentrations were observed State Research Support Foundation (FAPESB)
under PD. As previously hypothesized, this and Federal University of Recôncavo of Bahia
type of management may have contributed to (UFRB), for the financial support over the
a higher concentration of salts in the surface years.
layer of the substrate, when compared to
CD (Ó et al., 2020a). Although PD optimizes
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