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4th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation

and Control in Networked Systems

September 25-26, 2013. Rhine-Moselle-Hall, Koblenz, Germany

Distributed control of interconnected

systems with event-based information
requests ⋆
Christian Stöcker ∗ and Jan Lunze ∗

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany,
(e-mail: {stoecker, lunze}

Abstract: This paper proposes a new approach to distributed control of physically intercon-
nected subsystems which combines continuous and event-based state feedback. The main aim
of the controller is to suppress the propagation of a disturbance within an interconnection of
subsystems. The novelty of this approach is that the controllers request current state information
from the neighboring systems at the event times. Events are generated based on a condition for
which only local information are applied. The disturbance rejection behavior of the control
approach with event-based information requests is demonstrated in an illustrative example
which shows that the disturbance propagation is considerably reduced compared to a continuous
decentralized state-feedback controller.

Keywords: Distributed control, Event-based control, Networked control system, Information


1. INTRODUCTION di (t) dri (t)

zi (t)
1.1 Control with event-based requests: Basic idea Σi Remaining
si (t) subsystems and
ui (t) xi (t) their controllers
The aim of event-based control is to restrict the commu-
nication among components of a control system to time Ci
instants at which the exchange of current information is
necessary to ensure a desired behavior of the closed-loop xj (tki ) Request
system. This paper studies the event-based disturbance Network
rejection of N physically interconnected linear subsystems
(Fig. 1) and it introduces a new kind of distributed control
which combines continuous and event-based state feed- Fig. 1. Structure of the control system from the viewpoint
back. The novelty of this approach is that the controllers of subsystem Σi
trigger events if they need information from the neighbor-
ing systems. Therefore, at the event times the controllers 1.2 Literature review
send a request to the neighboring systems to transmit their
current state. Decentralized or distributed event-based control has been
investigated in several publications, e. g. by Dimarogonas
The basic idea of the proposed control method is as et al. (2012); Seyboth et al. (2013) regarding event-based
follows: The controller Ci of subsystem Σi generates the multi-agent control or by Mazo Jr. and Tabuada (2011);
control input ui (t) according to a distributed control law De Persis et al. (2013); Stöcker et al. (2012); Wang and
using the local state xi (t) as well as estimates x̃j (t) Lemmon (2011); Yook et al. (2002) regarding the event-
of the states xj (t) of the neighboring subsystems Σj of based stabilization of interconnected subsystems. Li and
subsystem Σi . A deviation between the states xj (t) and Lemmon (2011); Donkers and Heemels (2012) studied
their estimates x̃j (t) occurs due to disturbances that affect control of systems that have separate links between the
the overall control system and interconnections among sensors and the controller and between the controller and
the subsystems. This influence of the disturbances is the actuators and which are used asynchronously in an
monitored in Ci by comparing the measured coupling event-based fashion for the stabilization of the system. In
input si (t) with its estimate s̃i (t). If at some time tki the the existing literature that deals with distributed event-
deviation between si (tki ) and s̃i (tki ) exceeds a tolerable based control the control input is kept constant in between
bound, Ci requests the current states xj (tki ) from the consecutive events. This differs from this paper where a
neighboring subsystems Σj which are used in Σi to update model-based approach to event-based control is proposed
the estimation. following the idea of Lunze and Lehmann (2010).
⋆ This work was supported by the German Research Foundation
(DFG) within the Priority Program 1305 ”Control Theory of Digi- In all cited references the triggering of an event causes the
tally Networked Dynamical Systems”. transmission of current information from the component

978-3-902823-55-7/2013 © IFAC 348 10.3182/20130925-2-DE-4044.00043

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

which has triggered the event to some other component. In 2. MODELS

contrast to this, the present work proposes a method where
the controllers perceive that current state information is This section introduces the notion of the extended subsys-
required to ensure a desired disturbance rejection behav- tem model Σei , which consists of subsystem Σi augmented
ior. Therefore, the alerting controller requests at the event with model information of some other subsystems Σj . This
times state information from the neighboring subsystems. model representation is the basis for the new approach
This is a new type of event-based control which has not to state-feedback control with event-based information
been published before. requests introduced in Sec. 3.

