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Dialogo de la oveja perdida

Se acercaban a Jesús para oir la nueva parábola que Jesús contaría

Imagínate que eres pastor y tienes 100 ovejas tu las cuidas bien y la llevas donde hay buen
pasto conoces a cada una de tus ovejas y las amas por igual todas las noches las llevas al corral
las cuentas y cuando llegas a 100 sabes que están completas cierras el corral y las ovejas
duermen seguras.

Y al siguiente dia las cuentas y solo hay 99 ovejas las vuelves a contar y te das cuenta que solo
hay 99 ovejas.

Buscas buscas y buscas y encuentras a tu oveja a punto de ser devorada por un lobo peleas con
el lobo y al final rescatas a tu oveja.

Luego organizo una fiesta con tus amigos por haber rescatado a tu oveja del lobo.

Dialogue of the lost sheep

They were approaching Jesus to hear the new parable that Jesus would tell

Imagine that you are a shepherd and you have 100 sheep, you take good care of them and you
take them where there is good pasture, you know each of your sheep and you love them
equally, every night you take them to the corral the accounts and when you reach 100 you
know that they are complete, you close the pen and the sheep sleep safely.

And the next day you count the numbers and there are only 99 sheep, you count them again
and you realize that there are only 99 sheep.

You search you search and you search and you find your sheep about to be eaten by a wolf you
fight with the wolf and in the end you rescue your sheep.

Then I organize a party with your friends for having rescued your sheep from the wolf.

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