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Unit 2.


The Origin
The origin of Arnis can be traced back to native
fighting techniques during conflicts among the
various Pre-Hispanic Filipino tribes or kingdoms,
though the current form has Spanish influence
from old fencing which originated in Spain in the
15th century.

The arrival of Ferdinand Magellan’s force in 1521

was met in battle with a group of islanders, led by Raja Lapu-Lapu, who defeated
Magellan using only a bladed weapon.

Magellan’s armored and musket bearing conquistadors were overpowered by the fierce
fighters and retreated.

The Spanish returned in the 1570’s and this time the Philippines came under Spanish
rule unable to contend with the modern weaponry the Spanish used.

The practice of Arnis, Kali or Escrima was prohibited, but continued and was preserved
through native ritual dance, performance, and mock battles.

Thus, the arts were passed down in families from generation to generation.

As of 2009, the National Congress of the Philippines declared that Arnis is the
national sport and martial art of the Philippines. It promotes nationalism, patriotism and
paying tribute to the ancient and mighty heroes who have done so much for their
country. Nobody can forget how these warriors fought against the Spanish invasion
using only their swords, bodies and will power in order to grant their country its

The Background

Arnis is the National Martial Art Sport of Philippines and it is also known as
Eskrima and Kali.

It is a deadly form of original Filipino self-defense, which basically uses the Garote -
usually the rattan sticks as the main weapon and as extension of the hands to maximize
reach and power.

The bare hand (which is usually the left) is used as necessary support to the right hand
in the absence of another stick or dagger.

In other cases, or styles, two sticks or swords are used. Otherwise, empty hands may
also be used as effectively as when there are weapons.

However, the stick is said to travel ten times faster than the empty hand. So, the Arnis
fighter may paralyze or kill an opponent.

Unlike other martial arts ARNIS has no age limit. It can be practiced by a ten-year old
or a ten-decade old person with the same efficiency.

Constantly practiced, ARNIS knows "no Downhill".

Contrary to misperceptions, Arnis is a very intelligent form of exercise and self-defense.
It is never violent, and it is actually bloodless.

This sport actually emphasizes weapon-based fighting which is done using knives,
bladed weapons, sticks and various improvised weapons. It also includes hand to hand
combat, grappling and weapon disarming methods.

The primary weapon used in this traditional martial art sport of Philippines is called a
cane or a baton.

The cane or baron varies in sizes but the original length of it is 28 inches. The cane
used in this sport is also considered sacred by the Arnisadores practitioners, which is
why the cane is hit on the hand or forearm of the sparring partner and not at the
latter’s cane during the sport.

This sport was known as the defensing sport in the past by the practitioners.

The Philippines is known all around the world for its blade culture which has
originated from this sport.

• The other forms of the Arnis System:

• Espade Y Daga (Sword & Dagger)
• Daga Y Daga (Dagger & Dagger)
• Mano Mano (Bare Hand Fighting)
• DobleBaston (Double Sticks)
• Sikaran (Kick Fighting)

Similar Sports to Arnis:

1. Kendo

It is a form of Japanese martial art which means “the way of the sword” and originated
from Kenjutsu.
Kendo makes use of shinai-bamboo swords and boqu-an armour.
It is a martial art form that requires rigorous physical activity and ultimate skills which
require practice inevitably.

2. Fencing
A modern art of combat sport, also known as Olympic fencing. Two fencers face each
other on a six-feet-by-40-feet strip with sword weapon and attempt to touch each other
with the tip. Touches on the instrumented protective clothing are scored electrically.
Fencing is a sport at the Olympic Games, and is actually one of only five sports which
have been featured in every modern Olympic Games.

3. Wheelchair Fencing
It is a version of Fencing in which disabled athletes sit in wheelchairs which are tightly
fastened to the floor. It is a type of martial arts which use a hand-held long slender
wooden stick for fighting. Includes variations such as singlestick and canne de combat.

4. Canne de Combat
A French martial art in which opponents battle each other inside a ring with a cane in
one hand. It is also known as La Canne or French stick fighting.
5. Singlestick or Cudgels
A martial art that uses a wooden stick, which began as a way of training sailors in the
use of swords. The sport was contested as a part of the Olympics in 1904, and was
discontinued after that due to lack of participation. The sport is now not practiced
widely. The art of singlesticks was revived by the Royal Navy in the 1980s, and is used
occasionally as a form of weapon training.

6. Dumog
It is a style of wrestling practiced in the Philippines, which is a standing upright style of
wrestling that uses grappling techniques of Filipino martial arts. The objective of the
sport is same as any other wrestling, where wrestlers have to force the opponents onto
the ground. This style of wrestling is practiced only in the Philippines and the wrestlers
use techniques like pushing, pulling, and grabbing that move the opponents and throw
them off balance.


A testament of Filipino resourcefulness and creativity, and witness to our resistance to

oppression, Arnis, with Kali and Eskrima, are cultural treasures that embody dignity and

Remy Amador Presas

(December 19, 1936 – August 28, 2001)
Pride of Hinigaran, Negros occidental

Founder of Arnis and recognized as the

"Father of Modern Arnis".

His goal was to create an injury-free training method

as well as an effective self-defense system in order
to preserve the older Arnis systems.

Arnis is a Philippine national martial art or sport, After Former President Gloria
Macapagal Arroyo signed the Republic Act. No. 9850 in 2009.

The act mandates the Department of Education to include the sport as a Physical
Education course.

Arnis included among the priority sports in PalarongPambansa.

The long-standing history of using these weapons with beautiful yet deadly
choreography is shared by the Filipinos with its neighbors in the Southeast Asian region.

After rising to prominence because of the Asian Hollywood films of Bruce Lee (Chinese
Superstar), the art of Arnis has been well received worldwide in pop culture and
international sports competitions.

Just recently, the Philippine Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation’s arnisadores earned 14
gold medals at the Southeast Asian Games 2019, bringing pride to the winners’
respective indigenous people’s communities as well as the entire Filipino nation.
The Associations
1. WEKAF (World Eskrima Kali Arnis Federation) - it is the most common system
used internationally which was established in 1989.

2. Arnis Philippines (ARPI) system - it is the most prominently used during the 2005
Southeast Asian Games. It was established in 1986.

Rattan sticks are the most expensive of its kind because of the wood's
renowned durability and strength.

1st PEKAF Drafting Camp last

March 2019 at Phil Sports Arena,
Ultra, Pasig City

Arnis Expo hosted in Manila last

17-19 July 2019 with ASEAN
country representatives

The Types:
1. Anyo or Form
Athletes would perform sequences of movements using 2 batons.
2. Laban or Full Combat Competitions
Players are required to strike their opponents’ different body parts with one

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