1.3 Outline 2.1 Subsystem model

Section 2 introduces a decomposition of the overall control The i-th subsystem is represented by the state-space model

system into different models which is used for the design  ẋi (t) = Ai xi (t) +Bi ui (t) + Ei di (t) + Esi si (t)
method of the distributed controller with event-based in- Σi : xi (0) = x0i (3)
formation requests presented in Sec. 3. The stability of the 
zi (t) = Czi xi (t)
overall control system is investigated in Sec. 4 where the where xi ∈ IRni , ui ∈ IRmi , si ∈ IRpi , zi ∈ IRqi denote the
main analysis result is presented in Theorem 1. Section 5 state, control input, coupling input and coupling output
gives an illustrative example which highlights the fact that of Σi , respectively. The disturbance di ∈ IRwi is assumed
the novel control approach with event-based information
to be bounded by some bound dˆi ∈ IR+ :
requests considerably reduced the disturbance propagation
across the interconnected subsystems compared to a con- kdi (t)k ≤ dˆi , ∀ t ≥ 0. (4)
tinuous decentralized state-feedback control. Concerning the subsystem Σi the following assumption is
1.4 Preliminaries Assumption 1. For each i ∈ N := {1, . . . , N } the pair
(Ai , Bi ) is controllable and both the state xi (t) and the
The following notation will be used. IR and IR+ denote the coupling input si (t) are measurable.
set of real numbers and positive real numbers, respectively.
IN0 refers to the set of natural numbers including 0. For a The subsystems (3) are interconnected according to
matrix M and a vector v, kM k, kvk denote an arbitrary N
matrix norm and its induced vector norm, respectively. si (t) = Lij zj (t), ∀ i ∈ N . (5)
The asterisk ∗ represents the convolution-operator, i. e. j=1
Z t
Subsystems which are directly interconnected are called
G∗u= G(t − τ )u(τ )dτ.
A = diag (A1 , ..., AN ) is a block diagonal matrix with the Definition 3. Σj is called neighbor of Σi , if kLij k > 0
matrices Ai (i = 1, . . . , N ) on the main diagonal. holds. In the following,
Ni := {j | kLij k > 0} ⊆ N \ {i}
Consider a system the behavior of which from input u(t)
to output y(t) is described by is referred to as the set of neighbors of Σi which contains
the indexes of those subsystems, which are directly inter-
y(t) = G ∗ u (1) connected with Σi .
with the impulse response matrix G(t).
Definition 1. (Sontag (1998)). The system (1) is said to be 2.2 Approximate model and residual model
uniformly bounded-input bounded-output stable (UBIBO-
stable) if its impulse response G(t) is integrable. Consider subsystem Σi defined in (3). According to (5)
the coupling input si (t) aggregates the influence of the
In this paper event-based control systems are investigated remaining subsystems together with their controllers on
which can be modeled as an impulsive system Σi (Fig. 2(a)). Assume that, from the viewpoint of Σi ,
d the relation between the coupling output zi (t) and the
dt x(t) = Ax(t) + Ed(t), if x(t) ∈ F (2a)
coupling input si (t) is approximately described by some
x(t ) = Gx(t), if x(t) ∈ R (2b) approximate model
where F and R are referred to as the flow set and reset set, 
ẋai (t) = Aai xai (t) + Bai zi (t) + Eai dai (t)

respectively (cf. Donkers and Heemels (2012); Stöcker and 

 + Fai fi (t)
Lunze (2013)). Hence, the systems that are investigated 
here belong to a special class of hybrid dynamical systems Σai : xai (0) = xa0i (6)

and, therefore, require a different notion of stability. In the  si (t) = Cai xai (t)

following the concept of ultimate boundedness is used. vi (t) = Hai xai (t),
Definition 2. (Khalil (2002)). The solution x(t) of the sys- where xai ∈ IRnai , dai ∈ IRwai , fi ∈ IRri and vi ∈ IRsi
tem (2) is globally uniformly ultimately bounded (GUUB) denote the state, the disturbance, the residual output
if for every x(0) ∈ IRn there exists a constant p ∈ IR+ and and residual input, respectively. The disturbance dai (t) is
a time t̄ such that considered to satisfy the relation
x(t) ∈ Ω := {x | kxk ≤ p}, ∀ t ≥ t̄ kdai (t)k ≤ dˆai , ∀ t ≥ 0 (7)
holds. The system (2) is said to be ultimately bounded if for some finite dˆai ∈ IR+ . The approximate model Σai is
its state x(t) is GUUB. assumed to have the following properties.

