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- Compare between the following terms:

i) Troposphere and ionosphere layers.

★The troposphere is the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere and is also
where nearly all weather conditions take place .
★The ionosphere is a layer in the thermosphere , in which the
molecules of the gases that make up the atmosphere are ionized as a
result of exposure to sunlight . This ionization reflects radio waves like
a mirror, which makes wireless communication and radio broadcasting
possible . It Is the layer that follows the stratopause, that is, from an
altitude of 80 km to the end of the atmosphere .
ii) Smog and photochemical smog.
★ Smog is a term evolved from smoke and fog. Smoke is pollutants
emitted from burning of fossil fuel, factories, vehicles and domestic
ovens that use coal mix up with fog and forms a thick layer in the
atmosphere called smog.
★ Photochemical smog is a type of secondary pollutant that occurs
when the chemicals given off react with sunlight in the atmosphere
iii) PM2.5 and PM10
PM2.5 : They are very small particulate matter that cannot be seen by
the eye and does not exceed 2.5 microns in size
PM10 :They are also small particulate matter, but they are larger than
PM2.5, including dust, smoke, salt and dust

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