Jeffrey Rosen District Attorney Is Sex Trafficking My Kids

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I have been begging for the district attorney of our county to stop the malicious prosecution

and protect my children. He is accusing me of violating a restraining order by texting a third

party. He failed to include in his complaint texts that instruct the recipient to not forward any
of the messages to anyone else.

Deputy District Attorney Daniel Chung was at one point on my case. I gave him all the
information about the assaults and what was happening to my kids. Because he seemed
like an honorable man, I asked him for help.

A few weeks later, it was announced that he had been fired and escorted out of the DA's
Office by three armed investigators. A BOLO was issued and he was banned from setting
foot on county property.

A deputy district attorney in Santa Clara County claims his office retaliated against him by issuing
“unprecedented” security notices after being placed on indefinite leave. San José Spotlight on Thursday
published an op-ed by Daniel Chung, a deputy DA who said the Santa Clara County District Attorney’s
Office put him on paid administrative leave after he...

Mr. Chung ended up running for District Attorney this year. During one of the debates, I asked the
candidates how they would address sex trafficking that results from abuse of the legal system.

I believe that he answered the question truthfully in an indirect fashion. He mentioned conflicts of
interest and judges acting egregiously.

Then it was the DA's turn. The first thing that he said was that Mr. Chung was "demonstrating why he
was fired." You can see the question and answer in this short clip.

sex trafficking debate question

Ms. Houghton demanded that I retain an attorney for the criminal proceedings against me so that she
could instruct the attorney to raise a doubt to stand trial. I didn't want to lose my standing to protect my
children. When I refused, she poisoned and terrorized me.
I begged District Attorney Jeffrey Rosen to enroll me into Cal-WRAP or drop the charges. I provided that
names of two ER doctors that could confirm the assaults, Ms. Houghton's social media posts, police
reports, and other information. Mr. Rosen already knew about the sexual abuse of my kids, but he just
ignored me.

In order to end the proceedings against me, I set the matter for trial. Deputy District Attorney Joseph
Eisenberg then tried to plea bargain with me. One of the stipulations was that competency proceedings
be initiated. After I refused his offer, DDA Eisenberg raised a doubt, himself. Judge Barnum denied said

I begged Mr. Eisenberg to consider my children. He showed no emotion and ignored my pleas.

Right before the subsequent disposition hearing, DDA Eisenberg attempted to plea bargain with me
again. Then he raised raised yet another doubt. Judge Geffon denied his request.

That didn't stop DDA Eisenberg from raising a doubt at a third consecutive hearing that followed more
plea bargaining. This time judge Pennypacker granted the request and transferred the matter to
competency proceedings.

Plea bargaining is purely discretionary. Why would Mr. Eisenberg plea bargain with me if he was so
concerned with my rights being violated at trial? Why did he ignore two previous rulings?

I promptly filed a motion to transfer the matter back to the trial court. I cited the previous rulings that
denied the doubt. At the next hearing, the judge continued my motion and appointed me counsel
against my objection.

At the subsequent hearing the newly appointed attorney refused to argue my motion. She also asked
the court to appoint a psychologist to evaluate my competency to stand trial.

I then filed a writ of mandate with the the 6th District Court of appeals. I included the information about
the sexual abuse of my children, as well as Ms. Houghton's threats to tamper with any evaluation. The
motion was denied. You can read the motion here:

Shortly after the denial, the motion was purged from the court record:

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