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

dfi (t) Ai Esi Cai Bi
Σfi Aei = , Bei = ,
Remaining Bai Czi Aai 0
dri (t) subsystems fi (t)
vi (t) Ei 0 0
and their Eei = , Fei = , Hei = (0 Hai ) .
controllers dai (t)
Σei 0 Eai Fai
Given Eqs. (4), (7), the augmented disturbance dei (t) is
bounded from above by
zi (t) si (t) zi (t) si (t)
di (t) di (t)
kdei (t)k ≤ dˆi + dˆai =: dˆei , ∀ t ≥ 0. (13)
Σi Σi The next section presents an event-based controller which
is designed on the basis of the extended subsystem model
ui (t) xi (t) ui (t) xi (t) Σei .


Fig. 2. Interconnection of subsystem Σi and the remaining
control loops: (a) general structure; (b) decomposition This section introduces a new event-based control method
of the remaining controlled subsystems into approxi- for the disturbance rejection for physically interconnected
mate model Σai and residual model Σfi . subsystems. The presented event-based controller of sub-
system Σi requests at the event times tki information from
Assumption 2. The matrix Aai is Hurwitz and the pair the neighbor subsystems Σj (j ∈ Ni ). The controller works
(Aai , Cai ) is observable. in a distributed manner and it uses both local state infor-
mation xi (t) and information from interconnected subsys-
The mismatch between the behavior of the remaining
tems Σj . The proposed control strategy using information
controlled subsystems and the approximate model (6) is
requests leads to a new kind of event-based control which
expressed by the residual model
contrasts with almost all event-based control approaches
Σfi : fi (t) = Gfdi ∗ dfi + Gfvi ∗ vi (8) in the existing literature, where events trigger the sending
where dfi ∈ IR denotes the disturbance on Σfi that is of information.
considered to be bounded:
kdfi (t)k ≤ dˆfi , ∀ t ≥ 0. (9) 3.1 Control aim
Hence, the approximate model Σai together with the resid- The aim of the distributed controller of Σi is
ual model Σfi represents the behavior of the remaining
subsystems and their controllers (Fig. 2(b)). Hereafter the (1) to attenuate the disturbance di (t) on Σi and
residual model Σfi is not assumed to be known exactly but (2) to diminish influence of the coupling input si (t) on
described by some upper bounds gfdi (t) and gfvi (t): subsystem Σi compared to a decentralized continuous
state-feedback control.
gfdi (t) ≥ kGfdi (t)k , gfvi (t) ≥ kGfvi (t)k , ∀ t ≥ 0.
(10) Assume that this aim is accomplished by means of the
control law
In the following, it is assumed that the state xai (t) of the ui (t) = −Ki xi (t) −Kai xai (t) (14)
approximate model Σai is related with the states xj (t) | {z } | {z }
(j ∈ Ni ) of the neighboring subsystems of Σi . Hence, := udi (t) := uai (t)
the approximate model Σai can be obtained by the linear where xai (t) is the state of the approximate model Σai
transformation X and the gains Ki and Kai are appropriately chosen in a
xai (t) = Tij xj (t), ∀ t ≥ 0 (11) sense that is specified later. The controller of Σi has no
j∈Ni permanent access to the approximate model state xai (t)
with Tij ∈ IR nai ×nj
. Appendix A presents an example that and, hence, Eq. (14) is not applicable.
shows how the approximate model can be determined us- The basic idea how the control aim can be achieved
ing the transformation (11) for a system that is composed nonetheless is to imitate the continuous state-feedback
of serially interconnected subsystems. (14) by an event-based controller that is introduced in the
next section.
2.3 Extended subsystem model
3.2 Event-based controller
Consider the subsystem Σi augmented with the approxi-
mate model Σai which yields extended subsystem The event-based controller Ci that is presented in this
 section is assumed to have continuous access to the subsys-
 ẋei (t) = Aei xei (t) + Bei ui (t) + Eei dei (t)
 tem state xi (t) and the coupling input signal si (t). Thus,

 + Fei fi (t) Ci can determine the first part of the control law (14)
Σei :  ⊤ (12) denoted by udi (t) in a continuous manner, whereas the

 xei (0) = x⊤ ⊤
0i xa0i

 part uai (t) cannot be implemented as stated in (14). The
vi (t) = Hei xei (t)
following explains how the controller Ci approximates the
with the state xei = (x⊤
i x⊤ ⊤
ai ) , the composite distur- signal uai (t) and requests current state information from
⊤ ⊤ ⊤
bance vector dei = (di dai ) and the matrices the neighboring subsystems if needed.

