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Ancient Athens - Birthplace of Demoracy A group of transitions from non-

democratic to democratic regimes

Each to rule and be ruled in return

USA, Britain, and France - examples of
Nearly 30 countries established at least consolidated democracies emerging
First Wave 1828 -1926
Ekklesia (People's Assembly) - supreme minimally democratic national institutions during the first nineteenth-century wave
over all causes) of democratization

These postwar democracies were

Highly Political Legal System Huntingson's three wave of Established democracies emerge after
introduced by the victorious allies, led by Examples - India, Israel, Japan, West
democratization Second Wave 1943 - 1962 1945 from the ashes of defeated Parties - leading democratic instrument
the USA and usually acting with the Germany
The principle of self-government did not support of domestic partners
Flaws in Athen's Democracy Citizenship was restricted to a small elite Participation was not practice extensively Hardly an exercise in lean government
always lead to decisive and coherent policy
The collapse of communism in the Soviet
The end of right-wing dictatorships in The retreat of the generals in much of Examples - Southern and Eastern Europe,
Third Wave 1974-1991 Union and Eastern Europe at the end of Transformed the global political landscape
Southern Europe in the 70s Latin America in the 1980s Latin America, parts of Africa
Athenian contribution to Western politics Idea of citizen Democracy the 1980s

Democracy Origin of Democracy Forms of Democracy Waves of Democratization

Ekklesia (People's Assembly) - Symbol of Government by, and not just for, the
Direct Democracy State and society become one
Direct Democracy citizens - Principle of Direct Democracy

Desirable brake on democracy, served to

refine and enlarge the public view by
Scapability - key strength of representative passing them through the medium of a
Representative Democracy Elected government Form of expression Modify traditional ideas of representation Representation
democracy chosen body of citizens whose wisdom
may best discern the true interest of their
Both the representative and liberal
elements of modern democracy dilute the
It seek to integrate the authority of original principle of self- rule
Based on liberal philosophy in which Liberal democracy is a democracy
Liberal Democracy Constitution - Supreme over all causes democratic government with limits on the Limited government - Central feature System of checks and balances Government of laws rather than men
states scope is restricted by constitution disarmed
scope of their action

Political problems associated with an

Consolidated by one crucial test: A illiberal inheritance
One that has not yet had time to
New Democracy peaceful transfer of power through Difficulties facing new democracy Potical Challenge, Economic Challenge,
consolidate; that is, democracy has not yet
election Economic problems caused by the and Challenge of Timing
become the only game in town
combination of limited development and
extreme iniquality

Consolidated democracy which provides

The outcome of free election is accepted
Established Democracy an accepted framework for political
by the losers as well as the winner

First - an elected party or leader sets the

framework for political competition, Illiberal or electoral democracy Power is concentrated in a few hands
The outcome than a return to governing in an illiberal fashion
Blend both democratic and authoritarian
Semi-Democracy authoritarianism for those new Operating methods of semi-democracies
democracies that do not consolidate Second - an elected rulers have too little Power is shifted to the military,
Supervised or facade democracy
rather than too much power bureaucracy or top business group

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