Assay: Maria Jose Mora Estrada

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The FARC and Paramilitary groups


In the history of Colombia, we have appreciated the many happenings in the
episode of
the FARC and paramilitary groups , among them we see a series of conflicts,
treaties, murders
etc . What were your objectives?What were their strategies?what are their
The FARC began as a group of self-defense peasant in 1964, with ideology,
marxist ,communist party whose military strategy has been primarily on the
guerrilla, other strategies were to fill the empty spaces based on a
chinese game that consists in doing the same ; this is in order to discover the
country and the founding
municipalities, take the power and control of these empty spaces to take on
the position of the
state , facilitating the health, education, among others.
Seventh and eighth conference of the FARC come together every 10 years to
make big
conferences , but there was a very important, which was the seventh ;because
they did a
strategic plan for the seizure of power, also decide to stop being a
self-defense, and
begin a plan of expansion; processes of peace, which is called dialogue of the
help you to create with other groups UP (patriotic union) that was later wiped
by this stage it was known as the dancing Red.
Eighth conference 1993 began the true plan of expansion, degradation of
war,with this, the FARC launched 2 strategies: power vacuum and boycott the
In the year 2003 came something called operation freedom I , the strategic
plan for the taking of
power , for this year 11 structures of the FARC had surrounded the entire
bogotá ,launched
a large military operation, draw the structures of the FARC in the center of the
country , THERE
is a tactical defeat, but the government of that time (uribe) begins a strategy
of containment that basically consists of controlling the centres of
production,marketing legal in the country and also the media to
in a few words, to spread false news.
This terrorist organization has sought to install a communist state in Colombia
practices such as guerrilla warfare, drug trafficking, murder, kidnapping,
bombings, among other human rights violations.
Paramilitarism you can say that its origin was divided in 4 the first was given
under the
government of Guillermo León Valencia, in that government was legal
paramilitaries, in the 80's is the second source of the guerrillas begin to have
kidnapping as a systematic practice to raise funds , so he kidnaps the
sister of the Ochoa , Escobar created the MOST (death to
kidnappers).strategy of the
dirty war governors were sent to the drug smuggler,paramilitary and agents
state to kill the competition ,Carlos Castaño was the chief of security of the
cartel of
medellin , when he dies Escobar, Brown was one of the founders of
DAS(administrative department of security), then in 97 out of the DAS
when you have control over the army joins the AUC(united self-defense forces
of Colombia,
which had 3 main strategies: Massacres, murders, exemplary , torture ; all
these so that the population does not show another type of thinking, and to
inspire them to fear and thus have some control over them.
Its main goal was to contain the communist threat .
The FARC, the only thing that I liked was his strategy to occupy empty
spaces, since you
provided to certain sectors, education,health among others that these perhaps
were looking for
the government to do. The PARAMILITARIES became regulators of the life,
social and economic, and even also had a presence in the political life...

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