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

The controller Ci determines an approximation x̃ai (t) ∈ 3.3 Event-based control loop
IRnai of the current state xai (t) using the model
 d The extended subsystem Σei together with the proposed

 dt x̃ai (t) = Aai x̃ai (t) + Bai Czi xi (t) event-based controller (15), (16), (18) can be formulated
 X
+ as an impulsive system (cf. Donkers and Heemels (2012);
Σ̃ai : x̃ ai (t k i
) = Tij xj (tki ) (15)

 j∈Ni Stöcker and Lunze (2013)) that is represented by the model

     
s̃i (t) = Cai x̃ai (t) ẋ (t)
 −Bi Kai  

 ei A ci xei (t)
 =  0 
x̃˙ ai (t)

where the relation zi (t) = Czi xi (t) is applied. Having the 
 x̃ai (t)

 (Bai Czi 0) Aai
approximation x̃ai (t), the controller generates the control 

input ui (t) according to the control law 
 Eei Fei
 + dei (t) + fi (t)
Σci : 0 0
ui (t) = −Ki xi (t) − Kai x̃ai (t). (16)      

 xei (t+ ki ) = I 0 xei (tki )
The feedback-gains Ki and Kai are assumed to be de- 
 +
(t ) (0 I) 0 x̃ ai (tki )

 x̃
signed such that the matrix  ai ki

   xei (t)
Ai − Bi Ki Esi Cai − Bi Kai 
 vi (t) = (Hei 0)
Āei := (17) x̃ai (t)
Bai Czi Aai
is Hurwitz. with  
In general, the approximate state x̃ai (t) deviates from the Ai − Bi Ki Esi Cai
Aci := . (20)
current state xai (t), since in the model (15) the influences Bai Czi Aai
of the disturbance dai (t) and of the residual model via the The first equation in (19) is evaluated if
signal fi (t) are omitted. In order to bound the deviation  
xei (t) 
between the state xai (t) and its approximation x̃ai (t), the ∈ Fi := w ∈ IRni +2nai | w⊤ Qi w < ē2i (21)
state x̃ai is reinitialized according to the transformation x̃ai (t)
(11) at the time instants tki (ki ∈ IN0 ) which are referred holds, with
 
to as event times. In order to determine these event times 0 0 0
tki , the controller Ci compares the continuously measured Qi := 0 Cai⊤
Cai −Cai ⊤
Cai  . (22)
coupling input si (t) with the signal s̃i (t) produced by the ⊤ ⊤
0 −Cai Cai Cai Cai
model (15) and triggers an event whenever the condition
Accordingly, the state reset in (19) is performed whenever
ksi (t) − s̃i (t)k = ēi (18)  
xei (t) 
is met, where ēi ∈ IR+ is the event threshold. At the event ∈ Ri := w ∈ IRni +2nai | w⊤ Qi w = ē2i (23)
x̃ai (t)
is true. The relation between the residual input vi (t) and
tki := min {t > tki −1 | ksi (t) − s̃i (t)k = ēi } . the residual output fi (t) is described by the model (8). The
t 0i = 0 following section investigates the stability of the closed
loop system.
the controller Ci requests the subsystems Σj , j ∈ Ni to
transmit their states xj (tki ) to Ci . The states xj (tki ) are 4. STABILITY ANALYSIS
then used in (15) in order to reset the model state x̃i .
In summary, the controller Ci of subsystem Σi continu- This section presents a method for the stability analysis
ously measures the subsystem state xi (t) and the coupling of the control loop (8), (19)–(23) with event-based in-
input si (t). The state xi (t) is used to evaluate the model formation requests. For this analysis the system Σci is
Σ̃ai given in (15) and, together with the state x̃ai (t) for transformed by means of the mappings
generating the control input (16). Whenever the condition     xi (t) !
xi (t) I 0 0
(18) is satisfied the state information xj (tki ) is requested xei (t) = = xai (t)
xai (t) 0 I 0
from all neighboring subsystems Σj , (j ∈ Ni ) and is used x̃ai (t)
to reset the state x̃ai (t) of the model Σ̃ai . The structure xi (t)
of the controller Ci is illustrated in Fig. 3. δai (t) = (0 I −I) xai (t) ,
x̃ai (t)
ui (t) xi (t) si (t)
which yield the systems
 B i K ai
Ci 
 ẋei (t) = Āei xei (t) + δai (t)

