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Good morning teacher and classmates, today I’m going to talk about the traffic on london, so

lend me begin with saying that:

Traffic in London is something that london's people suffer daily. According to the index of the
cities with the slowest traffic in the world, carried out by INRIX, until January of this year,
London occupies firts place. The truth is that, London was detected, for the second
consecutive year, as the city with the most traffic in the world, registering 156 hours lost per
year in traffic jams.

So now let’s talk about How affect traffic to the London’s people: Traffic is something that
affects productivity, quality of life and even people's health, because is a challenge drive in this
city. One of traffic problems is that it brings many diseases linked to stress and mood. Another
of the problems that traffic brings is the loss of time; it takes an estimated 60 minutes, on a
journey that, with a more organized system, could take only a fraction of that. In addition, an
average of three hours a day is lost due to the chaos that reigns on the tracks.

Another point I want to talk is about the Causes:

Traffic is common in other cities around the world, so the causes are no secret. The main one is
uncontrolled population growth, and this is joined by poor urban planning and public

This deficient public transport system like the london subway, allows the increase of taxis and

It is known that these modalities lack controls and don’t have the minimum respect for traffic
regulations. Every year, traffic claims a significant number of lives.

another cause, we have the increasing number of new vehicles that are added to the traffic
every year. There are many reasons that fuel this problem, not only because of the
aforementioned lack of comprehensive transportation, but also because of the lack of citizen

And now I’d like to focus on the Solutions of this challenge: Explaining the causes behind the
traficc in the city is an important part, but what is really complicated is how to reverse and
solve it.

This is why various proposals have emerged to seek effective solutions. For example:

1. Give incentives to owners of obsolete vehicles to exchange them for newer ones.

2. Expansion of mass transportation systems.

3. Greater requirements for the acquisition of certificates and licenses.

Creating a better transportation system can turn many stressed and cranky drivers into well-
cared for pedestrians who get to work on time. However, for many reasons, this has been
taking longer than usual, and to date it is not known exactly when these solutions will be

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