 0

Σ̄ei : + Eei dei (t) + Fei fi (t) (24)
x̃ai (t) s̃i (t)
 +
Cond. (18)
 xei (tki ) = xei (tki )

−Kai Σ̃ai 

vi (t) = Hei xei (t)
xj (tki ) Requests where the matrix Āei is defined in (17) and
δ̇ai (t) = Aai δai (t) + Eai dai (t) + Fai fi (t)
Fig. 3. Structure of the controller Ci ∆ai : (25)
δai (t+
ki ) = 0.

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

The transformed system (24), (25) evolves continuously

⊤ ⊤ Theorem 1. Consider the control system (8), (19)–(23)
if (xei ⊤ δai ) ∈ F∆i and the state reset is performed
⊤ ⊤ where the disturbances dai (t), dfi (t) and dei (t) are
whenever (xei ⊤ δai ) ∈ R∆i , where the flow-set F∆i and
bounded according to (7), (9) and (13), respectively
reset-set R∆i of the transformed system are given by
 and let Assumptions 2 and 3 hold for all i ∈ N . Then
F∆i := w ∈ IRni +2nai | w⊤ Q∆i w < ē2i , (26a) the overall control loop (8), (19)–(23) with event-based
 information requests is ultimately bounded.
R∆i := w ∈ IRni +2nai | w⊤ Q∆i w = ē2i (26b)
 
00 0 Proof. Consider the interconnection of the systems Σ̄ei
Q∆i := 0 0 0 . (27) and Σfi which satisfy the stability condition (29) by As-

0 0 Cai Cai sumption 3. Hence, the interconnection of these systems is
The structure of the transformed overall control loop is UBIBO-stable if, according to the hypothesis of Lemma 1,
illustrated in Fig. 4. Note that the interconnection of Σ̄ei the difference state δai (t) is bounded by some finite bound
and ∆ai is an equivalent representation of Σci . as stated in (28). In order to see that δai (t) is bounded for
all t ≥ 0, consider the difference system ∆ai as defined in
(25) and observe that the output
dfi (t)
Σfi Cai δai (t) = si (t) − s̃i (t)
fi (t) is monitored by the controller Ci in order to detect the
vi (t) event times tki . Recall that an event is triggered whenever
dai (t) δai (t) dei (t) the condition
∆ai Σ̄ei kCai δai (t)k = ksi (t) − s̃i (t)k = ēi
is met and that the event causes a reset of the difference
Fig. 4. Structure of the transformed system state δai (t) to zero (cf. (25)). That is, the relation
kCai δai (t)k ≤ ēi , ∀ t ≥ 0 (30)
Before the main result of this section is formulated in The- holds due to the event triggering and the state reset.
orem 1, the following lemma states a sufficient condition Equation (30) together with the observability of the pair
for the stability of the system that is composed of Σfi and (Aai , Cai ) implies the fact that the difference state δai (t)
Σ̄ei which is marked in Fig. 4 by the dashed frame. The is bounded for all t ≥ 0. The previous arguments apply
difference state δai (t) is assumed to satisfy the relation to all i ∈ N . Hence, the UBIBO-stability of the overall
kδai (t)k ≤ εi , ∀t≥0 (28) control system (8), (24)–(27) can be inferred from the
boundedness of the difference state δai (t) and the UBIBO-
for some finite εi ∈ IR+ . stability of the interconnection of the systems Σ̄ei and
Lemma 1. Consider the interconnection of the controlled Σfi for all i ∈ N . Given that (19)–(23) and (24)–(27)
extended subsystem Σ̄ei given in (24) and the residual are equivalent, the UBIBO-stability of the overall control
model Σfi defined in (8) where the disturbances dfi (t) and system (8), (19)–(23) directly follows, which completes the
dei (t) are bounded as stated in (9) and (13), respectively. proof. ✷
Consider fi (t) to be the output of the interconnection
of Σ̄ei and Σfi . Assume that the difference state δai (t) 5. EXAMPLE
is bounded according to (28). If Σ̄ei and Σfi satisfy the
relation The following example demonstrates the application of the
Z ∞ Z ∞ proposed control approach with event-based information
Hei eĀei t Fei dt < 1,

gfvi (t)dt (29) requests to a system that consists of N = 4 serially
0 0
interconnected subsystems as given in Appendix A. The
then the interconnection of Σ̄ei and Σfi is UBIBO-stable. subsystems are considered to be of first order and each
subsystem is described by the linear state-space model (3)
The proof of Lemma 1 is given in Appendix B. The relation with the parameters
(29) can be interpreted as a small-gain condition which Ai = 0.4, Bi = 0.2, Ei = 0.2, Esi = 0.2, Czi = 0.2
claims that the controlled extended system Σ̄ei and the Aj = 0.6, Bj = 0.2, Ej = 0.1, Esj = 0.3, Czj = 0.4
residual model Σfi are weakly coupled. In the following,
this condition is assumed to be met for all i ∈ N . for i = 1, 2 and j = 3, 4. That is, subsystems Σ1 and Σ2
on the one hand and Σ3 and Σ4 on the other hand are
Assumption 3. The systems Σ̄ei and Σfi satisfy the condi- identical. The interconnection of the subsystems is given
tion (29) for all i ∈ N . by the relations
Note that the hypothesis of Lemma 1 requires the bound s1 (t) = z2 (t), s2 (t) = z1 (t) + z3 (t),
εi in (28) to be finite, but the stability condition (29) is s3 (t) = z2 (t) + z4 (t), z4 (t) = z3 (t).
independent of the particular magnitude of εi . This fact is The approximate model for each subsystem is designed
used in the following to prove the stability of the overall according to the approach that is explained in Appendix A
control system (8), (19)–(23) with event-based information and the feedback gains are chosen to be
K1 = K2 = 2.6, K3 = K4 = 3.75 (32)

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

Subsystem Σ1 Subsystem Σ2 Subsystem Σ3 Subsystem Σ4

d2 (t) = 1.5 d4 (t) = 2
6 6 6 6
4 4 4 4

x3 (t)

x4 (t)
x2 (t)
x1 (t)

2 2 2 2
0 0 0 0

s3 (t), s̃3 (t)

s4 (t), s̃4 (t)

s2 (t), s̃2 (t)
s1 (t), s̃1 (t)

0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
0 0 0 0

0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200 0 100 200

Time t in s Time t in s Time t in s Time t in s

Fig. 5. Disturbance rejection behavior of the control system with event-based information requests.

and improved compared to a decentralized continuous state-

Ka1 = 0.2, Ka2 = (0.2 0.4) feedback control.
Ka3 = (0.3 0.6) , Ka4 = 0.6 The figures in the second row show the coupling input si (t)
such that the stability condition (29) holds for all i ∈ (solid line) and its estimation s̃i (t) (dashed line) that is
N = {1, 2, 3, 4}. In each controller Ci , i ∈ N a request for generated by the respective controllers Ci . Whenever both
current state information from the neighbor subsystems lines deviate by the defined threshold (33), Ci triggers
is triggered if the condition (18) is satisfied where the a request for information from the respective neighbor
thresholds are chosen to be subsystems which yields a reset of the estimation s̃i (t+ ki )
to the current si (tki ). The event times are plotted as
ēi = 0.25, ∀ i ∈ N . (33)
stems in the bottom figures. In the time interval up to
In the following the disturbance rejection behavior of t = 50 s the overall system is in steady state and (except
the overall control system with event-based information the initial events) no information request is triggered.
requests is investigated, where the subsystems Σ2 and Σ4 For t ∈ [50, 100] the subsystem Σ2 is subject to the
are disturbed: disturbance d2 (t) = 1.5. Short time after the disturbance
 gets active it leads to the triggering of events by the
1.5, if 50 ≤ t < 100 controllers C1 and C3 of the neighbor subsystems Σ1 and
d2 (t) = (34a)
0, else Σ3 . The influence of the disturbance d2 (t) on Σ1 and Σ3
 is attenuated due to the event-triggered reinitialization of
2, if 150 ≤ t < 200
d4 (t) = (34b) the approximate models in C1 and C3 . The effect of the
0, else.
disturbance d2 (t) on subsystem Σ4 is almost negligible
Although d1 (t) = d3 (t) = 0 holds for all t ≥ 0, the which shows that the disturbance d2 (t) is only marginally
subsystems Σ1 and Σ3 are influenced by the disturbances propagated over the subsystem Σ3 such that even no
due to the interconnections (31). The subsequently pre- information request is triggered by C4 . This behavior is
sented simulation results show that, by applying the novel a characteristic of the proposed control approach with
control approach with event-based information requests, event-based requests which becomes more obvious when
the disturbance propagation among the interconnected investigating the rejection of the disturbance d4 (t). In the
subsystems is considerably reduced compared to a decen- time interval t ∈ [150, 200] the disturbance d4 (t) = 2
tralized continuous state-feedback control. affects Σ4 directly and the remaining subsystems via the
The simulation results are shown in Fig 5 where the interconnections. The influence of d4 (t) on Σ3 causes the
time intervals in which the disturbances (34) are active triggering of four events and is, hence, sufficiently rejected
are highlighted in gray. The top figures illustrate the such that no events are triggered by C1 and C2 .
trajectories of the respective states xi (t) (solid line). For
comparison, these figures also show the state trajectories of 6. CONCLUSION
the system that is controlled by decentralized continuous
state-feedback only (dashed line), where each controller The paper has presented a new distributed control ap-
determines the control input according to (16) with (32) proach for the disturbance rejection in interconnected sub-
and Kai = 0 for all i ∈ N . It can be seen that by systems. The proposed controller combines local contin-
using decentralized state-feedback only both d2 (t) and uous and distributed event-based state feedback where,
d4 (t) have a significant impact on the overall system and in contrast to literature, current information is requested
not only on the neighbor subsystems as for the novel rather than sent at the event times. The main analysis
control approach. This comparison emphasizes that by result has been stated in Theorem 1 saying that the
using event-based information requests the disturbance control system is ultimately bounded if for each subsys-
propagation is considerably suppressed and, therefore, the tem the approximate model, used for the design of each
disturbance rejection behavior of the overall system is controller, is weakly coupled with the remaining part of

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

the overall system. The state of the approximate model Appendix A. EXAMPLE FOR THE
that is incorporated in the controllers is reset at the event DETERMINATION OF AN APPROXIMATE MODEL
times, which are determined based on locally available
information only. An illustrative example has shown that This appendix explains how an approximate model (6) can
by applying the novel control approach with event-based be determined for the example of N = 4 subsystems (3)
information requests the disturbance propagation is sig- that are serially interconnected as shown in Fig. A.1(a)
nificantly reduced compared to a continuous decentralized (cf. Eq. (31)). This coupling structure is representative
state-feedback controller. for several technical systems like a multizone furnace
(Abraham and Lunze (1992)) or a platoon of vehicles
(Hendrick et al. (1994)).
In the following, an approximate model Σa2 is determined
for this system from the viewpoint of Σ2 . For ease of
Abraham, R. and Lunze, J. (1992). Modelling and decen- exposition it is assumed that the disturbances di (t) are
tralized control of a multizone crystal growth furnance. absent for all i ∈ N . From (31) follows that the subsystems
Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2, 107–122. Σ1 , Σ3 are neighbors of Σ2 (N2 = {1, 3}). Now consider
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gain approach to distributed event-triggered control. controlled by a continuous decentralized state-feedback
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Dimarogonas, D., Frazzoli, E., and Johansson, K. (2012). which, hence, yields the controlled subsystems
Distributed event-triggered control for multi-agent sys- 
ẋi (t) = Āi xi (t) + Esi si (t), xi (0) = x0i
tems. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 57, 1291–1297. Σ̄i :
zi (t) = Czi xi (t)
Donkers, M. and Heemels, W. (2012). Output-based
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improved decentralised event-triggering. IEEE Trans. X I 0
Autom. Control, 57, 1362–1376. xa2 (t) = T2j xj (t) = x1 (t) + x3 (t)
0 I
Hendrick, J.K., Tomizuka, M., and Varaiya, P.P. (1994). j∈N2
Control issues in automated highway systems. IEEE the approximate model Σa2 is obtained as
Control Syst. Mag., 14, 21–32.     
 Ā 1 E s1
Khalil, H. (2002). Nonlinear systems. Prentice Hall, Upper 
 ẋa2 (t) = xa2 (t) + z2 (t)

 Ā3 Es3
Saddle River. 

Li, L. and Lemmon, M. (2011). Weakly coupled event 0
Σa2 : + f2 (t)
triggered output feedback control in wireless networked  E s3

control systems. In Proc. Allerton Conf. on Communi- 

 s2 (t) = (Cz1 Cz3 ) xa2 (t)
cation, Control and Computing. 

v2 (t) = (0 Cz3 ) xa2 (t)
Lunze, J. (1992). Feedback Control of Large-Scale Systems.
Prentice Hall, London. Figure A.1(b) illustrates how the approximate model Σa2
Lunze, J. and Lehmann, D. (2010). A state-feedback together with Σ2 form the extended subsystem Σe2 and
approach to event-based control. Automatica, 46, 211– how Σe2 is interconnected with the residual model Σf2 .
Mazo Jr., M. and Tabuada, P. (2011). Decentralized Appendix B. PROOF OF LEMMA 1
event-triggered control over wireless sensor/actuator
networks. IEEE Trans. Autom. Control, 56, 2456–2461. For the sake of readability, in the following proof of
Seyboth, G., Dimarogonas, D., and Johansson, K. (2013). Lemma 1 the index i is entirely omitted. First, consider
Event-based broadcasting for multi-agent average con- the residual system Σf described by (8). With (10)
sensus. Automatica, 49, 245–252. u1 (t)
Sontag, E. (1998). Mathematical Control Theory: Deter- Σ1 Σf2
x1 (t)
ministic Finite Dimensional Systems. Springer-Verlag,
New York. u2 (t)
Stöcker, C. and Lunze, J. (2013). Input-to-state stability Σ2
Σ̄1 Σ̄3
x2 (t)
of event-based state-feedback control. In Proc. European
Control Conf. 2013. To be published. u3 (t)
Stöcker, C., Lunze, J., and Vey, D. (2012). Stability Σ3
x3 (t)
analysis of interconnected event-based control loops. In Σe2
Proc. Conf. on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems, u4 (t)
58–63. Σ4
u2 (t) x2 (t)
x4 (t)
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distributed networked control systems. IEEE Trans. (a) (b)
Autom. Control, 56, 586–601.
Yook, J., Tilbury, D., and Soparkar, N. (2002). Trading Fig. A.1. Serially interconnected subsystems: (a) structure
computation for bandwidth: Reducing communication of the system; (b) decomposition of the system into
in distributed control systems using state estimators. residual model Σf2 , approximate model Σa2 and ex-
IEEE Trans. Control Syst. Technol., 10, 503–518. tended subsystem Σe2 from the viewpoint of Σ2 .

NecSys 2013
September 25-26, 2013. Koblenz, Germany

rf (t) = gfd ∗ dˆf + gfv ∗ rv ≥ kf (t)k , ∀ t ≥ 0 (B.1)

represents a comparison system for Σf . Accordingly, the
rv (t) = gvε ∗ ε + gvd ∗ dˆe + gvf ∗ rf (t) ≥ kv(t)k , ∀ t ≥ 0
is a comparison system for Σ̄e given in (24) with

gxε (t) = He eĀe t Be , gvd (t) = He eĀe t Ee ,

gvf (t) = He eĀe t Fe .

The substitution of (B.1) in (B.2) yields
rf (t) = gfd ∗ dˆf + gfv ∗ gvε ∗ ε + gfv ∗ gvd ∗ dˆe
+ gfv ∗ gvf ∗ rf . (B.4)
An explicit bound rf (t) is obtained from the last equation
by means of the comparison principle (Lunze (1992)):
Under the condition
∞ ∞
gfv (t)dt gvf (t)dt < 1 (B.5)
0 0
the impulse response matrices
ĝf (t) = gfd ∗ δ(t) + gfv ∗ gvf ∗ ĝf
ĝε (t) = gfv ∗ gvε ∗ δ(t) + gfv ∗ gvf ∗ ĝε
ĝe (t) = gfv ∗ gvd ∗ δ(t) + gfv ∗ gvf ∗ ĝe
exist and are integrable. Thus, (B.4) can be restated as
rf (t) = ĝf ∗ dˆf + ĝε ∗ ε + ĝe ∗ dˆe
which is known to be UBIBO-stable due to the condition
(B.5). Given that rf (t) is bounded for all t ≥ 0, from (B.2)
the boundedness of kf (t)k for all t ≥ 0 follows. Finally,
observe that (B.5) with (B.3) is equivalent to (29) which
completes the proof of Lemma 1. ✷


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